Bon is absolutely pumping what's going On with Bon welcome back to 99b YouTube Channel I'm your host Umar Khan today We're looking at a very popular salana Based cryptocurrency bnk before I start The video I want to let you guys know That this is not Financial advice always Do your own research and due diligence Before investing any money in the Cryptos we cover on this channel before We start the video I want to ask if you Haven't already make sure you smash the Subscribe button down below as it helps Out the channel tremendously now let's Take a look at what's going on with Bon Everyone's favorite salana base meme C The dogs are back and the dogs are Pumping uh Bon is doing some exciting Things currently sitting at $1.6 billion In Marat making this a top 60 traded Coin on coin Mark cap talking about top Traded their volume is s sitting at $760 Million also making its top 17 traded Coin for 24-Hour volume this is Absolutely insane on the week we're up a Whopping 80 1% why is this pumping it's Going crazy on the month we're at 12% Because we had a strong d But it's fully recovered from this dip Which is great to see everyone's excited For Bon the community had a project Announcement did you get to see our Pause on the Bonk in Dubai referring to The big crypto boxing event that took
Place in Dubai Bon was able to secure a Massive sponsorship spot I believe they Were the golden sponsor where they had Bon logos on the glove Bon logo on the Shorts Bon logo on the ring girls it was Bon logos covered everywhere getting This massive coverage this is absolutely Insane for a new cryptocurrency so just Mind boggling how Bon is taking over the Internet talking about a new Cryptocurrency if you want to get into a Coin super early before it even launch We're going to quickly cover Doge verse The the multi-chain traveling Dogecoin Guys what does multi-chain mean it means You can trade on the following chain so Doge goes multi chain buy and claim do Ver on any of the following chains e Binance polygon Avalanche base and Salana so the doge is going multi-chain In 15 hours they're going to be raising The pre-sale prices so make sure you buy In before the prices go up they've Already raised $10.5 million in the Pre-sale in the past couple of weeks not Only has this project going to be Multi-chain multi brdge utility with a Solid road map in place with plans of Centralized exchange listings and so Much more amazing tokenomics it also has Staking potential so you can start Earning passive income on your Doge Verse with upwards of 104% apy with Dynamic range staking meaning the price
Of the apy is changing you're not going To want to miss out on Doge verse what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead And Link this down the description below And we can check out and buy this coin They're growing on Twitter as well so You're not going to want to miss out on This but let's go back to Bon and see Why it's pumping so first of all we even See salana up 12% on the week as salana Is also pumping a bit as well but what's Going on specifically with bon bon bon Is more than ordinary dog with 6 with 690,000 plus holders the website's Glitching but I believe they have 110 Plus Integrations and they're on nine Different chains Bon is a social lay and Community meme coin on salana with deep Integrations as a utility token across a Wide base of applications and protocols Within the web 3 ecosystem we aim to Achieve this through expanding our Growth list of Integrations across Multi-chain Defi and gaming so again They're no longer just a meme coin They've already broken past the point of That they're now a utility based project So with multichain Defi and gaming get Bunk on 40 plus decentralized exchanges And centralized exchanges you buy bnk Today with a massive list of places you Could buy this project and it looks like They also have some other key projects Like the Bonk bot Bon swap Bonker Wars
Moonwalk by Bonk pooper scooper and open Bonk this is really cool make sure you Check it out now why is it pumping let's Go ahead and take a look at what's going On social media so looking back at the Numbers of the fight Bon was everywhere The energy was incredible and we can see The Bonk logos everywhere on the ring Girls on the signs on the boxers gloves Bon's coverage was absolutely everywhere From The Ring to it all this is a Massive event in Dubai crypto boxing 2500 people in attendance this was Absolutely massive that was a massive Sponsor spot they got and they got a Bunch of people over eight looks like 81% were male in the 25 to 35 AG range Which again is the average crypto Consumer so again total views extreme 35 Million social media reach 175 million Bonk was covered everywhere that's why We're seeing a solid peak in price even In news Bon is going parabolic again Bonk Bonk Bon everyone's talking about Bonk mecoin Bon could soon continue Parabolic Bull Run mean coin Bon see Significant rally amid cautious Market Optimist hitting this price analyst Attribute surge to investors seizing Recent price dips and making comebacks Am miss the mem coin interest list Bon Enhan his crypto offering as Bon's rally Gains momentum eyes go further so a Bunch of exciting things happening with
Bon the Bon Mania looks like it's making A comeback guys like always none of this Is financial advice always your own Recent due diligence but let me know how You're feeling about bon in the comment Section below are you bullish on what Bon is building I'm very bullish and Excited to see what comes next for Bon So let me know feel in the comment Section below also if for do you want to Load up a bag I'm going to link that in The description and comment section as Well if you haven't already make sure You smash the Subscribe button and until Next time it's your boy Umar peace [Music]