hey guys red pen mining here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I wanted to give you guys an update mainly for those that have already pre- purchased or pre-ordered the Canan Avalon Nano 3 and mainly going through the shipping updates and which batches have already been shipped out as of recording it is April 25th and just talking about when you know potentially you are going to get your Avalon nano3 depending on when you ordered it okay so Canan themselves have been updating with posts on the Indiegogo page here of you know pre-ordering this here you guys a lot of people have ordered this because you can see almost 3200 backers here almost $700,000 worth of Avalon nan3 purchases here but looking at the update page here Cann the manufacturer has been posting updates here just showing you know giving you guys the information of which batches they've shipped out and whatnot and talking about further you know batches that are going to be shipped out in the future okay so I have had a lot of people asking me red panda when are they going to ship these out well it's going to depend when you ordered it what's your order number and it's it's probably going to take a couple months if not more and so yeah this video that I did regarding the Avalon Nano 3 just blew up almost 100,000 views I posted on April 8th and I've just been getting a massive amount of emails regarding this unit where can they buy it you know when they're going to get it really the main reasons as to why a lot of people have bought this from what I've been reading and hearing from most people is that it's a small low power Bitcoin minor even though it is not as efficient than let's say a s9j or you know on low power mode that gets like 24 25 watt per terahash and then you know on medium mode the Avalon nan3 on medium mode gets about 28 watt per hash comparing this little you know $130 Miner versus like 1,000 you know s19 you don't hear the loud fans like a big boy Asic Miner nor the heat that it produces or you don't need the power infrastructure needed because it runs on 120 volt and you know runs less than 140 Watts on it's three power modes which is low medium and high uh in this demonstration I'm showing medium because I'm waiting for the official power brick that can do 140 Watts I was trying to use a Macbook 140 W adapter but it wouldn't work on high power mode so you can see here I actually ordered seven more myself and uh actually it's not coming till probably another month or two because I ordered a later batch I'll talk about that in a sec but you know I stated in this video that I personally you know the biggest selling Factor regarding this is I would say is to have a chance to win a block Bitcoin block uh you have a really really low chance but if you're solo mining like Bitcoin cash or digite you have a little bit higher chance but you know I stated in this video that I personally wouldn't pull mine with this because because you're not going to be generating much at all uh if not if anything if you were to pool mine uh even if you were to count your power so this is not a profitable Asic Miner a little tiny Miner right this is really not meant for pool Mining and you really have to think that this is not for you know profits okay because you're not going to be generating any profit at all with this thing by pool mining so really the only selling factor for this thing in my opinion is going to be solo mining take my chances on solo mining as I said in that video and I and as I say right now but you know which the vice it's like $130 for this I guess 160 170 with shipping it's like buying you know maybe $130 lotto tickets or something or uh scratching wins except you have unlimited Chances with one of these things until it dies obviously but it does have a one-year warranty and uh other things you know thing looks pretty cool I don't know it's very easy to set up through your phone like you guys can see here I already mentioned that in the video it's like a showpiece for your living room or kitchen and it only needs a power cable and it connects to your Wi-Fi right for internet connectivity so put it in your bathroom just some Outlet there you know that's 120 volt anywhere around your house and you're good to go but is there a chance that you will never find a block of course there there's going to be you know not everyone is lucky all right especially if you're trying to solo mine Bitcoin right your chances are going to be are going to be pretty low all right but if you had uh maybe if you're maybe going to mine into Bitcoin cash solo mine you're going to have a little bit higher chance versus Bitcoin of course the Bitcoin block for Bitcoin cash this had a having Bitcoin had a having as well so you know it's not like it wasn't it was like 3,000 before and now it's like half that so $1500 block but your chances are much higher uh with Bitcoin cash versus Bitcoin because of the uh Network hash rate and difficulty anyways you don't have to buy this you know judging by the backers you guys can see here almost 312 3,122 backers here you know that means a lot of people have the Expendable income uh to purchase this and you know one backer could buy multiple of these units okay so on average here if we just did some quick math uh divided by 3122 so on average about you know $224 has spent per backer okay that means at least I would say two of these units have been purchased by at least one back okay just doing some quick math there but obviously like me I ordered seven so some people order one and so on some people order more or less anyways it looks like a lot of you guys have Expendable income to throw around so good segue into talking about the updates okay the shipping updates regarding the Avalon Nano 3 okay guys so this is just yeah a lot of people have been asking and so let's just go through it okay so the recent one here uh 4 days ago as of recording this video FedEx took them away uh that sounds really bad but no FedEx shipped them and it says Dear backers all black white and yellow Peach Nanos are shipped whose order number is between 1 and 285 now I know this this is supposed to be for the people that ordered pre like February I actually ordered in like beginning of April and so I'm actually number like four between 400 and 450 okay so I haven't even gotten mine shipped out and I ordered beginning of April and this video that I did here okay thank you to mop.
