A question I'm often asked is hey Jacob Is now the time to be buying Bitcoin and I'm always [Music] Like just thought I'd get that out of my Kind of like system um so guys we can See Bitcoin is pumping and I am making a Video right now about five of the best Potential cryptocurrencies you could be Looking at prior to the Bitcoin harving Prior to the upcoming real Bull Run that We've not yet seen but so many people Ask me the same questions over and over Again and just try not to fall in for The foma you are buying into a Euphoria You're buying into a frenzy and yes There is still upside potential but that Is heavily diminished and you're already Going to be holding the top bags anyway Guys welcome back to the channel welcome Back to 99 Bitcoins um so we're going to Keep continuing with the investing and Trading playlist over here thank you for All the new support I know there's still A little bit of confusion with the move Over and I do believe there are talks With Nate and he's going to release a Video maybe this afternoon or maybe Actually he's already released the video By the time this one is out but overall I think um he will deliver a message to You guys soon um and you know this Channel lots of things could happen with It in the future in terms of expansion
So there could even be more faces I Honestly don't know what might happen But um it's all about just you know Targeting each sort of Niche and sector Of the crypto environment because you Know you shouldn't always just neglect Other things like artificial Intelligence tokens alt coins and things Like that anyway guys let's crack on on Because I'm diverging a little bit let's Talk about some of my favorite picks Right now in the crypto space some big Altcoins that I think could you know Really potentially generate some big Returns and going to start with ethereum It has to be ethereum right here because At the end of the day ethereum has done Something Bitcoin has not yet done and This is why I really want to just you Know let you hear me out right now and That's just simply looking at the price Action versus its previous all-time high Over here guys ether's not even yet got Close to going back to its previous All-time high and it absolutely has Potential to go above and beyond maybe Even 2 to 3x I do think eth could hit a Good $8,000 to $12,000 Mark so what's very exciting About e is it has not done that yet e Dominance could be on the rise against Bitcoin especially with e ETFs soon on The way which will of course be very Very attractive more big liquidity could
Go into ethereum just from that alone And overall I see the ethereum dominance Potentially Rising as well so if the Ethereum dominance can rise to say 20 to 25% again we're going to see again a Massive increase in price for ethereum Over here so that's why I'm very excited For the OG ethereum and I think it's not Really been getting a lot of love Recently with the Bitcoin harving with All the big Bitcoin ETFs a lot of the Attention has just simply gone over to Bitcoin now of course you could Speculate well hang on a minute Jacob You know Bitcoin uh ethereum going back To 25% is going to be so much harder These days in contrast to you know um What it was like before and that's That's true because there are so many More ecosystems there's so much more Competition out there there's so many New chains out there which will of Course be taking the market share Effectively making it harder for Ethereum to achieve that 25% market Dominance yet again so if that kind of Makes sense but I do perceive that if Bitcoin dominance goes down which I'm Sure it will potentially after the Bitcoin Haring once all that Euphoria Hype and Retail fomo has kind of like Worn off a little bit I think we'll then Start to see the inverse and I think We'll start seeing the ethereum
Dominance rise and I think we'll start To see altcoin shine so if you couldn't Guess already ethereum was coin number One of this video and um yeah I'm still Very long-term bullish on ethereum I'm Absolutely ethereum heavy and I think You know just it having a lower market Cap of $441 billion gives it more upside Potential in terms of actual real growth Um of course Bitcoin is OG and you Should always accumulate some Bitcoin When you can especially on the red days Which is what I like to deploy as a good Str stry um but right now foming in 100% Of my savings or something into to Bitcoin is a huge no it's a huge red Flag Don't Be fooled for the articles That are saying bitcoin's going to a Million dollars again and all this Because that's the narrative that will Eventually be spun this takes us into Coin number two on this particular video We're looking at a very new fresh token Again and this one is already sold so Quickly we looked at it yesterday it was At like $50,000 raise so this is Dogecoin 20 guys Dogecoin effectively is Now on the erc20 network that is the Mission here it's to be the better Version of Doge um no inflationary Supply fix 140 billion tokens Dogecoin 20 could potentially have a 10 to 100,000x potential over here this is Absolutely wild massive appeal already
