Welcome back to the 999 Bitcoins channel In this particular video we are Exploring seven Penny cryptos which Could potentially 10 to 1,000 extra Money in the future we've seen a small Correction here in the crypto markets And this is the classic 20 to 40% Correction that we see for typically Altcoins in the markets following a Humongous pump we've still got the Bitcoin Haring on the way so these are Some coins I'm looking at buying right Now ready to potentially liquidate or Sell off dur during the tip Tip Top of The upcoming bull run this 2024 so let's Check it out together if you're new here Thanks for subscribing and you do want To hit your crypto goals is 2024 smash That subscribe button so Bitcoin harving About 36 days away we're not far away Lots of greed still in the market and I Think lots of kind of you know newbies To the market have probably been shaken Out of their position already just from This volatile movement that we recently Saw so let's crack on with the very First and buy a penny crypto I mean Coins that cost under a dollar which Could potentially go to 10 100 or even Maybe $1,000 at some point in the future So the first token is going to be boel Which is BBL now this one here is Seriously interesting it's like bridging Web 2 and web 3 when it comes to chat
Solutions so this is like the next kind Of WhatsApp or the next telegram of the Crypto world where all you need is to Actually connect your wallet and then You can start chatting with people in The web 3 world so you don't need to Give up Big Data you don't need to allow Other companies to monetize on your Privacy and your data such as your email Address or your details or your cookies And things like this this is simply just Connect your wallet launch the app and You're good to go you can get chatting Right away so this is a really cool one Um here you can of course see you have An example of what this looks like Welcome to boo you've got boo.at and um Overall it does look pretty cool and I Think a lot of people in the web free World whether it's communities or Businesses Enterprise will start using These sort of chat Solutions so right Now they've got some daily tasks you can Get involved with where you can collect Points while chatting but this is Effectively a low market cap GM and when We look at its exposure at the moment It's not on binance it's not in coinbase So we could speculate big upside plays Here $21.5 million Market Capital so Also not a massive MC so it's definitely Got some upside potential now looking at The price structure of this coin it's Come down to regions of sort of 17 and
16 cents multiple times but every time It bites back it bounces back so I do Think it's got strong use case strong Fundamentals and utility overall total Supply of 1 billion BBL tokens it's not A massive Supply either giving it that Penny stock or Penny crypto vibe to it So this is number one goes by the name Of boy um boble is not accessible like I Say on many exchanges just yet but you Can get it on your kind of gate your Qoin your buyit your mexc so it's a Pretty good token to be looking at um Would say it's definitely there in the Factor it's not one everyone is talking About it's a top 1,000 crypto at the Moment but we should see this climb the Crypto ladder over time this moves us Into coin number two which is Dogecoin 20 one that we've been looking at Recently and of course this is a penny Crypto 0.204 this is where Dogecoin gets Reinvigorated on the erc20 network Because with this token token nomically There's only 140 billion tokens that Exist which gives it a very much limited Supply 25% allocated to the pre-sale Here guys and we know mem coins are Ripping left right and center right now Mem coins is a solid narrative a solid Alpha right now and definitely something People should be paying attention to not Financial advice you shouldn't just AP
In all your money to mem coins but we Know the money is Flowing there we know The trend as they say is your friend Right so toomics are solid 35 billion For the pre-sale um 12 stages on this One it's going to launch around a $10 Million um Market Capital so definitely Has that big upside potential VI base on This it's not doxed it's not kyc but That is very much industry standard for Um you know mem coins and icos you buy It by simply connecting your wallet I've Got a link down below check out the coin Connect to metamask or web free wallet And convert either ethereum or tether Directly into your desired amount of Doge 20 tokens not Financial advice I'm Not a profit I don't know you know I Don't have a crystal B I don't know What's truly going to happen but you Know these are coins I perceive to have Value and do hold myself good staking Rewards 196 perim at the moment and Overall uh things are looking good so Doge coin 20 looking pretty solid this Takes us to coin number three the OG Itself Shinu now I was just kind of Thinking about Shinu and uh what really strikes me at The moment is like well I saw this Article and what happens if Sheba Doesn't actually reach an alltime high Like think about it this coin the staple Meme coin is going to be laughing stock
For the next year two or three if Sheba Enu which is like the barometer of the Mem coin space does not hit an alltime High it's just going to look really bad Like imagine Bitcoin just not going back To alltime highs every single cycle it's Just going to be a weird thing so new She alltime High expected by she new Team before the Bitcoin harving major Representative of she in team expects New alltime high for she pretty soon With a month or possibly two so a month Or two or three we could see even Sheba You go to skyrocketing levels again Al Bone margin trading is now live on Gate.io which is another fantastic thing Uh oops wrong one that's a Dogecoin 20 But hey Dogecoin 20 big milestone 4.5 Million smashed already um and also Wanted to say Sheba Inu have a magazine That they're actually publishing the 17th magazine Edition is out where They're basically put all their updates All their news all their big you know Stay in the know things it's kind of Cool I love how she Inu marketing is Just so subtle but also effective at the Same time this takes us to coin number Four coin number four would be TG casino 05476 right now and to be fair when you Look at the trend here when you look at The growth of TGC over the last year It's pretty much just solid uptrend you Can't really complain with this price
