The cryptocurrency space is full of Nothing but good news right now and man It's got me excited why because the Potential is through the roof retail Investors aren't even getting involved Yet and when they do the smaller tokens Not things like Bitcoin and ethereum but Things like shibba enu coin Dogecoin and Some of the New Meme coins that are Coming out those are going to Rocket Higher now guys let's take a look at Some of the headlines that are being Posted in terms of cryptocurrency news Right now and then we're going to be Touching on one of the tokens that I Think could just I mean it could soar Over the coming weeks and months as it Launches because it really hits home With the current investor base in the Cryptocurrency space and that is play Doge but before we get into that I do Want to talk about the headlines you can See here that the sec's ruling on Ethereum ETFs could make a historic Shift in cryptocurrency investing Absolutely With the SEC kind of embracing and Allowing these ETFs out there the the Amount of people and the amount of Institutions flowing into ethereum could Really spark this kind of new era in Crypto investing ethereum ETF excitement Ethereum Futures might tell a different Story billionaires are buying this
Cryptocurrency ETF that cons SAR 1,50% oh man billionaires are buying Into the cryptocurrency space now that Doesn't Retail investors aren't billionaires Right but billionaires are buying into The cryptocurrency space crypto Market Prediction Bitcoin ethereum and altcoins Set for a massive Bull Run Bitcoin Short-term holders increase Holdings by Over 1 million Bitcoin in six months People are jumping into Bitcoin because Of the Bitcoin ETF approval now I want To focus on this one in a second here But I agree with this guy as well Cryptocurrency shouldn't be a partisan Issue novr says well dude clear ly I Mean it should just be well embraced by Both sides of the political party here In the United States and all over the World it is innovative make it safe Embrace it allow for the growth but they Everything's got to be a political Discussion right now check this out here Coinbase launches smart wallets and bid To simplify crypto currency on boarding Now let's talk about that because uh Coinbase is creating these new smart Wallets because a lot of people have Some trouble when it comes to Understanding the defi world or the Decentralized finance world it is very Easy to sign up for coinbase and to only Buy the coins that are available on
Coinbase right you scroll through you Can see your list you click the buy Button and you click the sell button you Click the buy button and you click the Sell button a very simple process defi Can be a little bit harder you know Buying these pre-sale tokens you got to Figure out how to find a wallet you got To connect the wallet you got to make Sure that you remember your 12-word Password uh it's it seems to be a little Complicated connecting to a Decentralized exchange selling those Tokens buying those tokens there's a lot Of different moving parts and moving Steps but this is where the real money Is at sure by the time something is Listed on coinbase it might have a Couple billion dollar valuation and it Might be a little safer than something Like a Playdoh pre-sale but you're not Going to ride it from $10 million to a Billion dollar after it's listed on Coinbase so hopefully what we see with That article that we looked at here Hopefully we see an onboarding of retail Investors into the defi World Understanding cryptocurrency a little Bit better so that they can make a lot More money guys the Doge vers or the Playd do pre-sale right here right the Plato pre-sale just in the first couple Of days this launched at the beginning Of June and it's already done
$2.3 million in sales it's closing in And closing in fast on this price Increase here where you're going to see $2.5 million in sales now guys honestly It's it's going to reach this price Point before the next day in 23 hours so This timer is going to update very Quickly and you have a decision to make Are you going to get in at the earlier Stages of this pre-sale and take Advantage of 40 total stages 40 total Price in increases before playd Doge Launches or of course do you value your Time a little bit more and your Liquidity a little bit more and you're Going to wait now if you wait you're Going to foro those 40 price increases And the nice pad that that creates on Launch day if you get in now well your Money is going to be locked up it's not Going to be liquid but you're going to Have a better price than what those who Wait do so after you find yourself Interested in buying please make sure to Utilize the official affiliate link to In the description below you're going to Click connect wallet and you're going to Decide I want to buy 10 BNB worth you're Going to be walking away with 1.34 million Doge play Doge here now 1.34 million playd Doge at half a penny You guys can do the math if it goes up To to a penny to 10 cents to a dollar And Beyond and if that happens a lot of
People who get into this pre-sale early Are going to be making ridiculous Amounts of money so what is it that You're buying here you would be buying Into a playto earn game a tamagachi Style play to earn game where you can of Course Pet and Feed and water and and Entertain your Doge and as you do you Are going to be earning play Doge tokens On top of that you've got these little Retro arcade style games and this app is Going to be be developed and it's going To be in the miname beta stage after Launch so after the the launch of playd Do here hopefully shortly after you're Going to be able to to play the beta Version of this game now guys whether or Not the game comes out immediately one Thing you notice as you scroll through 90s Nostalgia the the vast majority of Cryptocurrency investors are people Between the ages of really 25 to 40 People who are going to be hit by this '90s Nostalgia and want to buy in and That's why play doge is selling out so Quickly it's got a lot of people very Excited not only about how high it can Go in price but the app the game that They are building here the play to earn Style the the ability to relive their Childhood but get paid to play and Relive their childhood so if you do Decide to buy into Playdoh you need to
Understand that this is on the BNB Blockchain you can buy in with ethereum But you're going to be able to claim on The BNB BL chain you have to remember That claiming will be on the BNB Blockchain so from there if you want to Earn additional rewards and you're not Necessarily concerned with trading on Launch day you can earn 125% annualized interest simply by Staking your playd Doge now that is a Dynamic rate which means that as more People stake their play Doge this number Is going to come down and if you wait The longer you wait the the lower the Percentage of of of I guess returns You're going to see in your playd Doge If you decide to to do that there so Waiting might have its benefits in the Sense that you stay liquid longer but it Certainly has its drawbacks and the Earlier you decide to get in the higher You're going to see their launch price From your current Buy price because of Course you're going to take advantage of All 40 price stages the earlier you Decide to stake if that's the direction You want to go the more rewards you are Going to earn so full discl closure guys I have bought into playd Doge I am very Excited about this one it is selling out Ridiculously fast and if we combine that With the fact that it's nothing but good News right now and Retail investors
Might be soon pouring back into the Cryptocurrency space playd Doge might Absolutely rip higher let me know what You guys think about it down in the Comments below and until the next time Hope to each and every one of you have An awesome day