Good time to sell your Mining GPUs?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo bro welcome to the live stream what's up Bros a pirate I know you like the color red oh you you bet I do looks great I love it love it it's great uh chump change what's up man welcome welcome Nick Mr Nick rude puts veteran minor veteran minor can you please please check the tracking I don't it's not delivered bro it it didn't deliver bro I was about to message you uh DJ mines what's up man bought I bought the dip it's a pretty big dip pretty good pretty good uh Nathan I even got a tangum wallet because RPM WTF how was I not subbed I think YouTube's been unsubbing people I I don't think they want to be people sub to crypto channels I think something's happening there rude puts what's up man Yousef puts what's up man Mona dude what's up Patrick Murphy what's up man okay all right this stream is about gpus I understand right now I think I've been seeing a lot of a lot of people have been selling gpus I've been selling not not gpus I've been selling as6 okay my my my home Asic uh those sold out within less than a couple hours um so people were interested in these but uh gpus right now it seems like they've kind of they've definitely gone up in price over the past um over the past couple months here so it's been you could say it is a decent time to gpus I it definitely is like people are buying RTX 370s for more than 300 bucks which is absolutely insane techman thank you for the thank you for the 10 months Man 10 more months of to Greatness end of 2025 hopefully that'll be altcoin season I'm I'm down man Z pirate 21 months I huddle gpus we are not the same a pirate thank you for the 21 months good sir good I am disclaimer I am still going to be holding all my most of my gpus okay I I may be trading okay if you saw my if you saw today's video I may be trading into uh uh a few of my older ones like 5700 XTS my 20 series cards I may be trading them in for 170 hxs and I'm going to be doing that through uh bit Pro it uh I have haven't gotten my full inventory of 5700 XTS yet but I have definitely like 30 or 40 of them that I've been wanting to uh uh trade in for uh CMP 170h XS so yeah if you saw that video that's what I plan to do I'm not selling my gpus but I'm I'm trading into uh 170 hxs so that's something uh yeah I'm doing but oh man the market man you guys guys have probably been seeing the Market's just been uh it's just been uh it's just been going down so what is your guys's like what why why did the market go down so we had this uh Trump executive order of the Bitcoin Reserve okay National Reserve or whatever it's called and the market dumped so why did it dump after that so one thing I read was the reason why it dumped is because the national Reserve they weren't going to actually buy Bitcoin they were essentially going to use the for uh forfeit uh foreclosure Bitcoin counter uh the Bitcoin that was uh stolen from was it Mount goau or whatever uh a couple of exchanges or what whatever um the the Bitcoin that the US US USA already has in their possession so they weren't actually they already have like they said 200,000 Bitcoin and they weren't actually going to go buy any more Bitcoin but they're going to use that Bitcoin as their Reserve so it's like okay that was it that that that was the news that was the that was like the Catalyst for the market just to dump because they're like okay the US ain't going to buy any more Bitcoin and we're just going to dump it all now upon that tariffs tariff news tariffs against China tariffs against USA uh Mexico Canada it's uh it's it's it's it's funny it's interesting um that it it make it it made it sound like that right it's it's it's just buy the rumor sell the news that that that's exactly what happened legit H you know this has happened I remember in 2018 2017 you know every time there was a country or somebody it's like oh we're going to be buying Bitcoin or uh you know Bitcoin is uh some Catalyst right country is doing this with Bitcoin or countries doing that with Bitcoin and then you know it goes up and then ultimately it was it's sold off and then like 2021 I guess that was kind of different there wasn't really much news of that that the catalysts there were like FTX and and a bunch of other things Celsius and uh bunch of exchanges uh packed and whatnot um rug pulled and and whatnot so it's pretty amazing that you know this has all happened in a span of when Bitcoin was just like a 100 over 108 I think was alltime high just recently $109,000 Bitcoin less than a couple months ago right less than a couple months ago Bitcoin Was 109,000 Here we are now bitcoin's at 70 we're still dropping 77,500 now and we're still going down still going down so upon that upon that okay and another thing that's been happening people correlate this you know this downward you know turn uh is all the alt coins and meme coins okay meme coins and the exit liquidity that all the retail investors have essentially been uh rugged from all the uh pump.

