3 NEW Cryptocurrencies With 10X Potential (Top Crypto to Buy Now!?)

Welcome back to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube Channel the markets are still in a lull We are waiting for that next stage of The bull market and while we're in this Consolidation phase let's explore three New cryptocurrencies that could Potentially do a 10 to 100x in the Future if you're new to the night9 Bitcoin's YouTube channel Ure that you Subscribe so you stay in the know of the Latest and greatest crypto Insight so Let's just jump straight into action Here coin number one will be book of Meme this is quite a newly incepted meme Coin on the salana chain which has Indeed corrected around 50% from its top Now and over the last 7 days it's Actually reflected really really bullish Results here it's moved about 20% in the Last week to the upside so this is Salana BAS mem coin of a market cap of $700 million where a 10x would take that To $7 billion which is quite a realistic Price tag so Circ in Supply 68.9 billion Bom tokens exist at the moment 0.01 is The price tag so really we want see this Remove zero in the future could be Something that actually potentially Happens so book of meme if you haven't Checked out already the website is very Minimalistic and it could be quite Off-putting but from a chart perspective We've just hit oversold on the RSI going Below that 30 RSI time frame or not time

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Frame but indicator here so these levels Here reflect human behavior they reflect Human psychology because every time that You do enter these sub30 RSI regions There's usually also extreme Fe fear or At least heavy quantity of fear in the Crypto markets at the time so you have To kind of get used to buying fear which Is down here and then selling greed Which is somewhere at the top and that's Kind of what you have to rinse and Repeat in these bull market Cycles so it Did just enter that oversold phase where There was a lot of fear in the market And it's up 30% since I do think we Could see a 0.03 book a meme by the end of this bull Market which would take this coin up Another 2 to 3x of course 10x is still Out the the picture but we're just Trying to be a bit more realistic here Book of meme in terms of his onchain Data we can see the salana bone daily Active users is looking strong the Cumulative holders is on the rise over The last 14 days and the transaction Fees are still looking quite promising Which reflects a lot of onchain activity And users here so book a meme is coin Number one ladies and gents the link is Down below Co number two will be Pepe Unchained it's going to have its very Own blockchain and very own block explor This is a big one this is a new layer to

Utility packing um mean coin in 1 day 22 Hours the price will go up so if you Want to grab more of these tokens for Each dollar you spend link is down below Not Financial advice but one pepu is 0.812 so it does look good theyve got Big staking rewards at the moment like Really big 1,632 apy and uh it's a cool project Pepe being the main character who is now Unchained with his own layer 2 kind of Uh ecosystem here really cool stuff Tokenomics you got 8 billion tokens Maximum where you can see the tokenomics Here the tokens are being allocated to Different areas of the pre-sale So 20% On pre-sale 30% on staking rewards 20% On marketing liquidity gets 10% project Financing gets 10% then chain inventory Gets 10% as well Pepe and chain road map Of course they've got a plan here a Longterm mission to make one of the Coolest meme coins so being a Pepe Inspired token we do see these Pepe Rel Coins go quite wild and um it is very Memy it is very gimmicky but it could be Something good you can see the 1 million Raise reward or celebration post here Did get quite a lot of retweets and Likes on it so maybe we will get some Continuation to the upside I'd be very Happy if we could see this go up further In price pep and chain 1632 per atom at The moment not bad at all so yeah that

Staking reward will go down slowly as More liquidity is provided into the Staking point but naturally it's looking Quite good at the moment so if you want To check out Pepe and chain for your Chance at maybe getting a 10x the link Is down below Queen number three a new Meme coin Chuan poo over here guys Chinese Donald Trump this one has Already done amazing things it's already Ripped massively but it's now corrective Meaning that it's lowered in price it's At a more realistic stage for Accumulation it's gone between its point Six and seven Fibonacci so $283,000 of Locked liquidity the price is 0 0067 the Market cap is $6.5 million so 10x takes It to 65 million 100x to 650 million This is effectively the Chinese Donald Trump so it's all about you know having Fun it's very tied into elections They've got their own episodes cartoon Shows and episodes which really fun and Um decent it's decent stuff here guys It's a salana meme coin at heart but I Think we could really see this also Expand out to different chains maybe in The future $50 million market cap They're going to have another token can Burn which would be really cool and you Can see here is actually a cartoon that They recently did as we go through this Is literally an [Music]

Episode Joe Biden Donald Trump so it's Quite funny that they're now creating Episodes and that was their first Episode where they got massive traction Loads of likes and all that juicy stuff So if you like Chuan poo as well the Link is down below I think this is an a Good area for accumulation not Financial Advice but we're sitting at a very nice Area 0.006 if we do get continuation to The upside we'll break through Resistance at 0.009 resistance is there there could be Mexe listings as well should the the Price look decent for the next few weeks I mean we had a big crash in the market It's holding really well so if you want To grab some more of these tokens or You're a new buyer potentially the link Is down below as well so thanks for Watching this video on the bitcoin's YouTube channel that is a wrap hope the Markets do get better we had coin number One book of meme coin number two Pepe Unchained Queen number three being Chuan Pooh thanks for watching see you soon on The 99 bitcoin's YouTube channel

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