BITCOIN HALVING AFTERMATH! average block reward 12.7 BTC past 24 hours INSANE!

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[Music] to the whe Dr the topbody know the whe everybody everybody [Music] topbody Dr the top everybody [Music] Dr yo everybody Welcome to the live stream can you guys hear me okay sound check one two I'm streaming on a very small desk right now oh what's up Bros loud and clear Martin Hebert what's up burn we hear you all right perfect I can hear covid-19 Chuck danger damn it damn it retro mic what's up man what's up n ninja kid is this pre-recorded it's not good sir it's not pre-recorded The hobest Miner red pen of mining all good man use your used to small I I'll do it obvious Miner you know I will you you know I will what's up man what's up lagging bro oh are we lagging oh are we lagging are we lagging are we lagging um let me know if we if we're lagging I can I think it's the music laggy okay I'm going to turn off the music I think the music is taking some bandwidth um okay I turned off the music maybe actually this is taking some bandwidth when I drag the window ah okay ah you guys don't need music anyway for the reason just put fully electric red fbody is on vacation this is recording 100% man this is not recording is this is live damn it I'm live on a cruise ship I just paid $250 Network fee to be here dude the okay I'm on tx.

Toown this is a website called tx. toown uh the average Bitcoin fee is $38 so if you want to like transact send Bitcoin it's going to cost you on average about 40 bucks so if you want to send $5 in Bitcoin it's going to cost you like $40 to send it isn't that isn't that insane isn't isn't isn't that utterly insanee uh you're on a boat yes I'm on a boat yes um but I guess the biggest shocker to me well you guys saw yesterday is that the transaction fees are is is what is just insane right it's still insane even after about a 100 blocks uh we are still seeing like on average I think it's about 12 to 13 Bitcoin per block over the past 24 hours actually what to mine I was able to get that stat from what to mine so average last 24 hours um calculate okay now it's 12.6 about about 12.6 Bitcoin this includes the 3.125 right after the having plus the transaction fees this is what it's this is what's been on average the past 24 hours which is insane inane so how much is an S21 making right now at 10cent kilow hour an S21 is if you had free electric this thing would be churning out 38 bucks over the past 24 hours that's crazy $38 in Bitcoin okay um yeah 10 10 cent electric it be about $30 uh Stephen cisero what's up man just stopping by to say hi at Japanese rest having sushi T talk to you later love you ah love you too man thanks for stopping by um ninja kid is this because of the having uh no apparently it's because of the reason why the transaction fees are so high right now is apparently is because of runes now I know it's some that's some type of uh some type of uh what do you call it uh not nft it's like an nft what what do they call it for Bitcoin I always forget CU I I don't care about it at all in SC uh inscribes uh no what's it called God it's on top of my head ordinals thank you Ryan Z ordinal thank you thank you ordinals yes I I have no care for it but it seems like that's the reason why um as to why it's insane okay so is this going to last though no I I I don't think this is going to last but some every block though like every single block is people have been churning out like a couple hundred sorry a couple thousand Bitcoin per transa transacting per block is insane a lot of Bitcoins moving around um like it's it's crazy it's it's utterly insane um retro mic runes I've heard from an LTC dead that they may be implementing it on LTC as well runes okay well funny thing is okay the amount of low fee okay there's 90,000 Bitcoin transactions still pending okay 990,000 about 85,3 low fee Bitcoin transactions that's a that is an F ton look at this $ 85,000 like a low fee is like $5 a fee probably you know okay so the average Bitcoin transaction fee is like $40 right now uh D miners what's up man fil check what did this only start out to8 block 840,000 all of the blocks was be before was only six to 7 BTC yeah uh F electric so it actually hasn't been it hasn't actually been full 20 24 hours yet actually no uh what time is it what time is it hold on uh no another 30 minutes or so will be 24 