Fun salana meme coins Trump anania all these other meme coin stuff that's been happening over the past like month or two that has really drained the market so there was definitely a a massive massive shift wealth transfer to the people who manipulated the markets and here we are this is why but potentially is correlated to so all that together in a span of like couple months it Bitcoin we we were just like November 3rd Bitcoin was we were at its previous all-time high 68 you know 70 under 70,000 just like 3 or 4 months ago man over the past 4 months we have had just an insane euphoric time and during this time I'm going to have to say I definitely dc8 out a bit I I definitely sold some Bitcoin here here here like random times you know some at 90 94 some at 9 104 100 during these times it was it was feeling like okay everyone's all happy gol lucky so I was like okay I'm going to be like I'm going to like DCA out a little bit here and then a lot of I'd say leverage started happening and meme coins news and Bitcoin Reserve tariff news economic Wows recession talk interest rates not low interest rates aren't going down you know all that combined it's it's like a perfect storm of what has happened um yeah just the perfect storm that has happened over the past uh couple months that led to I think where we are right now and it's like we've we we we this feeling that we are all feeling right now in my opinion it's it's it's we've we' we've definitely felt this before but it the stories are different that the news is different the catalysts are different so when when are we is it over I don't know I I I don't we're still going down as of we're making this live stream it's we're what it's uh so I think the whole thought process is is if you want to DCA in then obviously the cost basis to getting in versus you know maybe a month or two ago when Bitcoin was over 100,000 it's obviously better to get in now if the uh if the uh uh the uh the profit uh sorry the uh the price of Bitcoin is much lower uh it's a good what uh Bitcoin has gone down like 25% uh over the past 19 yeah over the past month 20% 100K to you know 77k so about yeah 19% there not 25% almost probably going to be 25% here shortly but you know it's it's it's uh yeah so people are talking about bare Market you know here's the bare like here comes the next bare market like we've already topped like uh I don't know you know that that's it's only been it's literally only been four months we we have gone from the low the the previous alltime high of 60 70k right up to 100,000 and now we're going back down we're at 77,000 so it's like in the span of four months a lot of things have happened a lot of hype has happened you know Euphoria a lot of people have been buying in I know a few people who have bought in and now their Investments you know it it's going down so very similar to what has happened in 2021 when things were up really high you know people were euphoric and also people were calling for higher highs you know that's that's another thing that was happening over the past you know couple months here you know Caspa people calling for higher highs on uh certain coins you know I mean all coins really all coin season and everything it it it eventually it it didn't it did not play it did not play out uh in these past form months now am I saying it's over no I'm not saying it's over but yeah you know fear and greed index is ex is at the lowest of the low I have ever seen it in the history over the the past couple years we're at 177 fear fear and greed index is at 17 this is if this is this is like pretty big indicator of you know buying in right now when things are when things are low yeah like or when things are in that kind of and the altcoin index is just Bitcoin dominance is 60% as well that that's a whole other that's another thing that 60% I think is it hitting up 60% like we're we're at like dude alt coins are under a trillion dollar market cap now damn dang this is dang you know this is uh this is this is uh altcoins have just ripped down from two trillion essentially December mid December we were at almost $2 trillion market cap for altcoins now we're a trillion that's how much has bled pretty much a uh 1 trillion has left the alt coins in a span of 2 months Ju Just insane correlating to salana meme coins the rug poles the exit liquidity all that stuff rondi thank you for the 44 months good sir thank dude 44 months rondi that's like almost 3 years man oh no that's more than three years wait that's 3 years and 10 months dude that's insane RI you're insane man you're absolutely insane absolutely insane thanks man DJ says if you're smart you're door dashing and Uber Eats yeah so yeah income is dropping across the board I mean for me personally like YouTube views AdSense everything has dropped across the board everything is is has been uh has been going down I mean that makes sense right when the market goes down people are obviously less interested uh people are disinterested in crypto and Mining because essentially I mean yeah now correlating to why everything has been uh going down right so except for gpus okay gpus for some reason has been holding their value now whether or not that's because I I'm pretty sure okay I know a lot of big Tech tubers uh over the past couple months released videos talking about tariffs so I watched a few of theirs like minus Tech tips js2 cents a lot of their conclusions and opinions ESS essentially was with these tariffs potentially coming Hardware is going to go up PC Hardware prices is going to go up and that's what happened um you know gpus have essentially gone up I'd say 50 to 100 bucks more like for a 3070 like like 6 months ago you could buy a 3070 for like 160 180 bucks now they're selling for over $300 so the the whole the whole fear right from the tech tubers regarding tariffs and such uh not only from us I mean we all talked about it too on on our crypto mining channels but the bigger channels are tending towards Gamers right those guys are tending towards the gamers and the you know the regular pc uh consumer um who have been you know they're like okay you know they're expecting that with these tariffs coming that Hardware is probably going to go up in pricing uh with the 509s coming out all this stuff is you know still going up and it's like yeah Hardware has has has definitely uh has definitely been going up um uh this is