hello test one two hello okay there we go I had to make sure I had the right uh mic input for my audio um what's up ladies L and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel um it's you know I figured i' I'd go live here because I'm literally sitting here replying to what feels like hundreds of emails it's more probably like 50 or 60 but um I figured I'd go live I'd talk to you guys while I do it and um you know kind of get your input see see what y'all are up to see let's turn it on to live chat not top chat don't get in there buddy I got my son here um I'm doing some some baby watching today uh what's up Nick what's up NJ Tech offshore Miner Ali gamer you sell it yeah they're over there on the web store um I'll put a link in the uh put a link in the live chat if you want whoa why is your volume low and gurgly should I change my microphone I'm not sure hold on this microphone just picks up a ton of background noise can you can you hear me now hello that one doesn't have the uh the noise filters set up on it what's up mad dog Miner automatic beats sounds good on your end offshore Miner does it sound good now cuz I changed it yep okay I guess we're better now than we were before sounded better before it's a lot better second one has all the background I know I know other mic is better okay we're going to switch back to the other microphone um properties all right test one two how's that first mic sounded good this one is noisy okay we're back to the first mic this is the one I normally use but um somebody uh Mage said it sounded sounded gurgly sorry I got to get these markers away from my son anyway um what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin live chat we don't do this very often it's actually been like over a month since I've done a live stream now he's he's grabbing my check checkbook um but yeah uh I'm doing a uh a joint deal with uh metal Miners And if you pay in Bitcoin they're $99 you you guys already probably know that um and I've gotten a ton of emails cuz we're doing direct payments to cut out all processing fees and stuff like that to try to give everybody the best deal possible um Tyler over at metal miners cut out all his margin I'm making a couple dollars per unit uh basically nothing um so I mean it is what it is it's it's a good time it's Black Friday that kind of thing I want to be able to to um make sure to take care of everybody's order oh my gosh my son's just getting into everything felt like it's been a minute yeah it has been a minute hold on let me just grab him and put him up here all right say hi hold on look look up here look up there okay um what's up what's up Max glad to have you we got offshore Miner jar jar hashr junkie snort Gunner NJ Tech all in the live chat okay [Music] so hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving 3080 doing nice thanks be no problem crypto pounder 4 if you got one of the 3080s we have some more stuff coming in next week I got some 309s 3080s 3070 TI I just got uh 6 30 60 12 gigs in today um and they are super super nice like super clean really really good condition um have not updated inventory on the website I have not had any time to do any of that Bitcoin making today Orange Friday yeah I know right EDI PC glad to have you in the live chat brother um man I am just trying to keep up trying trying to keep up with these kids look look he doesn't want to stand up all right here let's uh let's put you over here hold on bear with me ladies and gentlemen I'm going to go put him with his brother [Music] so I I'll be right back I just like one minute no stay right there you good all right sorry about that guys let me H where we at here boom okay there we are U so now he can go and and play with his brother and hang out and stuff the life of having two boys can't wait to get a 3090 so I can turn off my 3060 salad Rigs and convert them to miners Mage I have strongly considered and testing out this was a former 3060 salad rig I took the 3060 out put a um 5700 XT in because I have like a boatload of 5700 XTS um and it's doing I think it's like 30 something megahash on wart on war warthog I got it up on the monitor right there um Mid 300 megahash on warthog and that's with the me memory running in single channel so I'm going to test and see if dual Channel or quad channnel makes a difference if quad Channel and dual Channel like if each one makes a little bit of difference then um I have a bunch of like cheap server Ram that I'm going to jam in all those Rigs and convert basically all my 3060 rigs over to 5700 XT warthog rigs if that makes sense still keep the 390s on solid though all right let's see here can't wait to get it what was everyone's best Black Friday buy mine was a Google pixel9 pro Verizon has a crazy upgrade deal um me and my wife went out this morning we got like toys and stuff for the kids uh but we did get a like allinone one of those like it's like a oversiz it's like a bigger than a microwave uh oven air heater fryer thing but it's also got a dehydrator function um and you can you know set it like 8 12 or even up to 16 hours so that way I can dehydrate some meats and make some jerky so that that I was excited about that ended up getting it for like 20 