Action down from 0.45 up to highs of 0.73 over the year lows of 10 cents and It's hard to make a bearish statement on This coin so it's a penny stock crypto Look 04576 TGC on coin market cap here here Is the website and just want to kind of Show you a little bit about this token You can see TGC look it's a dynamic Player in the online gaming industry and It's made significant impact since its Inception in September 2023 quickly Becoming a go to destination for Casino Enthusiasts of course not Financial Advis do not endorse casinos in any way Whatsoever um always be responsible and Treat this with a very much you know Mature mind uh the platform stands out For it seamless integration of advanced Technology and userfriendly interface so Very much so web 3 casinos do exist and That is effectively what TGC is but they Have massive rev share massive BuyBacks Good exposure already they're not Actually on that many centralized Exchanges which gives it that big upside Potential right um so when you click Here this is the website that you do see You got a bunch of games and stuff like This um overall looks really cool one of The top tier web free like crypto I want To say you know game five plat platforms Out there and $7.47 million is the Market cap right now so 10 100x are
Figures that could be seen in the future For this particular coin and it's been Nothing short of impressive just looking Back over time so the total Supply is 100 million TGC tokens we can see at the Moment self-reported circulating is 13.73 which is 13.73% of that Supply so another thing To of course keep into consideration um But a good Contender absolutely this Takes us to coin number I think five I'm good at losing count around here now Jasmi is absolutely un bullish I think Hundred billion do Market Capital at Some point in the next decade or two can Absolutely happen for this coin why this Is effectively Japan's Bitcoin 50 Billion total Supply 49.3 billion in Circulation that's a thumbs up from me Um so that's good stuff 0.022 31 is you Know you can't really go wrong with this Now if we just check out as well the Price structure here 0.022 um I think for jasm you know we've Seen nice local tops already over the Year of 0.24 but every time it crashes Or corrects it gets massive buyback Pressure and I don't think we're going To see lows of like you know 0.0069 for Jasm for a very very long time I don't Think we'll see these bare Market Numbers for a significantly long time Maybe not even ever again it's really Hard to say what's going to happen um
But let's have a look you know jasm is OG it's very very cool look company Profile Cas me incorporated president And coo kazumasa sat so definitely one That I'm feeling bullish on for the Future in that penny stock crypto Category so keep your eyes appealed on This one could do very very well in the Future um overall uh coin number six Will be green Bitcoin everybody um this Has actually just gone over a dollar but It did start the pre-sale under a dollar So technically for me it's still a penny Crypto $7.22 1 million of 7.4 this is Where Bitcoin goes green on the erc20 Network they've got 21 million total Supply here and it says green Bitcoin The eco-friendly alternative where it's On the proof of stake rather than you Know proof of work like Bitcoin SV Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash this could be a Massive one for the future guys did you Miss bitcoin's massive rise so that's Kind of the theme here the next Green Bitcoin $110 per green Bitcoin if you Want to buy this one similar to doge2 Connect the wallet connect the metamask Convert either ethereum or tether Directly into those green Bitcoin tokens But remember this isn't financial advice This is highrisk high reward territory Please do not AP in all your liquidity Because I don't know the future and it Goes for any coin it goes for Sheba it
Goes for boel it would go for Bitcoin Too it would go for ethereum too we are Not in a bare Market ladies and gents so Got to remember that the pumps have Already started to happen the upside Potential is you know minimizing you are Holding the bag later on you're Effectively maybe becoming liquidity to The whales more you know the late the Later you wait and that that's the the Harsh but sheer reality of it and you Can't complain about that because if You're buying now and not in the bare Market you can only be accountable for That um harsh reality in the crypto Space so green Bitcoin definitely cool Number seven everybody coming up in a Sec but firstly 20K followers for green Bitcoin now getting tons of engagements Tons of followers and overall just Looking extremely bullish chromia 0.491 look at this 16% uh $326 million MC here so 40 cents it is in that Penny Crypto category I think it can do well Here's chromia right here uh looks Pretty good the relational blockchain Platform that makes sense chromia is a Relational blockchain platform making it Easier for people to build decentralized Apps in the real world for better world So pretty cool stuff chromia for games Um overall this is one that is on some Big exchanges already got binance C coin No coinbase um 81.5 3% of the
Circulation is in circulation now Supply Sorry Max Supply just under a billion Tokens and we can see on the month here You know it's bounced back from 0.36 and Over the year has had some incredibly Bullish momentum so we could still see Some upside potential for this coin as Well being chromia so that's a wrap guys Um also want to say make sure to get in To the Jacob crypto Clan oopsy doopsy This is a VIP content that I shouldn't Be showing on screen but um yeah get Yourself in Jacob's crypto clan um come Hang out we are one of the biggest Fastest crypto discords growing right Now and just you know join us it's a Humble Place we've got moderators Keeping you safe whether you're expert Intermediate Advanced beginner Jacobs Crypto Clan Discord is down below ready To serve you ready to enhance your Crypto journey and just overall you know Let's just hang out together you know Let's just get to know each other and Enjoy a vast Community we are so vibrant We're so busy everyone's loving it and I Want you to also love it too so Hopefully see you there that's about a Wrap for this video bye for now and Thanks for watching if you made it to The end remember this is not Financial Advice but there's seven penny cryptos That could potentially do well for the Future bye for now