[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning Bros ladies welcome to the live stream good morning good morning time to pop out the chat I need to read what you guys are saying here all right sorry I'm late sorry I'm late I'm I still have the I have the kid for the next 3 Days by myself still I've had him for the whole week it's been it's been hard to say the least but I'm surviving what is up Bros what is up good morning Steven stuck the kid in the corner with some toys yep dank Miner good morning junk on mobile what's up man good morning Aztec Miner good morning BC good Morning Rocky bbo AMD no no satisfactory answer from their support oh crypto Craig good morning good or good afternoon it might be afternoon for some people for my Eastern friends I'm I'm in the Pacific so mining of the north what's up Chris Henley what's up sickness Reigns I'm I'm I don't think I'm sick I'm just waking up just W just just woke up basically um good morning jock MC Miner serpent Tech X raid yes serpent thank you for the raid good sir Dom G good morning good morning Chris Hanley come on rep I have triplets man listen listen it's it's different it's difficult okay triplets oh my God I can't even imagine Jesus Jesus man how do you how do you do that I'm assuming you have a wife serpent thank you for the raid serpent thank you for the raid good sir hell yeah hell yeah all right I have literally nothing I don't know what to talk about I I I haven't really been otherwise all the only thing I've been looking at recently is like the Market's going up saw narai I saw narai go up just recently which is which is pretty good Mr Michael cartright thank you thank you for the sub good sir thank you for the sub um serpent happy holidays you too man serpent good to uh good to see you serpent Happy Thanksgiving to you uh to all my American friends uh Michael cite thank you bro uh jock mcer says zal and flex hack finds stolen red Pand J Miner I I we could get into that I but I have no information I don't know what like why you know funds have been being have been getting uh stolen from people like geek of all trades he did an amazing video on that I had Caspa stolen from my zel cor um numerous people have been reporting they've had their fux stolen their other coins stolen so it's just I don't know I've got I've already gotten out of hot hot wallets for like the past year already I have not used any type of any hot wallet uh yeah I I don't use hot wallets like 24 like on on my active stuff like nothing I just everything's on tangum if it's not supported it's converted into whatever coin that's on tangum tangum wallet um Jo kme says yeah you commented on alter component vid a year ago looks like it's still happening oh oh you're right yeah alter component also had a also had a uh uh his funds off off of zore yeah yeah yeah no man I I did I just realized this but naray has been naray X and is up 101% over the past 7 days so if this narai is 0.001 now that means how much is my how much is my ravencoin tower uh worth um uh let's see no no no that's not going to work 68 5458 205 dude this just went up like a $100 value damn I got to get this rig up just this just went up a yeah this literally went up 100% damn $113 to 205 dang that bag is that bag is going up nice nice wait I just saw that zealous is up 89% AO is also going up every everything is going up kadana oh my God Caden is going up chor yes I saw Chlor had a nice nice 59% the past seven days that's that's good that is good um serpent Yeti and I will dig in one zelor code is made open source pushing it for the team hang in hang tight be safe uh sounds good serpent yes yes uh Steven what wallet are you using for kadana um uh yeah yeah maybe that's the only one that I'm not that that that that there is a hot wallet I'm using it for um it's uh uh it's it's a it's an IOS app one uh I already forgot what it's called I don't even I don't have that phone here um uh koala koala wallet that's what it's called koala wallet for cader yeah so um uh VC r pen I have an extra reptech board if you need VC I actually have extra ones I'm just too lazy to go to the barn take it down and bring it to that rig I just I just haven't oh Dan the Dane wow Dan the Dane good to see you man why don't to say hi hope you guys have fun sir uh Dan the Dane it's good to see you man hope you are safe hope you're safe now man [Music] um yeah damn we got some heavy we got some we got some coins that are going up in the couple hundreds here a couple hundred% yeah kadana Kalisto canum up 115 uh yeah I mean I mean a lot of alts are going a lot of Al alt coins are going up that's for sure um so uh what else what else is going on I don't even know what else is going on I haven't really followed anything what anything else going on otherwise I mean everyone's is everyone anyone making money still or not making money what's everyone uh what's everyone mining right now what what are you all mining like what's you know there's a there's definitely a divide in this community okay I I have to I have to say this first there's definitely a divide okay um there's people that are hardcore GPU Miners and then there's people that are Asic miners I'm going to say like on the channel I'm going to say it's like 70% GPU Miners and then 30% Asic miners like like and then and then uh maybe I should do like 20 10% that are like CPU you know AI you know those type of people that are that are