Crypto Mining is getting really Competitive now…

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[Music] into [Music] n oh [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo good afternoon Bros welcome welcome to the live stream happy Thursday oh wowow what a what a week is it has it been a crazy week or no honestly it feels like no the markets have been going it was down like Bitcoin went down to like 97 or 96 or something like a couple days ago now we're back up over 100k and just people's emotions have been just like going all over the place it's just it's it's just crazy it's just crazy but okay roll call we have uh pure Crypt boss what's up XPS Z blr gaming luk War Miner what are you doing here Chuck danger what's up man random Miner Northern crypto and Tech black sales what's up Bros what's up what's up Bros uh good morning Celebrity Death Match $20 what Panda versus hobbyist what why why why Panda versus hobbyist what what happened uh I'm in Sri Lanka oh nice uh Jo mcer respect your elders uh I do I respect all Elders even you jock mcer I know you're older than me you're definitely older than I am H sup Panda Oliver hobbyist is stream hobbyist is streaming I had no idea I did not get any notification whatsoever uh Falco putting quarters in the outlet but still won't give Bitcoins what am I doing wrong uh Falco that is a bad idea you're going to get shocked that is not a good idea uh okay so I I got a I got an email yesterday um it was a pretty like dire I don't know I I I thought I'd just talk about you know the competitiveness of crypto mining okay and what I mean by that is you all know crypto mining is essentially a zero sum game and most people majority of people have electrical costs okay so electrical cost you know for wherever you are mining around the world it it can be very expensive and so what I mean by that so by crypto mining being competitive your electrical cost is really going to hinder you if you are going to be able to profit on on something like that or not okay so majority of people around the world electrical costs are rising and so the the biggest question that I the one that I got last night he's like hey red panda you know I live I live in a place that has like 30 Cent per kilowatt hour and I'm just like dude he's like what Miner should I buy I'm like okay well I don't think you should get into mining at 30 cents per kilowatt hour because that's like that that is like that is insane that is I don't like I know like another YouTuber chump change I think he's like 30 or 35 cents or something and you know he he doesn't he doesn't do crypto mining at his house because his electrical cost is so damn high and especially like during the bare Market I mean at that point you might as well just you should just buy the coin because mining at 30 cents per kilowatt hour is utterly in is utterly insane so like I don't know I don't know anyone who mines at that level so it's unfortunate okay the the the harsh reality of having you know for people that are you going to be looking into buying Asic miners um whatever whatever type of Asic miners you're looking for Litecoin ethereum classic alium radiant I don't know all Bitcoin Caspa you know there's tons of different Asic miners that are out there and efficiency so depending on your electrical cost uh it it's it's it's going to matter a lot so just going back to how competitive you know crypto mining is being is is is going to be or continues to be you know there's huge industrial players in the space you know that have like two to four to 5 cents per kilowatt hour and they're able to obviously make a lot of money doing that because their their uh their uh cost per kilowatt hour is so low that the hardware that they're mining with is able to still profit against how how much other Hardwares out there okay so those guys are still doing well right but regular Joe's regular people who live in a residential house that have 30 cents 40 cents per man I feel bad for anyone that's in Hawaii because that that that is that is that is not good hey jock mcmin Miner you're in the UK what is the price what is your electrical price in the UK uh xrp go right ordered a gg1 home on crypto Min Bros November 10 but the batch they said they haven't got them in yet uh xrp the goat um I've also heard those those Alpha PEX are are a little delayed and now because of the uh just logistical situation during Christmas time it's now getting it's it's it might be backlogged so I'm expecting I'm expecting that to be uh I'm expecting that to be quite uh delayed I think for everybody everyone who's been ordering as6 it's been uh it's it's it's getting delayed so uh smash the like Bros we got over a 100 people here smash the like so we're just talking about uh just a situation I got yesterday someone emailed me regarding hey Rena I have 30 cents per kilowatt hour what kind of Miner should I buy and the first thing I was like dude that that is too high to get into mining I'm sorry and you know that again that's the unfortunate reality uh for people that want to get into crypto Mining and even during the their markets a lot of people got out because their their electrical costs were just too high and a lot of the a lot of the rates have been going up depending where you live um like just let me know in the live chat have you guys been getting higher uh is your has your electrical rates been going up uh BC says secure a good electric price yeah and BC you know uh yeah there's there's places around the world that people can you know get a good electrical rate I'm in Canada you know I get about 7 to 8 cents per kilowatt hour I I was able to get my commercial rate because I was able to hit a certain amount of usage so I was able to get that but a lot of people around the world are not fortunate enough to do something like that so I'm in my situation for example I'm still able to crypto mine the reason why I'm still GPU mining because I'm still profitable at my electrical rate other people are not so that's that's something that you know where we are with crypto in you know not not everyone can participate because especially if you want to do it at scale your your electrical rate is is the biggest Factor it it's it's it's seriously it's seriously your your biggest Factor uh when it comes to you wanting to make make something out of it for you if you wanted to get