hours so yeah it I'm going to say 13 Bitcoin average on average the past 24 hours see if I change this the past one hour on what to Mine it goes to 9.86 bitcoin uh Bitcoin there um we could do current value I mean this is like the current block which is going to be um 9.86 so that's that's pretty crazy um uh let's see runes activated at having block yes that block was utterly insane that is uh that's pretty crazy let's go let's go to 840,000 let's go back to it a fee on that one was like 37 Bitcoin or something here let's let's go to it let SC to it um let's see this one right here right here via BTC found it too uh that block reward was the transaction fee was 30 yeah 37 plus the 3.125 yeah um Nick rally I tweeted coinbase to ask where is the lightning Network for BTC I'm hoping for a response nice holy electric got it the nft thing started at the having block got it ah yeah yeah yeah yeah runes so sorry to clarify I don't know what runes the whole runes thing is is that some type is that some type of ordinal is that some is that some type of ordinal I can just Google it orinal runes uh Bitcoin order not creators what are new innovation Bitcoin runes launching at having in or uh whereas ordinals or inscriptions are non-functional tokens okay all all right let's let's read this let me read this ghost network Panda did you see my earnings I sent you on Discord Now versus yesterday on F2 pool okay uh no I did not I'll I'll check it out I'll check it out Bitcoin ruins launch at the having here's everything you need to know the creator of Bitcoin ordinal protocol is debuting debuting debuting man my English a new fungible token standard to rival BRC C20 here's what you need to know okay all right bcoin friend and Center again Rising demand for orinal soon something totally new called runes while runes won't hit Bitcoin until the having currently set for April 19th as a writing when the supply of new minted B new newly minted B BTC is once again cut in half by slashing Min okay yeah okay what are the runes okay runes is a new protocol from the Mind behind ordinals uh y y yada okay so with ordinal the Bitcoin developer made it possible to create nft like inscriptions on the Bitcoin Network and this in turn made it possible to trade jpegs for magic internet money right on the granddaddy chain okay uh R Roa armor in an interview uh described his ordinals theory as a lens that you can view the Bitcoin blockchain through when you can view it through the lens these trackable Satoshi pop into view like Pokemon in tall grass so in this sense runes similarly represent a new lens uh through to which uh view Bitcoin but this time with s coins all right uh runes protocol picks where brc2 is left off brc2 is a fungible token standard which itself makes the use of ordinal protocols was developed by the pony P Anonymous Dev D Domo runes is an attempt to make the process of creating funable tokens on bitcoin more efficient so how does runes work okay whereas ordinals or inscriptions are non-fungible tokens uh unique identifier is meant to house data like Collectibles art trading cards uh BRC 20 s and runes are fungible tokens fungible simply means that they're interchangeable like dollar bills you no longer have in your wallet because all the money is digital now anyway okay all right like BRC 20 20s runes will use Bitcoin to pay fees in Bitcoin to create new tokens all right so that's why that's why the that's why the trans action fees are insane okay Anthony Deno thank you so much BR that Trip's not over yet I'm still on the trip but uh thank you thank you bro uh is Mandarin Panda's first language uh yes lowu mining red p m did we ever figure out if it was found by the pool or solo Miner uh lobu mining I believe according to mempool it was a solo minor but don't quote me on that uh here um I I believe okay hold on I I believe it was a solo hold on we can here we can uh ah the golden block right here it's in gold on mempool dospace uh okay so uh according to this it was mined uh via BTC okay but mined by Buzz 120 M so I I believe this is solo yes I I believe this was solo which is quite a lot of Bitcoin this guy got 40 point 75 Bitcoin uh actually yeah okay oh my oh just utterly insane balance history oh yeah look at that balance just jump up yesterday just crazy okay I want to finish this ordinal thing uh there are the runes um where is my where is the where is it did