Are we going to see Bas Brett 100x from Here will base Brett hit $1.50 that's exactly what we're talking About in this video as B Brett has Broken past the $1 billion market cap It's the number one project on base Bas Brat is looking absolutely bullish and That's what we're talking about on the Channel today welcome back to the 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar Khan And today we're talking about popular Base token Bas brat the mascot of Base The biggest project on Bas and there's Some bullish things ahead for this Project before the video I want to ask If you haven't already already make sure You smash that subscribe button down Below it's totally free and will help You reach your 2024 crypto goals today Base Brett let's see what the heck is Going on first and foremost up 15% on The day terms of week we're up whopping 60% and the month we're up 293 this basically not basically it's a Top 15 or top 16 cryptocurrency on the Overall coin market cap and currently Has 1.4 billion dollar of market cap you Heard that right 1.4 billion with a B Which is not too Abby $142 million In volume which is absolutely insane This project again is available to buy Pretty much everywhere uh from some Centralized exchanges like C coin and a Bunch of decentralized exchanges as well
And again this project most likely get Listed on coinbase and most likely will Also get eventually listed on binance Which a crazy pump will come from that As well overall crypto Market starting To heat up again which is great to see But talking about things heating up Let's talk about pre-sale gem that's Going crazy all my friends who bought Into base bread early are making a Massive reward so it's talk a part a Project that I can help you get into Early and that is play Doge your best Playto earn Doge companion game play Doge is a mobile based playto earn game That transforms iconic doge meme into a Tamagachi style virtual pet embrace the 90s Nostalgia buy play Doge tokens and Pre-sale to enjoy the classic 2D Adventures not only that guys this play Do token is going to be play to earn Meaning you're going to play just like Those little tagachi games you're going To feed your little dog take care of him Pet him play with him and earn tokens For playing a silly little game and in 48 hours they're going to have a price Hike so you want to load up at these Super low prices they already raised $2.7 million in a span of a week less Than a week I want to say so this Project is going absolutely ballistic It's available to buy with B&B USD Credit card or even e featur on ton of
Different articles in exchange this Project is taken over they have a great Road map in place with four solid phases Great tokenomics as well we can see 50% Of pre-sale uh 6.5% to the community Rewards 11.5% to the liquidity and 10.5% To marketing 10.5% of project funds and 12% to stake in you heard that right you Could stake this puppy as well this Project is going to go absolutely Ballistic mark my words this could raise Probably $30 million on a pre-sell loan And let alone it pump in after it goes Live it's going to go absolutely insane So if you want to load up link in the Description below but let's go back to Bas bread as Bas bre's looking Absolutely bullish allers are at buy Moving averag are strong buy and overall Summary is giving us a strong strong buy Guys I knew Brett was going to go crazy From the first time I saw a token and I Knew they're doing something different They have a complete different mascot Step away from the typical cats dogs and Frogs they just went out and made their Own thing and it's absolutely working Which is great to see as an investor of Brett tokens overall crypto markets Heating up as we saw earlier and we go To top meme coins guys we can see Bas Sprads all the way down here however It's not updated in theory it should be Somewhere right below Bon making a top
10 cryptocurrency in the meme space and Again across the board it is currently Ranked at 216 which is insane even trending Tye Bas price currently trending at number Six up 18% on the day 64% on the week And almost 300% on the month I am so Bullish for the longterm of this project Now let's go over to X to see some news Congratulations to basb being the first Meme coin on base to reach $1 billion Market cap watch the space something is Brewing we see kucoin uh new uh kucoin Brett in collaboration with Bas Brett We're we're delighted to offer a massive $1.2 million Brett giveaway which is Big So kin has now listed Bas Brett which is Insane it's only a matter of time for Other tier one exchanges to start Listing bre as well new asset alert by Uphold which is cool as well and again B Brad almost broke past 100,000 followers And it's growing rapidly fast again this Meme coin is so different from the rest Which makes it stand out which makes me Think this could potentially be a top Meme coin in the space and we're very Bullish longterm for this project here On the 99b YouTube channel we see Already Bas bre has flipped uh cat in a Dog's World fli meme coins flipped dog Dog dog runes and basic flipped also Book of Meme and just under bom or Bonk I should say so again it's only a matter
Of time before it flips bunk as well and Gets into the top five list standing Hand to hand with flaky dog with fat and Pepe this is absolutely massive for Those who hold Brett token anybody who's Excited about the basic community and Ecosystem this is an absolute W which is Great to see like always guys this is Not Financial advice always do your own Research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel let me know you Guys feel about play do in the comment Section below and let me know are you Bullish or bearish for Brett in the Comment below comment section below as Well that the video until next time it's E our friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]