going to continue until Trump gets his rate Cuts he's got to get the markets down before the FED will cut them uh cryp death right exactly so yeah you know and that's what we're all waiting for we're waiting for lower interest rates we're waiting for money printer go Burr we're waiting for uh yeah we're waiting for all that so that retail can come back and uh essentially pump the market that that's essentially that's essentially what's what we're all hoping for uh but it it hasn't it hasn't come out it hasn't come come to play yet quantitative uh Quant quantitative easing easing has not started I think it's still it's still QT so it's like we're in this time in this time frame right now where it's it's yeah it's it's just we're we're not at that point yet you know it's it's not it's not at that it's not at that point yet um little time mining says never saw a 3070 under 250 or so Japan coming to USA uh little time mining uh I I've definit I mean okay non eBay pricing we I have definitely seen 307s under 200 bucks uh maybe half a year ago there was definitely a time when people were offloading those for cheap uh not on eBay at those prices of course but maybe 200 maybe 250 on eBay but yeah eBay pricing for 370s has has definitely has definitely uh going up so personally personally I'm still keeping all my gpus because I still believe and I'm taking this risk he this is not Financial advice I don't think anyone else should do what I do don't don't listen to what I have to say but my reasoning as to why I'm still holding on to all my gpus even though it seems like a really good time to sell them because Hardware pricing has essentially been going up it don't get me wrong it's not a bad time to sell I'm not saying it's it's a bad time but I'm I'm going to be taking the risk of still holding on to my gpus because I believe that once you know QE starts coming in interest rates lowering Market start pumping altcoin season starts coming back into play right that's that's where I'm I'm hoping to sell my 307s for more than let's say $500 is that going to happen I don't know that that's all going to depend on GPU minable proof of work coins if they're actually going to pump or not and you know it it it goes along with you know inflation as well a bunch of things so I'm expecting that that that's just my thought process I'm not saying it's not a bad time to sell right now your GPU um but you know my thought process is I don't need to sell my gpus right now I'm willing to hold on to them for better times right I I'm I'm seeing it in the future that with with inflation um you know money printer Gober future market price appreciations altcoin season Bitcoin dominance all all these things combined right all these things together is what is going to uh right now Bitcoin dominance is uh where is is very high 60% yeah 60% um where's the where is there it isit dominance 16 60.9% right back in 2017 2018 it was like you know the Bitcoin dominance was like 33% uh 2021 Bitcoin dominance was you know between 40 and like 39 39 to you know 46% so that's when altcoins were worth a lot more and that's when you know I'm not saying because we had ethereum that time I know everyone's going to correlate that to okay we didn't have we we don't have a ethereum right now we don't have a coin that you know injects like a couple million dollars a day emissions into our into our you know proof of work GPU mining uh environment I understand that I just believe that for anyone that's getting out right there's going to there's always going to be the sh there's always going to be this equilibrium right there's going to be tons of people who are getting out you know because of their electrical costs right there's always going to be this shift there's always going to be this ying and yang right it's a zero some game so people who are playing the game of Mining and uh like hoarding gpus for future price appreciation that's what that's the game a lot of people play and that's the risk some people are taking I'm going to be taking that risk I'm I'm hoping that one day I'm not saying now or soon or maybe potentially the end of this year that where Bitcoin dominance is at 60% right now and if it can go you know back down to back down to its Heyday of like 40 or you know 35% you know when times are good money's coming in into the market bitcoin's over 100 you know 120 150 who knows if that ever comes again I'm just I'm willing to wait that long I I basically have to wait right that that's I I can't nobody's able to you know time the market or anything so it's like time in the market what's that saying everyone says whatever I'm waiting to hold out until that actually plays out you know that that's we'll see we'll see if that actually plays out or not okay we'll see use of put 12-step program red panda admit you are addicted to gpus yes I have an addiction to gpus all right I got an addiction we got 170 people here 38 likes smash the like button Bros I noticed that when the Market's down people don't smash the like because everything is just everything everyone's in the red everyone's in the red that's that's the way it goes that's that's that's the way it goes thek gets red everyone's unhappy and I mean guys I'm hurting as well like I'm the content creator right I'm the I'm the YouTuber I even I'm hurting right I my income across the board everything is complet I'm breaking even on majority of my Hardware at freaking 74 7.4 cents like majority like 90% of my Hardware I'm losing money now like 90% I I I I am I am I am I am in a normally I'm in a better position than most people because of my electricity cost but now even at my 74 cents I am predominantly [Laughter] losing I like that's it