hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day this is a video All About Caspa mining if for anyone that's not into Caspa mining or don't care don't watch this video it's probably going to be a really long one I got a lot of stuff I want to go through especially about this new announcement of an IB link bmks Max 10.3 terahash model 3400 Watts so it's a big boy Caspa Miner I want to go through a lot regarding just how efficient this new one is and comparing it to other ones also comparing the price as well as some theoretical here just looking at currently how much it's making per day if you were to have one right now and do some theoretical versus buying the coin worth of an IB link bmks and just looking at the yield roughly and the monthly decrease along with the emission schedule that we all know happens with Caspa here which is very aggressive okay so that's a big risk here that I want to talk about there's a lot of risks obviously with purchasing Caspa A6 and uh a lot of things we don't know if Cas is going to price appreciate much more or keep going down a lot of risks involved okay so that's what I want to talk about throughout this video as we go along and just you know a bunch of fun stuff for those that care about Casta mining okay let's go let's go so there's this announcement here the IB link bmks Max this was from cryptominer bros.com now I was looking at the official website for IB link I guess their English one here is IB .
They definitely have not updated this website ever okay but I was looking then on their Chinese website which is here and it looks like a little bit more updated with more Caden as6 but there's no announcement here of their bmks The kadana Miner nothing at all on their website so I was like hm and then I looked on their Twitter and actually they have a post here from February 1st all right 24 this is their their recent post latest post and they said here we will release two new models of a minor before Chinese lunar new year before we made this K3 Max 82 ter 3200 watts is the upgraded version this is about kadana okay this is not a Caspa Asic that they just posted about 3 days ago as of recording it's February 4th as of recording this video at night time so yeah this is about kadana nothing about a Caspa Asic which crypto Miner Bros has on their website here so I do recall though I was one of the first to receive an IB link bmk1 that was a Caden Asic Miner at the end of 20120 and uh you all know what happened there I almost became a millionaire because of that thing but I didn't because I sold way too early but anyways don't want to bring out Old Wounds this IB link bmks Max Miner okay I did email Crypt Miner Bros and they said yes it's real so I do trust them they've sponsored my channel for over the past four years you all know Crypt Miner Bros are already but this is going for $1,399 so that's a pretty penny and this does 10.3 terahash at 3400 Watts okay they said the delivery batch here is about mid February so that's in about two or three weeks as of recording this video okay so a lot could happen in the next two or 3 weeks keep in mind okay that's what I want to talk about here in in a second okay but let's now talk about the efficiency okay so you guys know the hash rate of this so 10.3 uh terahash or 10,300 gigahash here okay so 3,400 Watts give or take and so looking at the efficiency comparing to other ones here it looks like the wind minor K9 beats it by a little bit now granted the wind minor K9 which we have talked about before and you guys have probably seen it that they're really bad bad in reliability and this wind Miner company apparently the hash boards were dying uh guntis folin from mop.
Was selling these and he said he had two of them that they were both having issues with them so I trust him and he's a huge GPU minor and Asic minor reseller so he says the wind Miner K9 is not a good model to buy okay so this price here yeah I haven't updated this price here so don't just just ignore the wind minor now the IB link okay comes in then at the top okay at 33 Jews per ter has or wat per hash here and uh then the next one is going to be the bit main ks3 at 0.37 okay watt per hash all right so yeah the IB link is yeah definitely a little bit one or yeah one terahash more than the ks3 9.4 terahash model okay and but what's What's Happening Here is that I think the bitmain k3s uh they're a little bit High higher in price now this is where I got this this price here I got from Crypt Miner Bros now I'm not sure if they have updated their pricing yet or not but I I think I heard this is much cheaper like you know like 13 or 14,000 or something but 16 16899 for the ks 39.4 and then 11,399 uh for the IB link bmks Max so yeah if you do it by now the dollar per gigahash okay the IB link bmks Max is going to be the Best Buy so the lower the number here it means the faster you are that you're going to break even on this number okay the dollar per gigahash then of course the next one's going to be the ice River k3m I did update this price here because on the ice River website they did have them in stock like just yesterday uh but they're now they're all sold out a lot of people bought these you know they were $6.99 n and you know 6 ter has 3,400 Watts so I mean the efficiency of the the k3m is is almost two times worse than the bmks max okay so when you think about it that way but I mean the k3m is still making decent amount right which I'll show here in a second I have it up right here okay we'll talk about that in a second but just going back here so you guys can see you know the value in this minor right now versus all the other ones and also the efficiency which which does matter in a sense right um depending on your