what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and today we're taking a look at the z5s but more importantly we're taking a look at running a z15 off 110 volt power so as you guys know a lot of these big ampt miners need big 240 volt power these Z z5s for example to run at full hash rate they need 240 volt power or you have to split it up and do something funky and run different power supplies but these power supplies do accept 110 volt power but they don't produce enough wattage to run the full z15 now if you don't know what a z15 is it's an ant Miner that mines equihash algorithm and we'll go over profitability and stuff like that once we get back to the computer now let me flip this around and show you how I'm running this bad boy all right so I got it over on the bench here and these come with the apw7 which is rated at I believe 1,800 Watts but that's only when it's plugged into 240 volt when you plug it into 110 volt which it will run on it's only rated at 1100 Watts the problem is these Z z15 miners run at a little right around, 1500 watts um so that's three hash boards right around 500 watts a piece so that means three of these is definitely more than that can put out if you plug it into 110 volt now you can plug it into 110 volt and it will run for a little while but it will eventually either hurt your Hardware or hurt the power supply ask me how I know anyway um moving on a safe way to run these on 110 volt until you can get 240 volt is in this configuration right here so unplug the power to one of the hash boo 1 2 3 all three of the power plugs and then unplug the data wire that's the data wire right there um so you just leave two data wies plugged into two hash boo with the three six pin power cables on each hash boo so you're going to have six power power plugs plugged in and then two data wires and then your last power plug for the control board so I guess seven total power plugs two data wires and then you're good to go you just plug it in make sure you got ethernet and it'll fire up and it'll run at 2/3 of the power but it'll also only earn or hash at 2/3 of the hash rate so I'll go over to the computer and show you what the profitability looks like on that it doesn't lose or gain efficiency by unplugging a board you're just literally cutting off a section of the hash rate but running them on 110 volt still can be profitable especially considering what kind of power rate you have um I am using this unit specifically to help keep a little heat in my garage Nera because I do have a cat out here and I don't want him to be 100% freezing all the time so uh this bad boy burning right at 1,000 Watts puts off you know it's a little space heater so anyway let's jump on the computer and look at the profitability all right guys so normally a full hash rate z15 does 420 Kash at500 watts and over here on what to mind the most profitable one to mine right now is actually hush and right now you would make $617 before power and that's at 10 10 cents per kilowatt hour and then after power you would profit a little over $2.50 not bad for a budget Miner now on Horizon or Zen you'd be looking at profiting a little bit less than a dollar on pirate 71 C uh on nice hash you'd be looking at profiting 59 cents zcash 57 cents and then Komodo is actually slightly negative now if you go up here and you drop it down to 280 cuz that is two boards they do about 140 Hash a piece and then 1,000 Watts that drops it down to $44.31 a day on hush or .91 after power I'm not super worried about the power because I was already running a small space heater out here on low uh to keep my cat warm but now I can just run this and this this heater is literally paying me $4 a day Lally over $4 a day now on Horizon it makes a little bit less pirate even less than that but at least there is Alternatives uh other coins that you can mine with these bad boys so now let me flip this around all right guys uh so now the big question here what do these bad boys cost you know are they reasonably priced if you go over to eBay they're you know anywhere from 5 550 600 800 and so on but I do have a we store so shout out to myself a little bit of Shameless self-promotion here if you want to go over to bc-pc docomo in the description um we do have quite a few of these units available uh and they are $4.99 so that includes the power supply and that is set up so you can run them on 110 or 240 volt as long as you followed this guide and you unplug one of the hash boards to run on 110 um don't go and buy this unit and run all three hash boards on 110 just cuz it can do it for a short period of time doesn't mean you should do it so yeah ladies and gentlemen now um the big thing here is comparing it to graphics cards so let's call it a $500 Miner there's no $500 graphics card that's going to make almost $2 a day profit right now on 110 and if you run it at full hash what was that on full hash rate $2 over $2.50 a day profit wild absolutely wild now you know take that with a grain of salt it is what it is if you have any questions fire them down below um other than that it's pretty cut and dry it's pretty simple to get these bad boys set up um you know what I might I might do a dedicated setup video so look out for that here in the future anyway Guys these units are in stock and ready to ship so if you want to grab one I'll see you on the other side other than that y'all have a good one have a good night adios I'm going to go turn my ant Miner on and you know what actually that does bring up a really good point before you buy one of these don't think that you're going to be able to put this inside your house even on 110 volt they're loud they are as6 uh and they make Asic noises which is loud loud buzzing noises uh now there is kits where you can take the stock fans off and you can put quieter fans on you can add fans to the back and you know what I'll be reviewing those cuz I do want to make this quieter because I would like to put one of these units up in my attic space um and then maybe like pipe the heat down into my house like what if I could heat my whole house with like ant miners wouldn't that be really cool problem is it sounds like a a that going Nest the Hornets going wild right now and if I put that in my attic it would be it would it would amplify that sound definitely so I got to quiet them down that'll be a whole another video series but with that being said you guys have a good night I'll see you on the flip side adios for