Welcome back into the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel today we can see meme Coins are absolutely On The Rise and are Shining once again many of the sort of Stable Flagship tokens right here have Pumped massively over the last 24 hours So memes are looking strong The Narrative is strong in this video we Will explore five meme coins I'm getting Into and already hold that do have Potentially 10 to 100,000x potential so let let's have a Little look at this can you flip 10K Into 100K is it possible and also you Know what coins am I actually looking at Here because there's a few new ones that I'm very keen to share with you so 54.2 Billion is the MC right now and on Crypto bubbles you can see bnk is Paving The way it's in the Limelight we've got Flaky Sheba following quite closely just Behind and we have core as well and of Course basically the whole Market is Looking green and also almost flashing Green on the week following the recent Correction we had so we've had the Bitcoin harving hopefully over the next Few months so we'll also see the real Effects of this sort of settle in now Let's jump in to coin number one Remember this is not Financial advice But hopefully you know we can see some Big gains with these coins right here so 72 on the greed index so Market is
Feeling again a little bit bullish so Let's jump into coin number one which Indeed is Doge verse $8.8 million raised For this meme coin it's in an Ico phase Which is a pre-sale but guess what guys This is unique and like no other out There you can buy this across 1 2 3 4 Five six different chains you can buy it Across erc2 B20 polygon Avalanche Bas And salana which is coming soon making It the most sort of robust versatile Mcoin out there and of course gives it a Lot of interruptibility but we'll also Have all these trading pairs supporting The ecosystem with volume and overall Liquidity so one Doge verse 0.00003 1 day 20 hours ladies and gents Until the price goes up yet again so it Makes sense to get in before that price Goes up so you can get more tokens for Every dollar you wish to put into Doge Verse overall good ecosystem 122% perom on the estimated rewards here And the staking side of things I Personally prefer not to stake cuz I Like to have full control of my Liquidity and sell my tokens whenever I Want to um because of course these Things can be volatile um launching on Six Stellar chain Cosmo the chain hopping Doge so Cosmo is This little dog right here he is the Main character he is the one that's Going to hopefully guide us to Millions
Now the road map is strong it's clear And it's got purpose you can see it Starts at phase one with the big bang Then it moves through to phase two three Four and then five which hints at the First centralized exchange listings and That is in plural that is indicating to Me that we could possibly see more than One centralized exchange bullish token Ecomic structure with 2 200 billion Total Supply on the token side of things 15% of the overall supplies allocated to You guys and myself you know overall Public buyers that can get into the Token with 30 billion tokens right there So it does look very good hopefully We're going to see some parabolic Movements for this particular ecosystem 6.9k followers and um you can see They're really pushing themselves as the Multi-chain Doge themed meme coin out There coin number two will be book of Meme which I think is a real silent Sleeper out here in the crypto markets $600 million market capitalization at The moment what's so interesting about Book of mem it started off as an Experiment on the salana Chain I mean Look how crappy and rubbish this website Is yep it is worth millions it's worth Absolutely millions and we're seeing a 50% correction and I hope to God that You know we're going to see this thing Fly up soon um 0.011 I think a 2 to 3x
Is still possible from here lots of Market accessibility is on binance is Not on coinbase but it is on a lot of Big tier 2 exchanges as well so $600 Million MC at the moment I think looking At the last month you know we really Want to see us retest 0.018 last 7 Days however are looking Quite bullish as it enters a new uptrend Coin number three will be camoto camoto Is a new disruptor in the market it's on The B20 chain and it's a cat not a dog So this is something quite uh I want to Say new and interesting cats rule the World unbelievable you got the cat Contract address right there says fre Steps to get to know the project New Meme conomic so cata is the token symbol My boys cats ilum meow natti mysterious Cat group that secretly rules the world Then three camoto 4 now what makes this Special is the 19,000 BNB they've got on Deck for BuyBacks 95% is allocated to The community 5% of the supply is Allocated to influencers and coals 100% Token generation event and then all the Unsold tokens are burned and they have Been burned which means they go into a Wallet that you can't pull those tokens Back out of now where did the funds Actually go but 1% is used for liquidity Then 99% for massive lifelong buyback so This is it folks it's already trading Live I'll put a link down below you can
See it's holding so nice so stable Already has pumped 2.4x since its Inception and has done a 50% correction And is showing good signs of a recovery Right here up 44 4% over the last like Day or so so looking good and on the 4our time frame you can really see how You're getting those two consecutive Green candles and the price could still Be heading up as is in an uptrend but It's hard to say exactly where it's Going to go we need the overall markets To flip bullish statistics 27 million Market cap 2.58 million liquidity isn't Locked in 13,000 holders very low 99 Over 99 on the decks tools score so this Is coin number three guys check out link Down below what do you think about this One coin number four will be sloth Inspired by book of Meme and send to Soul ecosystems or pre-sales salano has Only 7 Days 17 hours remaining guys so Make sure you take a look at this Particular pre-sale it's down below Convert your salana in SL into safana if You wish if you are bullish on this Remember it's not Financial advice One S Will get you 10,000 sloth tokens and Overall looks really good so when you Get into this one in 7 Days time they'll Wrap up the pre-sale they'll release the Claim date and then you man claim Manually claim your token sorry into Your Phantom or salana D5 wallet so it
Looks really good the sloth is the Overall character here he is the guy That basically is the face of the show And we can see looking at the Twitter 22.5k followers and overall tons of Engagements on every single tweet that Goes out thousands and thousands of Impressions looks really good I just Love the artwork here with safana it Looks really really good moving on we Have coin number five which is Sheba enu And I think really if you're a meme Coiner she enu is definitely one to look At but buying it right now is risky I Would not be buying it right now however What we can learn from this is a lesson From last time if you look at the Relative strength index I was saying to You guys buy it when it's at 20 buy it Where it's at 30 on the 4-Hour time Frame the RSI goes down to those low Levels which reflects fear reflects Anxiety in the markets now you can see Since then has done a 50% pump to the Upside which is huge it is absolutely Abely huge guys so that's a big pump Right there and um keep your eyes peeled On projects like this one because Sho is Timeless it's always going to be here But right now it has done a pump so I'm Holding off buying anymore as it is Getting rejected at that 2815 level so There it is everyone five meme coins That could potentially 10 to
100,000 x your money can you flip 1,000 Into 100,000 is it possible well Doge Verse launches around 15 20 mil market Cap a 50x is indeed possible with this One um but yeah this is a summary dogee Coin number one on this particular video Coin number two is book of meme the Salana meme coin coin number three is Camoto the overall BNB cat which is Already trading live as we can see coin Number four is sloana the salana Bas Sloth coin number five is the OG Sheba Enu guys um ladies and gents thank you For watching this 99 bitcoin's YouTube Video if you are new here do subscribe And if you want to get to know me a Little bit better I'm Jacob and you can Come and join us or say hello in my Crypto Discord Jacob's crypto Clan uh We've everything here from Trading Signals um to insights early news on big Dex coins pre-sales absolutely Everything trading signals for every Single coin you can think of Bitcoin Signals the whole lot it's all down in My Discord so come and say hello down There too see you soon thanks for Watching and do stay crypto safe let me Know what else you want to see on the Channel and we'll try and push out more News and com content that suits your Needs thanks for for watching have a Wonderful rest of your weekend and uh Yeah I think the Market's looking pretty
Good Bitcoin Haring has happened and we Should hopefully see some more Continuation here in the markets take Care