into crypto mining you know it's it it it really hinders you okay so yeah that's something we can't we can't just Overlook because you know this is something that is very apparent and everyone always asks you know what can I do then what what's the what is the alternative okay so this is where you know hosting comes in and I know a lot of people some people are not fond of sending equipment to other people to run for them so what I mean by hosting is like Terra okay between 8 and 10 cents between these two hosting companies I highly recommend if you're looking for hosting go go check them out but the alternative if you wanted to get into crypto mining at a at a larger scale especially for Asic mining then it's going to be it's going to be with with it's going to be with as6 all right so it's that that is and actually I've been hearing both these companies have been getting full so so kind of correlates to where I talk about okay crypto mining is getting real competitive now like there's there's a lot of people right that have high electrical cost it doesn't make sense for them to mine you know if they had 15 cents per kilow hour and they have a uh a an L9 you know sure they're still profitable mining an L9 at home okay don't get me wrong here we just here we just we just go 15 cents per kilowatt okay this is you know at 15 cents per k K hour you're still you're still able to profit 50 bucks after you know spending 12 13 bucks in electric if you're at 15 cents per kilow hour but you could get better if you had it hosted at somewhere that had 8 cents per kilow hour okay then you you you you know save on five or six bucks in electric so that that's the kind of thing some people have been doing uh but then again you're sending a unit to someone else and they're you know they're making making sure they they're keeping it on but these guys you know another thing another Pro regarding hosting is that they have the infrastructure they got the people to make sure it's on they got the internet you don't have to worry about that kind of thing at home to to be honest to be honest as as a crypto Miner myself obviously I run a YouTube channel I have you know all of my majority of my miners at home still um I do have hosting uh for some as6 uh at Tera and meter but I honestly if it was me at all costs at at at any point if you can have your miners at home and you know secure a good electrical rate I would obviously have it at home okay so like personally you know having you know I had to make sure I run all the electrical outlets 240 volt 30 amps you know going to make sure I have the exhaust fans you know I love doing that stuff you know I I I love having that all to myself locally um but as much as uh you know would love to send it out to someone else like a hosting company I I truly love having this stuff near me and I know a lot of people can agree to that okay obviously um uh so uh Steven says red P of money issue also issue with hosting is curtailment you're right 100% and actually uh I just had a a curtailment uh 3-hour 4H hour curtailment with metered mining just this morning it was great they emailed me last night saying it's going to go down for 4 Hour three or 3 hours and I was like okay great that that's fine no problem uh but again with metered mining they equate the costs uh when it when it when the power goes down you don't have to pay you're not paying for those couple hours so it's great it's great on it's great on that okay so uh with metered um so yeah uh it's you know as I'm I'm looking at it big picture you know we we can't forget like the minute the the the nuances with crypto mining like I know it you know a lot of people say like oh you know GPU mining is dead or like this ASC mining Asic Miner is not good or this ASC Miner is good or because it it's all based on you know how things look at now right and especially with GPU miners right now GPU mining um I have been I have I have been generally above water uh at a certain electrical rate so like with my 0 0.8 okay here we here we are today and I'm keeping track of this over the past week okay GPU mining my 307s still make over 30 cents a day on AO at 8 cents per kilow hour it's been over 7 days and AO is still good for my 307s okay at my electrical rate of 8 cents around there I'm at 7 75 around there but just talking about that okay when majority of people will say uh you know GPU mining is not great for me well it's it's because where're we are right now in the market I think a lot of proof of work GPU minable coins have started to ramp up okay don't get me wrong it's not it's not huge okay and you got to equate we're all equating like okay how much Hardware is out there you know but over the past week it hasn't changed okay so profitability even though coins have been going up I haven't seen a big influx in Hardware coming back in okay so this is where I think when things start getting good again and I'm not saying this is like ethereum times okay we're all I know we're all missing the ethereum times you know the emissions 20 20 million to 25 million a day okay and if we equate all the GPU minable coins now it's less than like a couple million okay I understand that but I think this time with with a lot of people that have gotten out over the past couple years with electricity rates going up a lot of gpus been sold to Gamers you know during during the pandemic times I think all these gpus that have been spread out amongst everyone I don't know if you know GPU mining is is won't be won't be bad because a lot of this stuff has already been has already been sold off to regular people Gamers you know a lot of people working from home I think where we are in my just and just in my opinion you know once we start seeing a lot of these coins start just start going up okay flocks I don't know Al okay alium is as6 minable as6 now um warthog a lot of people uh building CPU SL GPU rigs okay to mind warthog ravencoin zealous is a prominent GPU minable coin over the past 30 days here up 100% uh Alo okay a I can't forget AO Leo is actually one of the biggest emissions uh GP minable coin uh right now uh let me just uh verify that that would be under coins if we go to AO Alo right now provides 543,000 $500,000 in emissions towards miners every day so I know that I Leo is probably going to be Asic minable over the next couple months I think I heard a rumor