like even at my 7 4 cents I I am losing guys I don't I don't even know I don't even I don't even I don't even know how to say it right now other than you know I'm also hurting you know it's Michael cartright bro you didn't have to do that thank you for the five gifted memberships good sir thank you good sir thank you um uh yeah this Market's rough I'm going to have to go back to hooking ah so uh automatic beats uh pure crypto boss shark farmer socks fan mining of the north congrats Bros so back okay so [Music] um it's like so I I'm in a I'm in a like a a weird position right I'm in like a weird uh predicament right so it it it's it's interesting like I could say I do have enough cash Reserve deserves to still mine and hoddle if I wanted to for that for the next maybe 6 months like I could I could in the for the cash Reserve I have right now do I want to risk Mining and hodling more for the next 6 months so in my situation right now where you know I'm essentially just breaking even on a lot of my mining right I'm I'm breaking even is it imperative for me to mine and huddle and pay my electrical bill out of pocket still for the next 6 months for whatever cash Reserve I have while my full-time job is YouTube and my income you know has drastically dropped you know goes along with the market views are down people are disinterested um sponsors are drying up obviously that that's how it works that's how it normally works in crypto uh crypto mining so do I want to do I want to risk the next 6 months for me whatever cash Reserve I have to pay out of pocket no do I no I don't I I am not going to um risk you know I don't want to risk something like that because it's I don't have a crystal ball right when if the market keeps you know going down over the next six months I'm not saying it's going to but if it does and I still mine and huddle and the market keeps going down and all the mining that I've been doing over the over the next six months you know the bags just keep continually going down I've essentially been losing money not only on the electric but then the value of the coins that I've been mining has also been going down as well so that's what has kind of happened with me over the past like 3 years to be honest um over the past you know since 2021 during the tail end like we step we when Bitcoin was like 16k I've essentially been holding Mining and holding a lot of bags during these times but a lot of the coins that I've been holding haven't really they haven't really price appreciated right a lot of a lot of coins a lot of alt coins that we've all we've all been to have have been into over the past couple years um some of them have had you know some of them have had ups and uh ups but not to the extent that we are all that we were all expecting right so like looking at the you know Bitcoin dominance and altcoins right now like over the past 3 years it's been it's been quite stagnant since 2021 uh or 2022 let's just say you know the altcoin the altcoin market um over the past three years was what uh I don't even have that is that chart here altcoin market cap yeah so 2022 the altcoins really haven't they haven't really gone up to the extent that we want it to it's pretty much it's pretty much since one 1 to 2 trillion right we've been hovering between and2 trillion market cap uh for alt coins um uh during these times fully electric eth did not even hit new alltime high yeah exactly right I've been dude I've been I hate to say this I've been holding I've been holding my my my bag of eth since like I have I have a bag of eth that I've beeny since like 20 2018 I've H I've held it all the way up to here and I still didn't sell it I still I still have it till now so it's it's it's it's it's a bag that I've I've been hoard i' it's a bag that is has uh what's the what's the other term of like the gift the gift that keeps on giving what's the opposite of that or is is that the term is that the right analogy the a gift that keeps that keeps on giving it's like it it it's like a no that's not that's not the right analogy um uh like an like an STD SLO watchat terrible anyway anyway alt coins whatever I have been mining over the past couple years we haven't like I haven't been I haven't sold a lot of them to the extent to which I want you know I want right the price appreciation of like aspa let's let's just say or alium or warthog octop space man I've been mining octop space for the past two years I have a couple thousand octop space like I got neoy still I got Ergo I got zalis I got flux I got Caspa clor I got nuai you name it you name it I got Dogecoin I got a lot of Dogecoin even I got Litecoin like my portfolio over the past year even sorry my portfolio even in the past month has dropped more than 100% right it it's it it it it it it it's dropped more than 100% and am I going to be selling any of my bags of whatever I've been mining over the past 3 years now no definitely not I'm now I'm going to have to wait for the next right I'm going to have to wait for the next R up slash Squad slash tech TV wow thank you for the 10 gifted Subs good sir wow you're crazy thank you wow thank you thank you um look at that Chum change got one nice uh Greek Matt bmer congrats Bros congrats all of you thank you thank you thank you so so I I explained this in another live stream already um I now have to I'm going to be focusing on profitability I have mine and held enough I I I have mine and held and and my value of my bags have dropped considerably there is zero point for me to continue to mine in huddle especially the at the risk tolerance that I have right now in my financial situation I am now I have to shift to mining for profit does does that make sense to people