what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and we are in my garage because the uh the shipment that I just got in was too much for the computer shop even though this is all pretty much for the computer shop so um yeah I'm kind of running into that at the moment just buying these bulk deals that I just can't get through all of it and process it all there and um yeah I just know that when the wife sees all this she's going to love it but it is what it is I think I'm going to be setting me up a workbench over here on the side uh like a cleaning station um for processing Hardware uh just so I don't have to do it at the computer shop and then I just have like a permanent spot to do it inside the garage regardless though let's flip it around and let's show you what we got all right so starting off from the top we have a box full of EVGA 2060 and these are all these are all the 2060 Kos they're all pretty dirty but were running when pulled and they still have factory warranty on them the uh extended factory warranty or something um not quite sure how that works uh but he said he was going to give me all the information this is a good friend of mine that was just closing down one of his other farms and um so yeah what do we have over here these are gigabytes what are these These are 1660 supers and then more 2060 koos he had already liquidated all a lot of the bigger cards so he said he had a lot of 2060 koos 2060 Kos what are these These are 360s so a box of 3060 12 gigs um 370 370 I think that's all 370s right there and then another 370 so mainly 2060 K's oh yeah there's another box over there what are those I think those are all 2060 Kos as well yep yep this entire box is 2060 Kos but um yeah lots of uh lots of cleaning that needs to get done he said all these were in pretty good shape uh fanwise he didn't know any of them that had any fan issues but uh he hadn't been running any of this stuff in a few months he had powered it down cuz the the 20 series had just gotten that you know unprofitable I don't know if they're un super unprofitable now or not but I figure I'll I'll slot one in and and show you guys and do some some testing with it and stuff also shout out oh Mike he he dropped off some some bit man swag as well got a bit M cup bit M uh I love bit m a bit M bag and then um there's a bitm umbrella in there brand new so you know he did not drop off any bit man Hardware but you know that's just this is just as good um and then all the motherboards that were going with these Rigs and then there's power splots up underneath that so um he said all these were working when pulled as well so get those all cleaned up get them tested and then we'll get those listed on the website wham bam thank you ma'am yeah and then oh the the really cool part is we have all the boxes for all of them so yeah all the 2060s 307s these are all boxes so that's kind of cool because a lot of times whenever I'm buying in this much bulk uh people almost never have the boxes or I can't afford to ship the boxes because look the gpus fit in the in all these little boxes and then that big box that box that that that that all those are just empty boxes so um it's takes up a lot of a lot of room for the the actual GPU boxes but this helps out on shipping too because I can just take these put them in a um a poly mailer around them uh and then ship them so um saves on packing material especially but um yeah I guess you know what while we're here let's grab let's grab one off the top if I can get one out of there this is a nice and dirty nice crusty one and um let's throw it straight into I'm thinking this rig right here let me power it down um actually no I was going to move that card down here let's just pull that one out temporarily I don't want to put that one in with all those mixed cards just because it'll throw my overclocks out of whack and stuff and it's a it's a mixed gig all right hold on bear with me set you right here real quick while I pull this card out there we go [Music] and SL this guy [Music] in one-handed is is difficult if you've ever tried to mess with any of this onehanded there we go click click plugged in plugged in hit the power switch and now I just need to trip the power button on this one I can remember where it's at I think it's those two there we go all righty fans are spinning that's a good sign I don't think these had RGB so there's no lights nothing no fanciness there um let's cut this and I guess it's not going to be one take cuz we got to wait for uh it to boot up on hive and then get to mining but we'll show what they can actually do all right so with some uh basic overclocks on hive the uh the EVGA 2060 KO it's pulling 39.7 saws on uh we're doing flux right now um 122 Watts I could probably pull that that power back a little bit oh no I can't power limit to 125 um I might be able pull the core back and save a little bit of power but not bad all in all um now for profitability uh looks like for the 2060 11 cents profit on Graham Caspa classic 7 cents profit uh revenue is 27 24 25 so this is about a quarter a Day card um xano know 30 cents a day but the profits low I guess it burns more power on that one I'm not sure but um yeah where's flux on here is flux not on here oh there we go not well nice hash zel hash flux revenue is 30 cents a day but it burns a little bit extra power so uh profit is break even um I'm currently mining flux to unminable and then getting paid out in um Sheba so um hopefully one day that'll go up maybe maybe not but anyway guys I wanted to thank you'all for coming out I will um I'll have some of those available on the shop if you want to check him out let me see did I already I think I already put a couple of them up there um we go to vcpc I believe I did um I went ahead and put them on a sale price yeah there they are so they're going to be $120 right now for I don't know until I probably sell like a third of them uh and then they'll they'll end up going back up to that $140 but I figure that's a that's a decent price for them and um yeah so if you want a matching set this is probably the time to do it cuz I got quite a few of them just got to get through and get them all cleaned up and tested but yeah anyway guys uh yeah bc- pc.com if you want to check it out we got other stuff on there too ladies and gentlemen y'all have a good night goodbye