getting in so it's like oh maybe I can do a poll well there's only 147 people here 26 like smash the like Bros Smash the like let's uh start a poll which uh Hardware are are you predominantly in I did I spell predominantly right is that even a word um GPU as uh CPU Ai and then I'll put all everything I'm just Cur I'm just curious start a poll I I'm just let me let me let me do a poll here I'm I'm just curious who gifted five sub oh wait Michael car thank you for the five gifted Subs wait that was five gifted I thought you subbed wait that was five gifted Subs dude oh no you subbed and then you gifted five gifted subs thank you Michael carite thank you good sir Mad Dog Miner and CC oh CC got the membership B Fiddler and S.G congrats Bros on the memberships thank you thank you thank you totally missed that I totally missed that okay so see I wasn't too far off I I see I wasn't too far off like 49% are GPU 15% Asic 14% people or CPU AI 22% everything 21% everything okay uh I was I maybe I was tacking on a lot of more people for uh GPU and Asic but um it it it it really shows like this community here we you know no matter what type of video I make whether it's GPU or Asic it's it I obviously get more views on my GPU videos but it's like there's there's there's communities you know you know on discords and Forums on the internet like Reddit you know there's a lot of different communities out there it's not just on YouTube you know like on you YouTube we are a very small like we're a very small community and so when you have certain people uh commenting like you know against against Asic mining like oh it's it's it's centralized you know uh Asic miners are are not a are not a easily attainable piece of Hardware which I there's an argument against that now it's it's pretty easy to buy an Asic minor pretty easy to get one honestly it's it's not hard anymore um so I feel like that that argument is gone but um uh you know the whole the whole argument the whole the whole I guess ex not an excuse but like GPU mining obviously is easy to get in everyone can participate same thing in my opinion Asic a lot of people can buy Asic miners people can participate it's like the same it's like I feel like that argument is like it doesn't it doesn't make sense any more in in in the age that we are in now after like crypto mining for the for the past like 10 11 12 however many years 14 15 years you know it's it's it's it's been it's been a long it's been a long time now and I think a lot of Hardware is is is available um I don't know how you guys feel I don't know how you guys feel I know a lot see and and then it goes back to GPU miners GPU miners are it's very uh what's the word what's the word not trendy but like tribal tribalistic like you know like hardcore hardcore GPU miners only and it makes sense there's 52% of you that are hardcore just GPU miners 18% of you are Asic miners 8% of you are CPU AI and then 22% of you are like everything which I I fall in the realm of I I fall in the realm of everything so but it look it it it it just shows it goes to show it goes to show here like this poll it just shows like you got people on the GPU side you got people on the Asic side they all have their reasons and I'm going to say Asic miners people that are Asic mining they're all doing it they're whole hearted wholeheartedly honestly doing it for the money I I don't think there is not one ASC minor guy I have ever talked to that never did not want to do it for the money I I I I don't know anybody that is an ASC minor and they're not doing it for the money can some is there anyone in chat that's an ASC minor let's see 19% of you Asic miners in chat is there any anyone in this live chat that is actually not doing it for the money it just I just I'm just somebody is there anybody in this live chat I'm going to have to say [Laughter] no definitely definitely not I don't know anybody that's an as6 minor that is not doing it for the money like I don't know I don't know who I don't know I have never talked to anyone that says oh I bought this like $10,000 Asic Miner I'm just supporting the network I have never heard anybody say that nobody absolutely no one uh okay let me let me let me let okay I see a lot of good comments here let's see uh Chum change what's up man everyone does it for the money I mean I was going to get to that uh 50% for the money 50% for the fun BC I like it I like it uh Iota Pai says LOL rxd mining definitely not doing it for the money uh even the didn't the radiant devs even like say like you know they're like talking about pumping the price in Discord they're definitely doing it for the money um I have six GPU rx580 build what should I be mining uh that's you can mine anything that you like man do you have free Power crypto Craig retro mic does it for Red pan of mining retro mic does it for the tech crypto Craig I was going to bring that up but he's the only one crypto Craig I'm sorry uh ccxt okay uh I only bought I only bought 100 watt ones though due to Europe Energy prices yeah okay yeah so yeah I mean there's there's people that have you know very expensive power okay there's a whole other argument about that and uh you're supporting nwork that way that's fine that's great that's that's great but you're you're not going to make big boy money you know you're not going to make a lot of money doing that so you're obviously then you're your your mentality at that point