bucks or 25 bucks something like that it was really cheap um so hopefully it lasts because I want to try to make my own beef jerky Mage got a 4k monitor for 175 on Amazon heck yeah haven't gotten any deals yet Mr snort Gunner I've been spending way too much already this month geek yo goat holy smokes bro I just watched your video about flux I did not realize zelor or flux or a combination of that um was having that many problems I have not used zelor in ages um and was not keep you know I don't I don't keep any flux uh but man I feel for you for real goat um well will I sell the deer J jerky on the shop too uh in North Carolina you're not allowed to sell uh uh anything processed from um local game so technically I couldn't sell it but uh I mean we could slip it into some orders the mining King whoa Brandon's streaming I know I know I'm getting getting back to some orders so I figured while we're doing this let me pull the live chat up right here on my my phone oh the wife how's it going she's out with her girlfriend's shopping she's like you want to come with us I said absolutely not I do not need to go shopping let me pull up this live chat and then we'll get back and see some of these some of these orders rolling in and respond back to [Music] them all right there we go top messages we want to see I guess that's fine what can't sell venison what kind of commi country are we living in we're living in the old good old blue state of North Carolina um so yeah they got we a lot they got some weird laws around uh local game for sure Mage be very very careful um I'm nervous to touch zelor right now I need to see if some of these uh depend have deals I need a motherboard hard drive and a bag of jerky please may hey maybe we can get there do some some beef jerky I think I could I have no idea what I what that entails I think I'd need like a food grade kitchen and all kinds of stuff um anyway all right so let's get to this order um this just got emailed in as that's actually a few hours ago got me the address how many oh my Australia ay this is going to cost more than the unit costs to ship it browny face are you still interested Australia is just out of the question unfortunately let's see here any any more I think we had a couple more by the way ladies and gentlemen I know I'm probably not talking to you guys and like watching right now I'm probably talking to like you know less experienced people sounds bad when you say it like that what's up buddy okay everything what's wrong hold on my my son requires assistance sorry guys I'm I'm riding solo today the wife's out so I just got to I got to go check on her all right that was a false alarm he said everything's fine now all right we're back um who made the video again uh geek of all trades made the flux video he lost 10,000 in flux sir hhot can't sell deer meat in PA Pennsylvania either either the mining King the house is on fire or there's a a pillow in the no no no it's uh much simpler than that his brother was stealing his food crypto pounder no deer meat sales in South Carolina either yeah yeah it's um that's part of it unfortunately anyways uh so I wanted to address some things people were talking about uh there was a lot of comments talking about the solo miners are not worth it and um I just wanted to address it because maybe they'll watch this stream maybe not solo miners don't make money they do not make money nobody buys a bid ax because they're like oh yeah I can't wait for them payments to start rolling in they don't make money they're Lottery miners so what that means is you connect it to the network and it runs it burns power uh and it just keeps trying to solve a Bitcoin block and it probably will never solve one in your lifetime but there's a chance you know there's a chance that it might and that chance is a is a straight up lottery it's a little over three Bitcoin so this is not it's not me trying to sell you on them it's just me clarifying because I feel like I have not reiterated this enough because people are like how much am I going to make with this minor how much am I going to make with that minor when I'm doing my bidx videos they're like you know this doesn't seem like it makes very much on the mining calculator you don't use a mining calculator on a solo Miner well you can but it's depressing um so yeah I just felt like I needed to clear the air on that um solo miners are literally for mining solo trying to mine a Bitcoin block by yourself so you get the entire reward not mining to a pool with everybody else so if you hit a if somebody hits a block reward on that pool it gets split does that make sense we're trying to keep it simple here The Travelers travel said I was just hooking up a brand new adjustable 0 to 20 volt power supply for my KS zero Ultras and forgot to switch it 240 volt I let all the smoke out oh no you didn't that's unfortunate luckily the ksz ultra are becoming very cheap to buy another one youf he's mining flux now for for Geek is geek having anything to do with flux anymore Max voltage how is the mining King not a mod your best referral source isn't a mod come on well hey that's a conflict of interest you know I was trying to make him a mod right now I'll do it later