we lose it there it is okay uh the key difference between runes and BRC 20s is that runes like Bitcoin itself uses a unspent transaction output utxo model as opposed to an account model the same model used by some layer one chain such as ethereum all right okay uh many bitcoiners believe that utxo model uh to be superior and that using the account model is one of the reasons why ethereum fall short rad armor himself believes that the utxo model to be superior because among the other reasons other tokens standards tend to rely on offchain data whereas runes will be completely onchain very cool okay all right I think that's all I'm going to read here what projects are are building on runes uh okay all right all right oh that's okay I understand all right that's pretty cool that's pretty cool um these fees are because of runes yes yes we figured that out yes still the fees are still are still very high the recent blocks um are still incredibly High which is um which is which is quite amazing right now uh yeah your current value on what to Mine the current block is around 9.44 Bitcoin or over the past 24 hours yeah 12.6 Bitcoin per block on average just because of the fees are insane uh let's see fully electric red P mind did we ever get the password to that VI BTC account no no we did not retro mic uh link Rune Alpha XYZ okay let me open it can we buy a rune how do I buy one connect wallet all right that sounds that sounds scary I don't want to connect any wallet all right so a lot of people got like the first batch H first like Bitcoin having day like 840,000 block that's crazy um buzz 120 is a student according to the internet results if you search the name really yeah well if that's a student that won that block that's that's that's incredible um so okay I I've been wanting to keep tabs I've been wanting to keep tabs on this but did you guys notice like hash rate move over to bitcoin cash or Digi I I don't think because of the high profitability and the transaction fees I think miners are still mining Bitcoin is that is that is that right that's how I that's how I interpret it I don't think anyone really moved over or turned off um maybe the maybe the hash rate fell uh the past week past day okay maybe the okay maybe the hash rate did fall the past day yeah the hash rate did the hash rate did drop uh wait this is in February oh I'm totally [Music] missing who Subs oh manga crypto FX thanks for subbing bro um hold on live chat I'm not even on live chat hold on that student is now a millionaire yeah smash the like Bros thanks for being here uh what do you think the Bitcoin having means for GPU mining um I uh well in theory what it means for GPU mining in a sense is supposed to be uh you know a supply shock now that there's essentially going to be less um Bitcoin being minted so fundamentally that means price that means in theory more demand and that there should be price appreciation and in past history in previous [Music] that goes along with um it really goes along with like the Bitcoin dominance and uh and uh Al uh altcoin season sorry altcoin altcoin season is going to be really is going to be the indicator for if GPU mining is really going to come back so I mean yeah normally when we have like a bull run and everything's going good and bitcoin's going up then altcoins usually have um a lot more uh uh appre price appreciation um here we are now it's it's not like it was in 20121 so in theory are we at that point yet I I don't think so I don't think I don't think altcoin season has come yet A True True altcoin season so when that does come then I'm expecting not Financial advice but uh yeah I think GP mining will come back yeah it will it will look at that pigeon coin by the way vertcoin up 24 hours 6 26% Bitcoin z a eternity satox coin expense theoa up 15% not really a big jump but yeah some coins some some GPU mining no hope I I wouldn't say that I I I I wouldn't I wouldn't say that uh shester 2010 so had his as6 off until he saw the feed last night I didn't I didn't turn off anything I'm pretty sure everyone everyone here had kept their their as6 on I mean like you're earn you're earning more actually before the having it's just because of the it's just because of the the transaction fees right it's that that's the only reason I mean what how long is this going to last like the fees are more than the base the base uh block reward which is 3.125 