you got free power but or no not free Power expensive power you are you are you are supporting supporting the network my crypto says everyone is doing it for the money the rest is just BS yeah I I agree I agree I agree I kind of compare I don't know if this is a great comparison or not but it's like you know Silicon Valley you know those top top tech companies Facebook you know uh Apple all these all these big companies you know they they claim they're doing it for the greater good you know for the world and like you know what their technology does brings the people together but ultimately they make [ __ ] tons of money while they're doing it so whether it's like they're sugar coating it just so that they can make billions upon billions of dollars I mean that's that's that's that's it I mean they have a product and they're making tons of money and that's that's I think that's with any company that's out there any business they're there to make money and so here we are with crypto mining it's it it revolves all around the prices of crypto and the money aspect of it we we're all doing it for the money I I mean if I if I was already a millionaire if if I I had millions of liquid cash oh I I sure then I'd be oh okay yeah my my mindset would be like oh yeah I'm just going to M this coin cuz I I like it like or you know I support the development of it sure yeah I could do that if I had tons of money if I was if I was you know if I was you know given tons of money or from like a family or you know something like that God forbid my mindset would change but right now no I do I don't have millions of dollars in liquid cash you know I'm not rich you know I'm not like I'm not I'm I'm just the regular guy like all you guys trying to just make it and a lot of you guys that are are trying to just you know earn money like this is this is it like this is falling Falls in line with people trying to make money out of Asic mining or even GPU mining okay I'm looking at you GPU miners I know trust me trust me when I first started GPU mining way back way back back in um way back in like 2018 2017 uh I think it was in February when I first started when ethereum was like6 OR7 that's when I first got in you know I remember like always hearing like ah we're doing it you know we're we're supporting the ethereum network you know decentralization you know that those were the types of like narratives that were being pushed out for like GP mining back then GPU mining was all about like fundamentals that was that was that was always pushed that was in in my opinion before like 2017 2018 like those those years th that those were really pushed out like GPU mining was all about the fundamentals the past like 5 years I'm going to have to say that has just been less and less said and and I I I've and we've done a lot of live streams talking about that we've done like a lot of like just open talks about like hey like I don't want to like sugarcoat it but like I'm here to like make money you know like I got to support my family you know like I got to support you know like we're all we're all just trying to make money here I don't I don't want to just say like oh I do support like I'm supporting the network by mining it like sure that's like the byproduct of trying to make money that yeah but the the biggest goal here is to make money out of it I know it sounds bad it it legit sounds bad but it's true and I hate I just hate saying I for some reason it just irks me to say like you know I bought all this Hardware I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on gpus so far motherboards power supplies server cases I've spent like 80 grand on like upgrading my my electrical to my house and my other place and like you know I've done all this stuff which which is a massive massive expense you know or it would be that would be most of it would be Capital uh capital expenditure but anyways besides the point like I I'm for me for me I'm in my in my like financial situation I'm I am doing this to make money I I don't know I know I know there's a lot of hobby crypto miners out there okay I get it I get it there's a lot of hobby crypto miners out there a lot of a lot of you guys that have maybe one or two rigs maybe you got free Power you're mining in a condo townhouse whatever I you know I I get it you know I I get it I get it I I I was I was there at one point you guys saw my condo videos I I was mining out of my freaking two-bedroom condo all right like 34 35 floors up okay you guys you guys remember you guys remember those days th those were the man those those were the good old days th those oh I spelled that wrong those were the good holy crap man that that was 4 years no that was way more that was way longer than 4 years ago that was way longer than four years ago oh my God this is this is nuts man this is n there's my foot okay I don't want to watch this part no no okay look at that look dude grow tent in the condo this was this was it this this this is it this is it right here this was the golden age of red panda mining like this was the Golden Age now this is 2019 oh my God that was 6 years ago 20 no four five years a oh yeah 5 years ago dude dude this was this was the gold this was the Golden Age of crypto mining if you weren't crypto mining back then ah dude you you missed out this was the most degenerate most toxic time of crypto mining ever I have to say like the bare Market of the bare Market