that Alo is going to get a bit main Asic in January don't quote me on that but if that does come out I think the price of AO should in theory than be pumped by bitm so that's why I've kind of been mining I've pretty much been mining into AO and huddling it ever since it it it came out so uh ever since that announcement uh from bitm I think it was last year they said they were going to make an AO Asic so whether or not this coin is going to be you know pumped Pumped that's why I'm GPU mining it now so similar to like GPU mining alium or GPU mining Caspa or GPU mining whatever other coins that were you know pre Asic pre pre fpga that's what I'm that's what I'm doing that the very similar situations that happen to other coins out there uh so Caspa um alium you know all radiant a lot of those coins were GPU mining at first so similar to AO there's not Financial advice that's why I've been mining and holding all my Leo in hopes that bitmain is probably going to pump this coin when if and when they release that that that Alo Asic uh which I heard I think is like next month or something so if that if that's the case if uh who knows who knows I don't know so we'll see if that we'll see if that pans out I'll keep you guys updated but um okay so that's it uh let that's that's just basically what I wanted to uh just acknowledge right I'm acknowledging that not everyone is able to participate in crypto Mining and you know your electrical cost is really is a huge factor I I I don't think a lot of people talk about this enough I know just cuz having the just random people ask me like hey red pen I got 30 cents per kilowatt hour which Miner should I buy like dude like yeah like at that point it's just that's just way too high man that's just way too high and like I think the first question you got to ask yourself is what is your what's what's your electrical cost and if you got anything like I'm going to say anything higher than 15 15 cents per kilow hour like if you're like for GPU mining it's it's just maybe breaking even like I I don't I don't think for GPU mining if you had 15 cents uh depending which GPU you have of course okay it looks like uh like the 40 series seem to be decent on Alo currently but that's of course the Alo Asic may come out May come out in the next couple months so that that is a huge risk okay so um but I'm also positive that during the bull run that we will have maybe some other you know altcoin proof of work GP minable coin that's going to come out of nowhere and uh provide more uh more profit but we'll we see we'll see um yeah 307s are breaking even pretty much breaking even at like 15 cents so it's not great right now as of right now as of right now as6 as6 are good okay but you're going to be spending you're going to be spending a couple thousands of dollars and uh at that point I'd rather I'd rather just get it hosted because it's going to be cheaper at like ter hosting uh metered mining or Iowa uh Iowa cryp uh Iowa what's your website again damn it red pen another uh another hosting company here ah where is Iowa where is Iowa where's Iowa there's a critical error on this website all right the P Iowa I think your website's down Iowa mining uh doio um uh piranha cards what's up bro what's up jock MC Miner what's the Cass uh what about the Cass hash rate drop right my as6 sellers turning off ready to ship uh D MC Miner oh I I did that video yesterday and now I think the casa Network hash rate is back up it's literally back up it it so it was down for 3 Days okay that's why I made the video cuz I'm like okay it's been down for 3 days and then I made it right here and then the next day today it's gone back up so yeah the as couple days I'm guessing it was maybe like maintenance or curtailment or uh something like that um 136 people here 32 likes smash the like Bros Smash the like let me know anything you guys want to talk about veteran Miner my website works red p uh GPU veteran minor veteran minor what do you have for sale what kind of oh veteran minor uh those bid actx you said those Bida power cables uh where is that on your website where is that somebody asked me the other day um I couldn't find it uh veteran where is that is it b b ax I don't see it here okay you you don't have a link yet okay somebody was asking me about that cuz they said they saw a picture or something of that uh six pin to uh bidx thing um Chuck danger does anyone else use the F2 Pool app push notifications when R goes down that's how I knew mm had containment this morning Chuck danger uh I don't use F2 pool so I use uh I I I got an email from them that that's when the power uh that's when the cment uh curtailment came up um when mining company just send me that L9 and I will smash the like button until it's destroyed Terri terrible terrible uh Jo matter never guessed my Frankenstein rig is set up nice Jason Osborne what's up man if Rena talks about ravencoin does that mean the price will go up no but I mean we' we we did see some we did see some life in ravencoin over the past over the past couple weeks here yeah over the past couple weeks weeks ravencoin has had some life so uh whether or not that's a sign of the times that uh you know where we are in the market right now in Bitcoin being over 100 freaking K I mean that's uh that's that is that is that is actually crazy that is absolutely insane uh but anyways Bros just to finalize the the the the Nuance here of like just electricity prices for anyone that's watching this the reason why crypto mining is you know getting quite competitive right there's big again big players are coming in with much lower electrical costs so they're able to they're really able to be profitable they're able to stay afloat unlike residential miners majority of you guys residential miners we're trying to compete we're trying to compete against those people and it's it's it's hard it it's it's definitely hard so that's why I I'm empathetic to those because I get those emails I like I said I just got that email last night the guy's like hey red pen I got 30 cents per kilow hour like how can how can I what kind of Miner should I buy I'm like I mean at that point man like you got to do it as like a hobby or like you got to have like a single GPU or like a little a little tiny little mini Doge Miner or something like like a lot of these guys people who have like free Power in like