Clearing the Air Launching My Coin Jellyfish Coin

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what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and I figured I would make this video to clear up a lot of questions on the upcoming coin that I have coming out so uh if you didn't know about it I am launching a meme coin SL community coin based around the jellyfish gang so it's going to be the jellyfish coin and um I'd like to get the ticker jelly um you know so that way we can throw jellies at each other obviously if you're not interested in in coins or meme coins or anything like that I completely understand if you go ahead and click off this video right now uh but if you are interested and you want to know how to get it and when it's going to be available then that's what we're going to get dive into right now so um we are launching Wednesday uh November or sorry December 4th at 900 p.m Eastern Standard Time and the reason why it's a important to me that everybody knows when we're launching is because this is a 100% Fair launch so there's no pre-mine there's no pre-sale there's no coins for the Development Fund there's no coins for the marketing fund uh everybody that that gets coins has to buy them um they're not minable they uh are going to be launched on pump.

Fund like I was talking about and uh you can go over to pump. fund there's a good howto guide video in the Discord the jellyfish Discord I'll put a link down below for the jellyfish Discord if you want to join that that's probably the best resource to to find information on when and how and all that kind of stuff but I wanted to make sure that the launch is is known for everybody um so everybody has an equal opportunity and I didn't want to like launch it in the middle of the night with nobody knowing about it so then you know we could snap up all all the supply that's really not what we're looking to do here now um I am doing this with a team of three other people and they're going to help split the load uh the workload because we are planning on doing some regular content and some regular events with this coin um one of them is going to have its own YouTube channel and we are planning on doing a weekly live stream where we talk about anything that's happening with the coin maybe have a little gameplay content we with the developers maybe bring some people on like podcast style every now and then to talk about new coins and New Opportunities stuff like that in the market stuff that just really didn't fit um my YouTube channel here now obviously I'm not going to be uh front running everything on that YouTube channel um they you know some of the other team members want to have a say and want to try some new segments and I'm all open for it I'm all ears uh to see if we can't essentially grow some kind of uh weekly podcast based around that coin and based around the community so um yeah I think I think it'll do really well I'm looking forward to that also uh the jellyfish coin is going to have it does have a Twitter account so it will be posting interacting doing that kind of stuff on Twitter um and then we're looking into a tipbot for the Discord so we can use it for you know small little throwing jellies around back and forth and then I am going to be using jellyfish coin in my giveaways instead of using other coins uh it just makes more sense use our own community coin and go from there uh and then the last the big final thing that I do want to implement but I want to wait till uh things stabilize out cuz I can imagine on launch it's probably going to be very volatile is I want to be able to offer a discount for people that are using the jellyfish coin on my web store so if you didn't know I have a little computer shop and I have a web store so it's bc– sorry super cold in here um but yeah yeah I think I think I rolled through most of the uh the Hot Topics there I will include the links Down Below in the description for the Discord and then if you go to the Discord you can go to the link section in the Discord and you can find the website link you can find the Twitter link and then most importantly which I'll actually post this in the description as well the YouTube link because that's where we're going to be going live Wednesday night during the launch um so we can actually just you know we're launching it in front of you guys so all the team members are coming here and we are going to be launching it in in person I'm going to set up some tables like podcast style I think it'll be a lot of fun um and I think the community will have a real good time so yeah now um I don't know if I talked about it let's see here did I was trying to think back uh so each of the developers we're all or each of the I don't like calling them developers because we're not really developing anything other than you know developing out the future of the coin maybe I I guess that's a good way to put it I like calling them the team members or the core team but each of the core team we're all decided that we're going to put in the same amount of money on launch uh and we're going to have those in a publicly you know not technically locked but we're going to call them a locked wallet so everybody will be able to see those wallet addresses they will be posted on the website underneath each person's meet the team page um and then they will be posted on the Discord so anybody can see that hey we got these funds um and basically adding a like a support layer um if that makes sense that you know the it's got some salana right there in and it's got some support at this level obviously if it goes way up and then comes back down we can only control so much um there can definitely be Market manipulation especially why coin while coins are at a lower market cap so that's why I just encourage everybody if they are interested it's probably best to do it on the beginning than later on um and and uh from what I've looked at with the pump.

Fund with them having a 1 billion Supply the coins start out at around $5 per million tokens so you could potentially throw five 10 bucks in it and get a couple million tokens right off the bat uh obviously as people buy it uh the quantity available goes down and the price naturally goes up so yeah but anyway guys I didn't want to do like a super shilly video I just wanted to kind of clear up some questions and I really won't be doing a lot of uh like jellyfish dedicated content over here on the Brandon coin page this is more of a hardware based page so I'm going to kind of keep it that way that's why we're going to be doing all the jellyfish content over on the jellyfish Channel um so yeah anyway guys thank you for coming out I really appreciate it if you have any more questions comments concerned concerns jump over to the Discord and fire away um yeah that's that's pretty much it I hope everybody has a good night and I'll see you guys Wednesday night and even if you're not buying it you can always still just tune in the live stream oh that's the one thing I wanted to talk about so our team um we got a really solid team some of us some of them live a little bit further away but one of them actually lives right down the road so our team it consists of um my first mate which is actually my brother uh we named everybody uh after positions on a boat because you know jellyfish and the Sea and all kinds of ties together oh Brandon is the captain I'm the captain of the ship uh my first mate is my brother pton uh if you're not familiar with him he's done YouTube content he's had a couple different channels uh he's a super funny guy awesome personality uh pretty Savvy when it comes to crypto cat jumping in and out of here scaring me um I didn't know what that was was kind of scaring me back there yeah so um uh yeah that that's one of uh uh the team members is my brother and and I told him like Hey this is really important to me he knows how much it means to me um we're not rugging this coin we're not going to you know Screw anybody over at least not like intentionally from what we're going to be able to do and uh I'm really looking at the long-term aspect of this coin and he was he's like super pumped for it you know throw some money in it and kind of forget about it and then just use the coin now um the second team member is actually a a super longtime um friend and he's a friend of our like our family we almost consider him basically a brother uh and that's going to be what's his actual username here hold on let me see what his username is that's old nickel boy I don't want to I don't want to dox his actual real name everybody knows my brother's name well most people know my brother's name um but yeah nickel boy over in the Discord that's another team member of mine uh longtime family friend he even worked for me for a while uh got a really good head on his shoulders and um my cat keeps attacking me uh definitely looking forward to having him on the team as well super super Savvy guy and then the last team member is another really good friend of mine he unfortunately lives a little bit further away he's a little bit older uh than all of us and I think that's a good good mix so we got you know uh team members and their early 20s late 20s I'm in my 30s and then he's in in his 40s so we got a good mix um when ideas come up we can all kind of play them off of different you know life experiences different uh situations stuff like that do y'all see what is is there something moving like right right here y'all see that something's like moving right there it's kind of freaking me out I don't know what that is okay cuz my cat's sitting right here beside me um yeah so that that's the team right there um pretty pumped about that I'm kind of I kind of got scared and kind of lost my train of thought um H yeah oh uh and then also we are I I am going to be setting up uh another wallet for like giveaways and stuff like that so I'm going to buy up I don't know maybe 50 bucks worth just just to have some uh coins in a in a wallet so I can actually transact back and forth uh because obviously we're not going to be using our our our main public wallets um yeah yeah so anyway guys that's it that's pretty much it so I'm going to jump off here hope youall have a good night I'm freezing cold it is feels like it's 20 degrees in here it's probably not but it feels like it anyway y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios

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