Alephium Mining PROFITS lookin rough right now…

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hey guys rpim here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I want to talk about Al leum mining specifically and also the depressed price of alium recently which has caused the ice R al3 specifically to maybe become unprofitable or at least breaking even depending on your electrical cost okay and talking about my al3 currently which I'm still solo mining alium to I'm going to update you guys on this as well as talk about an announcement from alium today announcing a liquidity boost coming to alium which I found was quite interesting we're going to talk about that and also talk about the economics regarding alifia mining right now the network hash rate obviously continues to climb price has been depressing but also talking about some mining pools which have been doing some conversion for people that are mining alium right now into maybe let's say usdt or into Bitcoin or you know there's a lot of pools that have that ability to do that now so I'm curious if that is contributing to the you know the pretty low emissions right now of AUM Mining and thus causing the cell pressure that we have been receiving over the past month but we'll talk about all that right afterward from today's video sponsor Crypt Miner since 2018 Crypt Miner Bros has been the go-to source for all the top crypt miners trusted by miners worldwide the prices you see on their website includes shipping and DDP to your door so there are no surprises at checkout they ship to over a 100 countries and even offer lower invoicing to help you save on customs fees pay with direct bank transfer or crypto payments such as Bitcoin usdt or Caspa ready to save even more use code red panda at checkout for $70 off each Asic ordered join tens of thousands of satisfied customers who trust Crypt Miner Bros for their successful Hardware fulfillment transparent pricing and worldclass service visit cryptominer today link down below okay let's talk about the ice River al3 the current profitability of the ice River al3 so mid December okay the al3 was slated to make about $50 a day all right and then these started shipping out the beginning of January I received mine pretty much in the beginning of January and I turned mine on and it was already able to mine about 20 to 24 $25 a day that was solo Mining and uh just to show you here I pretty much made about let's see that first day of when I started I think it was uh no the 5th okay I solo Min $24 in Alum or 24.2 alium that day January 5th all right so that's when I had a actual full day so was pretty good but then as other people started turning on the next day it was obviously getting worse because the network hash rate for alium during the the beginning of January was obviously climbing quite a bit as you guys can see here so it definitely M it definitely went up like six or seven petahash within those couple days and so my yield was definitely going down but just to show the beginnings there of the ice over al3 that you know people were receiving these and so obviously okay the profitability has been coming down as more and more people were turning on and so now the al3 is earning about $10 to $1 a day and at 10 cent kilowatt hour you'd be profiting about $2.15 as of right now maybe a couple days ago or yeah just maybe two days ago it was at 10cent kilow hour the profitability of an al3 was down to like I think 50 cents or maybe sometimes breaking even at 11 cents so if you had higher than 10 cents or you know 12 cents electric maybe 2 days ago you were just breaking even so even at 12 cents right now you're at 30 4 profit after your electric with alium being $1 right now which is quite insane to think about and this is really this is really giving me Caden Vibes but I'm not saying this is going to happen like kadana just like before when those k3s started coming online and then the price was really being depressed but anyways anyone that's hosting these right now I mean they are still making you know a couple bucks a day on each of their a3s and so thank goodness this I mean for anyone that bought these I mean hovering between $37 to $4,000 each that's what these were selling for during those times the ROI or you know break even on these is still going to be less than a year as of right now so if you're bullish on mining alium I mean for the long term I mean it still looks good it still looks fine right now especially if you believe in alium so for example over the past uh 20 days for me I've mined about 223 alium so I'm obvious ly not selling it I'm doing the whole mine and huddle strategy so you guys probably all know that already so when I hit about $4,000 in terms of alium I will make that video let you guys know but also will include the electric as well so we'll see over time how much we will earn but yeah you guys can see my daily you know payments or profitability while I'm I've been solo mining okay I haven't been pool mining I've been solo mining so my uh average effort is about over the past 30 days 102% so looks like I'm 2% worse than if I were to pool mine it seems on average but I found 511 blocks so far with this al3 which is quite quite amazing actually anyways let's talk about now okay so the price of aium has definitely been depressing over the past month here okay and whether or not that's because of cell pressure uh regarding as6 and stuff or maybe because of the whole Market has been coming down well bitcoin's kind of been uh going back up here so I I don't know I don't know maybe yeah bitcoin's been doing well but altcoins have not like alium so a couple days ago somebody messaged me saying Unis swap okay that there was no liquidity and apparently there was a I don't know it was a million or $8 million worth of liquidity that was taken out from Unis swap now I am not familiar with Unis swap or anything so don't quote me on this but a couple days ago it was at 0 on Unis swap here and so nobody was able to essentially swap their alium into ethereum or another uh token okay on Unis swap so I'm not sure if I mean I'm positive that was probably equating to uh the cell pressure okay on alium over the past couple days and it doesn't help right that there were there was there was like 3,000 lithium 3,000 5,000 lithium cells uh happening a couple days ago took the screenshot a couple days ago so there was just a lot of selling going on essentially from what I gather so now though it looks like it's it's come back okay liquidity