apartments or condos I mean you you're not going to have the the infrastructure to run a bitmain L9 the thing's going to be too loud you're living you know other people in the in the apartment building will probably hear it you know you most likely most likely you're not going to you know get an electrician to come in and run a 240 volt 30 amp circuit in your condo apartment whatever with free Power and then the landlord's going to come at you and be like hey why did the power bill why is why is your power bill here like $2,000 a month like the landlord's going to kick you out he's going to see this electrical thing in your electrical circuit running your condo apartment with free Power in there and he's going to be like you're out so like H it it's just it's it's those kind of things right and and we can't you know not every we can all be like I can easily just be like all happy gol lucky like hey everyone let's let's go buy ethereum classic miners or Litecoin Dogecoin miners right now but uh you know your your electrical cost you know as we go up in the bowl run here it may it may not matter I in the short term it may not matter right because it'll be profitable during the bull run but for how long is that going to be sustained for a long time and if you if you look in past history right during the during the cycles of let's say Dogecoin for instance just is just one example you know Doge I I truly remember during the bow run of 2021 uh even like Litecoin mining in 2018 it was it it was a couple months profitability and then that uh Litecoin having happened in 2018 um but that was majority when you know Dogecoin really wasn't profitable during these times but then Doge just really went up and then Asic mining for Dogecoin or Litecoin merge mining Dogecoin was really good but it only lasted like 6 months okay and that was with the difficulty not too high not a lot of Hardware was on this time this time around where we have a lot of Litecoin if you look at the Litecoin Network cash rate it it's it is it is definitely it is definitely getting up there over the past month it's been climbing it it has definitely been climbing consider oh dude like from 1.3 petahash to 17 that's a that is within a span of holy crap I just realized that's in a span of 5 days 6 days December 3rd to December 9th we've had an increase of almost three point4 petahash whoa whoa look at all these L9 bro oh yeah DJ what's up man DJ uh DJ we can still participate get hosted yes DJ we mentioned that earlier uh hosting um is will be probably the way to go um so uh yeah that's the way but holy crap man uh light Litecoin has def Dogecoin mining has definitely gone up here yes this is this is it this is this is it man the dude December batch okay okay November batch November December batch of L9 that was like oh dude this is .45 petahash 045 petahash so terahash to G where's the calculator here uh coin guides here it is okay uh so 0 wait wait am I in petahash or xash hold on is this this is in petahash okay petahash so 0 so a increase of from mid November mid November 0.25 pah to 0 Z let's just say 0.4 0 0.4 head of hash okay how how many l9s is that what does an L9 do what what does an L9 what does an L9 hash rate 176,000 uh gigahash okay so let's go back okay so how many l9s would be would would that be so 400,000 gigahash divided 16,000 gigahash of an L9 wait that doesn't make sense 25 did I do that right wait terahash petahash petahash hold on is this an EXA has no this is an petahash right 0.

0.2 petahash 0 6 oh I screwed that up this is a mega has oh this is 16,000 megahash okay I I have that okay no wonder okay no wonder okay okay okay okay let let's do me I have my calculation at Mega hash no wonder okay let's let's do that again let's do that again so four 400 400 million divided 16,000 of a single L9 in mega has this is in mega has I don't know why I have my my uh oh the reason why I have this in my list in megahash is because of uh I I put like these mini does in here yeah yeah this should this should be in yeah this is this should be this should be different uh anyways uh let's go back okay so okay so how many how many would that be 25 dude so 25,000 L9 have turned on over the past month potentially I mean that I don't does that include like vog Miner or like uh no I don't think the vog miners are made yet um l7s uh like dude that 25,000 l9s potentially alphapex okay I know alphapex alphapex uh dg1 d1's dg1 pluses have also turned on over the past month dude that is that is that is absolutely insane that is absolutely insane in the increase in hash rate uh for Litecoin over the past yeah 0.1 0 uh 1.2 petahash to 1.6 so that yeah4 point4 of a petahash that's a lot hobus Miner hobus Miner I didn't even know you were streaming I didn't even get a notification I just I was on my computer I'm like I'm going to stream and I streamed at 11: and I didn't even know you were streaming until someone told me on the chat I canceled my stream to be here number one fan hobus Miner I'm I'm so sorry but also not sorry power mines crypto what's up man uh Wing glow mining L7 should be already be in use prior to November batch not likely that there would be uh many added right right right everyone turned on their L3 pluses yeah yeah mind capital I bet you I bet you well here funny thing if we go to hios Stats okay look at this look at this hios Statistics man look the L3 plus is still the biggest Asic model host poed on hion the L3 plus 36% the L3 plus look at this look at this where's the L7 L7 is 4% of hivon uh L9 L9 is not even on this list L9 0.09% people haven't put their l9s on on uh on hion but there's an F ton an F ton metric F ton and L3 pluses people are still running L3 pluses that is that is incred well I mean look here the reason why people are running their L3 pluses is because they're profitable here where's the L3 plus look at this dude even at 8 cents per kilowatt hour L3 plus 580 megahash still makes 34 cents a day here at 10 cents and L3 plus okay L3 plus is losing money at uh at 10 cents but I think think majority uh if you're seeing the L3 pluses on hion this is probably finely tuned so these are probably more efficient uh so some I bet you some massive China Chinese Farm or someone out there with two or four cents per kilowatt hour like here here here if I if I just put in 2 cents like 2 cents per kilowatt hour an l a