Buying up GPU Mining Farms to resell

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day uh thank you all for letting me know on my previous video the audio was turned way down don't know how that happened I'm going to make sure that's not the case on this one and going further um I was using my external mic on the other one and I think I had just need to tweak the settings but um not using that one today cuz I forgot it at the office regardless though we got some more gpus in so we're going to be rolling through those and um doing a a a haul video a GPU haul video um going to have a couple of these coming up here in the next couple uh probably the next week week and a half cuz I have a couple a couple small farms that I've bought out from people I think this one's uh this one's pretty nice right here um I think it's a lot of 30 series stuff in this one if I remember correctly let me get it open there we go with my perfectly legal pocket knife you know all right so starting off from the top we [Music] have O Okay so starting off real nice EVGA 370 TI it's a xc3 classic clean super super clean card these were mined on but I don't think they have uh yeah they're not showing any any kind of age so 370 TI to to start it off with awesome awesome card next up we have and by the way guys all these well with the exception of maybe a couple but all these graphics cards are going to be going onto the web store so if you're not familiar I do own a little small computer shop it's www.

bc- um and we sell used computer parts on there all that kind of stuff got some little little bit of everything so here's another 3070 TI xc3 EVGA nice nice looking card fans all in good shape this this generation of I'm I'm GNA be honest EVGA in general really didn't have a lot of uh a lot of fan issues from my experience seems like my Zotac cards always had fan issues my MSI cards always had fan issues oh here is a uh for the win 3 edition EVGA 3070 TI a lot bigger but still essentially same performance just a a much bigger cooler this is like the the 3080 cooler if I remember correctly all righty going further down the list H another xc3 3070 TI a lot of matching a lot of these are matching that's uh that's kind of makes it super simple on my end for listing them online that's for sure and by the way guys I know in the past I was not testing all of the graphics cards that are coming in um and I've kind of made it a policy now anything significant if it's you know a 580 or a 1660 some like little cards um I don't really mess with them too much I don't even really buy a lot of them anymore because I have so many of them on hand by the way shout out 1660 supers are on sale right now down to 90 bucks on the website it's right on the front page they're already marked down you don't have to enter any codes in or nothing like that um but especially like 30 60 TI 370s 3070 TI and 3080s I will be verifying and testing all of them before they leave the store so you know that they're hunky dory and good um and while I'll be doing a video on my my test bench and showing you guys that uh probably coming up here soon but another xc3 37 ETI matching cardo look at that pretty clean uhoh this one has a bad fan fans's locked up on it okay so we'll set that one off to the side dang I was just I was just giving evj such a good good moment about their uh their fans but yeah that one's got a bad fan she's locked up not a deal breaker still has two out of the three probably honestly could run halfway decent but it's a shame to to not f picks up a EVGA card nice another EVGA this is a just a regular 3070 um bands are in decent shape on this one the bracket's a little bent the io bracket but I'll need to bend that out because who knows where what or how that was being used um I've definitely done that where I you know bend the bracket out to make it fit into certain applications doesn't affect the card all in all but still need to bend it back straight uh so regular 30 70 xc3 right there let's continue onwards oh look at that an Asus dual 3060 TI this is probably another one of those cards that I'm not going to be able to sell because people don't like Asus duel cards people like Asus cards like the Rog stricks and the stuff like that but for some reason I've had multiple du come through the shop and um they've turned into my personal mining cards because they just sit there in inventory so um I'm going to leave one of them available in inventory and then the rest are going to go into my shop so this one's going right into my rig probably over here um yeah Asus duel this one's a little dirty too no big deal anyway 3060 TI let's continue onwards got got more down here in the goodie bag um evj 3060 TI this is a for the win 3 edition 3060 TI which honestly looks like the 370 xc3 cooler before the wind for the win 3 edition 3060 TI does not look like a for the win card for example a 3070 TI for the win 3 edition compared to 3060 TI for the win 3 look look at the cooler difference this one is a a lot thicker and also longer h no problem we'll put that in the 36 DTI pile continuing onwards we have a Founders card we got a Founders 3070 and to drop