12 stages $6 million hard cap so if it There a 100,000x it's going to go to 600 Billion Market Capital which would be Absolutely insane absolutely insane it Be like getting into do chap but on day One or something crazy like that so um Yeah I just want to talk about this one Pretty good stuff 274k it's not docs not Kyc but they are providing the community Of large rewards such as you know big Staking incentive 1,926 perom over there not Financial Advice always be careful with staking Because like we said yesterday this Percentage perom is going to reduce as Soon as more people provide liquidity Into the pool right here and you can see It's a large quantity so I think you Know in this market with the memec coin Narrative it's time to maybe consider Mem coins as part of the portfolio for Portfolio diversification because it is A strong narrative right now and that's Something you cannot deny it's got good Road map a good long-term Vision so yeah Coin number two I think this is Doge 20 Dogecoin 20 should I say um definitely Has longterm potential here um in my Opinion so 140 billion tokens on the Tokenomics side 25% allocated ated to The pre-sale that's what you guys are Buying if you do potentially buy and we Can see here for full transparency the Doge 20 token address which is literally
Just right there um rewards calculator I Would say you know if you were getting a Normal-ish amount $1,400 worth if it Went to 0.001 killed a zero you'd then Have $110,000 worth of this particular Token right here so yeah it looks pretty Cool I think from a a marketing point of View uh it looks very good as well well It's colorful it's vibrant the ecosystem Looks nice very very early so it says Doge 20 isn't just another she but enu Inspired derivative um interesting they Didn't say like Dogecoin inspired Derivative because it's literally called Dogecoin upholding dogecoins ethos to do Only good Every Day offers passive Rewards for earnings as well so could be Really big already getting a few organic Tweets and engagements there but this is The very very first step of the Marketing you're going to see soon loads Of articles you're going to see soon Loads of influencers talk about this if They catch on to the hype which I'm sure We'll be initiating and incepting very Very soon so that takes us into coin Number three over here guys is going to Be Co fifth Escape sorry I got that Wrong fifth Escape yes so this is your Gateway to the next big thing of the Decade so if you're like familiar with You know AI or the metaverse or gamey Tokens or virtual reality fifth scape Could be one of the next big web 3
Projects out here now remember guys none Of this is is financial advice but Already just looking at fif scape you Can see right here at the top of the Website it says next price is 0.215 the price now is 0.187 which is already telling me this Has got 6X potential because they're Telling me the listing price is 0.01 Which sounds like you know straight up On paper gains right which is if I Bought $1 is worth now of this Particular token I should then have About $6 worth um once it goes live gets Listed and deployed on De centralized Exchanges or centralized if it does Happen so looks kind of cool world's First AR which is augmented reality and VR ecosystem that connects the smartest Minds together bridging that gap between Web 2 and web 3 worlds you got VR games VR movies VR education VR devices and it Says buy fifth Escape token here so you Can see recent active wallets have Purchased in one five Escape token is 0.187 and again that listing price okay I got my number a little bit off 434769 X potential hard to say of course But this is another one where you simply Connect your wallet metamask Phantom Coinbase wallet wallet connect once You've done that guys you just basically Convert either ethereum or any other Tokens here you can even do card
Payments which is insane into your Desired quantity of five scape coins Remember not Financial advice this is Not a docs and kyc project as far as I'm Aware so never risk more than you can Afford to lose but we're highlighting These tokens because we've seen similar Ecosystems do crazy things in the past $15 million market cap at listing so it Does give it that 10 to 1,000x potential 5.21 billion total token Supply which Isn't a large Supply either Beyond Boundaries virtually infinite unlock the Limitless potential of the virtual realm With fifth Escape five Escape where Immersive experiences redefine Boundaries and shape the future Entertainment and education experience Hyper realistic game world or virtual Reality so that's kind of cool stuff as Well um archery Master epic Cricket Arena kind of reminds like Nintendo Wii Do you remember when that first came out And people were just like playing Wii Tennis or ping pong I can't remember What it was all day long and you know You get your family involved and stuff It was pretty cool to see that um so It's kind of giv me that sort of Vibes But of course in the blockchain world And I guess it'll be so much you know Better scaled and innovated to today's Sort of modern technology and our Expectations enter a realm of highlights
