[Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] turn down turn turn [Music] [Music] do do [Music] [Music] m [Music] ah [Music] all right [Music] all right [Music] serpent thank you thank you for the raid [Music] serpent serpent serpent thank you for the raid good sir good morning everybody good morning yes we are doing an unboxing today not of this this is going to be for tomorrow this is the AL Zer I mean we could unbox this today if there's enough interest but I was going to save that for tomorrow we're going to do the we're going to do the the end all be all of of Asic miners oh hold on let me take off my headset the end all be all let me turn down the music uh this one oh man it's it's so heavy it's ks5 ks5 Pro oh God I just woke up that oh man literally the end all technicals yes ah smash the like Bros so we're gonna do uh we're gon to do 24hour solo mining hash rate hold on you know let me let me let me just un let me take this thing out of the box uh I'm going to have to do it on the ground here cuz this this table is too small for this thing what's up everybody how is everyone good morning happy Saturday to everybody happy happy Saturday what is up Bros what is up Bros what is up Bros welcome welcome to the live stream all right okay I H I have it I got all right oh I opened it first thing we see is the power cable o it's the new one ah yeah oh semi- new all right so it's this is the p uh don't quote me on this but I think this is the p113 the new adaptation from bitm and then this is a C20 this is a this is a C20 okay beautiful all right comes with the cable that's good if we didn't come didn't have the cable then we'd be hooped all right okay ah yes uh to to participate um to participate in the giveaway hash rate guys we'll choose the winner in the live stream today uh but you have to be here to respond okay smash the likes Bros Smash the likes then uh when you respond then uh you send me your Caspa address and you will get 24-hour solo mining hash rate of this thing all right I'm taking it out of the box oh thing is thing is so heavy so heavy I'm taking the antistatic off antistatic bag all right here it is Jesus Christ Jesus Christ all right totally scraping my table all right there yes all right ah look at this okay first thing I see wrong the first thing I see wrong with this ks5 wait it says 21 is this a ks5 pro or ks5 this might not be a pro wait ks5 21 Terra hash I believe this is is a pro look at the sticker the sticker is is not put on straight I'm mad about that look look at that you guys see the sticker is not my OCD all [Music] right send it back Mel send it [Music] [Laughter] back ah Krypto Mel I love it I love it okay let me uh let me give it a good Shake because I wonder if there's anything nope there's nothing loose just like that just like this gold shell al2 if you guys saw that video a screw was literally the heat SN screw literally came out it's crazy it's crazy okay um yeah looks looks brand spanking new doesn't look like it was mined on at all I don't know no no dust uh the back um the back looks just fine looks good oh I see a spider web here there's a bit of spider webs going on over here okay that looks okay all right should I should I open this should should I check this just to make sure should I check the uh the connections you know what we'll just open up the top here hold on we'll just we'll just we'll just check real quick it's not coming there we go okay the top let's see can I bring you guys closer yeah okay bus bars that's good nothing loose here I think oh no that's the screw for that hold on let me just make sure everything is tight seems like it's tight tight and and type cables this one was a little bit out I pushed it in this one's good this one's good this one's good all right it's got the new four pin fan power all right this is the new revision new adaptation of the fan no longer the four pin this is like a moldex style I guess square square style fans for the power he control board all right looks good all right let's turn this on looks good looks good all right let's turn this on put the cover back on ah Krypto Krypto Mel so funny Krypto M you smell test I I am not going to smell it the spiders spiders eggs inside oh God you guys are terrible watch out for the spiders that's how Spider-Man got created Asian [Laughter] spiders oh that's so good so so very good oh man okay all right sorry if you hear stomping upstairs that's my kid is going muts okay okay little baby spiders come out as you power on okay please please don't say that hey oh I got to I got to choose the uh al2 hash rate winner ah crap for the gold shell in the video oh okay maybe we'll do that in a second okay all right so I actually already have the al2 on um you may notice uh 342 Watts for the gold shell al2 um you know what should I turn it off I'm going to turn it off I'm going to turn it off just for the video for the for the hash rate of the