ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel we are in the box and uh we just got another shipment in of gpus and maybe accessories that somebody wanted to sell off so I figured we'd roll through it together um some people in the past whenever I've done these videos kind of like showand tell videos they've asked you know what the process is how's that work and we'll go over that at the end but for right now let's Dive Right into into it this is actually from somebody that I have bought from before and I think this is the last little bit of his farm that he had left so just opened it up lots of packing peanuts we are going to start off with a Asus tough no it's a tough uh Asus tough 3070 they're not familiar these cards are pretty tough you threw them at some put they would definitely do some damage so uh good looking card there going to I'm going to have to bring these out and put them on the 2B tested table I'm I'm I I've devised a whole process now but we'll get into that next up and this right here these are dangerous cuz you just go you start grabbing stuff and like packing peanuts start flying that's that's a bad time all right oh look at this box stricks so let's see this only two was this only two gpus it's got the manual in there so that's pretty cool I believe this is actually missing a sleeve I think a sleeve goes on the outside of this box but ain't no big deal oh look at this I love for some reason the 30 series Asus Rog STS cards m these are chunky boys and um I don't know I really like this cooler design uh so this is a Rog stricks 3060 TI 3060 TI and it is bigger thicker and heavier than that Asus tough 3070 so yeah I believe the 3060 TI and the uh the 3070 share coolers especially on the Asus side of things look at this hold on in pretty good shape too I think this yeah the top side lights up a good look it's definitely a good look so that one's that one's nice cuz it's got the box I consider that like half Kit full kit is you know original box all the packaging all that kind of stuff but half kit is still better than than no kit that other one was was no kit is that it yeah that's it okay so it just just those two cards so um all I have to do is is get those tested for a man and then get him his payment over but some people were wondering how the process goes so um I have already been taken advantage of quite a few times for paying for stuff before I get it uh so I'm no longer doing that and some people have a problem with that that's fine I understand it is what it is um but I can't just start paying for stuff before it comes in I do pay for the shipping label when then when I get it in you know I keep in contact with everybody um I send people a uh a buy estimate my wife's blowing up my phone let me make sure everything's okay um okay yeah everything's good um so I send I send over a buy estimate if it's you know like a significant order if it's just like one or two cards no big deal you know we can just agree on a price you send it in once I get it in I test it and then uh on big orders I tell people you know I need anywhere from about 5 to 7 days but expect seven days especially if it's a bigger order I may need more time CU I go through test everything uh whatever does not pass I either uh you know I talked to you in the meantime I either ship it back to you um or we negotiate out a price if you don't want it back and then maybe cut down on the price go from there uh provide some evidence of it messing up cuz I have had some situations where I get stuff in it doesn't work and then they're like man that worked before I sent it to you and I'm like well all I know is it doesn't work now so maybe do we need to you know put a claim in against shipment or vice versa uh and then I I show them videos of it actually booting up or not booting up and going from there uh haven't had a ton of that so luckily most everything showed up here in good shape because whenever I tell people to pack it well and I pay the shipping don't worry about you know going a little bit oversized on the box or packing it with extra stuff like I'd rather it be safe then get here broken so after you know the I get it tested then I get payment issued and I do have a business PayPal account so I have been paying most everybody through PayPal every now and then I do have requests to track off of that but I have 100% stopped cash app uh because apparently there's a new cash app exploit where you can send somebody money then they can return it back to you but then double charge you back from their bank I don't know how it works I don't know what about it is is is that situation I have not been taken advantage of in that way uh I just was told by quite a few people to be careful using cash app um as a business so that's why I went ahead just got my PayPal set up and uh there is no fees to the end user so if I'm buying cards from you and it's you know $2,000 you receive $2,000 I end up eating the fees on that just being the business on my end um so that's kind of how it works all all together uh but yeah some people have a problem with with sending over gpus cuz uh and I've heard this quite a few times they're like man you know you know trust trust like I don't trust you and I'm like man I I don't even I don't even know what you look like letting alone let alone know where you're at or where you're coming from what your intentions are all that kind of stuff I at least you know I have a company I'm trying to uh build a u a brand and build a reputation around that company so it's in my best interest to do what I say Obviously nobody's perfect I have fell down on some things but I've I have in my opinion tried to make every single one of those right um not everybody agrees with everything but as for buying if we you know if we can't agree on a price that's why I do buy estimates now so if you don't agree on the buyout estimate beforehand then you just don't send anything into to me because we've you know I've talked to some people this was early on and we talk about prices and then they send everything in and I test everything and by the time it's time for me to pay for everything then all of a sudden the prices aren't good anymore they want more money and it's just like ah what do I do so that's that's kind of why I've just went away and try tried to standardize a process buy estimates get approval send it in test it all pay for it and then send it all out the door start start getting it moving