This Shiba Inu Coin Meme Is Offering Insane Rewards! Do Not Miss Shiba Shootout!

2,287 per annualized returns simply for Staking your Sheba shootout guys this Has got to be one of the most lucrative Projects right now because this has Already been out for a couple of months And these staking rewards have been Stacking anybody who got in early enough Is already seeing insane amounts of Sheba shoot up shba shootout stacking up In their portfolio and you could as well You are I mean you're way too early I Don't even know how to say it other than That you're way too early to this one We're going to be talking about it in This video and if it sounds like Something you're interested in let's get Started what's up everybody I'm clay bro And as you can see we got Shiva shootout On the screen and you're going to like This one at its heart it is a meme coin At its heart it takes perfect advantage Of the Sheba enu coin level of hype You've seen the Doge coin tokens out There now it's time to see the shibi enu Coin tokens out there and this is one of Them now at any time during this video You find yourself interested in buying Please make sure you use that link down In the description below it's going to Pull you up to this website right here From there it is very easy to click Connect wallet determine how you want to Connect your wallet I like to use wallet Connect and scan this QR code right here

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But you could do so however you wish From there you're going to determine how Much you want to buy if you'd like to Buy five ethereum worth you're walking Away with 865,000 773 three sha shootout why because it's Already nearly two cents per token we're Not talking about one of those tiny Little meme coins that's sitting at 0000000000 whatever we're already Talking about potentially hitting 5 Cents 10 cents 50 cents a dollar as Sheba shootout rises in price and rises In popularity over time of course you Could buy a nice round number if you Would like uh 880,000 Shea shootout it's Going to be 0453 22728 7 ethereum and you can also buy With BNB or usdt on either network but You need to pay attention to this right Here if you decide to buy with ethereum 2,287 annualized interest now take a Look at these staking rewards right here Guys these are incredible and and They're not going to last forever they Have been doing a very good job so far For anybody who is willing to get in Early but I imagine With the fear to Greed index ticking Back up moving from a level of Neutrality into greed you were going to See more and more people pouring into These little meme coins and that is

Going to cause the rewards to be split Between more and more people and as they Are this number is going to go down so You want to take advantage of it as Early as possible so that you can earn As high as rewards as possible now from There let's talk about the price action Let's talk about what this is Only $477,000 has been sold so far you're Going to watch this number go up and You're going to watch this number begin To go up very quickly and this number is Either this price here of 0194 is going to increase in one day in 13 hours or it's going to increase when $1.29 million has been met now uh at This level uh because the overall Market Has been so difficult in June going into July here I do believe this timer is Going to tick down before this threshold Is met but as that fear degreed index Ticks back up you're going to see these Price stages met met met and this price Is going to increase increase increase So if you guys want to get in at the Lowest price that you possibly can now Is the time of course after launch it's Going to be up to the market to see Where the price goes but with staking Rewards like that I I can't imagine it's Going to last too much longer so going Through here you can kind of meet some Of the characters that they're trying to

Build up along their story line you can Explore the town but let's talk about The utility and let's talk about what Sheba shootout is now utility ideas posi Rewards join the posi rewards referral Program invite friends to join the Sheba Showdown community and earn bonus tokens For you and your referred friends the Larger your posi the greater the rewards Sign up now is at the right hand side of The screen I don't know if you guys can See it or not I'm going to click it and It brings you down to the bottom claim Your free Sheba shootout tokens all all You got to do name email phone accept The terms and conditions and grab your Free Sheba shootout guys from there Campfire stories they're going to have Spaces out on X held regularly for their Community token governance roundups You're going to be able to see the same Way you would vote in a DA you're going To be able to vote with your Sheba Shootout tokens on which direction they Go next lucky lasso lotteries a lot of People get very excited about this try Your luck in the lucky lasso Lottery System where ipants you Shea Showdown Tokens for a chance to win big crypto Prizes with a portion supporting Charitable initiatives savings saddle Bags use saving saddle bags to Automatically allocate a percentage of Tokens to a dedicated wallet locked up

For specific period and earning extra Tokens as rewards dude so not only can You guys make excellent uh money on on The price volatility after this token Launches you're going to be able to set Aside some in a savings account so that You guys can earn for the long term as Well And Cactus staking I mean there's Nothing more to say about these staking Rewards you guys can see them at the top Of the screen Beyond phenomenal 2287 per is unmatched for a token that Is is building something as big as Sheba Shootout is so pay attention to those Staking rewards you're going to watch Them come down rather quickly as as the Market rebounds here because more and More people are going to be taking Advantage of them now let's take a look At the road map real quick three phases To their road map uh phase one is Currently what they're doing here and They're getting ready once the pre-sale Ends they're going to be launching You're going to see the coin gecko coin Market cap listings thousand plus Holders I imagine they're going to hit That during their pre-sale and she would Shoot out trending on Twitter with the Meme power absolutely man 5,000 holders They might hit that during the pre-sale As well Community Partnerships shootout Uh sh be shootout did times digital new

Newsletter formation of token gated Discord group all right man Discord Group simply for holders and then Centralized exchange listings and 10,000 Holders check this out phase three you Get merch Academy tools tier one listing And 100,000 holders and blockchain Takeover baby these guys got very high Ambitions and I love it now moving on From there the tokenomics are very Simple which is what I like to see 35% Of the tokens dedicated to the pre-sale 20% of the tokens dedicated to staking 10% go to Project funds 10% to liquidity 20% % to marketing and 5% for the root And toot and shooter fund so let's see What that Rootin toot and shooter fund Is it's a special stash of 110 million Sheba shootout tokens making up 5% of Our supply it's set aside to reward the Most daring Sharpshooters so dude if you Guys want to earn even more rewards make Sure to check out Sheba shootout from There you can see their gallery of Course and you can get a little bit Better an idea of what they're doing but Always get your questions answered and You can see right here the frequently Asked questions this one I see the most So this is the one you're getting the Answer to when can you claim your Sheba Shootout tokens the official date and Time for claiming will be announced Shortly after the pre-sale concludes

Stay tuned to their official channels For exact details you've got their Telegram group right here that you can Go out and join 2,420 members strong and Then of course you've got their X Account right here that you can go out And follow 928 followers strong these guys have Doing a very good job of staying active Out on X posting every single day and uh Getting some decent engagement for the Amount of followers that they have 481 477 381 and you know what a lot of people Think wow man there's so many other Projects that are growing so much yeah Sure they might have more followers out On X right now but the fact that these Guys are staying true and the St the Fact that they're staying organic shows You truly just how honest they are so It's it's hard to come by in the Cryptocurrency space trust me but 928 real followers uh those of which are Engaging on a daily basis is exactly What you want to see especially as the Market has downturned over the last Month month and a half let me know what You guys think about Sheba shooter Sheba Shootout down in the comments below and Until the next time hope to each and Every one of you have an awesome day

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