I unless I go get another job or I go you know do Uber or some something like like that to make extra money then you know then I could I could do the whole M and H but do I want to do that like do I want to do I want to take on more risk do I want to keep on mining and hodling paying my electrical bill out of profit and just wait for better times you know wait for the altcoin season like I truly do believe we're going to get allcoin season again I just the the time frame that the timing is going to be who knows it could be the next year could be end of this year could be 2 years from now could be 5 years from now I don't know right and now with all this that's been happening in the world you know it's like we're at this we're at this equilibrium now okay then not a lot of people not a lot of YouTubers talk about this I'm talking openly I'm being honest with you guys here I'm being completely honest with you guys here like my my income generation now right because we've had such euphoric times over the past couple months and like in hindsight I should have just been like selling over the past couple of months right because times were good and uh the L9 I've actually been I have an at minor L9 that I have been selling into usdt so that was a good play right Mining and selling every day has been working out um in that regard but in this time frame that we are in right now the whole uh Mining and holding method hasn't been working out because of the of what's happened right all coin have been pretty much dropping off over the past year and the cost basis of what I what I've been mining over the past year has essentially lost its value more than 100% so I uh Aussie says same boat bro 140k last spring to 30k today I can't do it anymore only stacking BTC now yeah so fully electric red pen of miny my 6K Ze bag now values at 820 yeah I should have sell that bag again good thing I sold the first bag close to top yeah see and this this is this is the real this is what has happened I'm not going to say this is the reality because I mean we all we all knew the risk we we are all greedy we're all greedy bastards at the end of the day we're all we're all hoping for happy gol lucky higher you know Bitcoin to 200k tomorrow like we're all we're all hoping for Caspa to a dollar I mean th this is this is nothing new in the cryptocurrency scene I we all understand that but it's just in a sense this is where we are now and that how how are we going to uh deal with it so in my situation I'm now I have to I have to do this for uh profitability because all the bags I've been holding that's that's that's it like I'm at the point where that's enough for me like as much as I want to keep on mining and holding more stuff I mean it it's it's going to take on more risk on my end if that makes sense right am I willing to am I willing to take on more risk to um do more mine and hodle I mean in theory it it is it is still generally a a good idea just to keep on you know holding the coins and waiting for Price appreciation yeah if you have the financial stability to do that then you should you that would be the the biggest that would be the best play right uh we've seen that time and time again with altcoins or just with crypto in general if you've been mining and holding and you know later on when those coins price appreciate that's been the ultimate play right Mining and holding that that's the ultimate play um but we've come down I've come down to a situation where it's you know I have to we have to sell I have to sell for my electric bill because I have a pretty substantial electric bill I you know I'd love to do solar I'd love to you know do renewable I mean I am I I'm I'm on hydro here so that's why my power is essentially cheaper 74 74 cents but uh solar you know I'm up in Canada here and we don't get much sun you know we're probably like 280 days out of the year is all cloud and rain so and snow so I you know in my situation it's it's you know things this is what's happened this is it this is I'm I'm not trying to be like bearer of bad news but that's just that's that's the reality that's that's that's has set in right now right so having cash Reserve at the end of the day is definitely a a a a positive thing to have which I do uh thankfully right so like like I said I can still mine and hold if I wanted to for the next 6 months or more do I want to do that no I'm I'm I'm not going to take on that I'm not going to take on that risk right I I want to make sure I'm still uh you know you don't want to have that you don't want to have that stress at the end of the day it's like you know uh my wife has a good job you know she she gets good pay as well so I mean in in that regard everything is great but like if I want to stay Keep On Believing in the vision of crypto and you know price appreciation you know it's it's it's a risk that I'm not willing to take at this moment it it could play out it's probably going to play out right watch it play out because look maybe the markets are are being manipulated right now so that people can buy in lower that's that's exactly what's that's that's that's the name of the game that's been that's always been the name of the game and that's probably what's happening with uh with Bitcoin and stocks and everything right um uh root puts you know what's going to happen right now you say sell and cash the market is going to crash yeah yeah exactly um uh what wall are you using I got this electric what are you talking about um I only mine for profit and even at 5 cents all in power rate uh close to powering off my gpus yeah Aussie yeah even at 5 cents yeah dude dude yeah 5 cents yeah that's rough man even at s cents I'm like I said even at my 