um some people don't agree with it some people are just like man I can sell this stuff on eBay I can sell this stuff myself and I'm just like yeah that's that's fine that's great um I try to be very upfront with people that I don't give top dollar I don't give the best prices but I definitely try to be fair because I still have to pay fees sales tax well I guess technically the end user pays sales tax but I still have to pay fees um and I still have to pay the shipping cost uh so there there is extra administrative cost baked into everything across the board um I do take on the uh the income tax of selling additional Hardware there's just there's a lot of little things but um just to kind of clear up the air on a lot of that because people keep asking me all kinds of stuff um regardless other than this man I just smacked the microphone sorry about that guys people with headphones are just like ah right now um I do have another shipment that just came in it's fairly decently sized I think it's like 20 something plus cards so I'll probably go over that in tomorrow's video um I'm actually going to after this video is over I'm going back out there to go test uh and keep testing 2060s because I had more 2060 orders coming in um I know people were reaching out to me and they were just like oh my God are the 2060s sold out the 2060s are not sold out I still have quite a few of them but the orders were stacking up faster than I could get them tested even when I had somebody here helping me so I just put them as temporarily sold out so no more sales come in because I don't want somebody sitting there with an order for weeks on end not knowing what what's going on so I'd rather just wait and when I'm ready and when they're clean and and boxed up and ready to go that's when I'll I'll make them available so that's kind of what's what's going on with that stuff by the way if you ever have an issue with my order or anything um the shop cell phone number you can call it text it there's a shop email uh you can go into the Discord there's a section for order questions reach out I got some moderators on there reach out about anything don't hesitate please reach please reach out to me i' I'd rather make a situation right then leave somebody hanging I that's that's like the number one thing here is is uh I just want I I want to treat everybody the way I would want to be treated in a purchasing situation so anyway guys I'm going to jump off here we just hit the 10-minute Mark not trying to drag this out um yeah see you all on the next one and uh peace out oh my gosh I just realized there's a freaking huge spider on my wall right there right there we're going to smack the crap out of it hold on where'd it go I don't know where it went oh there it is oh she's a goner she's dead she's crumpled up folded like a piece of laundry um gosh man I I I don't like spiders I don't but I seem to get spiders whenever I leave the garage door open and I've had it open pretty much like all weekend uh yeah is that another all right y'all have a good night I'll see you on the next one later all right funny little story I've been um I was about to upload this video but I figured I'd include this at the very end for you know people that made it to the very end so I recently had sold three RTX 370 gigabyte uh the triple fan cards and um the uh the customer reached out to me and they were like hey everything came in but there's a problem I got three 3070 boxes but only one of them was not a 3070 it was a 3060 and I'm like huh um Anything Can Happen mistakes get made people are human I have been having other people helping me so that is introducing another layer of you know human error uh but that's a that's a pretty big boo boo that's you know undervaluing and sending him less than what he bought but I'm like hey no problem let me go look through my 3060 because the gigabyte triple fan 306s look identical to the 370s so it could have happened for reference I have another gigabyte 3070 here see there uh actually hold on I found I found the gigabyte 3070 that was missing and it was in this gigabyte 3060 box so in the process of pulling them out testing them putting them all back away so I need to uh work on that which i' I've started doing you know one series at a time per customer all that kind of stuff just keep up the quality control anyway this is the gigabyte 3070 in question that was missing it fits exactly into the 3060 box that's because they use almost identically the cooler so I had another 3060 here for reference so check them out they're very very similar right one thing that's not similar is this one only has a single eight pin and this one has an eight pin and a six pin so um nowhere on the card other than the little sticker on the back do they actually say you know 3060 or 3070 um so I was just like hey man let me make this right I'm not this is this was a mistake um I I found the card that was supposed to go to you uh I I would appreciate if you could send me the other one back and then I'll send you the one you're supposed to get and um you know I'm going to probably kick him like a a little extra some some of discount code or or something because um I just feel like crap that he had to even go through that but regardless uh yeah yeah so um I think I think the big thing is keeping up with uh serial numbers um Ted over at Silver Knights told me that's absolutely crucial I think I talked about it in a previous video um I have to keep up with serial numbers because people can send me back the incorrect cards um I did tell them to take a picture of that 3060 and it does match the serial number on the 3060 box that I have here so that that means I somewhere along the lines either me or my help did flip-flop and uh put that back in the wrong place so yeah oh well hey own up to your mistakes it is what it is um but if you and I'm speaking to not only you guys on YouTube but if you're a customer of mine and you ever have a problem with anything please reach out to me and um I'd like to always make things right obviously I can't offer a you know Mega lifetime ultimate warranty um these are used parts uh but if something ain't right something ain't right and we'll make it right so anyways I'm going to jump off here y'all have a good night and uh for real yeah the video is definitely over now and I need a haircut get long oh my oh my Majestic look at this that is that's out there all right I
Buying Used GPUs for resale