what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day it is December 9th 2024 and this is an update on the Bitcoin mining app and that's actually what it's called so uh let me flip this around and show you what what the uh update shows all right guys so this is the app it's just called Bitcoin mining and I showed it initially oh my goodness let me Muse that hold on on what was going on um I showed it initially on a video a little over a week ago and I invested some money into it and was just showing you how it was doing kind of thing now in the short term it w I was able to withdraw and I've still been using it in the meantime um if we go to market and then go to my active computing power I have bought a one terahash a 400 gigahash 200 gigahash 2.3 and then another 200 um now these are buy 1 get one freeze the first time you buy them so that's why I'm not saying I bought a 200 and a 200 and a 2.3 and a 2.3 so Allin the 2.3 was 99 the uh 1.1 was 49 I believe the 4 uh the 410 was like 15 and then the 200s were $9.99 a piece now obviously we do get free ones I don't have I'm not really good about watching all the advertisements so I just get like the free daily one and somebody mentioned and I forgot to to talk about this every time you buy more computing power you do get a bonus um on some of the free miners so now it's at 7 gigahash I believe last time before I had all my bonuses it was at like four or 5 gigahash um and then you can watch this 30 times to get that would be another 330 gigahash but you do have to watch those ads um now off of invitation rewards I just want to be transparent with you guys I have earned 1 2 3 4 so 1,725 Satoshi off of invites so we can take that off of our our total here so that's 1,7 and uh 25 put that on the calculator over there beside me now let's go to wallet and you can see I've been doing withdrawals so anywhere from like you know a couple hundred to I did 1,600 right there and then I have another 2100 in here loaded up now with Bitcoin at or around $100,000 uh it's cool because a th000 Satoshi is a buck you know that's that's about a dollar so 2,000 Satoshi is about $2 and if I go through it doesn't add them all together really let me see if it'll it has like our stats yesterday I earned 437 Satoshi does it show like alltime ear earnings hold on no it doesn't so I have to add it all together actually hold on I don't have to because I can go to my wallet on the computer all right there we go so alltime earnings I'm at $682 minus or uh sorry um minus the th000 Satoshi so I'm really at about six bucks but then plus the 2,000 Satoshi that's are currently in the wallet so 78 I'm around $8 uh and I'm earning about four a little over 400 Satoshi a day so I'm earning about 40 cents a day now the fact that I have spent 150 60 I've spent about $180 so at 40 cents a day uh we're looking at a 450 day return on investment not great that's not optimal probably could be lower if I watched all the ads every single day 30 days blah blah blah all that kind of stuff but in the meantime I'm just going to keep letting it do its thing and rack up uh I've heard from a lot of people out there that this app is legit and they have spent a lot of money and been able to pull out a significant amount of money as well as time goes on I might NAB up a couple more miners I'm not sure at the moment I'm just going to let it do its thing for right now but anyway guys uh I wanted to see you on the flip side and by the way I am using speed wallet just on my browser because some people were asking me what kind of uh wallet I was using and this is a lightning wallet so it's zero fees but with that being said if you do use my affiliate code I appreciate it some people were asking me how do you enter your affiliate code you just go over to profile and then below your ID you click right there and it'll say enter affiliate code um right there so I am using somebody else's affiliate code because they showed me this and uh just sharing the love definitely sharing the love so anyway guys I wanted to thank you'all for coming out I really appreciate it I will see you on the flip side and uh Happy mining Happy Cloud mining now by the way FYI do I still think this could potentially rug pull or scam on me yes I do um if this app stopped tomorrow I would have no recourse it is what it is uh but it's been going for a little while so you know what I'm a Gambling Man let's roll the dice I mean at $180 it's not even a good graphics card at that point right so I've spent more on less
Bitcoin Mining Phone APP 1 week update