of 2018 to 20120 was the most was the most degenerate times of crypto mining 100% 100 anyone that was mining during those times do you guys agree that anyone remember anyone remember those times those were that that was the most that was the most degenerate time of crypto mining here I want to see more so actual gpus mining here dude dude Souls is this flux wait what am I mining here yes 1060 3 GB cards 29 Souls what what what algo is this what algorithm what what coin is this dude oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why does it show ether M here wait 30 Mega has wait what is this wait what happened here oh maybe hi showed it as Souls not not Mega hash Max voltage welcome good sir welcome um blocks yeah no why wait I'm I'm confused now why is it say why does it say mega hash and souls okay whatever anyways dude it was 98 Fahrenheit 9 9 fhe in in that in that grow tent that was great dude the air in there is [Laughter] 110 oh that was great H horrible horrible I bet the gpus were still you know 6070 68 uh good times man never again I will never never ever never never again will I ever do the grow tent that was that was that was uh that was an experience that I I never want to I I don't wish that upon anyone I don't wish I don't wish a grow tent for anyone it's h uh shes what's up is that the actual 20 GPU frame you still have no uh shes I I didn't get that frame until 2021 someone ship me the 19 GPU frame uh as the whole thing he spent like $300 in shipping just to send me the whole damn frame and a in a random m-made box like he spent a couple hundred bucks to ship that to me I couldn't believe it it was it was insane it was it was Insanity Chum change says dude my grow tent got so hot back then heated my entire house oh oh my God man that this this this was the day these these were the days man I I don't know I don't this was like the Golden Age this was the Golden Age of crypto mining right here I missed this I I truly I truly missed this I I really I really do dude I I didn't have much but it was mine okay it was a lot of lot of stuff like 580s 1060s dude I dude I it was was it was the Golden Age the RPM golden age of of cryp did I dox myself there oh my god um the Golden Age of of RPM was right here and almost like pretty much doxing myself mining of the north should have held it all red panda mining I I should have mining of the north if I held held it all I I wouldn't be here just kidding I I would I would be here oh my God this is this is great this is so good oh my go HVAC duct tape oh my God I was I was trying to make it better because my my the hot air was coming back into the house was coming back into the condo jocking Min you were so slim back then you bastard I'm still the same okay nothing's changed all right nothing has changed ah dude I lost my Makita set who took it somebody took my little Makita tool set where the hell is that I can't I can't find it anywhere dude my I love that I love that set now it's gone I lost it um uh oh yeah oh yeah glorious five pack Arctic dude dude Arctic uh Arctic fans you on Amazon I think it was five of them for like I think it was like 12 bucks back then or 15 bucks you know how much it costs now here here amazon.com how much is that five pack Arctic fan five five pack Arctic 10 33 uh yeah $33 $35 oh my God they're $35 on Amazon dude the they were like 15 bucks at one point dude all right I'm I'm getting depressed watching this all right let's go let's let's not look at that anymore H all right did anyone uh did did anybody buy anything for black Friday I I have not really looked at the deals other than tangum tangum had their 20% off the other day uh 20% is that still is that still there tanger.com fif uh Black Friday special TW November 28th December 2nd 15% off now okay it's 15 prent um uh all track order one of these for the 32 GPU build Clin tools 32237 drill top okay let's see what that is uh clim tools 32237 drill tap ah nice I'll buy that I like it yeah sounds good I'll save that I'll save that um but yeah what what else did people buy what else what else did people buy was there was there anything else uh R looking for a 3D printer one not not sure what model to get uh about some tools to get back in the component lever repairs ogre MGT nice man uh when did 15% came a deal well it was 20% that day 20% ledgers h tangum M what else Ram no deals yeah there's no deals I bought actually I bought a crap ton of ssds uh the Patriot uh bulk uh from Amazon I bought a couple monitors I bought a couple keyboards I bought I just bought a whole bunch of stuff under my business account I'm just like you know if things are going on the up and up here if you know inflation's going to start going insane I don't I don't know I I'm just like I'm going to buy a bunch of stuff now and uh just be ready because I don't want to pay more later like any of you guys expect prices to go up in in like the next couple months do do any of you guys think anything is going to go up like like tariffs people talking about tariffs and stuff now like I know people have been you know trying to order like as6 and like Hardware before everything starts going up like is that is that a is that a thing people are are doing BC yep yep yep RPM flexing I'm not flexing not flexing buying extra parts but taxes will go down as6 will go up a bit in the US with tariffs uh right right tariff will not take effect until later till later