Welcome back into the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel you lovely lovely people Let's talk about in this video mem coins That potential crypto millionaires are Buying right now and these coins could Potentially make even new crypto Millionaires in the market we are about 11 hours away from the historical Bitcoin harving everybody and actually To be fair over the last 24 hours we've Seen quite a bullish U-turn here in the Crypto markets the meme sector is up 5% So this is absolutely crazy to see Hitting nearly $50 billion once again so Let's talk about coin number one which Is my favorite coin on this particular List and you know after recently seeing Dogecoin 20 do nicely um I'm feeling Extra bullish now um overall just in the Macro crypto environment I think things Could go absolutely wild so let's talk About coin number one is Doge verse this Is a multi-chain doge themed meme coin We can see right here you've got the Option to buy with various different Chains and they have just launched and Expanded out to the base chain at the Moment that is now live so there's some Big big movement here a big new chain Change and 7.5 million has been raised It's going so so quickly in my opinion This particular ecosystem is screaming Potential potentially 10 to 100,000 extra money can you flip 1K into
$1 million of this pre-sale it is a big Speculation on my mind right now Doge Vers the world's first chain traveling Doge so check out guys Doge goes Multi-chain you've got B20 polygon Avalanche base and salana coming soon And this doesn't care about which chain You like which chain you are biased Towards because Doge verse is all about Bringing community in together Doge Lovers around the world doesn't matter What chain you're using this is the one For you guys so we can see already Featured across many huge websites out There the marketing is on point Multibridle parabolic movements to the Upside remember this is not Financial Advice as well ladies and gentlemen uh Tokenomics 200 billion tokens as well so Have got massive supplies a decent Tokenomics structure and on the left you Can there see the overall breakdown of Where the funds and the coins are being Overall allocated Doge verse taking Doge Multi-chain so it's exploring all these Chains which is of course really really Bullish Doge verse the Doge verse is Multi-chain um I think it looks really Nice you can see as well Avalanche Recently happened and of course Bas is What just happened that is now available So the link is down below for Doge verse If you wish to buy it it's very easy to Do so you can actually go up here
Connect your wallet hit the metam mask And then convert either tether or Ethereum into your desired amount of Doge vers tokens do not risk more than You can afford to lose always do your Own research okay um now coin number two Will be sloth 9 days 17 hours to go Until slaf is done and dusted inspired By tokens such as book of meme pondu or Slur which are all SLO salana based meme coins and ideally These tokens are the ones that do go Parabolic all the big djn in the M Markets are looking at these big tokens Like slana and you can see just looking At overall at the safana senl we've got 21k followers and we can see some Beautiful beautiful artwork here some Great artwork makes it very marketable And at the end of the day the the main Product of a mem coin is the community The people the people move the coin so As long as the hype is there the Euphoria is there and the community is There we should be looking at a good one Here you can see tons of engagements With every single post which does Reflect that the community and attention Is there so hopefully we see a massive Launch here you can buy safana by hit That bu now button converting either Tether or tether Sil converting salana We're on salana chain here directly into Your desired quantity of sloth tokens
What then happens is if you do Buy on The embedded decks here on screen you're Going to be able to claim those tokens At the end of the pre-sale if you're Going to do the sort of more Legacy Way Um where you send salana to this address Here then you're going to get airdrop Those tokens at the end but yeah cute Little character little sloth guy here And that's all it takes sometimes to Have a massive massive launch adaps you Go parabolic now the next one is going To be Dogecoin because International Doge day is on the way we've got Elon Musk that is going to be talking Potentially about Doge and meme coins And I honestly think that Elon Musk is Going to have some craziness up his Sleeves ready to deliver and you know Basically disrupt the crypto markets He's always got a cunning plan right um So I think maybe we're not going to see An all-time high for Dogecoin this year But I think sitting at the current mcf 21 Bill we have got a good 2x upside Potential here for Dogecoin so remember International Doge day is actually Coming And there is a wallet upgrade that has Literally basically just been released As well so this is the OG meme coin this Is the big barometer this is the Big Daddy of all the dog coins out there so We should always be looking out for
Opportunities with Dogecoin if we do see Those blips in the market you can see There was a low opportunity of 14 cents It's now back up like good 20 uh 10% or So um these are the coins that you could Be accumulating the next one is going to Be coin number four I believe and this Is rocket cumies I don't know if you Guys have heard of cumies before but Look if Bitcoin is digital gold and Ethereum is digital oil rocket is Digital ladies and gents that is Absolutely atrocious uh so 0.74 at the moment but what I've Identified is quite a large um drop here In MC from $21 million down to $10 Million over the last month which makes Me again think okay are we in a dollar Cost average region we we're getting Lows here we're we're going down in Price so could accumulating here be Something that offers 10 20 30 40 50% Upside potential 100% of the circulating Supply is circulating of 1.32 billion Total tokens and this means you're not Going to get any uh more inflation You're not going to get overall an Injection of Supply which of course will Shock the price and reduce or dilute the Value of each token right so that's a Good thing of kamies check it out if you Wish to um could be another good one but Overall I'm super bullish here on Doge Verse and sloana which could overall be
Doing very very well so if you like mem Coins the links are down below if you do Like taking those mem coin risks they Are there they are selling quick they Won't be available for much longer Ladies and gents and the last coin you Lovely lovely people is going to be Pepe Pepe because overall it's another top Meme coin so good to use this one as a Barometer over here in the crypto Markets Pepe over the last month has Come down from an MC of 3.7 Bill to These low $2 billion regions and I don't Think we're going to see a full on Pepe Correction just yet I don't think we're Going to see Pepe come down to these Sort of lows that we've already seen Throughout 2023 for a very very long Time so this could even be the new Bottom here for Pep coin worth also Checking out diversifying into should You be Keen to look at meme coins Everyone in the crypto markets usually Does have a look at meme coins at some Point in time uh because it's just a Diversification tool you know if Altcoins are traditionally doing well When altcoins might do bad maybe memes Are doing well or when Bitcoin is doing Bad maybe memes are doing well so it Gives you a chance to hedge and find Upside in places where maybe in the Market you know other tokens are Performing a little bit more weak and we
Know yeah you know we know what mem Coins are famous for you know the big Crypto millionaire sort of angle and That is what we are looking at in this Video so could Doge verse sloana Dogecoin Crocket Pepe be the answer to Potentially becoming a crypto Millionaire I don't know but we could Find out right could find out one day What the answer is going to be if you're Also new here you're looking for a Vibrant crypto Community make sure you Do join my Discord down below we got 27,000 people in it come say hi don't be Shy you know trading signals are on Point as well we're putting charts out There um we're just talking about so Many things and if you do want to become A VIP that's completely up to you but Overall just say hi we're talking about Anything and everything in here Pre-sales meme coins trading bitcoin News everything is there so the Discord Link sources down below before you go Remember this isn't financial advice I Wish you all a lovely weekend you lovely Lovely people and at the end of the day You know it's all about being together Being a community looking out for each Other and we are here in a very good Place we've got a correction in the Markets and use these red days as Opportunities to dollar cost average in And don't believe for any second that
The bull market is over just yet because I believe that we are personally still At the very beginning the Bitcoin Harving is just about to happen 10 hours Away until we see see this historical Event and we know fast forward 6 months From here is when we see the massive Parabolic movements for Bitcoin so let's See what happens subscribe to the 99 Bitcoin's YouTube channel if you're new Here and stay crypto safe peace