um I can't for some reason it won't let me do it inside of streamlabs I guess I got to open up the YouTube dashboard you uh geek of all trades you get a bunch of those comments too I know it's it's what what it is is a it's people coming into the space and you know they they take the the hash power of the unit and the wattage and they put it into a mining calculator and they're like this thing sucks and it does if you were going to buy it to pool mine um just trying to get people to understand what they're for and educate somebody on a a specific product um I need to just start off like any video that's to do with any kind of solo mining are you a gambler if you are stay if you don't like gambling leave right now because essentially solo mining is just another form of gambling right bleach I like that they're open source and you can build them I love the fact that bid axes are open source and now they're like having all these different kinds and there's nerd axes and the what is it the nerd ax Q coming out apparently it's going to be like three terahash that's going to be awesome oh The Travelers travels that killed the power supply not the ultra huh interesting have a n 3 on mining Dutch and it's making 25 cents a day yes so while Bitcoin is inflated solo miners are making money I I have my three Nano 3s on mining Dutch they're not solo mining at the moment I know I'm horrible but my bid AE is my my one bid a Supra is mining solo uh my bid ax gamma got returned to bitcoin merch because it's broken it was having the automatic overheating as soon as you turn it on uh and uh thermal paste it fix it um so yes there is a a a very short window and period of time where solo miners can make money just so happens that if Bitcoin you know goes up 20 or 30k in you know a month then uh yeah Bitcoin mining is definitely more profitable but that's still not what they were designed for and you know that I know that we all know that geek says I got nothing against flux I actually really like the project they are doing hard [ __ ] and it's going to make a difference in crypto and the Enterprise Tech in my opinion the mining King I don't need more responsibilities all right noted it's not a flux thing I'm trying to set up a video with Dan to go over everything together yeah that wallet that has all those flux that are stolen going to is super suspect Mage I just want a cheap script Miner as6 I want to Stack Doge and LTC I know man um I need I need everybody needs to get on Tyler Tyler medal over in the Discord tell them we need those those script miners he told me he's not going to have me a prototype till February I'm like man the Bull Run might be over in February hopefully not hopefully it's just getting started geek of all trades we need a doge axe that would be awesome actually what's up crypto Craig welcome to the live chat brother Zen ax oh mining King it be a Z1 right Brandon coin the new firmware really helped the bit ax gamma geek hopefully um I'll just upgrade to that new firmware whenever I get my my gamma in luckily mine was bad right out of the box so I contacted Bitcoin merch and they were like Jay just send it back we'll send you another one I was like very nice Chris oh what's up Chris Bagnell welcome to the live chat brother that's actually their Fusion wallet the wallet from the thief only has like 600k in there only he was moving funds through Fusion swapping and offloading only 600k right holy smokes oh my man all right anyway let's get back do a couple more orders oh kton City just subscribed thank you for joining kton City all right so let's see here next up is hey Brandon how many miners are you looking for oh you want two of them okay so that was a long message but no no worries we'll get that one set up right here right now and we'll get back to our stream little live stream every now and then didn't hurt don't hurt nobody all right [Music] so what is the SSP wallet from flux oh my gosh it's supposed to be a better wallet like use your phone and the browser and all that kind of stuff but I'm going to be honest I'm like done with installing new wallets onto my phone I feel like my phone's already compromised enough and then and then I end up having multiple phones like I don't even know where my other phone is right now oh it's right here so yeah like I don't know what's the correct answer we need one wallet to rule them all that has triple bypass security eye encryption fingerprint saliva test to get into but then it'd be a pain in the butt because it'd be so secure you know I'm willing to donate z5s but not the work okay Brandon coin that PC behind you is super clean sweet case yeah these are the cases these are the bit Phoenix Enzo cases they were discontinued uh like last year so I bought up a bunch of the Old Stock and these are what I use for my salad Rigs and this is actually a salad rig that I'm converting over into a Warthog machine well it'll end up being a warthog and what is it iron fish dual mine but yeah so still got a Zeon 2650 V4 so 12 core 24 thread um and then instead of the 360 12 gig in there they got 5700 XTS because I have quite a bit more 5700 XTS they're worth less uh but they still hash really good on warhog for some reason I