what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody is having a swell day and we are uh finally expanding a little bit of the home mining operation as you guys know I have a computer shop and every now and then we get in less than Stellar trade-ins stuff that might be dirty or a little broken or just cosmetically not so appealing um and that's what I figured I would put some of those cards into my home mining stuff instead of you know sell sing all of them off for cheap I am selling some of them off um but yeah starting off from the top we have a 10606 gig that it's all scratched up on the back and 1060s aren't you know worth a ton of money on this camera it actually looks pretty decent but like all this it's got a metal back plate and it's all scratched up and uh just kind of nasty looking but I figured you know what we'll bring that bad boy home we'll put her to work so that 1066 gig is going into that rig we are going to be keeping this all Nvidia um another card this is a Zotac 2060 6 gig I had a couple of these but if you guys remember I had a buddy come by and this was in his old system and he was having issues with it um he was getting random blue screens every now and then I ran this card in my actual uh wall PC at the shop the shop computer I couldn't get this card to mess up I finally called him back and I'm like hey man I don't think there's anything wrong wrong with it and he's like you know what you keep it just hold on to it you know you done me good in the past and I'm like all right well fair enough but uh I don't feel good about selling that because I don't know it's just one of those situations what if it starts blue screening and messing up on somebody else just because I wasn't using it in a gaming capacity so anyway we're bringing this Zotac home and we are putting her into the mines no free rides here ladies and gentlemen everybody's got to work so that 1060 and that 2060 are going to work um along with I got a a metric boatload of these py 1660 supers so I was like you know what let me just grab one of them pull one of them out of inventory I think I have like 10 of them in inventory right now so um if you're not aware these are these little 1660 supers uh Best Buy was selling the absolute poop out of these during the last big uh bll run that we had and uh people were actually making really good money on these cards because you can kind of they they're fairly efficient now any more uh not so much but um still not bad cards uh we will be going over like what these cards are making and and profitability and that kind of stuff in a later video this is also a 6 gig card it's kind of funny all these are turning out to be 6 gbyte cards um and last but not least this is actually the nicest card I'm adding today is this MSI 166 60 this is a 1660 TI still a 6 GB card there a trend there now I H tested this one this one came back she's working everything's good got RGB even looks good but being that this is a little bit nicer card I don't think this card is going to sell as fast as some of the other cards on the website so I figured you know what instead of it sitting at the shop not doing anything we're going to bring it home and we're going to put it at work cuz like I said there ain't no free rides up in here and um I got this one in a trade deal and I got this for a really good deal he threw this in to sweeten the pot on some other stuff so I don't really have much invested in this so let's put her in the mines we'll put her to work too um now let me just you know what we'll one take this and let me take you guys with me let's see here there we are so we are going to be pulling some stuff out of this this machine right here um currently we'll go ahead and pull the power to that oh yeah hard cut that power that's how we like to do it uh currently I have a 1660 TI that's got a bad fan I have a 2070 that has the bad fan I'm actually have a guy interested in that one he he contacted me he was like well I actually had a couple people but um one guy was like super persistent so shout out to you you're getting that 2070 I'm going to pull that off there and get that ready to ship out for you you tomorrow um and then we have the 2070 LP over here if if you guys don't remember that it's not for low profile that's for a low power it's not a mobile 2070 but it is a mobile 2070 I don't know it um it doesn't run a mobile 2070 driver but it runs at a lower power you can't get full power out of it it's a weird card um I bought it because I was thinking about buying more of them so that was kind of like the test and I'm so glad I bought it as a test cuz I do not like it um I had some some Molex fans positioned up here just to to try and keep things calm and cool me unplug that pull that fan out of there pull that one out of there so yeah that means we're going to need to pull oh this guy out we're to pull this guy out here's that 2070 it was in another video it just had a bad cooler on it so I stuck a fan on it and uh it runs okay it gets a little warm so I had pulled the power all the way back just to get a little bit of hash rate out of it but putting two fans on it would probably solve those issues now to go beside the 270 I figure we'll we'll put this 1660 right here low power card put it on the this power plug right here I don't if you guys can't really see me I apologize I don't have the nice camera setup that I I do at the shop I left it there I've been leaving it there so that way I don't forget it and forget to charge it um so now beside that we'll put this 1660 TI in the MSI and we'll put that one right there all right so those are all plugged in now we need our 2060 we need another plug here uhuh and our 1060 there we go got a 1060 be sipping on that power and that cooler is a little cracked the Shroud is a little cracked it kind of popped off we popped it back on no worries and then I guess last but not least let's put um I'm going to put this uh this one that's got the bad cooler um it's a 1660 super it's MSI I'm going to put that one back up there but that yeah that 2070 is gone she's she's found a new home so put this guy back up there and look at that we have a one 2 three four five six card out of eight card setup we could put another card on this side and another card on this side but I would be worried that we're getting close to that that 750 watt power supply limit if we add cards on the outside in theory right now we should be at out of these six cards these 1660s I'm going to have at like 75 Watts um the 2070 that one actually runs at like 80 Watts cuz it's the the low power one so we should be way in in the uh the safe Zone on that 750 power or 750 wat power supply on those six cards let's see here let's see calculate rough calculator math we are at 75 * 6 about 450 so we'll round up we'll say 500 watts on these six cards not not too shabby um so yeah let's uh I'm going to position one of these fans back up here for that card cuz this fan that's on it doesn't work it spins but it's burnt out so that's lovely might need to might add add me a zip tie somewhere to hold that cuz I had it like propped up there but I don't think that's going to work maybe right here do we have any zip ties doing a one take videoos is great when when everything just works but whenever it doesn't go perfectly together here we go see if we can't make this work there we go now let's plug that guy into some power so okay now plug our server power supply in and it's set to Auto on so all of the cards came alive and they went back off and now they're back alive all right so I'm going to do some tweaking and get these bad boys running semide decent on a hi I got that booting to a USB drive probably do a little update on that tomorrow looks like we're already 10 minutes in on this one so anyway I want to thank you guys for coming out really appreciate it and um yeah one step closer to that uh that Sheba coin 100 million is that what we're shooting for yeah 100 million uh just a quick little update we are at 2.2 2 , 278,000 at the moment and it is April 4th 2024 so yeah the goal is to hit 100 million when we can obviously within reason so I don't want this to drag out and take like a year so I'm going to be adding hash power as we go and um enjoy it uh yeah all right later guys the video is over for real see you on the next one bye