And or heightened experiences so kind of Cool stuff nice website definitely has That VR AR sort of flare to it 80% of The tokens are allocated into the Pre-sale and you can see with this one 40% unlock at token generation event 8 Weeks lock and8 months vest so with this Particular one um it's going to prevent Like I I believe early buyers to just Immediately dump their bags and that Might be why there is such a difference In the prices and you can see see each Round here each quantity each price of Each stage and the raise that each one Is creating so it's $1.25 million per Round right here guys so very cool Project and okay here we go this could Be the good thing that it might actually Reflect that this is fully docked didn't See this part of the Website we can see actually we have Quite a lot of information on this guy Anod cumar and here you can see they Were listed from years ago many many Years ago so this actually could be a Good thing right here is is this Doc and Kyc some pre-sales some icos I'm going To be completely honest here they Actually AI generate like a face or a Person but these look like they are real People perhaps even from the same you Know country as well it's hard to say Yeah I mean he looks like a real real Guy um let's quickly check yeah I would
Say this is dox and KY seed and that's a Very very good thing so I do revoke my Statement over there guys sorry about That um yeah this is cool this is better Than I thought then um you know delving Into this a little bit deeper you can Also see medium article fifth scap Pre-sale opportunity for investors in 2024 so this is pretty good stuff to Getting the marketing going moving it Hot getting out there into the crypto Space big exposure which means more Brand exposure as well uh more awareness Overall more uh unique traffic driven Into the project so do a bit of research On this one guys I've got a link right Down below for you where you can Potentially uh you know research do your Own due d Ence get into the habit of Doing research um you know taking the News as well but also actually act on it And see if you like it yourself I mean If you're an angel investor if you're Investing in you know normal businesses You'd want to see everything about the Business right all the history who's Working there balance sheets uh Acquisitions all kinds of things so you Have to do the same thing and have the Same kind of I guess entrepreneur Mindset when it comes to speculating and Looking at new coins and pre-sale so fif Escape looks good that's coin number Three and this moves into the next
Section of the video guys I'm sure you Are very much wondering you know who is This jacob guy who is this jacob guy Well I do want to reassure you a little Bit actually in this video I'm not just A random guy and I you know I said it Before I already host quite a large Community I've got a big Discord I've Got my own kind of channels and handles Out there and look you can see I've Helped people in the crypto space for a Very very long time you could see this Guy here who said I would like to Express my deep gratitude to JCB for Allowing me to acquire my dream car Worth €25,000 in just two months so you Know I've helped hundreds of people you Know Steer them towards their crypto Goals whether that's helped them gain Confidence in the crypto market so they Can be more proactive and use their Initiative overall you know this is just Going through some testimonials that Were just generated um people are just Happy they're loving the community and What I mean by that is the Jacob crypto Clan which is effectively my Discord Channel so there's 25 members in here We've got all kinds of things going on Here whether it's just looking at normal News technical analysis The next big pre-sales icos and all the Upcoming gems in the market this is Really a place where people like to hang
Out chill out in the Discord like I say We are here we are open for everyone Doesn't matter where you're from what Country what age there's no limitation Right no no no judgment you know Zone Sort of thing and overall our mission is Just to help as many people in the Crypto Market as possible and I think we Are doing that you can see big trade Signals gains and it goes back all the Way to 2022 where we first in CED where I created my Discord Channel with the Vision to help people and for a Community to do so and you know if you Want to as well patreon is a thing where You can support creators you can also Support my patreon which will in turn Give you those VIP benefits within the Discord now already as you can see this Is me Jacob's crypto Clan already I've Got must be about 600 paid members on Here um so if you do want to you know Become part of the Jacob crypto Clan Become a crypto Legend become a patreon To hopefully expand your crypto Portfolio I've got the patreon link just Down below so you can understand what That is it might be a New Concept to you You might be a little bit curious but Hopefully this kind of shares a bit more About me with you guys because you know I'm not just someone that comes here and Reads like a script this is all out my Own mind this is all out of my own sort
Of thoughts and uh because I've been in This space for four years I every day I I eat love sleep cryptocurrency it is my Life and effectively you know I'm going To do my best to hopefully make other People achieve their crypto goals and Crypto dreams as well so if you want all Those things trading signals early Insights to calls how to buy pre-sales Stuff like that it's all down there Below if you ladies and gents so thank You for considering and if you have Clicked that link then thank you very Much as well um let's move on let's move On coin number four so coin number four Yeah I think right now in this sort of Dip that we're seeing in the markets we Can't neglect some coins that have done Very well recently but also dropped Quite a bit in price so how can you kind Of navigate and discover these tokens Well if you get a coin market cap over Here what you can do is just click the 7day the 7day over here will tell you Some of the top projects or just overall Coins in the crypto space that have Dropped say 10 15 20% and as you're Aware right now Bitcoin is dropping ever So slightly Bitcoin is dropping um we're Seeing a bit of a correction in the Market because of the heat the market And the extreme greed that we're seeing At 89 um so Bitcoin has reversed just Slightly I'm not going to say it's a