okay we better buy all that you better buy all the better buy all your stuff now before before it gets worse uh son of a r had a AMD 7950 x3d went up $200 Us in the past two months oh my God that's that's terrible that's that's horrible I am waiting to buy as6 until the Bull Run is over uh Frozen crypto I'm with you Frozen crypto I I'm I'm with you I I'm at the point and this is where I i' I'm also hearing it from people all right like some people well look it's it's hard it's hard these days to be to spend 15 16 Grand on an Asic okay there's some people who can do it but like there's there's rarely many people out there that that is that are going to buy uh that are going to buy asex miners so I I'm with you I'm with you I'm not I'm not going to uh I'm not going to be personally buying Big Boy as6 uh now right now I'm I'm not I'm I'm I'm GNA stay with what I have and just just go just go along for the ride that's it I I'm we're we're we're at that point where the prices are now starting to ramp up and I think I think that buying the Asic Miner right now um you're not going to mine the same amount of yields that you were if you were to just I hate saying it I I hate saying it okay I I hate saying it but where we are right now I think buying the coin is going to be the better bet but I I hate saying it but in ter just in terms of Asic minor okay if you're GPU mining I think you should GPU mine no matter what but just buying the big boy Asic miners right now like I I just I just don't I just don't feel that you know spending this much is going to is going to do it and I just realized my prices here are like are way off I think these are way off these are these are not correct these are these are definitely not correct anyways um 10 to 13k is one thing 30k is another windlow mining uh dude 100% 100% yes 100% I'm okay yeah this is my plan my plan right now I think and this is probably with majority of you as well oh okay here I'm curious let me end the poll let me let me ask let me ask you guys let me let me just let me just see um are you going to buy this is in terms of as6 big boy as6 for this run up now yes no waiting for the next be Market um I'm expanding but within my meme uh that's the fourth option um uh uh I I don't know what the fourth option would be uh I don't know I really don't know I don't know what the fourth option would be [Music] um I have no money all right there you go just I'm just going to do that all right all right let's see like the I I I know I know plenty of PE like plenty but maybe like a handful of people who have been buying l9s like handful like it there's really it is really not many people that are buying them right now like I mean there there are people buying them it's just it's not like it's not like people are like hardcore foam Waring in like I would normally see like a couple affiliate income affiliate uh sales every day no it's like maybe one you know one L9 every every other day or something you know it's not like crazy it's not like it's not crazy it's not like what it was in 2021 this time is it it it's definitely it feels different like to me it feels people just the general public are they just don't have money like I'd say like less than like 20,000 hardcore crypto miners are still mining around like like in terms of here in the community like it's just like realistically like how many people are actually you know buying this stuff it's it's not many it's it's really not many people like in the thousands I'm like and and like the people who have like industrial Farms you know commercialized Farms of crypto mining yeah maybe they're going to get into it but they're buying in bulk you know they're buying a whole bunch of them but you know singular residential people it's it's it's a hard sell these days because those people have those people may have learned those people already understood the uh the crypto mining strategy they know they know they know what to do like during the bare markets and bull runs and so maybe those guys are already set like I'm going to have to say like for all you guys who have been crypto mining for the past couple years you've already built you've already expanded you've already bought all your stuff like you you are already maxed power I'm already maxed power I can't add any more stuff like I I have to send stuff off for hosting like that's where that's the point I'm at now so like next bare Market I'm I really okay I really got to upgrade that 200 amp to 400 amp at the other basement because that's an easy one because it's overhead I got quoted like seven Grand to do that one so that's really it's not too bad so yeah four grand uh to get a 400 amp uh another 200 amp uh panel there that that should be like that should be uh uh doable uh okay so let's see here 92 of you voted are you going to buy big boy6 for this runup so 133% of you said yes uh 33% of you say no waiting for the next bare Market 25% of you say I'm expanding but within my means okay 29% of you say I have no money all right so there we got a we got a we got I want to I want to do another poll here I I'm I'm curious of people's net net worth of crypto net worth all right what's your crypto net worth range I'm just okay I I I'm just curious here I I want to do a range let's see so people holding like $5 to uh okay th000 five to ,000 in crypto all right next one next one is going to be a th000 to 10 uh maybe what's 20,000 $20,000 