Shiva enu makes an important Announcement to its holders here's what You need to know about Shiva enu for the Month of October welcome back to 9 YouTube channel I'm your host Omar Khan Today we're talking everything shibba Enu all right this is post from the Shibba enu coin verified page good Things take time every step forward Strengthens our foundation for a Long-term growth together we are Building something bigger then the daily Markets move stay focused stay strong Remember we are here now this was a big Alert post a couple hours ago I believe About 12 hours ago uh alert alert do not Be fooled every dip is just a setup for The next rise Corrections are part of The journey but our journey lies in the Patience and belief in long-term Vision Keep holding stronger a massive uh basic Announcement to the community trying to Get everyone involved and everyone rally Up looks like some good things are Coming for shibba enu and we're very Bullish to see what that is now welcome Back to 99b YouTube channel I'm your Host Omar Khan today we're talking about Shibu before we do that I want to ask if You haven't already do make sure smash That subscribe button down below as it Helps with the channel tremendously and Hopefully it will help you reach your Crypto goals we're taking look at the

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Market guys we're seeing green across The boards up 3.9% Bitcoin a little bit In the green at $56,000 fear and greed Index at 41 neutral slowly creep back Towards hopefully greed things are Starting to look good again now we take A look at the top mcoin guys we see uh Dogecoin sheo Pepe top three Pepe be Number three and she still at the number Two spot up nearly 4.5% on the 24hour And up 0.7% on on the week we had a Bloody week Mark cap is just under $8 Billion we're anticipating this bull run Might be the bull run where we see sheu Flipcoin all right let's go ahead and Take a look at what's going on in the Price action on 24h hour is pumping Currently top 13 cryptocurrency based on Its market cap which is solid uh and we Can see just overall crushing the market On the one week we see this volatility This is something kind of universal Across all cryptos this weekend for some Reason looks like everyone's cashing out A whole frenzy was taking place on one Month we get more C picture we're down 3% uh we saw was Rising a bit and a Pullback because could could be a great Opportunity to set up for buying uh Which again is something that we're Looking pretty bullish at and we're Going over to the shib you Twitter page And we can see some exciting things as Well I want to start off by sharing this

One over here uh the t uh the LTD token Has burned 250 million ship um as Community German project tldd actions Directly benefit the ship Army and Contribute to improving our ecosystem a Massive sh burn has been taking place we Take this to the fact that Shu already Burning massive amounts of token this is Only going to be great for longterm the Project right it just it fixes the Market volatility it fixes the scarcity Value as well more tokens burn but more Demand creating more hype for our Beloved Shibu project we see the K9 um Uh mainnet launching on September 18th Again going to build massive uh Liquidity staking for bone and can bone Um real real yield staking locking Farming for partner tokens and invest Thing which is awesome this is coming Very very soon and again very exciting Things massive big announcements even With their game they've been absolutely Crushing we go over to news tab guys and We're seeing lots of bullish news as Well top investors say very bullish on Sheba youu despite dips and this is Supposed to just 10 hours ago right even Though sheu is dipping people are still Very bullish on this dog project again It stood the test of time and that's What we like to see despite Shuba Eno's Instability uh to register significant Price gains over the past few weeks

Famous investor Jake uh gagain uh Remains confident about ship's future Performance talking about confidence and Interesting timing we see this ad over Here Pepe unchain Pepe unchain Pepe Unchain this project is going all over The place and it's raised over $12 Million I don't know if you've heard About this project but I want T going to Highlight it it's project we covered on This channel quite a bit so far if you Haven't loaded up now is your time to Load up looks like it's launching very Soon this project has raised $12.6 Million in Mark cap alone it's like a Pet based style mem coin but it's Bringing pep Bay's own blockchain Congratulations you're early to the Party buying on stake during your Pre-sale to Max on your rewards before The price skyrockets offering 163% Rewards and again it's you can buy e Card uh B&B it's a pre-sale gem that's Going absolutely crazy again raising $12.6 million alone in the pre-sale this One's going to go ballistic they've been Doing crazy marketing campaigns it's not Just at you go on any crypto website and There's a good chance you get a Pepe Unchain ad so you may want to buy into Pre-sell and get the hype before it list But again not Financial advice back to Shibu we're taking a look at technical Reports oscillators are neutral moving

Average and strong soell giving us a Total summary of sell now there's a lot Of bullish news in the market there's a Lot of bearish news in the market right Especially when you're looking at the Charts and technicals it's looking very Bearish when you go on the social medias And news articles it's looking a bit More bullish which leaves us you and I Time to decide whether it's worth buying Or not in my personal opinion I'm very Bullsh on Shu for the long term so I Take these red opportunities as buying Opportunities and buying the dip but Again you may invest differently which Is completely fine at the end of the day It is your own choice because I'm not Financial adviser you have to do your Own research at due diligence this is Not Financial advice but like I said Earlier guys uh let me know what you Think about this in the comment section Below also if you want to load up on Pepe and chain I'm going to link down in The description below as well make sure You use that link just beware of fishing Links and that wraps the video for today Until next time it is your friend Umar Peace [Music] [Music]

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