uh PS5 okay all right plugging in the uh p13 this is the P3 plug and then this is the p14 interface power interface the new Power interface from bitmain p14 this is going to go the green has to match up with the green on here okay snaps right there perfect okay now next we are going to all right hold on we're going to plug into the pdu which uh might dox me here hold on can I go over here all right here we go pluging it in 3 two 1 it's not turning on oh it's turning on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now oh all right my mic has to go over here now this thing is okay we got ethernet indicator lights uh Shaker home minor uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sound of money oh God this is so loud [Music] [Music] it's so loud I can't even I can't even hear myself I I can't even hear [Music] myself oh my God that is so funny oh [Music] God okay um all right let's uh let me log into it let me log into it hold on I'm sorry if it's loud I don't have a mic uh a good mic here um all right uh let's see here I can't read it I want to read read the chat as I talk with you guys oh my God it's so loud I don't have earplugs no I don't okay I'm getting the IP address all right I got the IP address all right we're going to take you guys with me uh downstairs screeno I cannot hear anything all right password rout rout right rout [Music] rout all right PS5 Pro hey heavy hash s right this does not have any pool nothing nada all [Music] right okay we're going to choose a winner okay hold on let me put this over here put this over uh keep this keep this here minimize that all right all right let me uh the video you guys are going to comment on is from Mr veteran Miner make sure you guys subscribe to him as as well holy crap it's too loud and uh let's see if you guys have been commenting already ah we got 51 comments already Yes okay so in the pinned comment in the live chat the pinned comment you guys can uh you guys can participate in the giveaway I we'll give it like five more minutes five more minutes get your comments in and I will do random comment picker uh for 24hour solo mining hash rate of a ks5 pro all right 24 hours can can you guys hear me oh God this thing is too loud it's so loud so very [Music] loud okay you guys can hear me all right good good all right okay I give it five more minutes five more minutes oh so uh one thing I want to take note was the current Caspa Network hash rate it is at 885 petahash Jesus that is a lot and uh thank you by the way to Crypt Miner Bros who has sent me this oh their websites oh they are the ones who sent me the ks5 pro to to have and to Showcase and to make videos on I wholeheartedly appreciate Crypt Miner Bros they have supported me for the past four to 5 years now and without them seriously they they have supported the channel and uh have have literally kept me financially alive thank you thank you Crypt Miner Bros thank you without them I I would not be I would not be I would say half of where I am today without them thank you for them and so uh thanks to them we're doing the hash rate giveaway for today I just want to see how much is this uh how how much is this PS5 Pro worth right now I don't even I I can't even find uh a price so I want to see their bit M uh ks5 Pro how much was this thing worth $15.99 okay all right and currently how much is this thing making um let's see let's go let's let's go to um uh where we go to Hash rate.
There we go currently the ks5 pro is now making $22 a day after 15 cents electric ouch uh this thing was at one point like a couple hundred when it was announced and then now we have the end of August batch coming out okay which is this so we at yeah people are turning them on they're they're turning on right now it's making Johnny Go Che oh it's so loud it's so very loud oh my God I need an address I I need an address so bad somebody all right all right I I think it'll you know what hold on let me see if I can change the fan speed let's see if I can change the fan speed on this thing uh let's see [Music] Che the fan speed selection box may lead to decreased passion power okay nope it's not going down uh Vinnie dco thank you for the 499 good sir keep your chin up Min good luck everybody except the technicals wow wow uh stepen cisero all right you know what [Music] zg was the [Music] first just just temporary don't freak out everyone don't freak out uh what's the pool I need casa.org start mining North America let's do solo we're doing solo I just want this thing to quiet down I wonder if this thing will quiet down let [Music] me all [Music] right all right there we go holy [ __ ] this thing is long smash the like Bros almost at 100 all right we're going to choose a winner all right don't worry guys we're we're going to choose a winner for 24 hours in a couple more [Music] minutes oh my God please please calm down please please time it's too loud oh [Music] man uh don't mind