what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day uh just for reference it is November 11th 2024 cuz things change very fast in crypto but as you see here beside me I have a big box that was sent over from Jazz Miner special thank you to those guys this is the Jazz Miner x16 Q model um and this is going to be a perfect Edition uh to my home heating crypto Adventure so um just off the top of my head these burn a little over 600 watts so they have no problem running on 110 volt on a normal plugin and anybody's house in North America Canada Etc you don't need 240 volt um like some of those big huge as6 uh or some you know dedicated 30 amp plug you don't need any of that you can run it on a 15 amp a 20 amp no problem and still have plenty of head room to plug other stuff in uh as for sound these say they're around 40 DB which means they're way quieter than my kids are uh so that's good too so it doesn't sound like we have a jet engine in the living room uh they also have an integrated power supply uh and Wi-Fi so I don't need to run any cords to them in a perfect world I just plug it into Power configure it and then set it and forget it let it run so let's get this bad boy open and go over some things and dive right into it all right so we got the old big daddy unboxed right here and this is specifically like I had said earlier the x16 Q model and I didn't realize it until I did a little bit more looking but the Q stands for quiet at least I assume it does um it does have three 120 mm fans on this side and it has no fans on this side so it draws air in through this side and exhaust it out of this side um these are low amperage fans there's 0.16 amps that's not much at all so uh there's no way the these fans could ramp up and be super loud uh unlike a lot of your traditional as6 they might have one one and a half or even two or more amps per fan um that's how you get that jet engine sound real high pitched high RPM high amperage we're not going to have to deal with that this is going to be perfect for putting in in the house um so also thing that makes it even better for putting in the house integrated power supply so you don't have to have a power supply sitting beside it behind it on top of it it's just all right here with a regular desktop power cord now the power cord that was provided to me and I don't know if this is going to be the case uh for everybody it depends on where you buy them from um that kind of thing uh but yeah that's that plug's not going to work for me um but they did include a Wi-Fi antenna so antenna's going to go in there um ethernet if you have ethernet available goes in right there up top and then there is a flash card spot for a SD card don't know what that's for I guess maybe if you wanted to update change firmware that kind of thing then obviously your power and then a power switch so super simple um like I was saying before these units are right around 600 watts it says 620 plus or minus 10% or uh sorry plus or minus 10 watts um and I pulled up over on Asic minor value it's showing the profitability for ethereum classic but I'm actually more interested uh in um ethereum proof of work where and like better profitability uh and potentially better upside so we'll talk about that a little bit more once we get set up I'm going to go um deploy this unit and actually we'll just plug it in right here I have ethernet and I have a power cord we'll get it all set up here that way it's easy to cord and then we'll move it inside um yeah let's do it all right so it's super simple just like any other Asic Miner I I plugged it into ethernet and then I used my ip scanner to find it it showed up as Jazz Miner I typed the IP address in and then I just opened it up and it went to start hatching right now the average is at 1951 it's been up for about 17 minutes I was just letting it run on the default pool for a minute before I change that and it looks like it's pretty easy to change that as well you just go to settings minor then you can change the url change the worker um looks like do we have any other settings oh there you go W land so you can set up your ethernet or sorry your your Wi-Fi um so that is nice um I think I'll get all that stuff set up here in a second and then that's when I'll move the device unplug it from ether and let it run on Wi-Fi and I use angry ip scanner it's a free ip scanner there's tons of of scanners that you can use for your local network stuff like that uh that's just one I've been using for a long time no particular reason um now as for profitability uh if you just type this into Asic minor value um it automatically pulls up that this is going to be mining ethereum classic and let me pull up the profitability or where'd it go hold on there it isic minor value let me flip it around so you guys can see with me all right so the x16 Q um on ethereum Classics to w $214 a day it's burning $149 so you're only profiting 65 cents now obviously if you're using it inside to offset heat heating costs you can kind of you know consider your electricity a wash that's what I do with a lot of my indoor heating now um this isn't great uh and there is definitely more money to be made and that's on ethereum P or eth W ethereum Pro proof of work I have not messed with this in a while this was uh what popped up after the original ethereum went proof of stake uh so this basically kind of took you know took the torch from that point forward uh and is not the same as regular ethereum and is not the same as ethereum classic they are different coins obviously do some research on on