yeah yeah is that is that a good is that a big too big of a range maybe 10,000 10,000 in crypto n let's do 20,000 20,000 Hardware included um uh uh no okay let's let's specify no I'm I'm I'm curious you know what sure sure sure sure crypto mining uh coin and Hardware net worth range what's your so all okay uh yeah I wanted to do just Holdings but okay you know what let's let's do okay let's do hardware and coins okay we'll do another poll after I'm just curious okay let's do let's do coins and Hardware just your all your crypto mining hardware and your coins net worth just all together all right so we got to change this though we got we got to go a little bit higher so we're going to go like $1 to like $110,000 worth of hardware and crypto let's let's let's do that that's we got to make this bigger then 10,000 to um 10,000 to 50,000 is that a big enough range um how about and then 50,000 to half a million let's do half a million dollars and then I yeah 50,000 to half a million and then half a million half a million to Beyond uh let's see let's see that's too crazy of a range honestly I I dude you'd be surprised the the type of people I talk to there's there's plenty of people who have spent millions of dollars there no there's there's plenty I I'm I'm definitely in the upper like three 400 yeah $400,000 range of like gpus and like oh maybe not including crypto okay I'm never mind I'm if I'm equating my bag like you got to equate your bags and your Hardware all right this is we're going to do the bag one next we're going to do the bag one the bag one next look at this 33% a dollar to 10,000 30% of you is 10,000 to 50,000 uh 28% of you is 50,000 to half a million uh five 8% people here are in the 500 half a million to Beyond steo crypto damn my range is only 9% dude there's again there's not many people that you know have invested this this much you know it's it's it's it's uh or have investments in this it's it's it's quite that much it's a lot of money man it's a lot yeah uh 104 people voted okay Ira holding the bag pretty even split at that range yeah it is it is Mason Wagner redo this poll in like six months yeah I agree everyone's going to be over the people over people over half a million is going to be like like uh over a million dollars over a million bucks okay all right Let's do let's do uh let's do uh let's do a poll of um let's do a poll of uh crypto Holdings now crypto holding worth what I don't think many people want to answer this well it it's not I'm not showing I don't it doesn't show anyone's names so uh let's I don't know what I I really don't know what range to do here like what should I do like $1 to 5,000 5,000 to 50,000 or is that too big of a range 25,000 uh 25,000 to 100,000 I don't know uh 100,000 100,000 plus all right let's do that I don't know I'm I'm assuming a lot of people here have more than I'm assuming a decent amount of people here in this live chat have more than 100,000 in crypto uh some people that I'm and I know people that I talk to here do have that so okay a good good chunk of people have between 5,000 and 25,000 in crypto right now okay yeah I mean that could change right that that that could change in the in the blow run that's for sure chump change I'm broke I don't know what you're talking about chump change don't BS me I know what you have I know exactly what you have charm change I know how much you have 25 to 100,000 20% of you 15% of you have over 100,000 in crypto 16% of you now nice nice nice shes uh r m i Am Hardware heavy right now sold Caspa clones and the like through the bare Market to buy cheap Hardware uh schneid nice man nice Jo Miner don't vote on the p on a panda pole if you got your zel wallet on the same device uh static says my life will change this year yeah I I'm going to have to I'm going to have to agree with you there static steo crypto I don't like being the small percentile anymore steo crypto too funny man nope I am more I have more in Hardware than in crypto I had to sell most of my crypto to pay for my Hardware uh toxic Miner you're not alone a lot of people are in the same boat uh techman I wonder if the same people work for nice hash and zore I don't think so Tech I don't think so [Music] um uh Steve Smith red pin of are you mining handshake Steve Smith no no um okay well uh let's end the poll uh that's that's good to know it's good to know uh what type of people we got in here I'm anyone here oh with a million like okay there let's do another one let's do another poll here um crypto Holdings I'm just I I don't think there's anyone here but maybe there probably is a couple people here you know Let's do let's do a bigger range let's do 100,000 one to $1 to 100,000 then let's do one to to 1 million is this 1 million 6 zeros right 6 zeros yeah let's just go let's just go oh wait no that doesn't make sense one 2 3 4 5 100,000 to 1 million okay and then 1 million to 5 million just do 5 mil I'll just type like that 5 mil and Beyond yeah I don't uh BC I wish I I wish to BC I wish to it please don't please vote truthfully please D miners what's up man don't tell people what I have dang it D miners Yeti why would anyone be silly enough to tell anyone how much crypto Holdings they have just asking to be made a Target that's true Yeti that's true but this this this poll here it's all Anonymous and we have nobody that voted 5 mil and Beyond that's good thank goodness thank goodness all track is