74 cents it's rough man uh even at my 74 cents it's it's rough dang even RPM sounds defeated I I'm I'm not I'm being honest with you crypto uh pure crypto boss Bross yeah I'm defeat I I'm definitely defeated definitely it's it when you see the market go down like this it's it's it's defeating right um but it's it's we've been here before it's not different okay if you have uh the ability to you know get into get into the market when things are lower I mean that's that's the name of the game that's that's the thought process you know when sentiment is down uh right now the beer and greed index is at 17 this is freaking low man this is like lowest of the low Feer and greed index like in theory this is the best time to buy this this is the this is the time to get in this is the time to to buy in uh into something uh fly electric I have 1,700 Ze and I'm not able to send to an exchange to dump it oh well because zeep is a privacy coin I don't think Zephyr Zephyr you can't you which exchanges are Zephyr coinex okay wait coinex has Zephyr you should be able to you can't send it to coinex I got a coinex account uh let's see coinx coinx and then Zephyr Oh you mean you can't deposit Zephyr uh let's see zeep uh oh based on coinex say AML policy deposit privacy coins require requires complete ID verification ah never mind never mind coinex uh needs complete exch uh verification okay wow no wonder yeah I I'm not I to be honest I'm not into any privacy coins right now I have never been into I've never really been into any privacy coins uh for mining yeah I've never I've never I've never I've never gotten into it um DJ mind says do ID then yeah I mean yeah fully electric I mean that's your that would be your that would be your only option um uh okay so what else here uh what else what else um uh uh let's see here uh live stream far I'm looking at my I still have all of my gpus on I don't know I still have them all on but I'm going to be I'm already I've already turned off a few of my casa miners um uh I saw the casa hash rate dip here uh but I'm i' I've turned off two of my I've stopped paying for the ice River hosting uh 8 cents I've stopped paying for that um I've stopped paying for yeah I'm not doing the ice over hosting anymore that that's that was a complete uh that was a complete this whole test the whole $30,000 buying castle miners back in August 1st of 2024 turned out to be a complete uh fail right I have now the Caspa bag is worth $5500 5600 bucks now um I've spent over 7 $77,500 on electricity so I've now spent more on electricity than I've M and held Caspa over the past 8 months and to top it all off the $80,000 investment on the miners sorry 40 the $30,000 investment theoretically has not gotten its initial money back so we've lost not only on the electric but we haven't even touched the Break Even 30,000 30k price of the miners 8 months ago so I have now spent more on electricity than I have mined Caspa over the past 8 months so at this time frame where we are in the market right now it is currently a very bad test will the market bounce back and caspo will go to new alltime High is I hope so it it better in order for me to realistically get my initial investment back plus the electricity that I have been mining with Caspa needs to go to like 40 cents with this much Caspa that I have currently 90 I've mined almost 96,000 Caspa Caspa needs to go to 40 cents in order for me to get my initial investment back plus the electricity just just to break even just to break even all right Ju Just To Break Even This is an actual test of Mining and hodling okay so I'm still keeping on this test granted I'm going to be turning these off but I'm going to still hold this kaspa there's no point in selling it now and if it goes to zero then this test has been an Ultimate Wash but if it goes to you know newer alltime highs in the future then I'm going to see if it plays out I'm going to at this point all I'm waiting for all we're waiting for is uh is the price appreciation that's it that that's it that's it that that's that's it who 5x's first on caspo or ravencoin probably ravencoin um mining at a loss is pure stupid stupidity unless for tax purposes aie yeah exactly I unfortunately cannot do mining at a loss uh yeah uh Caspa has some good things this year maybe it will happen uh who knows who knows we're all we're all will kaspa's 10 BPS test net just came out um where is that let's see here let me find that out uh 10 BPS ASA okay so here we go it's been three coder and stuff ah he's the GitHub guy uh of the calculator and the tax soft tax export tbus USV export it's been 3 days since kaspa's testnet uh 10 Crescendo hard Fork at this point the testnet 10 is fully is has fully and successfully transitioned to 10 BPS confirming that the transition logic is sound including IBD I don't know what that means and post pruning Behavior which takes longer to verify oh look at that that's pretty sick 10 BPS 10 blocks per second dude 10 blocks per second that's pretty that's pretty good that's pretty that's pretty sick excited about that I mean who know if that's going to cause the market to go for kaspa I don't know but main net activation is going to be in in end of April for Crescendo hard fork okay uh main hard Fork version end of March so April we still have March April so next month end of April so we we still have like 50 days 5050 days until this comes out there you go there you go uh tains says red P of money I still can't get my Casp out of Trey ogre oh my God tains hit them up on X I mean that's really the only way I hit them up and I was able to get my my my Caspa out of try ogre um hit them up man uh just message them on uh on on X and uh just be nice to