Bitcoin Mining for everyone BITAXE GAMMA

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and I have another piece of tech this is actually one I've been looking forward to for a while and it is small and affordable I know that's kind of crazy in the crypto space nowadays seems like everything that comes out is just more and more expensive um and the light at the end of the tunnel is a bit axe gamma so I already have and I did a video uh previously on the bit ax super sua I love that little device I still got it running um and I will summarize these very short quick fast and dirty for you guys if you're new to this and you're just watching it now uh but the bit axes these devices are intended to be solo Bitcoin miners they can mine on a public pool and get paid out you know a small amount or you can put them on a solo pool or solo mine depending on if you have your own node um and and you could potentially win uh or solve a block of Bitcoin and if you solve the block you would get the transaction fee and the block reward which would be a little over three Bitcoin and today's time which it is November 8th 20124 three Bitcoin a little over three Bitcoin that's over $200,000 now obviously the chance of hitting uh a block you know that's what I guess what we call it hitting a block or solving a block of Bitcoin as ridiculously small but you know you know what they say you can't win if you don't play and there's already been two confirmed cases of Bitcoin blocks being hit and solved by bit axes this year um now as a company bid ax is really cool because uh what they're doing is literally helping decentralize the network uh they're helping get hash rate into people's hands at affordable prices not only for the device but the fact that it burns a ridiculously low amount of power I think this one maxes out at 20 watts some people have light bulbs that burn more power than 20 watts so you could run this thing 24/7 year round and the amount of heat that it puts off would never be a problem now I do have these little USB fans blowing behind this one cuz I was trying to overclock it a little bit just see what the power would do but this unit is an absolute monster um the Supra would do about 6 to 700 Mega or sorry gigahash uh and the bid ax gamma is doing over 1 Tash pretty much right out of the box I've seen where some people have pushed theirs up to 1.2 1.3 terahash even a little bit more if they wanted like dedicated uh you know cooling On The Backs side for the voltage controller stuff like that but um very very impressed very impressive and this is going to go into my solo Bitcoin mining Fleet where you know maybe one day off in the future I'll hit a Bitcoin block and trust me guys though there will be signs if I hit a Bitcoin block if we just absolutely pop out $200,000 of Bitcoin out of nowhere but the chances that I will hit it slim to none probably never will but as for like a hobby and getting into it uh these bti axes are awesome a lot of people are talking about giving these away for like Christmas presents uh to you know especially people that want to get into the scene or maybe to get somebody into the scene um yeah this will give you the bug this will give you the bug if you're into crypto at all and you don't have one of these little solo miners whether it's a bid AE or something else um you maybe give it a try uh I believe the gamas are 199 and the Supras are 130 or 149 over on bitcoin merch that's where I got this one from um I will have a link down below it does help me out if you use the link if you don't use the link that's cool too completely understand uh but yeah that's pretty much how the cookie crumbles on this one ladies and gentlemen and um let's go let's go compare this one the bidak Supra or sorry the BEDA gamma to my Supra cuz they they look really really similar all right guys so sitting side by side the only thing you'll notice from the top down is the bit Supra says 401 right here and then the bidx gamma is the 601 so other than that they are almost identical from the front even the reset and these little buttons right here are in the same spot so that's pretty cool um looking at the backs side here I'll flip this one over and we'll flip this guy over right here looking almost identical well this one's got this one's got a little extra nubbing right there on the back side so I have no idea what that is uh but yeah yeah they're these are cool little devices um I got my crout man stand uh I only have one stand right now so I need to see if I can't find some other YouTubers and maybe get a different bid a stand uh for every YouTuber that'd be kind of cool now these are not the only bit axes available there are there is one other lower powered bit axe and then there's the nerd axe so I definitely have to fill out my collection and then just like Pokémon cards or any other addiction I got to have them all uh and then you see I got my uh Mars Lander right there in the background too so yeah we're building up a small collection of solo miners we also got some metal miners I got one of these over here um doing a little bit of solo mining as well which that's a whole another um in my opinion like category um that's not a low Power Miner those burn you know couple hundred Watts that kind of thing but these things you could get away with running these in the summertime and never have any significant amount of heat come off of them now that's a double-edged sword cuz in the winter time you say you go put this on your nightstand or something or you know on your desk it's not going to provide you with any heat either but um I think that's the best of both worlds because then you can run it 24/7 and give your yourself the most chance possible to hit that Bitcoin block but let's go look and see what this bad boy would make if you plugged it into a regular Bitcoin mining pool cuz everybody always asks me that hey what if I plug this in and I just want to get paid out every single day what would it pay me if I didn't want to do the lottery mining or the solo mining all right let's jump on it all right so it getting 1.2 Tash if you connected it to a traditional pool you would be getting about 4 cents worth of bitcoin a day or 4,120 oh no sorry um I was going to say 4,000 Satoshi but uh it doesn't show the Satoshi on here um and it says profit I just zeroed out the power so you could see what it was fully making it would make a $123 a month and obviously this would go down as more people get on the network so you see it's a lot more attractive to do some solo Mining and now here's soloch and it gives you an idea at 1.2 ter hash your chance is uh estimate you'll hit a block in 12,000 years or your chance per day is 1 in 4 million so obviously horrible horrible odds but you know it's kind of crazy um people have already hit them so far so uh can't win if you don't play so to speak I am going to definitely let mine run hopefully I hit mine sooner than 12,000 years and I can come back and make a video and show you guys some some Bitcoins but anyway I'm going to jump off here I hope you all have a good night I will see you on the next one adios

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