BP that's true is BP where is BP we need BP here he's he's definitely in this realm he he's definitely in the real uh Babel Fish uh finally got my tangum ordered with the RPM code Babble fish nice man nice did you order the RPM branded tangum though or did you order the regular did you order the regular tangent wa which which uh which tangent did you order I have 144 red panda ones left oh wait 139 left oh my God it's going down it's going down uh steo steo crypto red I almost voted the last bracket but just spent more on Hardware oh my God steo crypto you insane insane Babel Fish 42 red P of mining sorry just regular well Babel fif you are now banned from the channel there's no ban I wish they made a ban button on live chat it would just feel so much better instead of reporting or hiding people uh scripty I'm asking for my first minor for xmiss I got like 1K is the mini Doge 3 worth it or should I get an L3 plus uh scripty honestly none of those are worth it right now I I just I don't think buying Dogecoin A6 right now I I just you're you're you're paying a lot more you're you're paying a pretty you're pay you're paying a pretty penny now for these things and it it's sure they make de they make they make money they make a little bit of money now but like it's uh it's uh it's not it's not it's nothing CRA I would honestly I would honestly buy the the crypto at this point I would I would buy the crypto steo Krypto says red pen mining I would urge people with over 1K gpus please take breaks mentally that's that that's that's that's that's definitely uh that's definitely something I need to do steo Krypto I need to take break too many gpus everywhere ah too funny I feel like I'm missing so much chat what did you guys say uh Frozen crypto wait 18 months and buy L9 yeah I agree I I agree Frozen crypto I I I think uh I think buying l9s are getting into script mining now I mean if you're not doing it at a big level it there's no point I think if you're residential minor then you're going to have to wait for the next the next uh the next low time the next bare Market that that would be the time to buy in like now these things are 15 17 grand like I I would not spend I'm not personally I would not spend that much it's it's it's sure it these things could go up higher Doge could go to a dollar maybe higher you know these things these miners could be worth 30 grand but that is money that that it's a bit it's it's a bit too much for me for my taste some people have some people have the money to do that I I'm not going to spend that I would not spend that much mind some 10 welcome Alo is finally going up any rumors about asex uh M some 10 I have not heard anything about about any Asic uh other than that that bitmain blog post um but yeah Alo is going up Alo is going is definitely going let's see Alo 38% hell yeah there you go there you go uh Steve Smith red penone I hosted my as6 at met Mining and confirm we look like asian brothers in our that Steve Smith who showed you my picture I'm going to ban I'm I'm going to go after that person Steve Smith Steve Smith Wait Steve Smith do you live near uh do you live near meter mining cuz I'm going there uh I'm going there next year I can meet you I can I can meet you Steve Smith you bastard Steve Smith yes I am in Minnesota oh well what the hell man what the hell we could have met well we'll meet we'll meet next year then we'll meet next year sounds good sounds good um uh BC 250s are the best bang for your buck right now 2K for 10K yeah that dude that uh let's see which I have a I have a I have a five I don't know if anyone knows this but I have a 5% off code for pcsp RPM pcsp 5 for 5% off let's see what they got let's see they actually got some good dude they actually have some good power supply deals uh 10 of the oct minor 750 wats for 124 that's pretty good W retro mic retro mic retro mic what are you doing retro mic you're supposed to spend that on my uh DHL shipment for my uh Pokemon cards retro mik what are you doing and yes I bought po I bought retro Mike's Pokemon card collection just recently retro Mike thank you for the 20 uh lukor Miner says uh B more filament to make more cases got a 7900 luk minor an RX 7900 uh the GPU nice nice um uh uh uh shes Pokemon for real when you getting into MTG oh my God I can't I cannot I cannot do I cannot do magic I can't do magic the Gathering it it it blows my mind it's it's Magic the Gathering is amazing uh oh there're s a lot of extra parts here now I seriously I I want to buy 10 more of these but like I have no more space No More Physical space to buy to buy any more octom Miner I I literally keep all the octom miner boxes literally everything um has anyone noticed gold shell has been down uh no uh Austin Jones says Black Friday PSPs pcsp for 10% oh there's a 10% off code oh I didn't notice that okay well even better even better even better 10% off sitewide oh my God that is a good that's a good deal that's I'm going to have to place I'm going to going to have to buy I'm going to have to buy stuff then dang damn ooh that's a good one okay um yeah I haven't looked at I haven't looked at Black Friday at all uh I haven't looked at buying I haven't looked at buying anything I'm just I'm I I'm done I'm not buying any more miners um I do actually I've been looking that uh buying more pdus uh but nerd gears ran out uh I've been thinking about I need to I want to replace a whole bunch at my