Bitcoin is about to hit some crazy All-time highs here's some bitcoin news You absolutely don't want to miss out on Welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am Your host Umar Khan today we're looking At some exciting news with what's going On with Bitcoin and why you should load Up a bag if you haven't already but Before we start the video I want to ask If you haven't already make sure you Smash the Subscribe button down below to Reach your 2024 crypto goals all right Ever since post happening guys again the People have been bullish on bitcoin but The price just hasn't reflected yet Bitcoin currently sitting at $63,000 Down roughly $10,000 from its previous All-time highs in terms of trending tab Guys Bitcoin has been trending for ever Since havening currently at number two It's been dancing around with the number One spot right underneath um Pepe as Well which is pretty dope but yeah we Haven't Just Seen Crazy act in terms of Fear greet index we see it's currently Sitting at a 57 neutral where at once we Were sitting in greed and even extreme Greed earlier this year what's going to Go on with Bitcoin price what do we need To see happen for Bitcoin to pump Because there's a bunch of really cool Things happen in the marketplace guys Some ETFs Australia getting involved in Bitcoin um Hong Kong ETF going live and

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A bunch of crazy things that we're going To check out in this video we're Anticipating these bullish news should Help pump the price as we're already Seeing a slight pump occurring so let's Go ahead and take a look at what's going On on bitcoin currently at $1.26 Trillion in market cap the number one Coin on coin market cap in terms of Volume number two at 26.6 billion I really wonder what number One volume is at cuz that's absolutely Insane all right we're looking at the 7 Days guys we can see we're down a Whopping 5% in terms of the month we are Down 8% looks like a bunch of exciting Things happening we see over here the Hong Kong to approve its first spot ETF And then Hong Kong approves Bitcoin spot ETF and ethereum ETF and then uh binance And support for their Bitcoin ordeals And then two other significant events That kind of caused the price to Fluctuate we're really anticipating this Hong Kong approval to really help Bitcoin Skyrocket but we just been in This strange bearish sentiment right we See price was pumping uh earlier this Year and now we're sitting in this weird Spot the the highest peak we saw was Roughly $73,000 per Bitcoin which is absolutely Insane someone post this as well in the Community tab uh some chart some

Triangle patterned formation and it's Saying should we worry about Bitcoin Breakdown now again with a triangle Formation if it breaks some prices if it Breaks above these levels obviously It'll continue going up but if it breaks Below it could continue going low we're Seeing a lot of people even sailor was Saying that we're probably never going To see Bitcoin hit $60,000 again but Again none of this financial advice Always to your own research and due Diligence in terms of technicals where Are the technicals showing for Bitcoin We see a cell selling sediment a are at Neutral movie averages are at sell so It's interesting to see where people are Selling yet there's a lot of bullish Things going on in the news and news Events right Hong Kong Bitcoin ethereum ETFs are set to debute that's a very big Headline even forb is talking about Bitcoin happening and Market Optimus Drive Millions to crypto startups again Talking about startups if you want to Get into a prodct that's hasn't even Launched yet join in on the 99 Bitcoin Pre-sale it's going a price hike in 9 Hours they raised just under a million Now this is not your typical me coin This is a Learn to Earn cryptocurrency Opportunity that you don't want to miss Out on what do I mean Learn to Earn 99 Token is a future of Learn to Earn

Launching a new Learn to Earn token 99 Bitcoins is designed to reward Individuals for learning about crypto The classic 99b platform is integrating With brc2 to Pioneer Learn to Earn Models for their blockchain they have Over 700,000 people in their Community a 2.8 million uh subscriber list and 79 Hours worth of content in courses so They have a massive Learn to Earn but Also they're doing a massive $100,000 Giveaway so if you want to join make Sure you come over and follow come to The website I'm going link it down below Join our 99 uh BTC airdrop we are Airdropping $100,000 worth of B of Bitcoin to 99 Comm community members who Joined the Learn to Earn Revolution Early the details are over here you're Not going to want to miss out on as Winners are chosen on July 19th so make Sure you come over and get your Chan to Get these entries come check it out now Let's go back and see what's going on With Bitcoin so we can see again lots of Headlines Peter brand predicts $160,000 Bitcoin that could be ins Even on Twitter guys we have a ton of Amazing news let's go ahead and take a Look at what the community is saying About Bitcoin so we can see over here This was posted an hour ago Hong Kong Opens Bitcoin ETF business and we're up 600 bucks in a matter of minutes let's

Hope this is a nice heart breing of the Hardness we can see that's when it went Live and we're seeing a little bit spike In the price yes we are seeing a little Bit selling as well but again that's Pretty bullish now this is actually very Bullish as well the Australia Market Getting involved in Bitcoin so breaking News Australia approves the spot Bitcoin ETFs before the end of 2020 4 so there's A trend being here the UK opens ETFs Australia Hong Kong the whole world is Really adopting to bitcoin and this is Why we're saying Bitcoin might never see Lower prices than 60,000 ever again so Hong Kong spot Bitcoin goes live Tomorrow and this was posted 15 hours Ago are you ready and I believe it's Live now in April micro micro strategies Acquired additional 122 BTC for 7.8 Million and now holds over 214,000 BTC At 5:00 p.m. they discuss their q1 plan Which is absolutely insane again Mike Sailor being a really a really strong Person in the Bitcoin space this is from Bloomberg Bitcoin Bitcoin ETF bandwagon Heads to Australia after 53 billion Hall In the US Australia's top exchange Expected to approve ETFs in 2024 again everyone is so bullish on Bitcoin guys and we're literally a storm Is coming we can see as the waves are Coming the tides are coming close Bitcoin is going to see some very very

Bullish days ahead I'm super excited for Bitcoin I know that you subscribers are As well so let me know guys are feeling About BTC in the comment section below Also make sure you grab a bag of 99 BTC The first Learn to Earn platform to get Early in the revolution and for your Chance to get a stake at that $100,000 Giveaway that wraps the video like Always not Financial advice always your Own research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos cover On this channel and until next time it's Your boy Umar peace

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