Camera Setup In PC Shop

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all right so ladies and gentlemen what is up welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I am getting my camera set up all ironed out um I I'm not going to be able to finish it today because I realized I need more angles so I have a LogiTech C920 you know basic 1080 camera um I have that one pointing down here so it's showing this area and where customers walk in uh it's running over here and see there it is right there so hey guys how you doing uh you know hey we're working on stuff obviously there's a mess right here but that's how that camera is going to look right there then I have a little top down camera don't think I'm going to keep this because I didn't realize how old it was it's a C230 Logitech and I have it just pointing down at my desk area right here but uh quality is pretty bad on it this is a 720p camera from like yest year so I'm going to be replacing that uh I'm going to try out some other cameras but drop some recommendations down below I'm looking for cost effective at least at least 1080p cameras um and then I am going to be also ordering me a lapel mic that I can just uh leave you know leave the dongle plugged in on the computer side and then have it on my shirt so that way if I change angles and walk around the room and that kind of thing and I'm recording uh my audio doesn't cut in and cut out because I'm not going to be stationary sitting at a desk the whole time I might be you know working on something right here or working on something right here and and my audio would be all over the place so um that's currently what's going on right now I I'm already out of USB slots so I'm going to get me a good powered USB hub because we definitely need need more USBs for more cameras um what was it uh the system on the wall if you guys don't know that's going to be running the streamlabs for recording I don't know how much live streaming I'm going to be doing in here um might it might be we'll see uh but that's a Zeon 8 core it's a 2670 uh V2 we got 32 gigs of RAM uh 1030 for the main display and I have this 2060 that does good uh I took this on a tradein and apparently um they said that something was wrong with it so I've been using it trying to recreate the conditions to find out what's wrong with it and it just keeps working so um I'm just going to keep using it for the time being um other than that I don't have anything else set up currently I think I do want to have a camera like literally right here just pointing straight at me so that way I can you know sit down talk to you guys like this and then I'll have the top down view be like hey let's work on this and then we'll have that the side view up there if customers come in or we're working on customers stuff like that and I I think that's I think that's where we're at right now so just a quick little up update with that I have a couple orders so I'll show you guys packing that and um we'll call it a day on that one so this is a perfect example of that front camera I wouldn't have it this low I'd have it higher up so it's like all right guys we got another order that came in let's go ahead and get it printed out and see what they got um so it's order number 1210 and it looks like they picked up an i7 3770 W bam for 30 bones and um I don't if they use the five off discount or not but if you're a new customer and you haven't been to my computer shop Web Store the number five and then off no capitals no spaces no special characters will get you 5% off your first order so come by support Me Help Me Maybe you get a good deal in the process uh regardless though let's get this bad boy packed up we are going to be throwing it in one of these which I also have these for sale too these are little CPU shipping boxes they're actually designed for am4 socket cuz they have a little ledge inside there so you can set the CPU down it doesn't the pins don't touch the bottom and it supports it by the outside edge slide it in there tape it up throw it in a bubble mailer and she's good to go but these also work good for 1150 1151 anything except for the new 12th gen and up the bigger size um desktop chips and what I like doing is I just take a Post-It note I fold it in half I fold it in half again and it just takes up that little bit of slack inside there and then I can plop the CPU in and push it in there and it just holds it nice and secure so that's a little tips and tricks for shipping CPUs because um I ran out of those those little plastic clam shells very fast and it's it's weird because they're kind of expensive to buy like new obviously if you have old used ones you know the little clam shells that CPUs come in to buy them new is is oddly expensive so um yeah do have these little boxes for sale on the website good little add-on item uh to buy them individually obviously shipping goes into account but if you're buying something else and you add them on no big deal um let's grab a bubble mailer got a bubble mailer got CPU secure Dro her down in there and we'll print out that shipping label which you guys do not need to see that because we ain't leaking nobody's information today orever um but yeah so really St uh really stoked about um the new camera setup I'm probably going to decide on my cameras tonight so if you're watching this and it's like a new video please comment down below for camera recommendations because there's a lot of options out there a lot of noname Brands I don't know if I I should risk it for the biscuit on some noname Brands but yeah so I have top down view straight on View From Me side view and then do you guys recommend any other views should I have a view like from here out you know maybe a top down out like pointing at the back of my head but the front of the customer's head is that a thing would that be would that be beneficial I'd love to hear your thoughts and all those things but um I think that's it for uh for orders right now I got everything else packed up yesterday so boom um also small little update we have another batch from a SE a brand new supplier for the t-shirts so um if you're waiting on your T-shirt order I apologize again there's going to be a little present that goes out with all those uh as a sorry to me couple people people did charge backs I understand if you do want to return you don't have to do a charge back you can just reach out to me and be like hey I don't want to wait on my t-shirt can I get a return cuz charge backs cost me more um but regardless it is what it is anyway youall have a good one I'll see you on the next one out of use

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