have really like I feel really good about warthog like long term it's called moonwell huh okay I need a different phone to get my tangum to work I've tried three Brandon coin was going to sell me one to try but dot dot still got it right here I set it to the side so I wouldn't forget it it's right here this LG one I'm just going to send it to you put it in my pile of things to do right here the pile ever grows I need to get graphine OS bootable pixel for wallets sweet case oh talk the computer case gotcha thank you crypto Craig Brandon coin I hear the mining King knows Linux he can build that BC wallet in a day well the mining King is busy right now doing multiple things but he's not doing that not yet maybe one of these days I'd even you know what if somebody made a wallet that could hold every coin I would pay good coin for that wallet Brandon coin please do speak on the $99 Bitcoin miner okay um well I have half of one because I killed mine by overclocking it so I have I have the front half section of of mine because I was taking it apart and he sent me uh Tyler at metal Miner sent me hash boards to replace mine that's what's behind me so um I got to get it put back together but these are the $99 uh Bitcoin miners they are designed to be solo miners uh from the factory or stock clocks uh they do a little over three terahash silicon Lottery some of them do 3.5 a lot of them are in the 3.3 range um right around 200 Watts you can overclock the absolute snot out of these things I had this one doing 5.2 terahash uh but it only lasted a night it wasn't overheating so I don't know exactly what happened I think maybe potentially one of the chips was overheating and I didn't know it uh but reported temperatures inside of brains um it said everything was hunky dory now to get that extra ex temperature um I had taken my case Hales apart slid the whole units apart and I had a box fan sitting over top of everything uh blowing air down now I was burning north of little like 300 and some Watts probably not efficient but I was just trying to see if I could get them to run as fast as possible for what it could do now um they are on sale for $99 in Bitcoin but you have to send me an email uh this is a deal I have worked out through Tyler over at metal miners metal miners uh then this is the version 1.5 so this is a deal with Tyler he is making basically nothing on these right now um I'm making a couple bucks for Black Friday uh this sale is not lasting uh because it's not sustainable but he wanted to get his name out there I told him you know what let's do it um I think there's 200 in this January batch uh that's going to be shipped out and I think we're nearing like 170 range we're getting close to capping it off um but yeah so it's still it is a solo Miner you can mine to a Bitcoin wallet on a pool but it'll only make like 20 cents a day it burns more than that probably make less than 20 cents a day right now um it's designed to mine solo so that way if it hits a block ever potentially it the chance it hits a block is like you know thousands of years basically nothing it could happen but nothing um but if it did then you would get the full Bitcoin payout I'm horrible at explaining this the pile of stuff to do keeps growing and growing ah man my yeah let me get this off the pile and put this back over here see my pile of dead hash boards over there where I was trying to push them and push them the first couple just popped right away because I started out way too high on the core clock yo BC how much would you get me per four time 16 gab of 3200 rip jaw V kits uh man I don't really I don't Source out Ram very often so I probably couldn't I can get you deals on CPUs I got I got the CPU uh contract back from the local recycling company so starting the beginning of December which is what next week um every Friday I'm not only going to be getting nvme drives in uh but I'm also going to be getting CPUs and I made a bid on the GPU contract because I've I've been I've always come in low they do they do like silent auction style so you don't know what the other person's bidding and i' I've never won the GPU contract and what I mean by contract is you they go in and take all this stuff apart and then sell all these parts off but they don't sell the parts off so you bid on a you bid on a contract and you pay a set price and then every Friday you just get all the CPUs that they got that week or all the gpus that they got that week or all the nvmes so sometimes it can make so much money and then other times it's like eh you know um so yeah the nvme contract worked out really well I guess a lot of people don't want to mess with nvmes um so I won that uh I had the CPU contract earlier this year I lost it and um supposedly I got it back they told me because I was like hey I really need to know like do I need to bump my my my my bid or not and they're like no I think you got it so I'm like yeah um and they actually got back to me and they said I they think I got the GPU contract as well so I'll know next week um Monday and if I got the GPU contract I'm going to be so excited now most of these are probably going to be 20 to 30 series which is fine uh these are computers that are rotating