and then the fees are like 3.8 sometimes nine sometimes 10 sometimes 20 Bitcoin over the past 24 hours which is pretty which is pretty crazy panda look on money pool stats 1921 April BTC ghost network uh mining pool stats what are we looking at how do I 1921 oh oh I see I see yeah yeah yeah yeah hash rate is yeah hashr dipped on the 19th people actually turned off and now it's like now it's like it's going back up people were like oh crap we got to turn on bitcoin's actually even more profitable after the having let those BTC A6 eat the what's up man retro Mike to Mint runes you only need to pay the BTC transaction fee the runes the runes assets are basically free less than 10 cents each oh wow okay retro mic can you can you please get one for me I I don't I don't want to connect my wallet to this sketchy website this this this seems very sketchy to me I don't I don't want to do it I've never done anything like this I've never done order never done runes um nothing like that but did did Bitcoin SV or Bitcoin Cash go up at all it looks like the difficulty yeah looks like Bitcoin SV difficulty just went down looks like some people went to bitcoin Bitcoin cash yeah it's going Bitcoin cash difficulty went down too no no oh sorry no no no no okay no I'm stupid Bitcoin cash hash rate went up dude Bitcoin cash the network cash rate went up 2x a hash over the past day over the past day Bitcoin cash has moved up to ex aash so some Bitcoin Farm decided not to mine Bitcoin and mine Bitcoin cash instead rip to that one rip to that person uh Bitcoin SV didn't go up in hash rate at all yeah didn't didn't go up Bitcoin kind of did uh retro did radiant have yes radiant did have yes yes they did um let's see oh octop space is about to have a a a a fifth ining is this a fifth is this a fifth 2.3 to 1.85 I don't know I don't know how big of a drop that is is that a fifth inning it's like ethereum classic oh wait ethereum Classic's having a a fifth inning in 39 days 2.56 to 2.48 um okay so radiant just had their 50,000 to 25,000 block reward reduction yeah 36 hours ago Bitcoin was 21 hours ago Dude a dude a lot of dude pan is going to have one in 31 days wow uh retro Mike working on etching a special one we'll see if it works and then I can send it to your BTC wall all right retro Mike send it to me I don't know if actually I don't know if I want to give you my main Bitcoin address that's that sounds kind of scary not knowing you uh ghost network on BC scroll down check the hash rate history one month okay uh let's see Bitcoin Ash rate history ah there we go yeah hash rate history you know what I've never used this it's not loading my internet is too my internet is really bad Network hash rate 672 x a hash down to 575 okay so wait dude a lot of hash rate turned off that's that's a lot purple is net hash rate okay yeah that's that drop stream got choppy yeah I was probably loading this uh Chuck danger I'm stacking holding pure and hoping for having games okay nice uh okay well I mean carrying on things are still looking things are still looking good all right you guys want to talk about anything else um maybe another what 10 20 minutes you guys you guys have anything else you guys want to talk about what else is on the table um yeah I mean pretty much the aftermath here we're still we're still profitable really profitable Bitcoin mining but uh how long is it going to last that's all going to depend on uh the transaction fees and I guess uh the runes how long is this runes thing going to going to last uh for people to uh transact yeah a lot turned off indeed yeah like 200 ex aash then from 700 down to 500 that's a lot ghost network yeah uh Ryan do RPM how's the view Ocean or Beach uh I'm see I can see both right now y it's really nice how's the ship open bar uh it's it's not open bar you have to pay for it or you have to buy a package uh what was the average before having Ryan Lewis I don't know I was using I was getting the average 24hour from what to Mine The Block reward for Bitcoins average about 12.6 right includes the the fees and the original uh the the current block reward 3.125 plus fees um these bowls are getting restless yeah bitcoin price has bitcoin price has gone up over the past 24 hours so um I mean if you zoom out I mean we're still we're still decently High yeah yeah um uh let's see what other questions you guys have anyone on nice hash uh any bump and profits after having uh yes Magic lucky I've seen nice hash uh nice hash is doing good y uh B Kelly how long will ruins last no no idea man I'm not sure I'm I'm not sure where do you think BTC price will be in four years ogre MGT I'm going to say over 100 I'm going to say at least over 100k at least at least okay this is how I look at it okay what's uh market cap not coin Market market cap but companies okay it's going to be laggy here sorry is it lagging now it's going to get laggy here real soon all right this this is how all right th this is this is how I look at it uh tot cow are you getting one of the test one of those new Al lethia miners yes I I actually have the gold shell Al box sitting at my UPS box right now I won't be back for like another 10 days so that thing is going to be off for good I'm basically losing out on like a thou $1,000 having that thing off I I know I'm like laughing about it that's just yeah it they shipped me cryptominer bro ship me one it sounds like I'm boasting but I'm I'm just I'm telling you guys the real story here um yeah they shipped it to me like a couple days ago and now I since I wasn't home right so now it's just stuck there I can't open it right because I'm on I'm on a trip so rest in peace the the profits on that thing just sitting all right seems so strange hearing you in silence versus Screaming as6 in the background sultry voice thanks man Scot a uh okay um red mind this is the same thing that happened last time with the ks3 yeah that's true greater good mining that's true ks3 was sitting for like a good week or two or a week yeah uh okay uh sorry so back to the question MGT bro you're asking do you think what do you think the BTC price will be in four years bro I think Bitcoin will be at least at least like 100 to 150k so okay greatest thing to look at Bitcoin market cap Bitcoin for the market cap for Bitcoin is $1.2 trillion if Bitcoin just goes up another trillion dollars that would be like 120k Bitcoin in my head if we double in if we double in market cap in theory then Bitcoin should then be over 2.4 trillion do maybe it could be you know under Apple probably more probably worth more than Apple that's that's kind of how I that's kind of how I look at it like if if if if Bitcoin are or crypto in general everything's going to go up to like what 105 trillion dollars then 100K Bitcoin is really easy to is it should be it should be really easy to hit because if silver like or Amazon Nvidia all these other companies that have like 2.5 trillion you know Nvidia is $1.9 trillion like what's not what's not the say that Bitcoin could be worth $2 trillion one day so in the next four years yeah next four years I think next four years bro it I really think Bitcoin will will be that will be that uh that much um unless some sort of like massive Black Swan some type of like America BS Bitcoin or something I I don't I have no idea I don't know I I just I always come back to this I just kind always kind of like look at the market caps of everything and just be like okay if gold is like6 trillion do why can't Bitcoin be why can't Bitcoin be 16 trillion wait if if Bitcoin was 16 trillion how much how much would that be how many time how many times is that here hold on let's do some funny math here uh 6 if Bitcoin was 16 trillion let's do 16 / 1.6 trillion so that's 10 times uh so what's 10 times the price of Bitcoin right now 64,000 time 10 so if Bitcoin went to6 trillion like gold is right now a single Bitcoin should be well over $600,000 H I just I I my mind just my mind is blown right now it's this is how I always like think about it because what if right what what if I guess you got a factoring because Bitcoin is still being minted so as more of the Bitcoin comes on the on the market on the supply uh circulating Supply um depending on you know how many more years how many more Bitcoins coming on uh you know could be less or more but less probably but yeah dude that's how I always like go back to I always that's how I always think about yeah there you go 640k would be nice yes it would be I like that math let's go with it like 11.5 times uh I just did it 16 / 1.6 that's 10 yeah that' be 10 times 1.6 * 10 right 16 yep 1.6 so you do $64,000 Bitcoin times 10 times that 10x yeah why not Let's Do It Let's Do It um Kathy said over 1 million Kathy Woods oh my [Music] God there you go there you go all right it's 16 divid 1.

1277 oh did I get the wrong one oh I was looking at the wrong one oops I was looking at Silver oh my bad my bad my bad my bad I was looking at Silver well whatever you guys get the you guys get it's the same it's around the same sorry I was looking at Silver's market cap oops I didn't see I thought I thought that was Bitcoin my bad my bad my bad how come no one no one no one told me that what is this what's wrong with you what's wrong with all of you Scott is the only one all right let's redo it let's redo it 16.1 / 1.27 screw all of you all right 12.6 times okay all right so 64,000 time 12.6 all right Bitcoin all right that's even better bitcoin's going to 800k let's go 800k Bitcoin if Bitcoin went to $16 trillion let's do it you're all terrible it's Saturday night brain's off yes yes 100% my brain is completely off on holiday geek of all trades what's up man geek of all trades Kathy me all right okay is there anything else you guys want to talk about is there anything else greater good mining okay I like that bath instead yes [Laughter] please well after this bll run it should pass Amazon H that would be nice if we could at least double like if bit you know yeah bitcoin's going to go like next year to 150 $150,000 Bitcoin yeah we should go past2 trillion yeah come on should happen in theory all right how's the drinks on the cruise amazing amazing man uh Elaine and benover crypto miners red pen of mining we finally have a 20 G Plus mining rig up and running it's been quite the project video coming next week stay tuned all right this sounds like a joke but I'm that's if that's true man please send that video to me I would like to see it send it to me bro thoughts on Raven mining this year Pat Uh I have no thought except I hope ravencoin I I hope ravencoin uh has its hey day I believe I I truly do believe it's not Financial advice that ravencoin will one day come back to its prime again it will it it will maybe not now but someday ogre MGT how is that $100 Bitcoin miner doing I don't know I don't have access to it uh I wish I could you know what wait where's my Discord no never mind um all right is there anything else you guys want to talk about anything else ask me any questions anything else Shaker is your farm running yeah of course it is all my gpus are still mining a lithium right now probably not the best coin to mine no I think it's the best coin to my I'm trying to accumulate as much as possible let's go to my 307s my 370s are killing it ah so beautiful I'm so sad I couldn't get the other 307s up before I left uh imagine 20x 490 rig yeah magic lucky I don't think so uh for electric how about Ergo you think the project is going anywhere uh I was a bit I was a bit negative on Ergo before but since it does have some ties to I guess cardano whether or not that's a good thing or not um yeah Ergo Ergo could be Ergo could I think Ergo will go back to its uh will have its Heyday yeah 100% yeah I mean when when Bitcoin goes up I mean everything generally goes up anyway so like I think Urgo will in terms of price it's going to do something in terms of its actual being adopted or something in some way I I don't think so I I there's so many coins out there that's like not adopted at all um I don't know man I I I I I don't keep up with with all these coins it's it's already hard enough I you guys know I really only I really only um I my brain is I have only so much I can handle like you guys know I only really I only really cover like Asic mining as6 GPU Mining and that's it occasionally CPU but not even like my CPU Farm is like a mess right now I haven't even got like I got to fix these too I keep going off and I still have to turn on like another 10 or 13 more 5950 x's and 3900 X's I got just so much to so much to do so much to do uh my 6600 XTS are still mining away all right forgetting to turn on your remote PC was probably a benefit right P nice to break from everything all track yes and no yes and no uh Shaker 2010 you sound so stressed bro you need a vacation you're telling me bro every time I think of my CPUs or like my gpus I get stressed I you know what I you know what guys I'm just going to turn into an Asic mining Channel only is that okay can can I do that Asic mining it's just so easy you just turn it on you put your address in you put your pool in and you go to town and they just run most of the time c c can I turn into an Asic Channel I I I'll give away all my CPUs you know what how about this if I can if I can in turn be just an Asic Channel I will give away I'll give away all my I'll give away all my gpus oh no did my gpus turn off uh oh offline 47 minutes uhoh uh oh boy we got we got some we got I think a Rigg some couple rigs died that's not good um I knew it GP mining is dead you heard it here gek trades no red panda Vos lame no don't boring Panda as6 okay fine I won't do it lame yes give me your gpus Mike The Miner what did you say Mike The Miner message retracted uh Chuck danger you don't have enough sponsors for that sit down before we all go Evergreen retro Mike sell me your CPUs retro Mike you're the one who sold me your CPUs you sold me everything wait why these rigs go down I'm so confused 47 minutes ago boot oh wait offline for 48 minutes another Farm down uhoh no 370s are still good my 6600 XTS are still good Let me refresh internet might be dying all right yeah uh my main Farm my main Farm is doing something wonky oh wellow laggy internet go bur yeah sorry all right let's get away from hios all right Max voltage try using wake on land command oh I just closed it okay hold on sorry if the stream's going to die it's because I'm I really have limited I got limited uh internet here okay wake on landine all right I think I've tried this before but it didn't work oh I don't have the Wake On landine option oh there we go it's not showing this rig why can't I do why can't I turn on this first one octom Miner 01 it's not even it's not even showing up um no remote power control to restart them to restore power State morph fbb no I don't have any smart pdus or anything over there all in on Al 100% one more Panda you should do a fire pro video using solar panels too you can Flash if you bous and puts two Fury cards on one card oh my gosh really it's working fine for me okay well let me try the second rig oh I see oh I see okay it uses another rig to wake up another rig okay on the same network okay okay I see I see I see okay so let's just see okay I was able to select the next rig okay I see I see I've never let's see if it let's see if it turns on all right we'll give it a bit you have to do this command from another rig on the same side that oh yeah yeah I just figured that out Max yeah if PSU is dead nothing is going to work I don't think the psus would be dead there's if I had like six rigs go down at the same time that that that that would be uh that would be that would be funny okay is there anything else you guys want to talk about a couple more minutes here here then uh I should go you need to do that from a running machine ah yes I did it from the second rig sorry oh no sorry it's the second rig was off oh you're right you're right okay let me do it on this one you're right you're right you're right you're right you know what I'm just going to wake up like all the other ones too yeah what were the other rigs off 4 a and 15 and 16 4 15 16 4 15 and 16 4 15 16 all right let's see all right sorry yeah that was from a yeah you're right that was from a a rig that was on shark farmer good thing you have those fireballs uh actually this location I don't have any Fireballs I wish tangum would support actual lithium yeah I I agree no trusted associate you can send over to reboot um no G trades are you on vacation to Coachella no traes definitely not I'm I'm not that I'm not that type of person uh terrible terrible terrible terrible um let's see yeah it's yeah it's uh I'm I'm so confused why did these RS go down there should be no reason why they went down oh wow maybe I had a power oh oh it worked it came up yes look 21 seconds ago hey that worked I think this is the first time wake online actually worked wow [Music] okay guys um let refresh let me see if the other rigs come up oh 4 a came on yep there you go 4 a 4 a 4 a has risen too looks like it worked Max there you go it's they're slowly coming on they're slowly coming on Michael Stewart I'm in BC just give me your address I can swing I can swing by to pick up the AL Miner for you trust me bro uh Michael Stewart you know what if you could if you could pick it up and turn it on for me or my with my address that that would be great I can add you as a trusted pickup person uh that actually worked Max thank you you're welcome thank you Max thank you for the idea I never thought to ever do wake online I always I tried it like couple years ago and it just never worked but now I don't know why it's working now CU I never changed anything unless some sort of firmware update or bios update these other let's see if these other two turn on Magic lucky why are the 4A fans at 100% red pin on M 4 a uh let's see they're not at 100 they're at 30 40 [Music] 40 maybe it's a glitch I have the OCTA minor Auto on auto fan on I think I think that's a glitch Auto fan enabled I think that's a glitch number two is not coming on though come on number two oh no it's my radon 7 if this rig died I'll be pissed or if any of these cards die oh boy that's okay I'm still waiting for 15 and 16 how come my BTC minor Pro is doing more Revenue uh Jad Damian it's because the transaction fees are extremely high right now uh uh the Bitcoin the Bitcoin blocks not only are they doing the 3.125 but they're also generating uh also adding on tacking on the fees which are on average about 6 to n Bitcoin every block so uh it's because of runes apparently like the uh ordinals thing um no the last video card was at 100% Sheldon Irving oh was it let's see oh yeah you're right the A2000 here is at 100 why is that what why is this one at 100 no it's at 55 degrees C it's like lower than all the other card all the other cards okay I I I I I I don't want this to be a troubleshooting stream I don't want to guys I'm trying to have less stress right now I don't I I don't want to look at my I don't want to look at my gpus okay looking at this just gives me stress okay you guys I'm not looking at it anymore you guys suck no more no more no more GPU no more no more GB RPM do you have video on your cam on your rigs I do uh no I don't I have it I have a camera in the general area but I can't see the front of the I can't I can't see I can't see the front of the of the uh of the rigs uh Here Comes Trouble uh uh just just just give me just give me A6 and let it be just kidding just kidding my G gpus are nothing but stress they can be not all the sometimes they're good sometimes they're they're they're they're stressful yeah so far dude the 307s these have not been stressful at all these have been like the perfect gpus h these EVGA 307s were like a god sense like they were so easy really I had no issues with them knock on wood Max voltage but if you look at your camera can you see if it they're on fire right yes yes Max yes I can see if they're generally on fire you got ubiquity gear get one of those wireless cameras I have a few I do have a few of those Wireless uh I do have a few of those um little tiny ubiquity cameras yeah I forgot what they're called okay guys I think that's it um is there anything else you guys want to talk about is there is there smash the like we're almost at 100 likes wow we have 218 people here smash like Bros let's get to 100 likes um Cody Johnson thank you for the eight months bro d 8 months thank you man thank you uh okay okay all right guys any final words any final remarks uh ghost network check Discord PM uh okay I'll I I'll check it later ghost network I can't open up Discord right now it'll it'll lag everything oh my God this Al box thing ah another 10 more days and then I can turn this on God just insane though when I get back home I'm going to be doing hash rate giveaways on this thing uh you know what because there's one thing I wanted to do though a test on the AL box is to keep track of all the profits that this thing mins so I was thinking of I was thinking of doing something else but uh another giveaway of some sort I want to keep track of how much lithium this thing will mine and see you know how long it will take the break even on like $155,000 cuz at this point the break even is going to be is not going to be five months it's probably going to be like a year or more definitely great a good mind don't look at that either RPM it'll stress you out because it's not running go have go have a my Ty brother great good mining you're right you're right I will I will bro I will that's that that's a good that's a good call I'm going to go I'm going to go get one right now okay guys that's it oh Bitcoin transaction fees are dropping 22 $22 on average $22 $22 on average now okay thank you guys guys thank you for the stream yeah thank you guys you guys have a great one peace out peace out peace out Bros peace out RPM will be the only crypto mining Channel sponsored by Better Health app I that that is actually that you know what that's a good one I should hit up on uh RI bro Ry bro what are you doing man Ry much love my brother Ry thank you man Ry how are you man thank you for the 20 bro uh Sheldon Irving maybe there was a power Spike due to the Windstorm so some rigs could not handle the spike yeah maybe uh maybe yeah those other two rigs didn't turn on my my I have three rigs that didn't turn on we'll figure that out later thank you guys Carl M Carl M the winner of the S21 yesterday Carl M bro Ry donated $20 through Super Chat much love my brother thank you Ry thank you Ry bro uh full electric enjoy your vacation yeah I'll see you guys later uh I'm I'm going to stream tomorrow again all right from the cruise ship so you guys have a good one peace out okay stay safe and I'll see you guys tomorrow Carl M that S21 man I still can't believe you won that I still can't believe it I still can't believe it uh all right peace out guys peace out thanks for tuning in hit the like on the way out and I will see you guys on Misfit mining live stream chump change xd's live stream when is that happening uh Chum change 6:45 what time is it right now 5:33 they're H it's in an hour all right one more hour one more hour and we'll be going over to uh Mr Chum change uh live stream all right peace out Bros thank you guys so much see you tomorrow peace peace peace [Music] d

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