me mining what's up bro what's up man dude this thing is so loud okay hold on I wanted to see uh uh is it is it working or explore no servers were found that could be used to get work from uh no servers could be used invalid URL invalid URL pool is activated [Music] initializing the power please wait this may take up to 1 minute okay we're still going says enable power watch doog oh thank God oh thank God it came [Music] down oh so much better 82 82 82 83 DB [Music] now oh my God okay is it hashing now uh oh we're at 18,00 Watts uh uh the power is slowly going up 2200 2300 Watts oh I think I lost hearing oh my God my ears ah this is really bad I'm going to lose my hearing when I'm older if not in a couple years oh [ __ ] 3,00 3100 walks there we go oh it's even quieter [Music] yes 31 3,200 Watts now 72 DB obviously it's cool in here um when this thing starts getting hotter it's probably going to go a lot higher all right okay let's uh let's see is this thing hashing yet let's see there let's let's see if it's on the pool Stephen cisero's address oh stepen Cicero yeah you got so many miners on here holy crap man okay it's supposed to be called ks5 Pro all right I don't say that the ks5 pro on here yet oh wait we're on the solo pool I'm on the wrong pool [Music] uh [Music] solo oh it does it matter wait how does it know how does it distinguish between solo and pool uh let's [Music] see asp pool.or or is it already is it on the same oh I see pplns and then solo here okay it's 1 point one for one from four okay start learning yeah 4441 4444 but is there a different web page like some some websites have different uh they have a solo pool website and a solo and a regular uh PPL PPL ands okay oh there it go there it goes there's some hash right here there we go 21 Terra hash eight accepted shares eight accepted shares Steven ciso damn it read the chat it's good they are they are Solo too oh okay Stephen okay it doesn't say anywhere here that they're on solo so how do I I just want to know if that's uh if that was a thing but it's not showing up on the pool yet don't mind me minding castle pool reports on one page I think okay okay nice nice no it's the same okay I know like with two miners two miners has two different web pages for solo and pplns so I thought I thought there would be two different pages but if it's on the same that's cool there it is ks5 pro there it is there it is all right there it is all right okay it's quite the whole thing the the reason why we're just using uh Steven cisero's addresses I just wanted it quiet it was way too loud way way too loud all right we're at 849 petahash we're at now 854 everyone is turning on their ks5 Pros Jesus Christ it's it's happening today every all the big farms Mara Marathon digital they're all turning them on they're they're turning them all on oh my God all right let's see how much how many uh how many comments we got here we're going to choose the winner right now guys you guys ready you guys ready to choose the winner who wants to win who wants to win who wants to win I'm turning on my imaginary one okay it seems like a lot of you guys commented that's awesome smash the like Bros Smash the likes we're going to choose the winner for the ks5 pro 24hour solo mining hash rate yes yes yes yes so here it is it's mining at 3,377 Watts at the moment um rubber lips crypto some folks commented more than once uh don't worry don't worry about that random common picker will remove the duplicates um random comment picker uh it's call Pick A Winner random pick a winner doco there it is all right so I'm going to get the video pasted it anything goes include replies don't allow duplicates okay so anyone who's commented twice you will not be allowed um give it a one more minute here I think some people are still commenting uh let me and you got to be here in order to win you got to respond in the live chat and uh let's see here let's see Steven Cicero did you find a block yet you have not found a block yet I'm I'm trying to I'm trying to delay it until you find a block I want to see it I want to see I want to see the ks5 pro find a block on your address here right here I'm waiting for this waiting for this uh I appreciate all of you being here thank you for supporting and uh being here in the live stream Mr Hawk crypto mining what's up man Hawk what's up man thank you all Roy Davis Jr Caspa to the Moon well we're going to see about that we'll see that if that's going to happen um Stephen I don't see a block yet but we're we're climbing here's the ks5 pro 21 Terror has uh let's see look at at the log nice little log here looks like it's mining just fine invalid URL oh that was before okay so we're good now yeah so it took about a good 1 2 3 4 5 six 5 minutes after putting in the address like a good 5 minutes for it to like start mining so you know it's uh yeah Stephen I I don't expect it to hit a block well maybe man maybe maybe maybe okay