electrical cost so anyways yeah I just wanted to show this here and you can see as we go down you know yeah I mean the big boy Asic miners ks3 uh k3m obviously there's the ks0 pro uh which is actually 349 on ice rer right now now this is one I think I mean if you have solar you can run it for free sure why not um it's not yielding much right now but I mean I think the idea there is if you believe Cas was going to go to a dollar or more okay which I want to go through later in this video K Pro is earning about $150 right now which yields about 14.86 Caspa so if Caspa went to a dollar right now it'd be like thinking like this is making like4 or $15 a day I know it sounds very far-fetched but I've seen things much crazier than what I just talked about example kadana I'm not going to bring that up so anyways let's now talk about if I think this is a good buy or not okay I I really my gut feeling here is that it's not because right now right the network hash rate and the yields of all these miners are going straight down right we're getting much less Caspa yield okay so let's just do some theoretical thing here so this 10.3 terahash uh model OKAY IB link model 10.3 ter 3,400 Watts I'm just putting the calculator on what to mine I hit calculate this thing as of right now makes about $72 if you had free electric and if you had 8 cent or at 10cent kilowatt hour then your profit is going to be about $64 as of right now but of course this thing doesn't release until another two or three a couple more weeks right so but the yield of this thing is 729 Caspa per day as of right now and we all know with kaspa's a missing schedule which happens every month there is a reward reduction every single month and right now we are in the second chromatic phase uh year here and we are in February so right now the block reward for Caspa actually in two more days it's going to switch to 130 so right now we're at 138 Caspa per block the next one reward reductions in actually two days as of recording this video so it's going to go down to 130 uh Casper per block and actually what to mind does uh reflect that right here block reward right now currently is 138 so it's going to go to 130 in two days so that's yeah I mean so you understand that that every every month there's a 5.6% reward reduction which we're going to calculate here for fun in a second so you guys understand the numbers here okay um monthly it's like 21,000 22,000 Caspa but by next month or actually in a couple days it's going to be more so I'm going to say 18,000 19,000 because it's also going to reflect on the Casa's Network hash rate continuing to climb which it does climb every month okay month over month I mean it's always different but like from let's say December 1st to January that was almost 100% gain in network hash rate and then here we are from January 1st 136 pet a half to let's say February 1st was about 161 163 so that's a good I'm going to say a good like 25 25 petahash jump right so if we just put in the calculator here um if I just put in let's say 25 minus oh no sorry divided by uh 163 I 163 yeah 163 petahash so that's going to be times 100 that's going to be 15% 15% here so that's a 15% increase in hash rate just from January alone till now okay which is about 165 I did 163 but anyways you guys get the point there it's a 15 or 16% increase in the past month now with IB link coming out how many people are going to invest in these as well as all the k3m which have just been purchased okay and maybe K Pros a whole bunch of them were coming in maybe a whole bunch of ice River k3m hosting all right who who's buying these right I don't know how I don't know how many of these that they sold so we don't we don't know how many IB link is going to have of these models as well I guess we're going to see and uh you know good thing to keep note right now 165 Peta hash I mean yeah February 4th as of recording so we can come back to this in a month and compare but it's it's interesting right so now let's do some let's do a theoretical fun play here what if you were to buy an IB link b m uh bmks right now so 11,399 and so I'm going to compare two things here which I know a lot of people always say why don't you just buy the coin you know you can make more to just buy the coin and yeah you know in most cases you're right timing is everything right because we don't know if Caspa is going to go to $5 or a dollar tomorrow right here we are we're about 10 cents right now okay if you bought Caspa anytime over the past half year that's these prices and obviously we all know Caspa went up to the Moon 13 cents 14 cents at one point I mean yeah then that would have been maybe a better buy than buying you know the 1030 $20,000 k3s you know past couple months but I mean we all know another thing as well for anyone who gotten the first or second batch or third batch or fourth batch of ice Rivers they've gotten their money back already I think we're in batch I have we I've already lost count batch nine batch eight I I really don't know we all know that we're not yielding thousands upon thousands of Caspa anymore but anyways back to the theoretical thing here okay so this is as of February 4th as of recording so right now this thing makes 738 Caspa a day you know what let me change this because in 2 days it's going to go down to 130 and so I'm just going to put like just for fun this thing is going to make like 650 Caspa a day by the time it comes out so more realistic here you know let's just do 600 I I'm just being more I want to be more pessimistic anyways just just theoretical okay so by the time people get this mid February maybe end of February most likely probably end of February you know let's just say you start earning 18,000 Caspa