what's up ladies and gentlemen finally Hive is off their rocker or back on their rocker so to speak um and I got these rigs back up and running because my flight sheets got a little wonky so uh if you're on hiveos they've had some issues here in the last few days make sure that your rigs are running correctly now what's more importantly is the fact that I now have uh a way to pay with crypto on my web store so this has been a long time coming I've applied for this back at the end of January uh I didn't think it was going to take months to get approval but I guess there was a backlog of people trying to get uh crypto payment approval or uh crypto.com merchant services there was a couple other different apps but they had bad reviews oddly enough the crypto.com merchant services had good reviews so um right now I have Bitcoin ethereum usdc Litecoin and Dogecoin enabled um and I just have those all autocon converting and then I get I receive Bitcoin and apparently they cut a 2% fee off that so it's actually slightly less than a credit card fee um we'll see how it goes I have a couple people that are going to test it out tonight because they wanted to spend some of their crypto on some Hardware uh to get to it you just go to your cart if you're on the store um go to the the cart don't look at Express checkout go all the way down and it's up underneath payments so instead of credit card or PayPal or shop pay you go to crypto.com pay there she is ladies and gentlemen so um enjoy it all that kind of things um I will be updating my terms of service if you pay in crypto it is Asis um I am now testing all the graphics cards before I send them out uh and I'm going to be testing all motherboards CPUs all that kind of stuff so it's once you receive it it it's yours if you pay in crypto um she's once done final phito all that kind of stuff I I think I had made a video well I did make a video in the past talking about that because crypto fluctuating and stuff uh you know would I refund the amount of crypto or would I refund the dollar amount but if I got paid out in crypto then it you know it gets all wonky and um I think I figured I I looked at a couple other websites and basically everybody has the standard if you pay in crypto it's done that's that's that's what you got you you no questions asked no money back now if you do want to be able to refund or all that kind of stuff then you can pay with PayPal shop pay credit card um and then uh people were asking about financing the shop pay is the uh installments so you can do the uh it runs it through a firm and that that you can break it up into like four six or I think up to eight payments depending on the amount so trying to give you all lots of options um also I did turn vinmo back on so you can pay with vinmo uh The Meta pay or Facebook pay Google pay and of course the PayPal and Shop pay trying to cover all my bases is is sho I'm just hoping that every all the Ducks are in a row if you know what I mean but anyway guys I'm going to keep it short and sweet for tonight hope you all have a good one thanks for coming out thanks for watching all that kind of stuff now it's time for me to work on getting this rig up so I'll do that video uh probably tomorrow or the next few days but this is a B5 50 motherboard we currently have a ryzen 75700 in there uh two sticks of 3,000 MHz um uh 8 gig dim so we have 16 gigs to runner in dual Channel and then I have an old graphics card here I think it's a 1660 TI with a bad cooler so we stuck a fan on it uh going to be plopping that in there after we get the CPU stable but for some reason I can't get it to populate up on hive right now uh Hive does still say it's in like a maintenance mode but it looks like everything's working so I don't know if that's what's holding me up from adding it on hive I'm not sure if any of you guys could let me know down below are you having issues with Hive I'd also you know love to know I'm not the only one but anyway guys I'll see you in the next one adios
Added Crypto Payments to my Store