Inlet temp is 67 outlet temp 85 Hardware errors 6 14 31 number of chips 92 chips per board there's three hash boards and Chip state looks normal chip state looks good on on all of them wait 3 34 35 yeah all green all green chip state is Green normal normal normal okay all right very nice very nice all right sick again thank you to Crypt Miner Bros they are the ones who sent me the ks5 Pro to have and to Showcase I guess for you guys I mean there's really not much to Showcase an Asic miners are Asic minor but I will be doing a how-to video to how to set up one of these things talking about the p13 the P20 cable power requirement all that stuff and uh yeah this thing is awesome I love it I love it looks good but uh we're going to choose a 24-hour hash rate you guys ready once I see once I see H there's 259 people here when I see 200 likes I'm going to start the giveaway come on there's 260 take you guys 1 second just have to scroll down a little bit on the stream on your phone or your computer hit that like button 200 likes I will begin come on 200 likes let's go let's go guys let's go 200 likes I will begin the giveaway don't mind me mining I can't like [Laughter] twice dude this thing's quiet right now well by itself dude 75 debl dude this thing is quiet it's pretty good it's pretty good not bad not that loud obviously once it's in a industrial environment when it's hotter ambient temperes are hotter this thing is probably going to start screaming it will it will it will definitely start screaming once it's in my uh uh once it's in the other uh other side of my basement or um man I can't hear anything I this thing I think it I think it ruined my ears that's not good that's not good that's not good all right let's see if the hash rate has been climbing we're at 854 petahash now we're at 874 oh my God the it cot is climbing over the past hour at the same time everyone has been receiving their ks5 Pros I received mine yesterday and everyone is turning them on today it's literally happening before our eyes right now the end of Caspa mining is it's it's happening as we speak this thing is now making $22 a day on cedra or $21 a day now on Caspa it is it is climbing fast Bros unless the only Saving Grace here is Caspa price which has been pumping over the past couple hours yes yes Caspa has been pumping yes oh oh my God yes here we go cas's pumping it's pumping today Rising with the hash rate oh yeah oh yeah here we go there we go oh boy all right how many likes do we have 190 likes we need 10 more likes 10 more likes and I will choose the winner 10 more likes Bros all right uh let's let just see here uh we got Mr Steven Cicero's address still mining I'm losing my voice we still have not found a block Steven cisero I'm sorry I'm very sorry Vinnie Del Greco hurry up before Stephen hits a block uh all right we need four more likes we are almost there Bros almost there one more like it must choose a winner all right we did it okay all right Bros let's choose the winner let's choose the winner here we go we're going to get the comments all right 138 unique comments here we go all right may please drum roll oh the music stopped drum roll please here we go come on who's going to win who's going to win who's going to win refresh it all right I I I'll ref all right I'll refresh no still 138 comments all right here we go 3 2 one Miner L uh minor hot LLC are you here I I'm not saying congratulations yet because you have to respond in the live chat Mr Miner hot LLC are you here you have to you have to respond in order to win you got to you got to respond in the live chat I don't see him I he's not responding oh there he is yes minor Hut LLC you have won I see you I see you oh that's me I see you yeah he did he did he's here he's here Miner hat LLC congrats bro congratulations on the 24hour hash rate I am I'm now going to mine to your address oh wow I thought it was rigged H how is this rigged I I never rig my giveaways they're always they're always true H have I ever rigged a giveaway tell honestly every everyone here over the past 6 years tell me have I ever rigged a giveaway purposely H how how can I rig the website commentpicker.com or pick a winner.
CO tell me how can I rig that I can't I can't rig it okay it's impossible how how can I do that I cannot rig a website God the technicals Panda emailed me last week saying I would win tomorrow a that was definitely a scammer oh my God okay minor Hut congrats bro congrats congrats um let's go here Stephen did you hit a block Stephen Stephen I'm disappointed in you Stephen I'm disappointed so so very disappointed um all right all right Stephen I'm sorry I tried I tried Stephen I tried thanks for the love yeah no worries man I tried all right I'm putting in your address uh Mr LLC Hut minor Hut is this your address GTC 5 I just want to confirm is this correct GTC ends in GTC 5 Mr endless mining good sir rigged definitely rigged hey damn it