them cuz if you act like a dick to them they will instantly block you so be nice you got to be nice to trade ogre if you're if you're going to get your if you want to try to get your Caspa out you got to be nice [Music] uh uh Aussie says if you're recycling the heat from rigs that's all profit technically no shame there oh yeah I we all did that during the winter time here yeah I had uh I had Bas all of these the all my heaters I was using all these like mini does gold shells um as heaters uh now that the now that Winter's essentially gone uh it's not really that cold anymore I uh yeah yeah gen s hello uh I was able to get my cast b as well and yes you got to be very nice don't be a [Laughter] Vos H so funny we need AC miners that's funny oh Bros you guys are you guys are hilarious well we got 180 people here here 64 likes smash the like Bros I know it's rough right now um but we're still going to continue on um right now the name of the game for me is to just hone in whatever I have is most profitable as6 right now um still holding majority of my stuff the coins that I've been mining over the past couple years I I haven't touched them still holding waiting for greener pastures and uh just trying to stay afloat I think the name of the game right now I think for a lot of people that I've been talking to is just staying aoat right uh markets are dropping people are getting laid off uh cost of living is going up you know food everything's going up right depending on how much money you're making income you're generating some people can you know stay afloat but majority of people can't it's actually it's actually uh it's not surprising I mean how I I can name like I can name a couple IRL friends right now that are having a rough time like that that's that's it it's I'm sure you guys can name a couple people as well that you know who has you know you know hasn't always been doing well it's you know it's it's a normal it's it's quite it's more prevalent today than it has been forever like the markets everything inflation it's getting it's getting it's it's just been getting you know uh much worse but um anyway good times will come ahead right good times will eventually come we just have to stay afloat we we got to we got to keep on uh Believing on the vision and holy crap aum's Network hash rate is now down to 38 petahash we were up at like 60 at one point 60 petahash we're now down at 38 so everyone who has those little like gold shell or any other pretty much pretty much a Cadena event has happened on these Al on these Alan miners now if I go to mining now I just want to check here my my al3 okay man I haven't checked oh man hopefully it's a little bit better al3 oh my God I'm losing at my 74 cents electric I am losing $286 cents a day now damn man what happened what happened to what what's the I'm getting 11 though 11 Alpha day that's still decent 11 Alpha day is still okay uh definitely a fall from dude okay oh my god dude I okay this is definitely the fastest drop I've ever seen so December 11th this thing was making 55 bucks a day and then 3 months later two months later it's now $3 a day so aum's price what the heck happened let's see I mean that makes sense the whole Market the market is just been taken 26 Cents now this is absolutely insane that is insane dang uh DJ says Al sold off more since tangum added it yeah tangum added elf yeah right right that was just recent right dude damn man aliums massive fall from I mean it makes sense I mean yeah the ah the the cell pressure man has got to be cell pressure because I saw I saw via BTC and cryp deex have conversion to usdt and you can see the biggest market for um the biggest market for swapping into uh usdt was Unis swap Unis swap mexe gate bitg right this is pretty nuts man crypto KJ read my last comment crypto KJ what's up man Krypto KJ The Entity has switched off rxd is the same oh oh you're talking oh interesting okay let's see the entity which was Dragon Ball right dragon Dragon Ball was the entity ENT essentially uh okay so you're saying they oh yeah look at that they went off of uh F2 pool okay nice and then Al um did they also drop off I don't know uh maybe oh NT minor I don't I don't know I'm not sure interesting interesting um Matt vmer if I was smart I would turn off my Al miners paying 50 cents for electric yeah yeah I see my issue is right now I need to keep up with my electrical demand so before I turn off my castle miners before I turn off my al3 I need to substitute like 12,000 15,000 Watts with something else to keep up to keep my electrical rate of 74 cents if I if I lose that I I go back up to I go back up to 11 11.5 to 12 cents so anybody got any anyone got l9s they want to send me some I mean there's really not much I mean L9 hell I mean L9 are have been dude l9s are now at $17 a day right I mean L9 was $60 a day like two 3 months ago and then 40 and then 28 and then 17 so the network cash rate for Litecoin has doubled since you know the past three months and it doesn't help that Dogecoin price it's pretty much following I I I kind of knew this was going to happen with Doge I I just did not believe Doge is going to go higher uh than 40 or wherever it hit 42 cents um that's why I was selling it into usdt every every payout but yeah it's at 15 cents now per Doge pretty crazy man pretty crazy that's pretty crazy um so yeah I yeah chump I I see chump on his gpus right he's got some uh he's got some pretty uh nice gpus here the market itself I mean dude 49 how much are 490s going for H 490s are going for over 23 2400 bucks pretty crazy man pretty dude these are these are selling for a pretty penny 490s sell them for a pretty penny I mean I mean all gpus are selling for a pretty