and actually now I realized in another month the Caspa emission schedule goes down another 5.6 so let's just I'm just doing let's just say yeah I'm being I want to be more pessimistic 550 okay so 550 Casper per month in the next month oh man I'm I'm I'm just terrible anyways 16,500 per month so you can see with a decrease of the block reward every month here month two month 3 month four as we go along right you guys understand that it decreases 5.6% okay now what if all right I didn't calculate here I'm not calculating or adding in the increase in the network hash rate for Caspa all right all it is is current Network hash rate and the 5.6 emission schedule now we can add a increase here so what if we added like let's say you know I did say what 15% that was a 15% we had recently so what if there was another let's say we went up to 20.6% right then you can see every month right you you would get you would be getting much less but this is based on every like another 15% every single month so that might be too much right well what if we just did like another 5% increase you know it's really I I don't have the calculation here to do it everying single month we don't know how many of these miners are going to come back come online so we're just speculating here so let's just add on another 5% Network hash rate increase and 5.6% of the block reward okay uh every month so how long would it take to get your money back at 10 okay so if we were to buy 13 $11,000 of Caspa coin right now this would be about 114 14,1 131 Caspa all right that's that's a lot of Caspa over 100,000 Caspa coins here but then if you're mining it and once you receive it by chance what roughly which month how long would it take to break even on the yield of the minor you know just as as a theoretical thing here let's say let me just do some fun math here so let's do a sum I'm on Google here so let's just do a sum of all this so month nine okay so by month nine we should have in theory about 98,000 almost 100,000 caspo so if I do another let's just do maybe month 12 so maybe one year okay let's delete that let's go let's just do one year okay let's highlight all that all right so that's more in line with roughly when just in theory when this minor if you were to buy one of these right now when you can actually get that money back this is just in theory right the network hash rate could jump another 100% who knows in the next year probably will I guess in a sense I did it slowly 5% over month by month but just in theory right well what's not to say that this thing which actually being paid back in a month is pretty good right I'm I'm more positive outlook here not even equating the price change okay so this is where it gets interesting let me go down the list here so you guys can see how much the yield you know we're getting much less Caspa month over month right you guys already understand that so now at current 10 cent okay after 24 months just for for the hell of it after 2 years in theory you should get your initial investment back okay if the price stayed at 10 cents which we all know in the next two years if the bull runs coming or if we're on the precipice of it right now who knows right who knows I'm just saying but let's just say we change this number to 50 cents over the course of the next two years if you just kept mining with this thing and yielding the coin right which is going to drastically drop over the next two years it's you know you could turn that into $72,000 if Casa went to 50 you know what if Caso went to a dollar right all the casa that you mined over the next 2 years could be worth $145,000 who who knows who knows right this is just speculating or Casper could just go all the way down to one cent or not even a cent maybe 05 over the next two years if that happens if that happens you're not making anything I mean all the caspo that you're yielding it maybe it could it could maybe very well be worth only $125 yeah that could happen do do do I think that's going to happen probably not that's not Financial advice but it's a it's a theoretical in which you know I mean we've seen it in maybe some other coins that are not as popular but Caspa is already a top 100 coin top 40 top 50 coin already and you know I I don't think it's going to go anywhere but you know it's just a theoretical thing here but anyways I'm just a funny thing to point there okay so you guys understand the math roughly just guesstimating roughly here that you know when this minor if you were to buy it right now with a 5% increase in hash rate every month on the network and as well as the 5.6% decrease from the emission schedule right that's roughly the amount of yield that you could mine with this iink bmks s if you were to get one right now so in theory it looks pretty good it looks pretty good but the risks involved here I guess we just talked about it is the price right we don't know if we're going to go much higher or lower who knows we really we really don't know this is kaspa's already outperformed a lot of coins over the course of the Year already year and a half it's outperformed a lot of coins already I think it's the top one of the top coins like over the year and so another thing to consider is the hash rate right it's it could just go to the moon and I don't see it going down obviously because we're having new you know new miners come out another thing is I forgot to talk about it but gold shell I don't know the hash rate numbers but gold shell is also coming up with their Casa miners whether or not those are going to be good or not I I have a feeling it won't it won't be efficient it probably won't be dollar per gigahash as well so we'll see on that when when they do when they do announce that I can't