freaking L3 plus a 7-year-old as6 Miner makes a $146 so like if these are finally tuned like they can get more efficiency like these things are still doing are still doing uh very very well uh for people that have lower electric cross so I I don't doubt that there's some mining Farms out there that still have these things and they're still they're still running them which is which is hilarious DJ red pen M how many megawatts do you estimate using your how many megawatt do you estimate you're using between your gpus and as6 uh DJ I I I I I don't I think I'm at I I think I'm at like 120,000 Watts across every let me think no I think I'm way more than that I think I think I'm at like 150 150 150,000 Watts with all the as6 I have running uh including my hosted including my hosted one's at Tera hosting uh and also at metered mining um yeah I got a a metric a decent amount of power being used a decent decent amount yeah includes my 21 22 or 21 20 I have 22 as6 being hosted across uh different Farms um I have uh in Canada okay I don't think many people know this um in Canada I have uh 11 A6 hosted with uh D Central I have seven hosted at metered mining and five hosted at terot hosting uh so yeah I uh in uh yeah so far so good so far so good on all of them Randa red panda's power company must love him uh dude they they I'm so glad I like I specified my like my farm as a uh Data Center if I said crypto mining I wouldn't have gotten my commercial rate not not not lying there okay I mean I mean you can say crypto mining is like a data center sure why not right it's the same it's the same same thing same thing it works it's just it's fine it's fine but that's how I was able to secure my commercial rate okay plus I'm able I I had to prove that I was using at least that much power I have to I have to hit a certain amount of kilowatts uh usage per day to hit that uh to to get that commercial uh to get that commercial rate that demand sorry so BC crypto is data exactly exactly exactly uh M uh uh BC cryp uh no power mines check my last messes uh Power mines SC light will be my baby road to road to become okay see a king oh road to become the seia king power mins crypto I'm with you bro I'm with you I have uh seia coin uh going as well but um yeah so yeah fun times I know like all of you guys that are here right now majority of you must have like lower electrical costs okay like I'm I'm going to assume majority of you here are like under 10 cents or something like over the past couple years like majority of the people that have gotten out were people that have like 20 30 40 cents per kilowatt hour and they're just not mining because it just doesn't make sense for them I mean it it just shows it it just shows because the views on YouTube you can see on Google Trends majority of people got out in crypto mining during the bare Market electrical cost just didn't make sense for them that's why that that's it there's no there's no other way to sugarcoat to sugar coat it like that's it that that that's that's really that's really it uh uh I'm at 11 cents 0.76 technoir yeah see mine Capital 14 cents now oh mine Capital I'm sorry orange hoer 11 see Squirrel Master 12 okay backwards Miner 9 cents and three phase nice Oliver 5 cents nice wait 50 cents Oh I thought he said oh that's 50 cents isn't it r a card 17 cents still going DJ 21 cents I just get hosted DJ yeah exactly you get hosted for your acing mass boost with 8 cents yeah nice Scott a 17 cents here is rough oh that's that's rough Stevens 17 cents and still mining so Stephen see you I see very special case Stephen are are you like Mining and holding see this is what I want to ask people now people that have higher electrical cost cuz I've never been in that like that sit situation are you are you you have a you you must have a good decent paying job or I don't know are you paying your electrical bill out of pocket or are you selling your crypto to pay your electrical bill I mean at 17 cents I mean what what are you mining at 7 cents 17 cents that that that's the biggest question Stephen yes Mining and holding and yes I can pay out of pocket okay okay nice nice nice very nice very nice nice Florida is 6 cents okay nice mine and hold on higher mine and hold on higher rates I mean yeah that that only works if you got you if you have a a a good paying job that can that you can you can you can do that not a lot of people can do that that's uh you have the Expendable income Chile Chile hi Chile good to see you I love you too man go back to work now okay going back to work all right sounds good chile uh Chile I I I need that I need I need Harry to send me the quote for uh 649s please I could you could you do you I I heard you guys ran out but I if he has six I I need six for the uh I need six for the uh ooto server cuz I can't yeah thank you thank you uh Stephen how much see you uh geek of all trades I work to to P to pay for power ain't pretty but desperate times call for desperate Mees oh hold on hold on I I'm getting a phone call here hold on hold on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry sorry Bros I'm on I'm on the phone uh I I'm this is very this is a very important call I'm I'm getting uh I might be getting fiber I need fiber internet all right please hold hold on this is very important [Music] n [Music] n n [Music] go [Music] [Music] oh okay like I like I'm sorry Bros I'm sorry I I'm sorry I had to put you guys on hold but like fiber like you guys don't understand like I'm on Co Axel all right it's like I have like one gig up no 1 gig download but like my upload is like 150 or some crap all right it sucks it sucks so much I need Fiverr so bad I need the symmetrical one gig no I'm I said f dude I will pay for like 5 gig up 5 gig down like I need the most ballest internet connection I I need so like I will walk over broken glass just to you know like I need this I need fiber so bad like I told this guy like I'll pay you 5 grand just I need a service tech to come right now run the fiber I have the conduit it's I have it all ready to be pulled into my house like just just come over you guys just come over run the fiber at the power lines run it down to my house like I will pay whatever you guys want like I need it tomorrow like I have been asking the internet the internet service I'm with now it's it's terrible like they go down like almost every 1:00 a.m.