Crash just saying it's pulling back uh 73k down to that 67k level which is Completely normal after Euphoria greed And all this absolute Mania that's been Happening recently um so I wouldn't fear Too much but what this presents is Potentially a new dollar cost average Opportunity so the first one I'm looking At is unis swap here so this is coin Number four that I think could do really Well to be looking into right now um uni Swap has performed very well over the Last month from a $4 billion MC up to Local highs of 10 billion and you can See last time it had a pump and then Corrected a little bit like a good 20 30% we're doing the same thing we had a High and now we're correcting a little Bit to the downside over here so big Pump $16 down to $12 over here was $12 Down to $10 do speculate that we can see Big things happen now with Unis swap They're also doing something Similar to what sheu did you can see Over here look over 250,000 uni eth Usernames have already been claimed and Lots of good ones are still available Download the Unis swap mobile app to Claim yours for free so similar to Sheba Inu they're getting more engagements People use the um you know the mobile App and overall if you're bullish on Ethereum you should also be bullish in My opinion on Unis swop they kind of go
Hand in hand just a little bit and if Ethereum does spike in the future more Daps will be built more Network volume Transactions I perceive that Unis swap Will also go up in price in the upcoming Bull Run and also post Bitcoin harving If we do see a major all season so Unis Swap is on the list over here guys I Want to say you know Unis swop 7 Bill Market cap previous all time I've Looking at 22 billion is Which means um I would give this 3 to 5x Potential ladies and gents a bit Unis Swap action over there moving into the Next project here guys we already spoke About patreon yep so don't have to Really go on about that too much space Is very very limited though we'll be Honest look 139 out of 50 members Already so they are going to sell quick So if you do want a crypto Legend slot $100 a month make sure you check that One out we're going to move into Optimism op this is a fantastic Ecosystem now in my Jacob crypto Clan I Was talking about this way way way way In 2023 so people would have gotten Early fingers crossed I also want to Highlight this to you from the 99 Bitcoin side of things just because it's Relevant and looking at the price action You can see what happened before in the Year went to $4 crashed down to $320 Good 25% correction over here we're
Seeing $470 local high down to that $380 Again a 25% correction so it's a project That shows that you can recover from Following even harsh Corrections because It's got so much you know fundamental Fundamental value but also if you look At the markets it's it's everywhere you Can see binance okx htx so optimism if You're wondering is part of you know Layer one layer two super chains and if You're bullish on ethereum again or just Overall crypto in general optimism is Absolutely what I'd be holding as a Crypto kind of guy you know Build Together benefit together the super Chain is a vision of a composable Unified network of blockchains that can Support internet level activity powered By the MIT license open source op stack Deploy an L2 deploy an app so the super Chain ecosystem is growing massively It's a really complex one so in order to Delve deep into it you've got to do your Own research on this particular token as Well but from my own experience you know It's a great one already made some Massive gains on this one to be honest With you and have sold a little bit I Will be fully transparent there but I've Got a you know a good amount that I'm Still going to hold and ride out to the Bull run because why not the Bull Run is Crazy and anything can actually happen In that run anyway that kind of
Summarizes this video we've got ethereum Posing as rank number one I think Ethereum can absolutely pump in the Future and if eth does start to gain Some market dominance we'll see this Coin rise in price we've also got the Dogecoin on erc2 known as Dogecoin 20 With 10 to 100,000x potential over here the link is Down below do some research not Financial advice we've then got fifth Escape the new AR VR big disruptor in The market which could do amazing things Check that one out as well moving out on To the other side of things which is me Hi by the way um I'm Jacob you know Become a patron support the journey grow Your journey achieve your crypto goals This 2024 moving into coin number four We had uni swap worth considering worth Having a look at could do well in the Future and lastly we had optimism token That is my little Roundup of five coins That could potentially do well this week Five crypto best crypto to be buying now Looking at now not putting on the Sidelines and actively thinking about Thanks for watching this video guys stay Crypto safe out there hope you guys are Also doing well and thank you for tuning In to the 99 Bitcoins Channel if you're New subscribe like see you soon