which they have a pre-order here for their Avalon nan3 but it's not until delivery of June batch okay June batch a lot of people have pre-ordered these and uh just going through I'm going to talk about some other options here later on but they cost a bunch more but going along they say we will try to get faster as we can cheers canand Team all right going along all right there's actually some comments here from uh some people here and people are asking uho I'm contribution ID 3840 so man this guy ordered much later there's obviously a lot of people have ordered these right it says uh this guy ordered bright yellow estimated delivery for that one will be June 2024 so it's April now right so April or end of April and then May and then June so maybe a good two months until this gentleman is going to get his all right but just going down right Canan actually responds and just reading some more here we need you to ship a bit faster what's causing the slow shipping new more power men you know Canan responds don't worry next batch will be larger quantity the first batch is small quantity of production okay and so you know you know people are really people are are are really ansy you know to get these units and so that's why I'm like making this video talking about it here uh look at that turtle foot mining amazing work turtle foot thank you for understand hey turtle foot okay so let's read some more here all right April 18th there's another update from kenon 8 days ago all right so old orders fulfilled and new is going to be locked all right so now they finally I did recommend Canan to lock the orders because there's just too many people ordering these things it says hi all glad to update that we have shipped dozens of Nanos today only dozens out of thousands we will send an email to remind you that receiving your FedEx package with a signature and kindly notice that we are going to lock orders 287 to 398 on April 22nd oh man mine is over 400 I Still Still Haven't gotone it I'm still I'm still going to be a while right by then you will not be able to apply for a refund for your order if you want to quit waiting for next batch avalon3 please apply for a refund as soon as possible thanks for your support all right so there's more comments here it's funny I've been trying to cancel my order it won't allow me to and I saw you already canceled your order good day all right so some people have canceled all right so let's read some more updates from uh here we go all right here we go from from Canan 10 days ago update new shipment plan all right so dear backers glad to have new shipping plan to you on April 18th 19th all black yellow p peach fuzz Nano 3s before order number 245 febrary 1st will be shipped with or without PSU uh April 22nd order number 245 285 March 11th all black bright yellow and peach fuzz n3s will be shipped with or without PSU so to inform my customers before 285 who bought the blue Nanos your order has to be delayed due to production capacity of the blue shell we're working best on the problem seriously we hope we can have it solved in 2 weeks we'll try our best to get everything up ASAP thank you so much for understanding support all right so here's where they say order number 286 to 374 ordered in March once deliver in blue Nanos we will ship your Nano if we only have the stock order number 375 to 2000 okay here here here it is we'll probably ship your Nano in May okay so for the people that have pretty much ordered where I ordered beginning of April second week of April uh they say here may will be from 375 order number 2000 order number after 2001 we are most likely more like to deliver your Nano in June but I promise we will speed up production and deliver as soon as possible okay so there you guys go I wanted to read all this because a lot of people just you know are wondering when they're going to get their you know Nano 3s as a lot of people have bought these like the early bird full sets the the full set regular Avalon 93 without the PSU you know 96 bucks and looks like they have a few Avalon 93 with the full set including the PSU for June shipping 68 left they say here and uh yeah so yeah this is if you guys want to read more updates there's more here from the previous you know couple of weeks here you see more updates but I think the more apparent ones are going to be the previous ones here and the batches uh pretty much this is just letting everyone know when the next batches are going to be shipped what about like 3,000 and up right there's more than 3,000 backers already so I don't know this is this is just this is just crazy so anyways I want to finalize here the other options okay so I did talk to Crypt Miner Bros they do have some in stock they did buy a bunch themselves but I'm I'm going to have to say I love Crypt Miner Bros but man $339 is quite a bit this I don't think this comes with the power supply but if you wanted it now I guess this is the price you have to pay for for getting it sooner would I do it no personally no because like I said I would I would just be you know solo mining with it I wouldn't be pool mining with it it's not a profitable machine and you know but it's like you can say you're buying 339 Auto tickets but it's quite a bit more they are marking up this uh quite a bit because they obviously have it uh same with Apex to mining.com uh they also have it in stock I think they said they only had six in stock I I was reading one of their tweets on their X account it says only six units are left in stock if you need one reach out as soon as possible have two yellow two pink two black for 286 it says next batch expected to ship in Q3 Q4 of this year okay so look at that they have some six uh I do have a link down below to Apex a bit of affiliate there if you guys want link Down Below in the description as well as crypto Miner Bros but uh honestly I I would wait I I would I would honestly wait okay and uh I did notice mop.
Have a power supply here 2x 460 wat PSU Avalon nano3 so it's USBC and apparently guntis is going to ship me one to test and I'm going to see if this is going to work 140 Watts on uh it's you can see here it's kind of made here custom made and uh it's able to power multiple Avalon Nano 3s with one of these power supplies so interesting I will see uh if this is going to work okay or not uh once I get my Avalon Nanos I guess in May getting the updates about this but um let me know what you guys think and uh really appreciate everyone who watches my videos especially this video that has almost 100,000 views I I really appreciate all the new subscribers uh viers and uh yeah let me know what you guys think and uh hopefully this gives a bit more I guess Insight of when they are going to be shipping these out for the people who have pre-ordered these okay so just give Canan a bit of time thousands of people have ordered these and it's it's going to take a bit it's going to take a while okay I'll see you all in the next video appreciate you all have a good one peace out