that end um you know dive down that rabbit hole but uh I quit mining this when gpus became you know the UN unattainable to actually get anything done on the network now this thing does 1,950 megahash of hash rate at 600 watts and that comes out to $320 a day almost another dollar a day so that's huge percentage of uh of additional Revenue coming in cost $144 a day so even if you were paying for your electric and selling daily it is profiting .77 a day luckily I'm just going to be stacking that 321 and using this bad boy to offset my heating cost so we'll consider that cost to wash because I have electric heat and I'd have to pay to heat my house regardless this is just a big old nice profit heater um as for buying these units it looked like um you can go to Jazz Miner direct and I will include the Jazz Miner link down below it is not an affiliate link so I don't get anything if you use it or not uh but I just wanted to thank the Jazz Miner guys for sending it out now it looks like over here on Asic minor value they have some uh in stock prices as well so you know as for return on investment um it looks like it'd be somewhere around what would that be like three years if you sold on let's see here divided by we won't let's see here 3.21 342 days but I don't plan on selling daily I actually don't plan on selling any of these coins I'm going to mine ethereum p and I plan on stacking them um ethereum.org uh I'm going to stack these because I think they might have some upside in the future obviously this is not Financial advice let me flip this around so I can talk to you guys a little bit more yeah so sorry about that guys but as per you know YouTube and regulations and all that kind of stuff I got to say um you know do your own research and this is not Financial advice uh don't want to get you know what is it SEC don't want I don't want no three-letter organ organization knocking on my door um I do feel good about ethereum p and I do plan on um mining ethereum P at the very basic point of it's more profitable but also over time I feel like it may appreciate now that's just an opinion this is not Financial advice now um one thing I did want to go over is ethereum p kind of picked up the torch whenever e regular ethereum went proof of stake they are two separate coins um and they do have a dag file so ethereum P operates how old ethereum used to operate and it has a a a file that gets bigger over time that has to load into the miner or the graphics card uh to be able to mine it and as time goes on it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and that means a devices that don't have enough uh vram or enough memory can't load that file and then can't mine it so over time it keeps kicking stuff off the network older uh stuff with not enough memory now um back in the day you used to be able to mine ethereum on like 4 gbyte cards I remember I had tons of like RX 470s mining um you know 4 GB RX 470s mining ethereum you know 30 Mega has 31 Mega has they was killing it you know we were making good money um and it's crazy to me now to see a device like this this is almost this is basically 2 gigahash at 600 watts which is insane on the efficiency coming from a GPU Miner like me um and uh this one has 8 gigb of you know vram so right now ethereum proof of work is at 6.37 GB on the dag file H and that led me to believe you know or led me to wonder when will this device get kicked off the network when will it not have enough vram to mine ethereum uh p and looking at that it will hit the8 gab Mark roughly around October the end of October 2027 so that means we have about 3 more years give or take um so plenty of time for this device not only to return on investment but to potentially stack some bags and I mean ethereum p right now is at $356 who knows I might be looking at back at this video in a year from now and I might be like yeah it might be like $35 but there is also the other side of the coin and it could be you know 35 cents so obviously take it with a grain of salt check it out um it's one of those projects that right now I feel like is definitely um under talked about I'm just not in that community so I don't hear about it but um I guess I am now uh so it's definitely time might might have to experiment a little bit more um but yeah looking into it obviously with the hash power and that kind of thing gpus are not touching ethereum proof of proof of work I plugged it into the calculator earlier um if I got cuz like Radeon 7s were my stuff back in the day get 100 megahash out of them if I threw a 100 megahash Radeon 7 on ethereum proof of work right now that would make and they burned at the time it was about two a little over 200 Watts I think um that would make uh 16 cents a day my my how things have changed anywayss ladies and gentlemen I am going to jump off here we are going to be doing more videos uh checking out this unit along with other units and revisiting them seeing how they're doing over time and also seeing how um my potential uh bag stacking is going to go for you know unit to unit I figure that that would be a kind of a cool thing to show like oh you know the unit paid for itself it didn't pay for itself oh it made a bunch of money uh it didn't make a bunch of money kind of like proof is in the pudding right but I'm going to jump off here thank y'all for coming out thank you to Jazz miners again I will put their link down below um you know use it if you want to that kind of thing it doesn't help me if you do use it so it you know yeah all right ladies and gentlemen the video's over goodbye