man you bastard endless mining thanks for the donation thank you definitely rig guys come on I can't rig this okay SQ SQL injection are you kidding me you said qus I cannot I don't even I don't even know what an SQL injection is all right how how can I even do such thing all right how dare you all right let's see if it moved over real fast uh let's see uh all right oh look at that Mr minor Hut LLC you have a KS or Ultra nice nice so we'll see it uh we'll see it added here in a second [Music] hopefully um let's I'm I I don't know if I have to restart or reboot yeah it looks like it says abnormal uh abnormal oh it says normal now so it's switch the pool connection status all right it should it should swap here in a second all right what are you guys saying uh John English Tech I sent you 100,000 castle with the expectation you send me 300 back Jo Miner finally got my PC back just installing antivirus nice uh jock mcmin Miner what antivirus are you installing um Ultra with OC nice uh minor Hut nice man all right it hasn't connected yet I don't know if I got to reboot this thing something tells me I might have to uh one accepted share nope I think it automatically just takes a bit to show up on Casp Das BL jock MC Miner Norton 360 jock MC Miner uninstall that stuff uninstall that right now Norton 360 is known to have malware and Trojans and [ __ ] like don't install that uninstall that right now Jack MC Miner email me I'll email you jack R Miner don't install that please that has so many key loggers and [ __ ] like it is it is publicly known it is it is publicly known that Norton software is full of is full of uh crap don't don't do it Norton has has more back doors than red panda money exactly exactly exactly please for the love of God don't install do not install n yeah you you might already have to you might already have to re you might have to reformat that PC again you might have to reformat it if you already installed Norton it your PC is already screwed you might have to reformat it already please you might have to yes definitely uninstall that stuff Bit Defender don't not even okay I'm telling you guys don't install anything on a PC that you're doing crypto on if you nothing but crypto just that's it don't install anything just nothing nothing that will have any back door or access or updating or whatever anything just all these you know did you know Microsoft Word at Microsoft Word like Microsoft Office uh there there was an update that included a key logger and it anyone who opened up Word Microsoft Word and used it they were getting keylogged so any any any like program don't install any program on the computer that you are going to do crypto on all right you don't need to have any antivirus software nothing extra none of that stuff just just empty computer blank obviously Linux preferred but in Windows it's fine you know disable Windows updates disable uh what's their what's their Siri uh no not Siri um the window search thing whatever it's called Uh the Halo whatever I I forgot what it's called ah all right so the ks5 pro has connected yes there we go all right all right what time is it right now it's uh 9:43 a.m.
All right so minor Hut by tomorrow by 10 10:00 a.m. my time this thing will be off and I got to make videos on it so uh I hope that you will get some blocks good sir I hope you will find some blocks all right so good luck good luck to you and uh congrats minor Hut LLC all right um co-pilot Cortana yes Cortana yes yes yes yes yes please disable disable all that stuff all right John quick Miner okay hold on this is not my crypto mining PC it's my daily crypto PC I do all my personal stuff on a separate non- crypto PC uh Jack Beck Miner yes exactly yeah just if you're doing crypto stuff on it just that's it and install like use Firefox or Brave browser Brave browser already inherently blocks ads that can do malware injection so you know using Brave browser Brave browser um you're going to websites just on your crypto PC just don't go to any like don't go to MSNBC don't go to any government websites don't go to just any website that you don't need to do anything on just only the hardware the the wallet website that you need to go to um download it that's it like GitHub like don't go to like CNN don't go to TSN those websites are are are are easily targeted for malware Trojan injections in the advertisements all right so don't don't click on any ads don't don't do any of that stuff okay just just stay off all the websites okay just don't don't do anything don't click on anything don't go anywhere okay all right go on here go to here go to here all right there we go all right all right Bros congrats Mr minor Hut LLC for the ks5 Pro Bron Hub and bus that you're just I mean you're just asking for it um all right who's been spamming who's spamming uh thank you for all the advice it's PR H Jo mcer no worries man no worries no worries um all right uh uh red pen