To 3:00 a.m. like I'm losing 2 hours of mining at my house like I need this internet I need fiber now like I I don't care how much it costs like at this point I will pay whatever it takes like I told this guy I was just on the phone with him he's like dude he's like okay let me go talk to my manager he he's going to I said I told him like I'm streaming right now so I'm like okay he's going to call me back and uh he's going to tell me uh what his manager his manager up higher and he's going to talk to the service people and like I'm like dude like I need this like tomorrow like I will pay I will do whatever it takes and I'm like I have the conduit all ready to go from my own poll down in service line going to my house like I'm all ready for it just run the damn fiber already I've been waiting for like a year been waiting for so damn long so anyways I'm sorry I like I need fiber I don't I'm sorry for I'm I I need it so bad like it's just Z pirate thank you for the 18 months fiber should be default anything else should be illegal well I agree I agree Z pirate yal trades run the lclc om4 wire in the conduit that way they just just got to plug it in Shut Up And Take My Money G trade yeah I I told the guy like I told him like I already have the I have my ubiquity router I'm ready to plug it directly in like I I don't need I don't need anything else I I'm ready to go I got the I got the I got the SFP Port ready to go in my in my ubiquity router I I I'm ready like come on let's do this already like DJ I hope the power company takes advantage of you the way you take advantage of us d DJ what what are you talking you bastard DJ uh you can pay for starlink 10 gig uh I looked into that starlink is extremely expensive in my area um uh SFP I think you mean SFP plus yes swamp 7 yes SFP Plus in the ubiquity router yeah SFP plus the 10 gab yeah yeah uh uh you can take multiple starlings and agate agregate them into one connection I'm not going to do that damn it joking buddy DJ G Jes try to tweet to Elon see if he can help you make things faster for you uh not all carrier allow direct to rter you may still need their on mod of yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know they're they're probably going to have another uh pass pass off uh uh little thing whatever it's called called um okay uh DJ mins what will you do with that much upload DJ you don't understand DJ like I'm going to do so much uploading like I'm going to do I'm going to be doing so much AI you don't understand DJ like I I'm going to dude I'm going to have I'm going to dedicate 100 amps to AI I'm going to dedicate my 5 gig upload to AI just just kidding I I I just need better upload cuz right now it's horrible like I have like three or four salad rigs already saturates my internet like that's it like I I can't like sometimes to stream I need to turn them off because they're taking up all the bandwidth so H so I'm waiting for a call back uh he said he's talking to them right talking to the service and managers right now I'm like dude I I need this now like I I will come hell high water I need fiber ah okay red panda AI will be the next Channel 100% 100% geek okay okay Bros uh that's it um I don't I don't know what else to talk about was there anything else you guys wanted to talk about uh casos Network hash rates back up looks like that that uh that farmed that farm has turned back on after three days um uh Michael car I got tired of fighting with my isps BS I bought my own uh on and router for 2 gab 2 gigabit up and down damn Michael kite amazing uh DJ did you talk about alium uh yet no uh DJ no I haven't I I have actually not been talking about alium because you I for many reasons I I just there's no need I don't need to I don't need to talk about oh there there's there's a new uh what's Miner announced I don't know if anyone's in the Bitcoin mining I know Bitcoin mining at home is pretty much out of reach for most people but I saw on their website whatsminer they got uh some new 15.5 Jewels per terahash uh what's minor M60 s++ that looks pretty cool uh but it's not as good as the bit main S21 Pro that we tested in terms of efficiency um but who knows maybe they have uh like a low power mode on this thing um my m6s plus is still going still going non-stop I have 25 millisecond latency on coax fiber uh fiber would be around 1 millisecond yeah dude I used to have fiber at my townhouse oh my God it was so glorious I had some games I was playing was at 1 millisecond it was amazing it it was it was utterly amazing um is that Google sheet public for us to view uh yes it is yeah let me uh here let me uh let me get the link uh share O A lot of people have this link okay uh let me paste it in right there here can you guys see that I don't know if you can see that or not [Music] can you can you does it work does it does it [Music] work yeah no worries we I occasionally update this every now and then um if new miners come in I just put it in there just to see how their efficiency is and uh yeah vog Miner announced their uh a D1 mini I don't know if anyone cares about this but it's uh looks to be better than the alphapex by a little bit alphapex DG home 1 so yeah pretty much the same Mega hash as the dg1 home but like 500 watts so that might that that apparently this might come out or might be announced in January uh when I did the live stream with them they announced that then their D1 their big one their big boy uh minor uh which I think is manufacturing for January uh they also have a low power mode for that apparently that goes 10 gash at 1,800 Watts so that's a18 uh watt per hash which which makes it a little bit better than the L9 just just a little bit better just a little bit better um techman thank you for the 56 months man when are you mining friend [Laughter] friend friend coin I love it I love it techman uh Financial failure can we edit your list God Financial failure get the hell out of you mine your you edit your own list God damn it I I know some of the prices need to be changed for sure some of the prices need to be changed but um uh yeah uh Ain nadra sin what coin to mine with gpus that's there's a lot man you just research the ones you like and and uh right now I'm on a Leo on all of them just because I'm I'm predicting potentially when bitm comes out with their Asic next month hopefully then uh they're going to pump the coin and the price is going to go up and uh who knows preg GPU mining just like GPU mining Caspar or GPU mining AO GPU mining Al leum GP mining radiant you know before the A6 come out that's that's pretty much what I'm trying to do with Alo so who knows Alo is not like it's not actually mining it's it's it's they call it ZK proof I don't understand I don't understand the whole the whole uh zero knowledge proofs uh protocol I'm not I'm not ex exactly sure how that works but um yeah anyway anyway uh uh mind some 10 uh how much Hardware would you have to turn off to pay for power out of pocket without selling crypto the answer to that is how much Hardware you should sell in the bow run wink mine some 10 uh how much Hardware would you have to turn off the paper power out of pocket uh how much this this this this question makes me draw a blank um I don't have a currently I don't have have a full a regular full-time job so I I so I uh I'm going to have to say zero I I have to keep all my Hardware [Laughter] on because it's all profitable but I understand what you meant there I definitely understand what you meant uh uh RPM is unable to sell Hardware he is a hoarder that is true that is exactly true uh what are your thoughts on OCTA price to sell it uh Fred Rico Marcelino um octop space let's see I am I've been still Mining and holding it I'm still Mining and holding OCTA I have let's see let me look at my tangum I really love that with octav space and ethereum classic is on tangum I have 2,323 OCTA right now 2,323 OCTA 2,00 2,323 that's about 3700 bucks worth of of OCTA space right now I've been mining and holding for let me see when's my first OCTA space transaction let me see my first octop space transaction was uh where can I let's see this is a very three months ago four months ago page five 6 months ago 7 months ago page seven okay my first OCTA space on this wallet was 7 months ago I've been mining OCTA space for the past 7 months months straight 7 months uh Financial failure uh I sold my OCTA oh no uh mind some 10 I want to be prepared to Pivot to AI workloads in the bare Market uh Beni red pen mining best place to buy A2 light um al2 light you're talking about the alium minor um well we can we can go search for it I don't know what the prices of those things are let's go see al2 light al2 al2 light uh 1,099 okay hold on let me uh let me do the red panda code I want to see how much is this off uh 7,29 for the al2 light okay hold on let's go to ice River ice river.

