Coin poker launches a million dooll Tournament series will cph gamify token Explode that's what we're talking about Today welcome back to the 99b YouTube Channel I am your host Umar Khan and Today we're taking a look at a very Exciting token with some crazy potential That you're absolutely not going to want To miss out on game five is a small Section on coin market cap that's Gaining rapid potential and a ton a ton Of growth we can see the top uh gaming Tokens by market capitalization we have Over $500 million worth of Market cap Which in theory is very small with less Than $10 million of volume sometimes This is literally market cap of just one Meme coin but there's a lot of potential Here other than R bet all these coins Are super small cap and you're not going To want to miss out on today's token We're specifically talking about is coin Poker bring the game back to the players And again super cool how they're Launching this massive $10 million Series that you're not going to want to Miss out on if you know a bit bit of Poker you know it's a skilled based game And this game allows you to play with The real users around the world however Like most the tokens in this category Coin poker is so small on this list we Can see coin poker all the way down over Here when we look at the price we can

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See it's trading for roughly 6 cents uh It has a $16 million market cap which is Absolutely nothing this going to pop off Especially now that we're entering the Bull market and more and more crypto Adoptions taking place a lot of people Are going to want to use gaming in the Mix and now with coin poker doing this Massive incentive to incentivize players To use their their platform and they're Using this token we're imagining this is What's going to cause it to Boom CHP is Named after as decentralized poker slite Similar to how rbit coin is named after Rbit cph falls under the same small but Growing section of coin market cap so it Runs on polygon and it's only on one Deck quick Swap and can be bought and Sold under a coin poker's client and app Itself when looking at the chart we can See it has a multi-year uptrend Especially after its original ICP sell Off which is really typical a coin However when we look at all now we can See some growth been taking place we've Been entering kind of a bearish market The past couple of days or I should say Weeks now but looks like CHP is about to Make a swift recovery looks like this Could be a bottom of a basing pattern And we anticipate it to pop off you're Not going to want to miss out on this One its value is linked to its growing Numbers of people wanting to use crypto

Crypto playay games like poker with the Number of players on the site and its Utility linked to its player earning Rake back as they play a kickback from The rake they pay in poker hands coin Poker has built a good reputation over The years as one of the best crypto Sites to play at especially popular with Americans who can't access many poker Sites in their state anyone globally That prefers anom Anonymous sites you Only need an email and phone number to Set up an account plus a crypto wallet Obviously that's how you're going to Obviously exchange funds again the Website is very cleanly designed CHP is A native cryptocurrency of coin poker Giving you multiple advantages when you Hold on your account y coin poker easy To access available on mobile Community Centric player promotion 100% Decentralized if you're ready to start You can sign up and download now and Again guys with a ton of tournaments in Place you're not going to want to miss Out on this one create a free account Download install and start playing it's That easy a lot of Partners they've been Seen in a bunch of different places and A very very clean UI developed by an Ambitious team of Poker lovers coin Poker is a revolutionary blockchain Technology based platform that uses usdt Coin as its main in-game currency and

CHP as a bonus fuel offering benefits of Crypto World alongside instant and Secure transactions using usdt Etc BTC Or CHP tokens and no kyc checks the Privileges our players get together with Huge promotions give away thousands in Fiat of value each week CHP is a current Of coin poker economy it provides Players with exclusive benefits and Supports future development delivered to Our community and again community Community community that's everything With a project this big especially again This is not just a memec coin or an Altcoin this is literally a utility Token for a popular Gaming website some Key features I have to highlight real Quick before we close off the video is It has a 33% rakeback which is very Competitive some of the big sites like Pokerstar and bet online don't pay any Rakeback at all instead giving players An occasional bonus which coin poker Offers on top as well as a rakeback so They got rakeback plus bonuses coin Poker has paid out over a million dollar In rake backs in usdt in players over Over the years with one of the highest Rakeback percentages out there let's Take a look at one of their current Welcome bonuses that will obviously Link In the description below so coin prer Welcome bonus huge welcome bonus so $100 $300 $700 a total of $1,100 so 100% uh

