3 MEME COINS I’m Buying and Holding FOR 10X RETURNS?!?! FLIP $10K TO $100K?!

Welcome back to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube Channel it's a new week here in the Crypto market and of course we're always Proposed with new opportunities and we Can see quite a bit of a dip here in the Markets summer is usually quite a lull For cryptocurrency in general but both The mean coin and the general crypto Markets are just down slightly um the Volume is actually looking pretty juicy On the mcoin side maybe a lot of whales Are catching that dip but I want to talk About three meme coins that I'm buying Into and holding hopefully to achieve a 10x on my positions so yeah things are Looking pretty I would say good still in The markets on a general role of firm if We zoom out we're still at 2.39 trillion Market Capitalization and one thing that's very Interesting is we've not yet hit a Market cap globally all-time high so That is still a milestone that is Pending and once we take that off we Could see crypto fly to the three maybe Even $4 trillion do of valuation anyway Let's just jump straight into coin Number one which is a new play to earn Which meets meme coin play the race $4.6 21 million one play token is 0.509 and in just 24 hours ladies and Gents the price is going to go up yet Again you can buy this on the B20 or Binance smart Chain by connecting your

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Wallet connect best wallet or metamask Wallet converting either eth usdt or BNB Directly into your play Doge token so It's a big 90s throwback as you can see To the uh Tamagotchi days and they've Got a mobilized game where you can play To earn and actually earn crypto play Tokens whilst doing so big throwback and Of course doge is the theme here so Being a doge companion game it does give It that sort of meme touch and that Marketing potential for the the meme Sector strong road map here and phase Three and four do hint at the exchange Listings which will be happening on Centralized exchange which is really Good to see don't know if they're paid With Fiat or tokens but either way it's Always good to have the exposure for Extra volume and liquidity here we can See the play Doge token so play token Features functionality earning Mechanisms and utility big play to earn Stuff here guys and of course there's Leaderboard rewards which you can climb Up as well 9.4 billion total tokens will Exist the pre-sale will get 4.74 billion Um sorry 4.7 billion tokens sold to them Um that's basically you guys or the General public that can actually get Into the project right now so it does Look pretty sweet you can see got 4.6k Followers here on the playd Doge Twitter And they are recently you know posting

Out some memes getting quite a lot of Traction and likes $4.5 million raise That is quite a lot to be honest so Pretty good to see this and I think you Know we could see a 10x potentially here Remember this isn't financial advice Always do your own research crypto is a Risky thing but this is just looking Like it's got some hot marketing decent Stuff and a big Community ready to help With the pump mentals a big culture is Waiting you can see they are also Offering staking awards for 163% perom Right here um which is pretty decent and Those token you know they Mission slowly Throughout the next three years as you Can see coin number two is a very hot Meme coin the Chinese Donald Trump right Here we've been talking about it for Well we've talking about a bit but at The moment we can see it's resilient It's resilient and it's up up up very Much up and it's pledging for the people This coin Right Here China Chinese Donald Trump is a salana gem meme coin Which could rip another 10x from where We are every $10 million Market Capital Milestone they get to they're burning Tokens and the developers have sold none The team have sold none and you can see Here you got Chinese Donald Trump just Holding a green candle so this looks Very very bullish three centralized Exchange have been paid for with just

Fiat so the the exchanges can't Effectively dump the tokens Can See Supply 1 billion tokens 100% on the Burning side it's a very attractive Looking coin here and even though memes Are down you can see that this coin Right here the Chinese Donald Trump is Holding quite nicely 37 6K on the Liquidity side of things fingers crossed We can see some big play for this token Right here the next Target would bring Us up to 43% the target after that on The 2618 Fibonacci takes you to 73% week one summary so this coin is Existed for a week and you can see their Liquidity has locked in at 376,000 and once they hit $20 million They're going to burn again 30 million Burn again so they're really dangling That carrot out to the meme Community But in week one they hit a $10 million Market market cap the Devon team sold Nothing the developers also burn $103,000 worth of the tokens and you can Also see the next burn will happen soon So it's a rich team a rich developer It's smart money crypto who is pushing The project and he is a fully doxed and Kyc YouTuber that I really believe would Not put his patrons and fans at risk so Yeah really cool stuff everyone is Talking about this thing and yeah Bullish you can see $100 million is fud According to this person right here so

Let's see what can happened 778 Followers it's not a massive amount but We're seeing that growth slowly but Surely are we going to see this coin get To $100 million it's a big speculation Right here Co number three will indeed Be turbo and I have indeed bought more Turbo coins you can see I've now got $ 4.3k worth so I put 4.5k total allocation to Turbo I'm down A little bit but I have decided to buy And catch onto this dip here for Turbo If you want to grab turbo I mean that's Entirely up to you but it is down 32% on Those 7 days do remember that when You're looking for uh potential Bargains Out here in the crypto space you can see That turbo is down quite considerably From its recent all-time high in fact It's down by 59% so this has actually fallen into to My first phase my very first DCA phase It's getting closer on the data time Frame the RSI isn't quite as low as I Want it to be it's at 40 but on that 4H Hour RSI it's actually come down to Basically over sold at 30 so I did end Up buying more based on this and we Could even come down to 0.0024 and that would be my my next Dollar cost average region my perfect Entry would be 0.0038 but we're you know We're just above it we're above it a Little bit so it's not too bad so for me

I'm going to enter here and hopefully We'll see a a return over the next few Sort of months and maybe even a pump Back up to some large levels 85% on that FIB level there if we retest the alltime High 140% if we go to the next Golden Target we're looking at 220% of 2x Ladies and gents there's three coins Just summarize we've got play Doge as Number one the link is right down below Should you wish to buy some of this Awesome token we've also got chan poo Link is also down below if you want to Explore this one do a bit of research Due diligence on the coin and then coin Number three being turbo the first meme Coin which has been artificially Generated by AI for the people thank you Ladies and gents do join my Discord Channel as well I'll link it down below Everything you need is there and Subscribe to 99 bitcoin's YouTube Channel if you want to stay on the no All things hot in the crypto space do Your own research and due diligence Remember this isn't financial advice but These could be some pretty hot projects And yeah things are doing really good so Far really really good bye for now guys See you soon

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