iio let's see ice River ice R al2 light is $599 it's sold out on Ice River okay so that that's that's no longer the price um uh okay what other resellers are there that sell the the Al too late um uh ice server coin mining Central ASL Miner apexto apexto might be decent let's see al2 al2 light December batch 999 1236 uh $9.99 December batch in stock is 1236 dude I'd rather buy it from Miner Bros then Miner Bros is end of December batch so 1,29 oh man that's for two terahash man I let's see2 al3 yeah 3 price went up from 4,000 to 53 or 5500 now so that's gone up the al2 light has gone up from 749 to [Music] 1,29 th000 this is all in pricing by the way DDP and ship free shipping from Crypt Miner Bros uh so that's uh 0.51 yeah yeah the amount of hash rate you're getting on this you're you're losing about another five gigahash uh from uh if you were to buy an al3 but I understand not a lot of people can can can mine a big boy 3500 wat Miner at home uh yeah yeah I yeah I mean if you're a condo if you're a condo dweller apartment I'm looking at getting one as my first Asic but I don't know any of these vendors ah okay uh well Beni um if you go to Red pandam I have all the trusted coupons and everything on my website uh just browse just browse through all the resellers and um and uh I got coupons for pretty much everybody uh find the best deal honestly I don't you're not going to have any issues from Crypt Miner Bros or like Terra hashes or coin mining Central like you're not going to have any issues with those guys um all in pricing all in pricing um uh okay um Stephen which wallet are you using for AO uh Stephen I am using coinex I'm using coinex as my uh crypto KJ jingle mining has them cheaper crypto KJ jingle mining oh let's check it out I got a coupon for Jingle mining I got a RPM code for Jingle mining so that might be better uh let's see where ice River al2 Light shipping Okay add to cart whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh $8.99 okay uh check out hold on let me let me let me let me just what's my code RPM hold on making sure I don't have any discriminating uh discriminate it says okay uh I need I don't I need to enter I don't know how much shipping is I got to enter a shipping address but it says 8901 $8.99 off but I need to enter the shipping address in order to get a I don't know how much shipping is can somebody can somebody put in a shipping address I'm not going to do that live on my stream here uh yeah somebody somebody go to somebody go to Jingo mining uh Steven bad never leave coins on Exchange ban Stephen I with Alo I'm when the price goes up I'm just going to be liquidating that so I'm just getting prepared to do that mind Capital do it off stream and just tell us okay fine let me bastard m capital uh address okay uh [Music] second United States no I am in Canada I am in [Music] Canada all right shipping is$ 279 oh my effing God no it's not jingle mining is not cheaper for the love of God For the Love of All That is Holy Jingo mining is not cheaper do not I repeat do not buy the al2 light on jingle mining nope Crypt Miner Bros is still cheaper Crypt Miner Bros is still cheaper this is all in this is Allin pricing 1,029 don't don't no no no no no no no no jingle mining is not is not cheaper that is oh my God man $279 for shipping that's got to be an error wow dude holy that is balls man no forget that forget that honestly I I trust crypto Miner Bros than Jingo mining after like just Krypto Miner Bros never never falters uh with that with shipping shipping issues [Music] um oh saw your address what oh you did what how m capital get the hell out of [Music] here um jock Miner Customs tax to layia Ports about time we had some homegrown manufacturers red panal mining uh yeah I you know like how how long will it take for a lot of those companies like bitmain to you know set up shop in the US like you know manufacturing wise how how long will that take I'm just just curious um now you know why the price was so cheap yeah see that's why I like crypto Min Bros because they their their website it shows the prices all in it it they don't they don't they're not adding on they're not tacking on anything extra so that's how that's how they get that's how people like they look at other websites it's like oh it's cheaper but then they tack on the shipping and like other stuff but with with minor Bros it's DDP and shipping all prices all in the price is all in you don't have to you don't have to uh you don't have to worry [Music] um Joker Miner beat your record on Terra has sales quit slagging Joker Miner no you didn't uh how about ice server charging 150 for shipping for the light Series yeah Steph yeah that's a lot that's a lot uh lucor Miner uh bit main building in the US shows how much margin they have on it I understand it's all pick pick in place but shows you they can afford us afford US employees I dude I'm I'm dude I'm curious I'm curious if you know if bitm sets up shop in the US like are they actually going to hire American people what are the chances they're just going to like bring over people from China and like you know hire them instead uh you let's see back supplier Panda flu Miner is 3200 black sales uh where I I don't think the flu Miner is 3200 anymore I think it's like over five grand uh flu Miner which I got a email about flu Miner uh yesterday um uh yeah uh I got some pictures of it uh maybe should I show that I don't know if I can show that or not uh black sales flu Miner website oh flu Miner has a legit website uh okay let's see flu [Music] Miner blue Miner I don't I I don't see what's