Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome back Into the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel Your favorite place for the next big Insights around cryptocurrency news and The new Big 10x potential altcoins in This video we are exploring top five Meme coins to potentially look at right Now after the Bitcoin harving has Happened if you're new here want to hit Your crypto goals do subscribe to the Channel as well slap that subscribe Button guys let's talk about it so um Yeah just want to jump straight into Coin number one which is right here Known as Wier or Winer AI so this is a Completely new artificial intelligence Meme coin and if you guys have been Recently researching the markets you'll See that Scotty the AI meme coin Recently went parabolic so this could be Another one that does potentially do Quite well WEA AI part dog part Artificial intelligence part sausage so In 23 hours the price of this one is Going to go up they've raised $372,000 at 700k the price will go up Again so um overall you can see I have Indeed bought some of this token I've Bought over $6,000 worth because I think It is going to do well if I can make a 2 3 4 or 5x I can Rec compound into the Next opportunity I'm not hunting for 100 X's because it's not a pragmatic figure But if I can make small wins in
Different places and compound those you Know games over time it should help me Achieve my goals right um so at the Moment um it's looking pretty good we Can see 1w a is the ticket is 0.007 you can buy it with e or BNB you Can change right there and you buy by Connecting your metam mask wallet should You wish overall 548 million of these Tokens have already been Stak and There's 1,888 rewards per anom Winer or WEA AI Is the first wiener dog AI intelligence Ever created and the universe's most Powerful cybernetic being the weenie is Gunning for Top Dog on the charts so It's all about creating a community and A culture where the coin should go up in Price it says a sausage is Born um going down we can find more on The information here we've got Tokenomics of 69 billion tokens on the Supply which is pretty generous and 30% Is given to pre-sale 20% for staken 20% For Community rewards 10% on decks and Centralized exchange liquidity 20% Marketing every project needs a mission A vision and a road map Step One is the Sausage Army launch and then the Pre-sale launch is basically what we're See seeing right now it's just literally Gone live and then step two will be the Wien AI upgrade sausage Army expansion And then the influencer blast so bit of
A a sausage fest right ethereum Network Takeover then step three we've got token Listing the long way is over that's when We're going to see it go live on global Exchange platforms and could potentially Go parabolic once it does happen so coin Number one is weer AI the link is right Down below if you do want to research This token they've got 4.4k followers Recently celebrating that $300,000 Raise remember this is not Financial Advice these are high RIS car reward Entities but we could see this one do Well you can see there he is taken off To the moon and um the artwork is Actually all right it's good it's Memeable it's marketable they are Getting quite a lot of Impressions and Overall likes and retweets coin number Two is the Doge ver $1.1 million raised Every time I look at this it's gone up Like $500,000 so obviously a lot of People are looking at it the price is Now up to 0.302 and $12.1 million is the next Target before the price does go up Doge First effectively brings all Doge lovers Together because this is a multi-chain Ecosystem as you can see you can buy This with B&B Matic Avalanche base and Soul but and wow they even Branch out of Salana now so that is six ecosystems That you can purchase them sanao was Recently congested but it doesn't look
Like it's congested anymore so Cosmo is The dog he's the character the world's First chain traveling Doge and it's all About bringing like I say doge lovers Together regardless of effectively your Ecosystem preference which is basically Like you know um you you could compare It to you know racial interest as well Right people wouldn't go somewhere or Speak to certain people because of where They're from unfortunately that is Reality um in some cases and uh this is Effectively what I and how I perceive The Doge first ecosystem so phase five We're going to see first centralized Exchange listings phase one we're going To see the big bang um which is right Now basically and overall I think it's a Solid setup for hopefully a big pump in The future 200 billion total tokens for Doge verse great project split right There as you can see and they do also Have some staking rewards of 100% per Anom right there Doge verse 99.3k Followers going fully multi-chain and I Think you know it could potentially do Well the future looks bright for Doge Ver with Wormhole technology which Allows interoperability and cross chain Um interactions between different sort Of ecosystems um here we can see Doge r On the polygon chain as well so looking Pretty strong guys I think this could be A good one the link is down below if you