out of use um most of them are government uh Federal all that kind of stuff and they're they get it all in they take it all apart and then send it all out and I guess they can get away with doing that because they're not selling the items individually I don't know I I have no idea how it works but yeah I'm super super super stoked about it unfortunately Mage most of the CP use our Intel uh but you know we do get riseing stuff every now and then geek of all trades wow I realized pile of stuff to do explains my life in five words holy smokes I missed it DJ Death Star $5 donation thank you very much brother much appreciated finally getting to catch you live hope you had a great Thanksgiving I had an awesome Thanksgiving we went and had three thanksgivings one with my dad one with my uh uncle on my mom's side and then one with my wife's family they all got together so I I definitely gained some weight um I've been trying to lose weight so I cut out all regular soda drinks and I'm only drinking like zero sugar stuff which I know is still bad for me I'm drinking quite a bit of water I can't even finish these because they're not like that good like zero Coke and all that kind of stuff but every now then I just need something other than water um but yeah I I've been watching my pretty closely and and Thanksgiving it did me in a little bit but it's okay you know that's that's what it's there for Patrick said basically solo mining even worse odds it can happen yeah it's probably the worst odds you can think of 2060s are hype there's something uh did you see someone hit a Bitcoin block on nice hash easy mining the other week on a $9 gold s package y yo that is insane very crazy I feel the luck factor is more calculated than not that's a crap ton of luck yeah I love spec spec mining with 2060s they're great cards super low power too Travelers travels I ate a frozen pizza and worked on my farm that I blew up Daniel says currently converting all my rigs to warthog very nice yeah War Hog's doing good it really is I'm I've been happy with it Max uh Brandon coin I'm in ketosis right now no carbs down 10 pounds in the last month very nice brother I'm not doing like the whole straight up kosis thing um I've switched from I used to snack on potato chips and soda like that was my go-to sometimes I wouldn't even like eat much like real food um and now I've switched it up to uh pork grinds and beef jerky which is like very ketosis friendly from what I understand um I think uh but I'm still eating like regular meals in the morning and then in the evening and I'm skipping lunch and I cut out all my sugary drinks so no more sweet tea no more soda no more no more sweet soda uh or sugared soda high fructose corn syrup soda uh and then no more um lemonade I was I'm a big lemonade guy love lemonade as long as it's got a pound of sugar along with it but yeah no more no more lemonade so now just water and um some zero sodas every now and then to sprinkle it together looking to buy a couple l3s for heaters I got a L3 back here it just needs a hash board so yeah can dual times eight Lanes earn more in warthog I I believe you can get away with uh times8 lanes and warthog I'm not sure um I had boards come in in actually hold on just wait right here wait right here I got new boards coming in where we at here where Max said Brandon I'm doing it because I'm determined that I am insulin resistant feet and lower legs are no longer puffy oh okay heck yeah mining King control board yeah I need the uh control board for an L3 plus got to watch sugars with beef jerky if you end up making your own use pineapple juice as the sweetener Scott a oh that'll be nice pineapple juice sounds good going through my old cards and getting them sold but hey those Quadro K 2200s ain't half bad I have not seen a k2200 in a while but anyway I have I got these got these boards in and they've been they've actually been really good to me I cannot complain at all but I want to build a warthog rig with one of these boards and it has dual uh time 16 slots on it it is a Zeon it's a x99 board so I'm thinking two 5700 XTS and then I'll try it with a 12 core if a 12 core is not enough and it's holding back to 5700 XTS then we'll bump it up we'll go to a 14 core 16 core maybe an 18 core I don't know the 20 cores are just still too expensive on this platform in my opinion mining King I'll buy that hit me up I'm going to let you in on a secret mining King I actually owe you money right now so don't worry about it I'll send you an L3 plus just got to remind me the soy sauce is what does you in yeah stop soy sauce man no more soy sauce going through my old cards what do you think about H bar H bar I don't know is that a magic China Box yes it is we're going to enjoy these Chinese things while we can until the tariffs put it to no longer being viable I know I was talking to somebody today and they're like what are you going to do where are you going to get you know your cheap motherboards at once these tariffs kick in and I'm like I don't know if I can't if I can't get them for a good deal I just won't get them I'll pivot to something else soy sauce with egg rolls fire Okay so gaming motherboard yeah nobody nobody gives a hoot about some