Up to $100 so you deposit $100 to get a $100 bonus then deposit $300 to get $300 Bonus bonus and then deposit $700 to get A $700 bonus unlock your potential with These three incredible 100% welcome Bonuses of 300 and 700 sign up now to Make your first deposit to get your $1,100 in bonus cash three bonuses are Available maximum of $100 you can only Have one active deposit bonus at any Given time if you cleared a bonus Completely you can claim another bonus Offer and make a qualifying deposit how To claim your bonuses and how to clear Your bonuses as well it's super cool I Love how it's obviously mixing Gameification in crypto but also Incentivizing the community with your Bonuses and the rake packs which is Absolutely massive that nobody else in The space is really doing the csop Started a few days ago and it runs till April 28th covering 41 tournaments in a Mix of games including No Limit holdam And Pot Limit Ohama a combin of a $1 Million usct and guaranteed prize pull That means if even not enough players Enter the tournament coin poker will Still guarantee a certain amount of Prize money which can create an overlay Where it becomes much more profitable to Enter the tournament if not many players Registered so the main example for 100k Guaranteed priz pull with po four places

Paid 40K to the winner 30k to Second Place 20K to Third and 10K to 4th that Takes place just after midnight on the 28th with a buying of $500 usdt to play So far 16 players are registered and 16 Time, 1500 is only 8,000 usdt it would Need 2,000 players each buying in at $500 to hit his planned prize pool but Coin poker will pay the amount of money Regardless so if that doesn't make sense They basically have a $100,000 guarantee Price pool so far only 16 people have Registered right and regardless of how Many people registered they're going to Have that $100,000 distribution right And an example we use a 40K 30k 20K 10k Run the math right it's absolutely Insane there's huge overlay adding to Incentives to join a lot of players join Last minute so there's a huge overlay Adding to the incentives to join a lot Of players join in last minute though Once they see that overlay and there's a Couple hours of late registrations as Well as once the tournament starts we Can even see coin po poker on many Different websites and articles coin Poker site coin poker launches its $1 Million guaranteed tournament series Will see pH game ofy token explode and That's what people are anticipating Friday April 19th 2024 in a significant Move for game f coin poker has launched A million doll guaranteed tournament

Series as a part of effort to Supercharge its native token CHP so we See the csop is live right now it Started on the 19th tell the 28th 10 Days with 41 active events record Bringing price pool of a million Alongside $10,000 in added value Buy From $20 to $5,000 gtds from $1,000 to $200,000 this coin could really explode Guys if all these people are going to be Joining in to receive these incentives And buying into the token this project Has a massive upside potential that You're absolutely not going to want to Miss out on now taking a look at some of The sticks the highest sticks at the Tables are 1,000 to 2,000 as a small Blind of 1,000 usdt and a big blind of 2,000 usdt plus there's usually an ant And straddle which are ways to make the Pot even bigger before the cards are Even doubt to make sure there are Fireworks on Sunday night for example There was $100,000 to $300,000 USD pots Which are tracked on the largest poker Forums this is one of the largest forums For this kind of stuff guys and we can See all of it is tracked here which is Absolutely insane that is a lot of money On the table the site owner Tony G who Is a bit of a celebrity in the poker Scene took down the pot with two pairs Aces and Jacks against his entire Opponent's lower two pair this all went

Down at after coin poker tweet that Tony G will be playing in some $25,000 buying Tournaments at high State cash games and This was the actual Twitter post we can See here right Tony G's two $25,000 Tournaments absolutely insane it looks Like he's a legend in the poker space so Why Buy and Hold CHP game fight is still Quite undervalued in the crypto space And coin poker is starting to get more And more attention in 20124 with latest Promotions like the crypto Series of Poker and its high stake action we've Been seeing seen coin poker pop up on Google News YouTube coin market cap Communities more and more articles Lately and as players are joining the Site and more more holders of CHP token Which should boost the price of this Coin and raise its market cap and it may Also get listed on undc centralized Exchange listings and again we know how Massive that could be for a crypto token Poker coin does have other games as well Which we can't get into unfortunately For YouTube guidelines but do May track Some of the robette user base as well a Platform whose native token has come Close to a billion dollars worth the Market cap at its all-time highs so Again guys we're trying to bring you the Latest the greatest the best in the Crypto space it looks like coin poker is Following in those footsteps make sure

You check it out I'm going to go ahead And Link in the description below and Let me know how you feel about coin Poker in the comment section below that UPS the video like always not Financial Advice always to your own research and Due diligence until next time to boy Umar peace [Music]

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