their website what's the actual I see yes mining has it uh luk they told me they could do 3K for only two test meals have been made currently oh uh they told me last night that yeah a couple have been made and I'm getting one soon they're shipping one to me soon to showcase on the channel so this flu minor uh 5.3 gigahash uh Miner so we'll see we'll see if it's any good I'm waiting for the vog miner the vog one excited about this one let's see if that's any good uh black sales flu okay that sounds like a scam that sounds like a literal scam uh oh be careful bro be careful be care do not that sounds like a scam black sales I don't think this sit's legit oh boy don't order from them black sales don't order dude don't that that looks like a [Music] scam I think it's a scam yeah this is a scam website black sales don't don't go to that site don't don't do it nope don't do it yeah this is not the official website that that's that's not the official website yeah I can I can here uh okay you know what let me uh uh flu Miner I have the official email here somewhere as I got to find it I got to find it I got to find it dude it's dude trust me there a lot of these scam there's a lot of scam websites even with vog Miner uh here uh if you type in vog Miner uh D1 um there's a sponsor there's a sponsored scam ad going there uh thank you BC for the five gifted Subs bro damn you didn't need to do that man thank you thank you thank you bro um oh man uh yeah that that looks like a scam site man that that's not real that's definitely not real just just be careful [Music] just be careful uh domain search I'm trying to look up the domain uh NS look up NS look up uh flu [Music] DNS when did they uh when did they when did they sign up for this because if they just did it recently that's not real just be careful there's a lot of fake scam websites out there and it's it's flu minor not flu miners it should be it it shouldn't be it shouldn't be like that there I'm trying to I'm trying to search up I'm trying to do a who is on this site hold on uh yeah there's no there's no who is registration on this one yeah yeah there's no there's no registration on this website it's fake bro it's fake it's a scam don't don't go there don't do not do not order from those official websites don't they're not real majority of them are fake IB link has like like five fake you know IB link.

HK like there's so many fake ones so many ah so many fake ones out there uh I'm trying to [Music] uh let's see yes vul is yeah there's a lot of fake there's a lot of fake ones just be careful just be careful okay all right all right Bros um that's it any no bank transfer either crypto only yeah black sales just just don't don't do it that that's that just smells scam to me don't don't do it I make sure you or you you order through trusted people that we know you if the price is too good to be true it probably is and it's a scam okay just trust me you want to order through someone reputable a reputable website I know everyone chases price to be honest I would rather Chase trust okay verify the people that you know uh people who you've ordered with before just just just just don't don't order directly from a a domain that could be fake all right just just just be careful okay all right lot of fake scam websites out there a lot a lot jock Miner why oh why oh why do we keep falling for these fake sites jock Miner it happens to dude it happens a lot you know it happens it happens to a lot of it happens to a lot of people so just just be careful Shazad Hussein what is your portfolio sitting at right now um that I am not going to publicly [Laughter] say I would rather not say what my portfolio is Bitcoin oh bitcoin's going down a little all right I'm going to end it there any final words any final remarks Bros let me know in the live chat people want the cheapest hardware and look for every any and everywhere on the web yeah and that is the wrong way to do it that is definitely the wrong way to do it um okay peace Bros you guys have a great day thank you for tuning in to the live stream smash the like on the way out and I'll see you all in the next one peace peace peace peace peace New England crypto what's up man red p I'm one sub away from 10K oh dude everyone go sub to Mr New England crypto let's go uh how do I uh let's go go to channel Mr New England crypto bro here right here there there do SUB bomb right here sub bomb sub bomb sub bomb congrats Mr New England crypto you're we can see you at 10,000 right now [Music] 9.99 10K you did it 10K 10K we did it we did it do England crypto congrats man congrats Brandon coin what's up man Brandon coin New England crypto congrats bro congrats on the 10K that's that's a huge milestone I remember when I got for my first 10K that was that was a good time that was that was definitely a good time crazy time H okay you guys have a great you guys have a good one you guys have a good day thank you so much I'll see you all tomorrow uh yeah we'll live stream we'll live stream tomorrow Brandon coin hey red good stream I have been lurking Brandon coin good to see you bro hey Brandon coin how's jellyfish doing I man I should have bought it I knew it I freak knew it dang it I when we were talking about it I was going to buy it right here why didn't I buy it and now jellyfish is like triple oh my God it's floating nice BR and coin sick man sick sick sick jellyfish coin all right peace Bros peace thank you guys for tuning in peace out peace out peace out thank you so much peace peace peace peace [Music]

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