gaming we just want we just want the the beans and potatoes frog man I found drives five bucks for 16 gig in vme yeah see I can't compete with that cuz I don't have anything that small um the smallest I had on hand was like 256 gig but I didn't have a matching set for you so I'm glad you found a full set though all right so these bad boys I like this motherboard man I don't know why um so it's got active cooling over the uh Power delivery for the CPU so stepping up to the bigger CPUs the 18 core the I think it's like the 2680 v4s uh or the 2699 those are the I think that's the 22 core um no problems there uh and then yeah these are both dual these are dual GPU ready and they're both time 16 slots so you get a full 16 Lanes out of both of them I know very nice now the spacing is not great you can get away with dual Slot Cards uh but if you have anything bigger than a dual slot card that top card is going to be uh touching that bottom card so that is unfortunate that runs v4s yes yes this will run v4s she's nice she's real nice nice and pretty oh and it's got It's got a little uh readout for error codes I always thought that was cool not that we need it oh and ladies and gentlemen got the the old got the old power button right there so for like a bench rig it's great Cedric Lee donated $5 through Super Chat thank you Cedric Lee looking good big guy I appreciate it brother we're getting down there it's pretty cool looking motherboard yes yeah I like these motherboards um I don't think uh we had what's up buddy hold on momy uh she's out with her friends are you good yeah do you need anything yeah what do you need I might have to end it chips you want chips you don't even have any chips anymore uh you want some Goldfish yeah okay I'll go get you some Goldfish I [Music] I you want pasta yeah okay let me go let me go grab you some I got some some mac and cheese I made for him earlier the mining King with the $20 donation thank you mining king um love the bcpc shop always got great items and Deals I much appreciated brother all right let's go get you some pasta guys can you bear with me for one second I I see I hear you too he's doing it too I will not end the live stream if you guys hang out for a minute minute um I got to go get my boys some pasta they're hungry and I already made it so it don't ain't going to be waiting that long all right while we're waiting we'll put on some crypto Kings everybody's favorite little sauce [Music] the guys retro te with real chasing dreams High crypto all nightes breaking blps CH flying like a fox h m never [Music] stops Brandon coin in the mix rabbit driven no fix trades life full of [Music] Tricks Jer freaking count crypto STS Chas like a fox [Music] Nevers the mix rabbit no fix Trad full of Tricks te no [Music] conflicts in a breaking box M coun crypto STS flying like a fox h never STS 22 so many M dreams so big stars Aline Electro beats heartbeats shine future bright Loker freaking [Music] Ms in crypto STS fly like a [Music] fo Nevers talker Miner breaking block Jer Miner breaking box next in line [Music] joer Cher M2 lives so many M dreams so big stars Al line Electro beats heartbeat shine future bright next in lineer [Music] [Music] break all right there we go I'm back there man sorry about that come on cooking with Brandon we're back who's with me we are more important than his family oh man my kids will come rip this computer apart if I didn't give them some pasta or some mac and cheese what's wrong you eating it and I just came over here with the plate yeah there we go pay attention I'm back how's everybody doing Mage SPF was the worst Ponzi scheme ever what was SBF Sam bankman freed block right might might have to sell its BTC to pay fines what do we miss here make me a plate too bcpc for the win yes thank you again King for the the kind $20 donation it's always always great when when when you owe somebody money and then they send you a donation I it will be going back to you no but for real though thank you I appreciate it um let's see here well um we're at 44 minutes I wanted to make this an hour live stream so we'll keep going on um and do a full hour uh I think we got some oh yeah I got some more emails in about the little the little meal miners all right oh he wants five of them hi I would like five metal miners how much do they make zero they make nothing it's like I don't want to I don't want to like lead people down the wrong path by telling them like buy these things because you're going to win Bitcoin blocks every day you're not you're never going to get hit a Bitcoin block but if you do don't forget about me that's like I'm never going to hit a Bitcoin block but if I do there's going to be signs and you're going to know it I'm talking about Smoky and the Bandit TransAm black gold trim big bird on the hood you know pulling up mining disrupt like skirt you know hop out slide over it and yeah you know what I'm saying like you you'll know hash rate junkie $1 million if that was the case I'd buy a hundred I know it's I dude I've been asked how much these things make like constantly The Travelers travels the control cover it reduces hash rate that's why you don't want it you don't want it frogman man we ain't I mean