This Asic Miner Loses Money

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel we are back in the shop today shout out self-promotion it is what it is you know how it is um so I wanted to thank everybody for all the influx of orders we've had a bunch of stuff come through um thank you for people that have been understanding because I've I've had some Ram issues uh but I think all that's been solved um had a a lot of new development happened over the last few days so we have a lot of new parts a lot of new stuff that's coming um stuff that I can stand behind don't worry I'm not leaking information up there it's just my task manager cuz I'm running salad on my my wall machine now on to the uh the the more maybe not more important but the interesting things we got some stuff in to unbox and everybody loves an unboxing um this was sent over from a friend of mine and he's like man I ain't got no use for him anymore can you can you make use of them I'm like yeah we can we can try it absolutely so let me grab the boxes I think they're all the same but if you look on the boxes look at that o what's that yeah ant Miner boxes we're about to be Ant mining an ant miners invade the computer shop um all right let's pop these bad boys open I don't know how old or new these were I'd talked to him a while back and he said they are no longer profitable it would take Bitcoin or you know certain cryptos to go beyond the moon for these to become profitable again probably never going to be Prof profitable if you have to pay for power but it is hardware and we might be able to do something with it so all right oh my it's got the there ant Miner paper in there from from bitm to return an RMA within your warranty period that's that's crazy Warehouse telephone number interesting okay so oh my why does this look so minty fresh is this a is this like literally a new old Asic is this New Old Stock like the inside of the Box doesn't even look like it's been open looks like somebody bought this and it's been sitting hold on let's give it the smell test I wonder does the inside of bit man's Factory smell like cigarettes cuz I'm getting like a maror light you know kind of vibe anyway let's get this let's get this open and see what it looks like no way no way it's it's taped up it looks Factory it looks like this thing's never been opened rare sealed all original un profitable ant Miner it's crazy okay so this is an old girl right here hold on dude I swear this thing smells like smells like it's been smoking sigs um I mean from what I can tell Maybe it's a dead stock like the stickers aren't peeling everything looks pretty fresh it's got some fingerprints where I've been like touching it um inside the fan like she's she's looking pretty fresh or it just could have been cleaned out and somebody repackaged it up really nicely anyways this is an ant Miner v9 and to say this thing is unprofitable is an understatement let's let's jump on the computer computer and show you how bad these are sometimes looking at bad Hardware you know can make us can make us reminisce so ant actually let's go to ASC minor value like that whoops say Asic minor value and then we'll type in there's our S9 sitting there looking pretty or sorry v9 big difference in a S9 and a v9 so we'll type in v9 oh boy so this unit does four terahash and it it makes 19 cents a day before power so this unit came out when did this thing come out February 2018 so she's coming up on six over 6 years old um it burns $2.9 a day so about $3 a day but it it it creates almost 20 cents before power so it loses right at $2.70 give or take a day 279 wow that's um that is a piece of Hardware that this is literally a heater at this point um I don't know any heaters that pay you 20 cents a day to run them but this is literally a heater uh to put it in perspective hold on we got one back here this is actually going to be a video for another day but I think this is this is a good oh crap I dropped something this is a good representation of where we we where we were and in 6 years this is now 4 ter has and it burns 140 Watts not 1,027 so so efficiency almost tenfold um yeah it's crazy it's it's come a long long way but I figured you know what the heck um we'll get it in somebody might want to use it for some kind of experiment or something I don't know um worst case scenario it it becomes some some art in the uh in the computer shop so I don't know what I'm going to do with it um I think they're all are they all 9 let's see do they say on the box oh this one's definitely been open see like like these boxes have been open they're like ret taped up and stuff um yeah you know what we'll save that for another day just uh thought I'd I'd make a a quick little video keep you guys keep you guys hooked into the whole the whole mining scene I know there's a lot of you guys that are way more into mining than I'll ever be but I will have you guys know that um I do have some units coming and I am going to be turning some miners on so you're welcome people like oh Brandon doesn't mine anymore I still mine we are going to be doing a doge coin not Doge sorry Sheba update this evening because I still have been mining Sheba on my off time uh so we're still still trying to get to that 100 million goal haven't given up on it taking a step back but haven't given up um running that thing to get sha would be a nightmare um hm you know what comment down below if you have any ideas what I should do with the ant minor v9 please let me know I would I am super super curious to to let me know cuz it's a crispy nice machine it is anyway y'all have a good evening I will see you later adios shout out if you need anything bc- oh it's flipped backwards because I'm recording in selfie mode we got new stickers coming look out

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