of money Al leum hash rate giveaway when um tomorrow I'm I'm giving okay so we got the uh we got the AL zero here here I'm giving away hash rate of this tomorrow all right we'll open this guy up tomorrow uh or I mean I could do it today no I got to go actually I got to go in like 15 minutes so um so uh tomorrow tomorrow we'll do the AL Z AL Z tomorrow jock MC Miner I got Norton bpn is that also useless anything Norton is useless please jock mcer cancel don't pay for that subscription um just just don't don't good sir Jo Miner what about the gold sh giveaway from M yes I need to choose the winner for that as well uh I will do that after I'll do that after I'll do that after just I'm giving away hash rate for everybody everyone gets hash rate I'm giving away hash rate Al Z PS5 Pro gold shell uh al2 hash rate which is off right now I'll probably turn this thing on but I was just testing we're testing out this thing uh um are your ears ringing yes my ears are are definitely ringing um but yeah I'll see you guys tomorrow for the AL zero yes yes yes anyone notice he is hying heat into the gold shell yes well the gold Shell's off right now so yeah heet is going directly into the gold shell like it should all right no longer piping Heat this thing is actually really hot now uh what's the best AV for daily PC then um jock mcer I've had um in my back in my IT consulting days uh I really do like malware bites but recently I think malware bites has kind of gone downhill cuz they've been kind of pushing their paid subscription um honestly the the best the best protection is not to click on anything and like you know just be mindful of what you're using use ad blockers uh grave browser is really good at that in my opinion um like just you know as for VPN I mean there's a lot of them out there I think I like I like the proton proton VPN proton bpn is pretty good um I know a lot of people use express VPN uh uh yeah there's a lot of different vpns out there um I yeah I Pro proton I like proton as a VPN service um but it's it's it's a little it's a little expensive it's a little expensive Lots shill Nord VPN yeah nordvpn's not nordvpn is not is not good no n Nord vpn's not good pfSense firewall with blocks good yeah if you can set up pfSense oh pfSense is the best yes yes pfSense 100% actually setting up your own VPN like uh you know if you have a cloud a a virtual uh virtual machine based cloud service like uh uh Microsoft Z or Amazon AWS or somewhere that's hosted where you can make a virtual machine you can make your own VPN proxy um there so if you have pfSense or any open VPN service on on your router you can you can you can you can do a router wide VPN to your own uh VPN server outside so the IP address is masked on your own on your own um rented BM outside so yeah it's uh a lot of people that well that's how people make proxies and like you know hop hop in different servers they they they make they make VPN servers all around and they're connecting to each one and they're hopping to each one and that's how they're like masking their you know their their initial IP but that that's another that's another way to do it yourself um and not and not uh rely on you know um the VPN servers from uh the all the popular Services proton Nord Express VPN with pfSense you can put a whole network behind VPN no software to load yeah uh yeah yeah exactly yeah Zed red P of mining over nine petahash now oh let's check this out let's check this out oh we were at 8:35 like an hour ago it's we're at 910 now oh my god what the hell oh yeah oh yeah let's see here let's see this ks5 Pro was making $22 this morning it's now making less than $20 uh $20 now $20.93 it's going down but but but Casa's price kaspa's price is going up kind of it's it's it's pumping at the same time so it's kind of it's sustaining the profitability as cas's price is slowly going up as the hash rate is also going up the profitability is kind of staying the [Laughter] same H I love it I love it I love it I love it look at that it's it's going it's climbing we're at 3,400 Watts now okay we were at 33 40 before so it's getting hotter in here where I am right now it's getting hotter so ambient temperature is rising the fan is getting louder little bit [Music] so it's going uh I want to see if the minor Hut found a block let's see minor Hut did you find a block yet no no block no block yet he's are we solo mining we're solo mining aren't we yeah we're solo mining I hope I hope we found you a block good sir at least a I mean in theory we should find you at least a couple a day like two or three four blocks a day that should equal the um uh whatever the $20 profitability but it's all based on luck too so uh Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck minor Hut fingers crossed fingers crossed bro fingers crossed all right you guys have any final remarks any final questions about anything before we go off here I got to go in a couple