what's up ladies and gentlemen so I just heard back from Tyler over at metal miners I have mine up and running here um I'm going to we'll check on it here on the the pool side here in a minute but um I was going to plan on putting these in my house but uh it's 81° outside North Carolina was 40° a week ago so yeah temperatures have been all over the place um this does put off a good amount of heat but uh yeah so all my all my stuff here all my little Miners and and these gpus and stuff I I put everything on hold for bringing it inside because I didn't want to uh put heat in the house when it's 80° and I'm running air conditioning in the house so yeah that that current Situation's on hold but he does have more uh metal miners coming in so uh batch one is supposed to ship sorry my airsoft guns right there in the background um batch one is supposed to be at my shop uh mid to late November and then uh they're supposed to be in your hands before um I think it was December 4th but basically like the beginning of December you guys will be receiving those he said that he's actually running ahead ahead of schedule and he can uh open up and start batch two uh and I'll get those basically 2 weeks after the first one so uh middle of November I'll get batch one middle of or end of of November will get batched too uh so I'm going to go ahead and open up uh the sales for more of the metal miners if you guys are interested um and some people I I do have some more information on like medium low and high settings uh cuz he has like some preconfigured um clock speeds so you can run them in like a medium low or or high orientation um so that will be all filled in on the product page if you guys are interested that kind of thing um and some people had some questions and comments concerns some people said like hey man these aren't as efficient as like the bid axes and they are not um especially I just got my new bid ax gamma in and that thing is amazing uh these are not running as new of chips as the like the bid axes um and actually they're not even as efficient as the Nano 3s uh but they are cost effective uh and that's kind of the Avenue that metal miners is going they're cost effective and they come with a solid warranty um and you shouldn't have any problems they have actually a lot of overhead so I'm going to be doing some comparison videos comparing you know the bid axes to the um the Nano 3s and I have three working Nano 3s now finally I have four Nano 3s that I own alt together but three of them are working um and I'm running one in low one in medium and one in high and I want to do the same thing with the metal miners I'm just waiting on those to come in I only have one right now I'm just running it on standard or I guess medium is what it would be uh because you can definitely crank those bad boys up um but yeah just getting a comparison in the winter time I don't really care if it's going to burn you know 50 75 even 100 more watts on the the metal Miner um especially in the in the winter time and being inside uh I'm basically going to dedicate like one circuit in my closet and I'm going to put all my solo miners on on a shelf and then have like a little fan behind them so I'll have my bid axes up there I'll have my the Nano 3s I might end up I might I don't know I'd say i' I'd spread some of them around I'll probably put all the solo miners in one spot and then I'll spread around um some of the mining rigs into the other rooms cuz I have full-fledged mining rigs with like 309s in them stuff like that um but yeah so some people are bringing up like oh man it's not as efficient blah blah blah um but you can get a higher hash rate so if you want higher hash rate or value that or you want more more heat it could work for you uh and then some other people are like why don't you just go buy an ant Miner um why don't you go buy like an S9 or s17 and run it and I don't know about you guys have you ever run an ant Miner inside of your house obviously there are ways to quiet them down but they burn a ton of power and they make a ton of noise so obviously these things aren't meant for everybody they don't make money they're not profitable uh they are a pipe dream you know I that's like I'm running these solo miners for the the I don't even want to call it a chance but it is a chance at winning a Bitcoin block and I think a lot of people don't understand what these Lottery miners are doing um they're not you're you're never going to return on investment on these things probably not so if you don't have the money to spare don't buy one that's like my best it like form of advice don't buy a Bida don't buy a nano uh uh don't buy a metal Miner there's a couple other out there brains has one don't buy that if you're not willing to basically take that money and throw it away I look at it as it's a hobby investment so uh it's something that I'm interested in um and I can run it and it creates a little bit of heat in the winter time and then on the off chance that one day it accidentally hits a block and I get lucky in Sun the sunshine shine on my tail then um I'd have an amazing story and we it'd be a wild ride because then I get to reference old videos like this where I know I'm never going to hit a Bitcoin block but if I do you know what I'm saying so um anyways that's just you know we a little bit of advice for you guys out there that are looking at these things um and trying to break down the technicalities of them because they don't make sense yeah they really they really don't make sense none of them really make any money um if you put them on a pool and I thought about doing that for a video where I put all of them like on unminable and show like what they're making and maybe I will do that maybe that'd be a good video um they just just don't make any money now obviously if Bitcoin goes it's already at like 70 some thousand um for it to 2X and to 2x your Revenue it's unlikely it's a lot more likely that you'd buy a GPU and mine something at a loss that is worth a lot less and it's easier for it to double triple quadruple uh and then you you know specul speculatively mine something and it pays off in the back end that's the big difference between like Bitcoin and Mining smaller coins I feel like I've gotten way off track here anyway there are meal miners coming up available on the web store for batch 2 that'll be live here in a little bit so anyway y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios I totally forgot I was going to show you guys pool side um I started flipping everything over to unminable um and it's all still spooling up it takes a while for everything to to level off but yeah the metal Miner is right there so um 3.5 terahash and then I have uh one of the Nanos is on high one's on medium and one's on low I would assume that's how they they lay in that fashion but I'm just waiting for everything to get spooled up uh metal miners are all the way up to 3.5 but those Nanos those should hit four uh the one on medium should hit three and then one on low should hit two terahash but yeah peace out see you later guys