think of anything else other than yeah the network hash rate can continue to climb C price could go down or up who knows and uh but I mean more often than not I man just I'm just thinking about my Caden my Caden journey and how I could have been a millionaire when you know I was just holding it holding the coin and then selling it way before it went up what if Caspa could be the same thing what if Caspa could be one of those coins where what we're yielding now could very well be worth a lot more in the future who knows right who who knows I I I'm not saying T could go to $5 but I I did forget one thing I wanted to show here is the historical data for previous coins that are in this General market cap okay so you know when Bitcoin went to 65 like $65,000 so let's just choose like vchain for instance rank 42 coin okay and I see historical data okay let's just load this and let's just do monthly and let's just go to back to 2021 well was the market cap of vchain during this time what was like the peak here $61 billion okay $61 billion that was the peak so what's the what's vchain right now vchain is uh market cap of $2 billion so from 61 all right or 2 billion to 61 okay that's a pretty big drop right and uh so if we did two times that' be about a 30X from its previous all-time high around this General market cap of crypto right so if Casp was top 38 right now what are the chances that with Caspa being a$2 billion market cap right now that it could have a 30X what if Casper could go to $61 billion like vchain did you know what what's the potential there's a potential there so if we did two times 30 roughly about $60 billion right so that would be yeah a good 30X so um that means Casper price rly would be if we did a let's see 10 times 10 cents time 30 that would be $3 what if okay and that's if Bitcoin went to around 65 UH 60 to $65,000 right when Bitcoin goes up it brings the volume liquidity so amongst all the other cryptos right alt coins what if what in two years right I mean I'm not saying that's going to H who knows that you know if Casp the B R coming the next year it could be much better than this but I'm just saying the next two years that let's say you're Mining and holding and that Caspa that you you were Mining and holding which is about 145,000 over the next two years roughly in theory could turn into $435,000 is that is that too farfetched to think about I live through that actually this is the scenario I actually live through if you watch my IB link bmk1 video for my kadana Miner I actually live through that that thing mined for like a good year and if I held it all I would have made almost a million dollar okay I'm any nothing is impossible okay I'm going to use that story all the time because it's true I could have been a millionaire from that single IB link bmk1 minor which turned it into which turned into almost a million dollars if I held it all which I didn't which was stupid so this time yeah I personally have some you know I have a ks3 I have a ks2 I have a ks1 and I have a ks3 m as well I am actually oh I forgot to talk about this I am doing a break even test on this k3m right now so total paid as of January 8th is when I started this test okay so total mine so far is 10 11,510 Caspa so if my theory here just talking about it if Caspa went to $3 * 3 that means my stack here that I've mined over the past month it hasn't even been a month yet could potentially be worth $34,000 if Caspa went to $3 is that hopium sure is that copium sure but I did look previous history market caps here around here and it's not too far-fetched to think if the bull run ever came about if Bitcoin ever went up 60 100K even higher than that it is not too far-fetched to think that during in these market caps that we could see 60 billion 70 800 billion Caspa market cap what if that is possible not Financial advice it's all speculation we shall see and that's why I'm actually doing this test for you guys all right this is fun I'm going to be holding Mining and holding paying the electrical bill out of pocket and we'll see how it goes but honestly buying this bmks Max right now it is a hard pill to swallow this is a lot of money it's a lot of money would I personally for me personally I would I can't spend this much money right now that's that's way too much I I hope the prices of this of these things come down but I mean that's going to be correlated with the cas for price if castler price starts going down if the network cash rate keeps continuing to climb then you're going to see profitability go down on these and then that's when we should see the prices of these things go down and then that's when we are going to go in and buy more of these but when they're much cheaper uh in my opinion but that's only if you believe in Caspa if you believe that Caspa is going to go much higher than it is now especially in the Bull Run we'll see how it goes okay my friends that's all uh this was a very long video let me know if you made it to the end and uh stay tuned in the next week or two we're going to be giving away 10 ks0 Pros okay thank you to BP he says he love my channel he wanted to support the community here so he bought 10 of these and we're going to be giving them away um every week okay so stay tuned for the videos I'll announce every single week how we're going to do it and uh yeah we're going to give away 10 of these kzero Pros they're shipping to me pretty soon so stay tuned for that for that Bros okay I'll see you on the next one let me know your guys thoughts and if you decide to buy one of these iink bmks s Maxes use offer Cod red panda for $50 off link down below if you guys are interested in this and yeah all right see you guys in the next one have a good one peace out