other location I'm using like like five four fiveyear old pdus I want to like switch them out for these uh metered ones um I like I like the dck dck meter in them that's something I've been looking at and then yeah that's really that's really all I'm that's really all I'm looking at uh Zeon 5600 XTS Seagate exos 18 tbte dude damn yeah everything is uh yeah the prices are definitely a little bit higher but uh Austin Jones APC 7911 on eBay 30 and 2 metered under 100 bucks typically oh Boston Jones okay I I'll take I'll check those out um uh okay uh Yeti what's up what's up bro Bros 224 people here 80 likes smash the like Bros I'm going to end this poll here all right A lot of people with a lot of stuff yep I love it don't mind me mining what's up man all of my 4×1 use now profitable again and I'm out of power yeah dude uh I I I think the underdog like the underdog right now I mean it I I think I think the underdog crypto miners are going to be these Jazz miners like when octop space and ethereum classic start exploding you're going to see you're going to you're going to start seeing these things making like five to 10 bucks a day cuz when it happens it's it's it's it's going to it's going to be just like the Dogecoin everyone that's mining in the Dogecoin um you know l9s and whatnot right now these these miners are everyone's looking for them everyone's looking to get into them now I think the next the next big one is probably going to be Jazz Miners and uh the ETC hash um eash miners like I think that's going to be the next that's going to be the next like how do I say it most popular thing people are going to get into like that's that's my guess that that's that's definitely my guess that's like the next and I think buying these things right now they're cheap like they're they're actually good price right now um and by the time when octos space or ethereum classic or ethereum P or ew or whatever those coins start pumping off popping off these things are going to start these things are going to start making dollar dollar profit so um great space heaters that's for sure I have uh I have a few of these as space heaters they're they're pretty good they're pretty good pretty good space heaters dude I bet you anything the x44 P whenever this comes out is going to be at like Pinnacle top like 200 $250 $300 a day it it's it it's going to be a monster it'll be a monster by the time when the whole Market hopefully hopefully the market goes up naray is up 100% the past seven days that's freaking awesome freaking awesome senju have you seen the price of Varys I have and I don't know why I don't have Varys coin on this list oh I do I do why is it not why is it not on this list Varys Varys has been a slow climb that's why slow climb yeah oh yeah Varys went from $143 to three bucks to six bucks oh man that's that's pretty good I think I only have like I only have like 200 vars oh that's 1,000 bucks or 1,00 bucks that's not bad that's not bad that's pretty good dang that's awesome go Varys uh need nvo ckb to go to five ah nervos yes yes yes yes I have two ckb miners I have two k7s and that one is one I am now I have been mining and holding ckb for the past two months now uh I hope I hope it does something too that would be nice that would be see what crypto rabbit is streaming oh okay well that's it Bros all right that's it for the stream everyone thank you for the live stream smash the like on the way out can we get 100 likes at least I just can I see 100 215 people here 85 likes Hard Times bro hard times that's hard times to get likes these days that nobody likes that you know that's a topic I actually want to talk about another time at the next stream you know we're going to talk about that tomorrow crypto mining like there is seriously a lot less people crypto mining right now like there's it it so much less and I feel for anyone that's in it right now in crypto mining like you guys that have all the hardware and everything like we are the ones that are going to benefit from this like it's it's Insanity right now like I like you look at Google Trends you look at the views on YouTube like there's still not a lot of people getting into crypto mining um yeah anyways bacon eggs and hash sorry you didn't earn it P bacon eggs a hash you can suck it from the back you where is my ban I need my ban button Bing eggs and hash you bastard thank you bros we hit it all right see you guys later Patrick Murphy do you know what else is climbing the number of scammers coming back in the scene please everyone stay vigilant seems too if it seems too good to be true it is that 100% Patrick Murphy everyone please please beware of scammers all right please beware a lot of fake websites out there use go to Red pandam mining.com I have all the official links I have the trusted Hardware shops here software Asic Miner hosting I got all the official link and coupons here all right so please you're looking for any hardware go support me there at no cost to you and you get a little bit of a discount as well all right peace out Bros bacon is a hash better be kidding all right peace Bros all right you guys have a great day thank you so much Carl m Carl M Carl M how is that S21 treating you see you bros you guys have a great day Happy Thanksgiving Happy Black Friday happy Cyber Monday if I don't see you have a good one Bros have a good one peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace [Music]