I'm going be honest Lambos are pretty nice my uncle's got a Lambo I was over at his house for Thanksgiving and I was I was sitting there and looking at it cuz we went down to his man cave garage and his Lambo in there next to his Ferrari next to his ason Martin Vantage and I'm just like I see the appeal like I I see why people like him you know like can I let me let me hold the key real quick um but I like to buy a Lamborghini now to get like a nice new Lamborghini I don't even know if a block a Bitcoin block reward would do it at this point not even not a new one at least maybe a used one I don't even care about the profits I'm just happy to heat the bathroom hashr junkie heck yeah Toyota is better for my wallet I have my my redneck super car I got me a a Mustang you know hell yeah brother raise Hil praise Dale we'll get there one way or another crypto pounder big money Brandon oh can't you just tell look at this background this big this is what it looks like this is it the craziest part is if if I ever had money I don't know if I would have a different background the mining King yeah you could probably get a Huracan you're not getting the uh the V12 though what's the big boy bleach got a twin turbo 383 stroke 82 Camaro bleach I had a 78 Berlinetta edition Camaro split bumper I think it was a split bumper I think yeah anyway my dad blew it up me and him didn't talk for like three days I was pretty upset about it um I'm really close with my dad though so after 3 days I'm just like damn he's not a big Chevy guy he was like horsing around with it held it wide open chunked a rod out the side of the block it was high mileage it was a piece of junk I scrapped it I shouldn't have that was like 10 years ago live and learn should have just kept the shell it was a clean shell too God hindsight is beyond 2020 I'm guessing you got shelves around with stuff um this is my office area so there's not too much in here here this is more like I I bring stuff in here to like try it out test it make videos with um on the other side of the garage I have uh benches and then I I built me like a tote rack system so I can pull totes out put stuff in them and storage what's up buddy they they called my name but I think they're good um and that's how where I have like all my inventory for the computer shop and that's where I actually do a lot of work over there um this is like where new stuff comes in like and I I test like I was testing that that Zeon system back there that is a turd that's a turd sandwich it's A8 core V1 Zeon no good what's up buddy bear with me let me check and make sure everybody's still not bleeding and then we'll we I'll I'll we got another 10 minutes here so we'll fill it up go all right I'm I'm going to have to I'll I'll give it five minutes and then we're going to have to we're going to have to get off here there we go um my kids are wrecking the house right now well the youngest one he's like almost 2 years old and literally if it's not strapped down he's grabbing it um so to get into my office I have blocked the entrance with a an old HP like heavy computer and a uh a a a S7 hold on Don't Judge Me for how absolutely unkempt it is in here so so yeah I have a s17 right there and like a old Dell or HP or something computer to block so they so my 2-year-old can't get in here my my three almost four-year-old he jumps over it like a you know a string bean but um yeah so that's what what a s that's what a s7's good for did you sell your construction vehicles yet Mage I sold my dump truck I still have my skid steer I still have my excavator um I still have my my cumins 2500 pickup truck which I need to sell that because I have a 1500 like a like a normal people truck oh my there's my son um but yeah so I've sold off some of the stuff I sold off my landscaping trailer but I still have my equipment trailer he's in here now a 2-year-old oh thank you oh we got some some black he gave me some black ice air freshener out of the living room thank you all right guys here say goodbye to everybody you're ending my live stream goodbye hold on sell them byy right here say that right here say byebye no no say that say byebye [Applause] byebye he doesn't understand it's okay give me high five yeah high five bye no what do you want to grab what are you feeling like over there oh that one oh no not that one that's a knife no knife crying crying baby is making my cat freak out sorry how did he crawl over I guess he's he's getting he's getting little wiry S7 is officially worthless I know little time oh you got to come in 2500 I know man I don't want to sell mine it's a good truck bye bye yeah sorry my mic is picking up his voice it's going it's spiking red have a good night he wants the motherboard yeah all right later guys y'all have a good night thank you everybody that had the donations thank you for everybody that tuned in I really appreciate it and um at midnight tonight uh I am cutting off if you have not emailed about the $99 Bitcoin deal for those miners it is going to be cut off if you have emailed in then your grandfathered in and I'm just getting catched up on all the emails with that being said y'all have a good night I'll see you on the next one peace good night good