penny right now 2200 bucks for the gigabyte 490 dude that's insane absolutely insane okay all right guys is there anything else you guys want to talk about we've been going for yeah an hour exactly uh fully electric doge is only 4 to 5 cents always from its bare Market low uh yep Aussie sold three 490s in the 25 to 2950 range my Liquid X 490 sold at $ 2950 dude $3,000 for a $490 absolutely insane Insanity man Insanity 5090 someone bought one for $5,000 an astral version it's crazy man crazy uh Nora [ __ ] says I'm literally repasting and repadding gpus to sell on eBay right now mostly 580s and Below nice yeah I'm I'm actually going to be um I'm hitting up bit Pro it soon I'm going to be trading my like 5700 5700 XTS and 580s uh into the CMP cards the CMP 170 hxs so I'm going to be I'm going to be trading uh gpus uh for more uh efficient uh the CMP 17h XS which which are which are very very strong very predominant on uh memory based algorithms yeah okay Bros that's it that's it and somebody let's see dropping off a package all right FedEx Amazon okay all right cameras are cameras are going insane um uh pure cry boss you will love the 178 XX I have 36 of them 36 nice dude I remember when the 178 XX is were selling for like 250 a year ago man I was going to buy a bunch of them but I didn't know why I didn't jump on it I was going to buy like a whole bunch of them at 250 bucks and now they're like 600 to 900 bucks just absolutely insane absolutely insane um for electric I am thinking of selling off all my Founders Edition gpus 370s and 3080s uh fully electric yeah like I said I'm personally not selling my gpus right now I honest I I I don't know I my gut feeling just says you know when altcoin season comes back into play you know could be a couple years from now could be longer could be next year who knows could be this year I don't know I I I just have a gut feeling that gpus will still will still will probably go up in value I don't know I'm just I'm just taking that risk all right I'm going to be I'm going to be I'm going to be taking that risk and uh seeing if you know I can still sell my 3070 for like 500 bucks you know what is that going to happen I don't know is it hopium sure hopium definitely we're I'm I'm going to I'm going to we're going to see uh if it never plays out and GPU mining is never profitable and you know the prices don't go up well then that's the risk that's the risk I took and uh it never played out so we'll see we'll see we'll see we don't know it's it's it's all it's all it's all a risk it's all speculation everything that we're all doing here it's it's like an any it's like any investment if you're investing in the stocks or whatever anything uh you know you don't know if it's going to do well or not so uh that's the risk we are going to take Squatch when is the red panda consignment shop opening uh it's already open Mr slatch um when I the day I posted everything everything sold out within a day uh I still have a bunch of smaller miners I need to post up so when I have time maybe I can do that later today I will post it but uh just go to my redpanda mining.

Shop and I will have stuff there uh posted posted there um F electric I have many rigs with a CMP 100210 I'm holding on to them even though the value is up 150% yeah fully electric the CMP cards uh the CMP 178 Jes still have a lot of uh the one sorry 100 1210s still have decent value I mean some people are still some people are still liking these cards I I love them too I I still have I still have I still have these yeah so yeah well it's just yeah just a little low time here uh where we are in the market of course I mean nothing new that we've been here before see if everything plays out right takes a bit of time um so yeah all right that's it Bros you guys have a great day thank you for coming by I mean people that are still on this live stream obviously you guys still believe uh in the whole thing with crypto and uh I'm still here too no matter what fair market we make videos content day in and day out still here I'm still here not leaving unless Bitcoin went to zero then then then we're then then we're out of here Caspa goes to zero I'm out of here alium goes to zero I'm I'm I'm out of here it it's pretty much it's pretty I'm it's pretty much heading there it looks like it's heading there oh my God Jesus Christ all right good night Bros you guys have a great day thank you thank you smash that like on the way out you guys have a good one peace peace peace peace [Music] [Music] [Music] red this world fast last night computers DOD still not a minor in sight Dr like a stone in the sea more heals for us and it's all tax [Music] [Applause] [Music] free why has cross Tangled like a hacker's dream silence in the server just a hidden beam no cats in the shadows they start to conspire electric down but our profits fire higher hashing in the dark we running go gone down the soul every flicker of light is another chain Ring The W of an electric train coins in our pockets each one's a SP Computing the games while we meet aner the dark algorithms dance in a silent beat every moment offline still like Victory sweet electric Whispers in a digital void the muted hump of processors deployed and a soft line but a Fortune's bright the market Clow under the starless [Music] night passing in the dark we're rting gold red P has gone down there at by a soul every flicker of light is another's chaining the wave of an electric train [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] passing in theing red P has gone down there fire sold every flicker of light is a another's King riding the wave of an electric train [Music]

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