the cable to go into the top of it so 3070 bounders oh it looks like it's got a that's not a factory cable is it's a aftermarket um pcie to uh whatever that is 12 pin the the new standard we got more let's see here another Founders this is a 3060 TI Founders and got the um cable down there and that one put that in 360 TI pile yep now that looks like a factory 12 Pin cable doesn't really matter they all get the job done they all work I have a lot of testing to do I'm pretty much tomorrow is just going to be straight up a GPU testing day have a RTX this is a I think this is a regular 3060 I believe doesn't say on top and then it's just got the uh it's the 8 gig 3663 KR let me Google that real quick EVGA [Music] EVGA um 8 gig Das P5 Dash 36 63- KR okay so this is a 3060 TI but this is the small cooler this is the XC not even the xc3 so this is like your bottom of the barrel EVGA which in my opinion still is a great card so 3060 TI pile oh here we go mixing it up a little bit we have an MSI fand are free on that one this is a Ventus 2x 37d I feel like MSI fell so far from what they were back in like 10 series like you give this this card to MSI back in like 10 10 series Nvidia you know like 1080s and stuff they MSI would be like we didn't make that card because MSI back then was like yo we need to make it bold colors black Red Dragons lights craziness and now MSI is just like hey the top- ofth line one we can sprinkle a little bit of RGB in there everything else black solid black coolers black black black black black black I mean they got the dragon they do got the dragon but it's just so much more subtle than it used to be I don't know maybe it worked for him maybe being being a little bit more subtle did work for him all righty next up on the list everybody knows what this this is this is a Zotac 370 yeah 370 twin Edge looks like it's got a little bit of sun damage on the back of it where sun was coming through and hitting the back plate not a problem I've had a couple cards like that um the Zotac are definitely more susceptible to it than uh than other other cards we did see that one EVGA that when EVGA gets sun damag on the back back plate they turn like gold instead of black another Zotac 3070 twin Edge and it looks like this one no sun damage on that one so that would just be the luck of the draw I think this is the last card out of the bunch I can get it out of here it's a Zotac 3060 TI twin Edge look at that little little guy and Yep this one has some uh some sun damage on the back of it as well so no issues there I swear these thermal pads look like fresh like like they've been redone but um yeah we'll stick that in the 3060 TI pile so all together comes out to 1 2 3 4 5 30 60 t I 1 2 3 4 5 307s 1 2 3 4 5 3070 ti so 5 five and five yeah one two three 5 five and five um yeah I'm going to go through the uh the buy sheet that I had sent to him uh just to double check and make sure everything's here because I have oddly enough bought some some uh some lots of graphics cards from people and then they you know you would think people like would short you right and not send you enough stuff um sometimes I've had people send extra cards and not even tell me um so make sure make sure the buy list matches up with everything get everything tested and then I can go ahead and get this get this fine gentleman paid out um some people were asking about that I've have mentioned it in previous videos uh I quit prepaying when I was buying gpus just due to the fact that I already had been taken advantage of two times so I wasn't going to let it be a third time and um some people weren't weren't cool with sending their graphics cards to me before getting paid and I understand that um it is what it is hopefully I've built up enough of a reputation and having you know now a brick and mortar store um that I can be you know have some level of trustworthiness but it was just way too risky on my end to be sending money out into the the worldwide world to just anybody that could all of a sudden ghost me um there's been I think there's there's like five cards in total from those two transactions that I don't have but I paid for and that hurts so um yeah so if you do want to sell some Hardware I do have to get it in and now I do have to verify it I try to get it turned around as fast as possible I got this stuff in um it actually came in late yesterday so I got it opened up today but today's Thursday I don't go to the shop on Thursday so I'm not able to test everything um oh my sorry my battery I hit low battery uh but I'll go into the shop tomorrow Friday and I'm going to try to hammer out get all these tested and get U get her guy get her guy paid out and then these things will be popping up on inventory so uh along with these I also have some other cards they were 2060s um 1660s and there were some 10 series too some 1070s um I didn't do an unboxing video because I I was just too busy uh but those are already up on the the website so if they're available they'll show up in inventory all hunky dory so thanks for watching guys I'll see youall on the next one peace

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