minutes I appreciate you all for being here again thank you to Crypt Miner Bros if you guys are looking for as6 go check them out link down below they have all in pricing whatever price you see on the website like this includes shipping duties and taxes to your door everything uh in some cases you do have to pay a little bit in duties and taxes but they lower the shipping value so good on them for doing that thank you Crypt men Bros all right any final remarks when car Channel automatic beats I'm working on it I'm working on my truck Channel right now I'm working on it I'm working on it uh what do you buy next um nothing the L9 the L9 is next for me I I I I want the L9 I think the L9 is going to be um L9 is going to be good should be good long term hopefully red P that pickups I'm trying to find a name right now actually I'm trying to figure out a name four times ahead ah literally yes four times ahead red panda Trucking red panda Stephen uh red P mine do you have any script miners add your Bell's address uh I haven't done it yet um but I do have a lot of little script miners yes yes I do um Krypto more let's get some liquid nitrogen uh definitely not ah I may be getting one of those fog hashing units fog hashing c2s I don't know where I'm going to set that up but I will dunk I'll be dunking one or two as6 inside fully electric do you not like the alphapex dg1 plus uh fully electric I think the dg1 pluses are great I have no issues with them they've been going mining non-stop like 30 plus days no issues no the alpha pex's are really good Alpha pex's are really good s sometimes four-wheel koala I'm trying to think of a name if you got some good name s I'm trying to think of a good YouTube channel name for it I okay I have a Tacoma and I might have a Jeep all right uh Jeep Wrangler I might have two two vehicles that I'm going to have some fun with red P of Motors uh maybe how's the bomb back doing crypto Craig the bomb Backes are still going good yeah yeah the two easy 100 C's Yep they're doing good and thanks for reminding me of that crypto cig we got to we actually have to do a giveaway on those I bet the wife drives the r where do you stuck all that mining equipment how much power do you use for all the mining I use about I think I'm at like 60 th 70,000 Watts 60,000 Watts right now I'm using a lot of I'm using a lot of power red RPM red panda Trucking sounds great to best for me did you make room for your wife to park in the garage again uh Stephen no uh I yeah I want to make a a YouTube channel like a car YouTube channel cuz I love that's my second hobby I I would love to have a YouTube channel for cars like my whole red panda mining Channel I I got inspiration from starting this channel from stradman you guys know stradman on YouTube he's got like 50 cars like I that's I got inspiration from that from him from starting a YouTube channel stradman stradman is awesome I love that guy he's so cool I I would love to start a a car Channel like him like that and I think I I think I can I think I can do it I think I can Vlog the same style like not like him but you know my mining vlogging I can Port over to vlogging my my my my trucks my my cars like I can do that too uh I would love to have like car sponsors that would be that' be so sick that that would be that would be so sick stradman day trader millionaire is he a day trader s s sometimes diff lock Panda yes STI my TRD off-road has diff lock I haven't used it yet but uh so funny okay Bros that's it you guys have a great day thank you thank you so much thank you for the fun thank you for the giveaway and uh you guys have a great day smash the like on the way out I will see you all tomorrow we're going to give away Al Z hash rate uh I'll unbox it tomorrow and we'll do the AL Zero ice rever hash rate giveaway tomorrow all right peace out Stephen you bastard uh rabbit is streaming yes rabid is streaming now all right I'll see you guys over there you guys have a great day peace out Bros peace out peace out appreciate you all without you guys I would be nothing I I do this all for you guys I love it I love this stuff you guys are the ones that keep me going I love this this is this is what it's all about and communicating being with the community here with you guys and uh yes this is the best travels travels thanks for the stream thanks for the givea away yeah you too buddy peace out peace out Bros minor Hut LLC good good luck to you good sir good luck to you we'll see if you get a block in the next uh 24 hours here no block yet but we're hopeful I'm hopeful I'll do a video on it after 24 hours I'll record I'll record it and see if you got a block and uh cuz I'm going to record uh another video of this PS5 Pro so we'll see if you get a block I'll record it all right peace out peace out Bros Carl M good to see you Carl M see you bro see you see see see bye bye bye bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music]