Want to research on it coin number three Is going to be safana only 2 days 22 Hours remaining now for safana if you Want to buy it you hit that buy now Button click on your Phantom wallet and Convert directly into your sloana tokens One salana will grant you 10,000 sloth Aras right there guys the current raise Is at $1 15 million plus doar so if you Are doing the send to salana uh method Right here you're going to get those Tokens air dropped to you but if you do The this way here manual way um then you Can claim those tokens after the Pre-sale actually ends directly into Your wallet so tokens will be aird Dropped to your wallet after the Pre-sale is done the date is TBC but we Know it's ending in just a few days so They recently made another tweet 17 Hours ago it says are you feeling lucky Sloths we've just 3 days left in the Pre-sale it's time to saddle up and make A move are you going to sit there or are You just going to ride to the Moon with Safar so another fantastic piece of Artwork with lots of Impressions lots of Engagements there and also so we've got Another one here listing or hinting at The listing or potentially a binance Listing here and you can see that with The binance logo on the plane right There so that's also pretty exciting Guys find out the link is down below so
We know mem coins are growing $ 53.4 Billion ecosystem right now a lot of Meme coins are actually still massively In the up as you can see right here lots Of green on the meme coin side this Takes us to coin number four which is Going to be Sheba Inu because I do Believe Sheba Inu will bounce back Eventually it's now made a lower um sort Of drop down to 0.0026 and when you look at that it's Like a macro bullish reversal pattern is Actually like a macro falling wedge we Could see a breakout for Shinu if we are Lucky so 15.22 billion at the moment on Market Capital it is down a little bit But on the on the week it's actually up From the 23 to 26 so it could just be a Small little correction in the market And overall I do want to see this go up In price sheep Army is looking strong And IM regards to this the Sheba sharum Ecosystem where you've got Sheba token Bone and also leash there's a new Addition coming for the Sheba Inu Ecosystem which is absolutely bullish so This again reinforces the Sheba Inu Brand the overall users the volume that We'll see on chain and could make it Forever more another bullish alternative So coin number five is indeed going to Be treat this is the official account For treat here and effectively treat is A brand new token that's going to
Release very very soon you can see Sheba Inu has a string of releases up its Sleeves which include sheep the Metaverse Sheba stable coin Sheba net Sheba Swap and treat token so treat Token is a completely new thing kind of Like you know what we've seen here with Bone token and Leash token so there's a Lot of potential here guys um with this Whole treat thing that's going to be Happening says will uh when will she News treat token release says Sheba new Treat token is officially confirmed to Be in the works with the latest 12 Million in funding treat will be a Utility and governance token in the Layer 3 blockchain it will also be the Last non-stable token in the broader Sheep ecosystem so therefore the Ecosystem will be sheep bone leash and Treat treat will be the last non-stable Coin then you're going to see shei the Stable coin which will happen and That'll be pegged to USD so you can Really see that she in is becoming way More than just a mcoin it's much more About fundamentals and utility and do Look out for treat I think it could be Absolutely well treatful I would Hopefully assume that we're going to see Something good happen here so make sure You do research on tree I'll drop the Link to this Twitter page down below as Well so you can understand exactly what
Treat is about thank you for watching This video on 99 Bitcoins and if you're New here do subscribe just to quickly Summarize we had coin number one wiena AI the link is right down below should You wish to grab some of these tokens or Do some research coin number two is Doge Verse this is one of my favorite meme Coins right now it's one of the best Looking that I've actually seen as well Coin number three is slana only 2 days 22 hours to get into this one time is Running out coin number four is Sheba Enu which is of course corrected now From the top but if we see altcoin and Mcoin season 2 come around the corner we Should hopefully see sheep in you go Parabolic and coin number five is of Course the treat token which is not out Yet but will be soon and effectively This could be another good one to look At because it's going to be new there's Going to be lots of new buyers Sheba Money will flow in to it and it could be Very very exciting thanks for watching See you soon stay crypto safe and make Sure you subscribe to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel