all right what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel and today is another update on the Bitcoin mining app it's that little blue one with the pickaxe right there so yeah Bitcoin mining there we go um I'll flip this around here in a second but before we get started I just wanted to have a little chat with you guys so I have not invested any more money into this app and it is still doing it is still paying out um I'm doing my lightning withdrawal calls I do them every couple days and they work there's zero fees they just go right out but some other people were also asking what do you do with the Bitcoin once it's in your speed wallet well I had transferred it from my speed wallet to my coinbase on the actual Bitcoin Network which you can you can do lightning to coinbase as well um but I just saved up enough that the fee wasn't much at all and sent it over the network now obvious viously there are times of higher congestion and whenever that is the fees do go up exponentially but once it's in coinbase then I can sell it for you know for Fiat get my cash or what I did is I flipped it into another coin to try to do some other things with different coins regardless um but the big thing is I keep getting asked should you get started using Bitcoin mining app on the phone I think everybody should have it honestly especially if you're just going to use the free version um you can use the free version and you can claim on here there's a free seven or it's not 7 gigahash on yours cuz you get a bonus whenever you you buy other hash power but it's like a set it's like a free 4 gig hash and then over here on the other side you can hit claim and let me try to do it right now with my finger claim and it'll show an advertisement oh yep let's mute that it'll show an advertisement and you can do that up to 30 times so you can have I think somebody said they they had it on a fresh account and uh the equivalent of enough hash power to do about a penny to a penny and a half a day so that's literally a couple cents a day for free but if you believe in potentially holding on to the coin and it going up then uh it could be worth more now this is not much money at all but it's not burning any additional battery power some people were confused and like oh this Bitcoin mining app is it mining on my phone in the background it's not uh it's not going to burn your battery up any faster other than literally like watching some advertisements um you know it's not going to hurt your phone uh I have seen no issues the only issue I see with this is it's still an unsustainable model so what I mean by that is whenever you go down to buy actual you know hash power down at the bottom uh those are in perpetuity those you buy it and it mines for you forever well everybody knows that doesn't work um you can't have a a machine that runs forever and doesn't have any fees or anything now somebody did raise it bring it to my attention over on the FAQ down at the bottom so let's see here how long is the validity period of the paid contract all paid contracts are valid indefinitely and then also how is the APR for each contract calculated APR is a comprehensive calculation result overall it depends on your mining efficiency the production the production efficiency of BC BTC blocks the price of BTC as well as the maintenance costs are figured in electricity and other factors all these will affect the APR so apparently the maintenance cost has already been taking into it taken into account on these contracts the only thing that doesn't make sense to me is you pay a onetime fee and then you never have to pay anything else unless they're paying you out less uh for that hash power and they take that little bit that you should be getting and cover the uh the electric with it which I don't know it's just it is hard to believe so obviously please ladies and gentlemen invest wisely if you don't have money to throw away then don't go and buy stuff on here because I'd say nine times out of 10 it won't pay off before the app just up and disappears and that's another thing people are like oh it's on the it's on the App Store it's it's legit it's they can't go anywhere it can disappear tomorrow um don't don't think that since it's on the App Store means it's you know bulletproof oh goodness when anyway I was going to say it's getting late um I'm still doing 436 Satoshi a day which right now with Bitcoin over 100,000 that's about 44 cents a day which is not bad uh my initial investment I bought up right at about $160 worth of Miners and uh the best way to do it is to buy the miners that give you the buy one get one free option so that only allows you to do a buy 1 get one free on uh each of the single miners if you go back to buy like the cheap minor again it won't have a buy 1 get one free option so just maximize your money that is going into there if you decide to put money in there if you don't that's fine as well and then um some people asked me on the last one I had my uh referral code Down Below in the description but people are like where do you enter your referral code so um you go down in the bottom and you hit profile in the bottom corner and if if you if you put my referral code in I do greatly thank you I appreciate it uh but it's not needed you don't have to so um and then up at the top underneath your name it'll say enter referral code and yeah it won't it won't let me enter one because I've already entered one and then you can click on invite friends and you can have you know send them your referral code oh man it's getting late so anyway um am I going to keep using this app absolutely I am uh am I going to put more money into it right now I don't know uh I'm not sure so we'll uh I'm going to probably do a recap on this in another week so like the end of January and if everything's going good I may buy the next minor up the next minor up I think is like $150 so that would raise my investment from $150 range to 300 now I did want to pull up cuz people are asking me is the your mining power relative to what it would actually be if you just bought you know like Hardware so I have 8.4 terahash currently and let's go to a Bitcoin mining calculator so 8.4 terahash comes out to 49 cents a day whereas I'm ear 463 Satoshi whereas I'm earning 436 so I'm actually earning about 30 27 range little under 30 less IES a day which is about 3 cents so is that 3 cents going to pay for the electricity and the maintenance cost I don't know that's pretty cheap if it is now if I add the $150 Miner here that would add another s terahash so I'd go from eight uh up to what that'd be 15.4 instead of 8.4 15.4 calculate that out that would get me up to 849 Satoshi a day but I imagine they're going to cut off probably 30 or 40 Satoshi so instead of making 89 cents a day I'd be somewhere around probably 80 80 to 83 cents a day estimate um and at $300 in that's still not horrible it's just it's like playing that cat and mouse game do I think this app's going to stay open long enough for me to get it um I don't know I don't know not ready to roll that dice yet anyways ladies and gentlemen I hope you all have a good one I am trying out a couple other apps cuz some people were telling me Oh this one's the best no this one's the best um yeah yeah so thanks for coming out now if you are interested in getting some free crypto that is actually free uh and it's a project that's run by me and my team uh it's jellyfish coin jelly I'll have the link Down Below in the description we have a faucet which is something you can come to every single day and get free coins along with some other programs to reward people in the community as well so if you're interested in that we also have a Discord we hang out in there we play video games we do giveaways events that kind of thing come over jelly stands for jellyfish coin all right youall have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios for
Bitcoin Mining App Update week 5 still paying out