CHEAPEST Phone for Verus Coin Mining

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all right what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and we are now currently going to be talking about one of the cheapest ways to get into Varys mining if you want to have a dedicated device now obviously the cheapest way is to use your current phone that you're already using uh especially like at night you could turn on the miner uh whenever you're not using it that kind of thing but if you're looking for a dedicated device now and I do want to caveat this with this is not the most efficient or the best Roi device this is just the current cheapest cellphone out there to get up and running and will run Varys Miner so um let me grab it for you and it is the uh I believe it's a I I can't pronounce it well but uh Kera Kera and this is the dura uh phone line the exact model number is the I just had it up here a second ago let me go back over here um purchase history anyway um so this is the Kera Dura force and these are anywhere from about $10 to $15 on eBay they're actually sitting available on eBay right now for like $14.99 with free shipping and that sounds sounds like a great deal but the mining performance is not great on them so these units are only doing about a mega has to a mega has and a half um and I am using the uh pang's lab Miner some people said like oh you'll have uh you know better results out of doing the command line uh user land I have not tried that yet but um I've had this one up and running for a little over a week now and um I got mine for $4.99 it looks like there's a couple ones with crack screens around 10 to 12 bucks uh with free shipping and the exact model is the Kera duraforce Pro e6830 uh this is a Sprint locked phone but it doesn't matter cuz it goes it boots right into Android um and I just uh yeah through old Varys Miner on there now if you'll notice I have one of the cores disabled for some reason when I ran this out a full eight cores uh when I first got it it was doing a lot of freezing and hitching and um the minor program would would close out so disabling One Core uh made it run stable have no idea if that situation would happen on the user land um running it inside of Ubuntu but yeah this is currently the cheapest phone you can get and plug in and it will run uh Varys Miner now let me flip it around and show you the settings let me plug this bad boy back in let me flip this around and then I'll tell you why I'm not buying any more of these also all right guys so here's the dura Force it's currently doing 1.72 but as you can see the uh 2hour average line that's that dark blue line hovers right around or right below one Mega has so this phone is not making enough hash rate enough speed to be to be viable especially when other phones like my Flip 2 it's holding 5 mahash um Galaxy S8 4.5 mahash my X cover uh is around 3 megahash my Note 5 is an underperformer it only does a little over 2 megahash uh but that's because I had to turn a few of the cores off it just was running hot um what else do we have here we have my um the orbic joy little bit over 5 megahash 5.2 um good performer there probably one of my best performers outside of my a3s 5.4 megahash so yeah that's that's kind of the the bad news is they can mine it they just don't mine it very well um as you can see right here let me bring up my order and show you on eBay so they do have more of these available at $14.99 the Kera Dura Force Pro e6830 but I do think there are a lot better options and the reason why I'm not going to be buying any more of these is because at one megahash or even if you rounded up and said two megahash you need to get two and a half of these to cover what an orbic Joy would be doing and two of these is 30 bucks two and a half of these technically you can't buy half of one of these devices but you're looking at you know 45 50 bucks um realistically if you bought three devices you're looking at what $45 um oh my son's calling for help what's up buddy is your TV messed up okay I got to go fix this TV here in a second but uh it just doesn't make sense to have that many more devices and I don't have the power usage on these but I can imagine uh running three devices with three screens to get the same amount of hash rate as one device with one screen on you know a newer processor it's just it doesn't make sense financially especially when you can get one device for the price of three of these if not sometimes cheaper than the price of three of these so that is the cheapest phone to mine Varys coin on as of November 7th 2024 that I have found if you guys found anything cheaper please let me know and uh we can do a video on that anyway guys I'll see you on the next one peace out adios

As found on YouTube

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