has come back here so it looks like uh you know there's been a lot of buys here someone's been buying uh over 3 hours ago someone's been buying a lot of Alum here so whether this address I haven't been dissecting the transactions or anything but looks like uh liquidity may be coming back here and the price of AUM has uh come back up recently okay so just even over the past 7 days when we were at like 88 cents it was looking pretty dire but uh looks like we come back to a dollar as of recording this video and this is going to go in line with an announcement from alium themselves and this comes directly from the alium Discord okay I went on another telegram group I have it up right here and they say here okay uh let me let me bring it up here it's bigger as part of our plans for 2025 we're excited to announce a significant step in accelerating aum's growth will be injecting a liquid boost to fuel the next stage of ecosystem expansion while this boost has been a key part of our long-term strategy we have heard your feedback loud and clear it's only strengthened our commitment to moving forward in the upcoming weeks alium will increase its liquidity across the Sexes the centralized exchanges and also dex's uh decentralized exchanges enhancing Market stability across all change the Strategic move is designed to accommodate and provide opportunities for all participants in the leum ecosystem will be adding more logs to the fire more liquidity equals more opportunities for our community members to thrive and grow we're laying the groundwork for sustained growth and this boost is just the beginning thank you for your continuous support and feedback so my first thought is okay this definitely goes in in line with the post that I did a couple days ago on January 20th about this uh uh Unis swap uh being having no liquidity essentially so this for them to announce that now is quite interesting two days later and so I feel that this definitely goes in line with what happened on Unis swap so they mentioned a liquidity boost so looking at the markets for alium okay the centralized exchanges right now there isn't really many top tier one exchanges that have a leum well mexc you can say is top tier one gate is okay coinex is decent as well but there's no like no other ones really like uh like B for instance so whether or not that also means that they're going to have exchange listings for other you know exchanges but I'm curious where the liquidity injection is going to happen is it going to happen on you know gate or coinex or you know any of these other a few other exchanges here I don't know but on the dexes okay the dexes are where there is could be a potentially a lot more liquidity put in there too looks like Unis swap is one of the big ones and they said the centralized exchanges would also have increased liquidity as well so they said they would do this in the next upcoming weeks so I'm expecting hopefully the price of alium to go up from here and it's funny that a project like aium has to announce something like this to boost liquidity in the system now now don't quote me on this but are there any other projects that announce things like this I find that kind of strange does that sound strange to you guys let me know down below but I feel like that just means not many people are are buying it maybe so that's why they have to uh boost the liquidity and so that actually goes that ties in with my whole with our ice river a3s that people have these or even any other leum miners that are out there right now you know all the other models are pretty much losing money now okay but besides the point okay there are a few mining pools that already have autoc conversion for uh a leum into let's say usdt like VI BTC for instance VI BTC has conversion uh for the ability for people to convert into usdt so I know that that's actually popular with a few miners okay but you know as well as cryptex cryptex also has uh you know you can mine a leum and also be paid out in BTC or usdt and so that also goes in with you know these exchanges uh sorry these mining pools probably having you know ties to Unis swap okay if they're going into usdt if it's that's erc20 then that's going to also affect you know you know have you know some of these cells going on and having some cell pressure to Alum so right now the emissions for aium right now is about 37884 leum a day or right now that would be exactly $ 37,8 184 okay in emissions a day so for all the Alia miners that are out right now which I think we calculated almost I think 1,500 if we're at 55 petahash uh 54 petahash right now looks like another I think we've tacked on another like 16700 a3s have come online over the past uh since the beginning of January uh for the ice over a3s so yeah so that's quite a bit right so how many of those miners are actually selling into usdt which which part of these miners you know have been moving towards uh some of these exchanges you know I see hum poool here hum poool ever since they enabled kyc uh they have dropped down quite a bit in price here whale pool looks like we gone up in in hash rate here on their pool some pools have been pretty stagnant some pools have gone up some pools have gone down okay so yeah you know it just begs the question how many people is is you know swapping their alium into usdt already through these mining pools like via BTC or cryptex and is that adding the cell pressure adding to the cell pressure and so is that's what's causing alium here to uh provide liquidity to these uh centralized exchanges indexes I find that to be a interesting move here and for them to announce something like that but I think well anyone that's mining aium like that's essentially a good thing okay so we'll see if that's going to uh be a positive thing here coming real soon and uh let me know what you guys think that's all I wanted to talk about in this video let me know your guys' thoughts if that is a positive thing for this liquidity boost or not and let me know how your guys' uh mining journey is going for your leafia miners are you still Mining and holding or are you selling every day personally I'm still Mining and holding doing the whole mine and hle test on won this single al3 so we shall see what happens uh in the upcoming uh hopefully runup here of crypto as a whole Bitcoin and uh altcoins as well okay so I'll see you on the next one let me know your thoughts have a good one appreciate you all smash that like peace out peace out

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