cryptocurrency mining | mining calculations explained | 2021

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Hello Guys Welcome Back to Our Channel This is the
topic of which many people are interested in this but there is a confusion whether they should do it or not,
I am talking to you, look at mining, I myself have done mining till 2015 SEZ.
Talking about commercial level, not a single tree, etc., I have set up mining from complete, so I have done a
lot in mining before, but after 2019, now I have left mining, so
according to my entire experience, I will tell you some facts. In detail, we will study all these packs, then
you can decide yourself whether you want to do mining or not, if it is not so, then there is some pack,
which you should consider and then now the decision people.

In today's video We will discuss 400 feet
First we will discuss how many types of mining are there then we will discuss what should
we do then we will discuss how to do mining and then in looting I will tell you something that you decide
should we do mining or not should be ok So let's talk first of all,
how many types of mining hardware are there, so basically the chart is your

mining hardware.

For, the third claim can be browser mining, PC mining
or desktop mining and the fourth type is mobile mining, which is a good tehsil point, then
we will discuss all the four types in detail, see what happens in mining hardware, the point is different.
Which one you have to remind, once you know the point which one to do, then accordingly
you have to see the alarm and for different algorithms are different, then first of all let's talk about GPU
mining 12 GPU mining in front of you Taking this match on the screen, you get a diploma in English, that
graphics card is used in it, it seems to do graphics, it seems that someone runs, some takes five, some
puts some 12, someone uses 1616 graphics card , there is also a mining rig If it is,
then what are the components in it, the first is GP use, Geographic is used for half a minute, while
it can also be used for mining, in this the motherboard motherboard, which are these, most of the mining slots mean you
6 jobs.

If you want to put it, you need a slot deducting 6 grams of fee , if you want to put a graph
on it, then single slot motherboard, they are their romantic hobby, they can use it but usually 56 ra
16 it graphic card people appoint motherboard On this and understand this decision, he is right according
to the notes, then motherboard do you think power supply is what it is, according to the quantity of graphic card, the
power supply changes according to it, from pass vote to 2003 if water capacity is also supplied.

And there
are different rates in it, Gold rating, Silver rating, it sleeps many types, then the rest,
in its normal part, it seems to be a part for someone, it should remain basic sequence and basic processor, which
is my graphics card. So the rest of the earthquakes, nor did they just last Goes as if the
dry position is done, but the graphics card and power supply, you and the mother board are made according to that capacity,
then you manage all these things together, then it will become the set up of GPU mining, then
GPU mining But you can remind it This type of coin is there, it is late and many points In
the next video I will tell you which points I specialize in, then on GPU mining,
it is all set up and it will be reminded on the date The second type is this type of mining,
look in this sense it is used on a specialized which is dedicated to mining and from this specific
point which is just notification on that hardware, the strata went too high and these algorithms too If
it is different, then as the country gets these bitcoin light coins and cadet, it is a reminder of all the
points or it is different from the forces, capacity is the most and for the major it would be manufacturing in China,
then it looks like this jewelry is complete to Asia Minor.

It sets up you
daily There is lag and play, it has to be reversed, and after setting, its mining starts.
After the network is connected, it is called Specialized.
Mining can not be done on desktop mining normal even on the laptop you have at home,
you just have to put a creature or processor or thread processor,
yours is of good capacity, it doesn't happen on it or else you can get extra gpio single gpu 2gb If you
can put it on a normal desktop, then just apply a graphic art and craft to it, then it becomes a desktop.
You just have to download that mining software , for Windows, for Mac, for all platforms, for all platforms, to
download it. After doing the configuration in it, now Brett Lee can start mining in it,
pointing to him is not a part of him, that is a different part, now we are ok talking about the set up, so
you can do the date of mining.

Normal is on the back . Or even in the browser tomorrow I
would like to have plugins for browsers, there is mining in it , then desktop dedicated software also comes,
apps also come in Windows, you can update it , then the third category has become
the fourth type of our desktop mining, it is in that mobile mining. As cryptocurrencies are becoming agreed,
mobile mining is also coming in a little train.

After configuring and downloading it from the app on the store,
it starts on your mobile hardware.
Mobile apps want it directly – it goes on
it and important thing if someone says you can mine bitcoins on mobile or such old ones are from
point they will be all mines then it is very wrong mining happens but absolutely – Quantity Come Idea
You don't have any benefit in that, by increasing the battery of the mobile throughout the day, if you want to do it, then
you can clean new ones in it, which is the best mobile so far, but just changes are coming on their valve, it is very less then
that person You can keep minute by mobile mining, it will be possible to come to Jaipur with such big points on the mobile,
this is wrong, it is okay, so the eighth of the four types, I told you this is the eighth
month, now we will come to our second question and that is You should be reminded that according to your capacity,
you can infect you, meaning what hardware you have, what is its configuration, according
to that, you can make any selection, a website is in front of you whose name is What to Mind Not See
Ok, this is a very old website, so now you will come here on top of it, then you will know that it is all this
GPU, so first of all there is a moment of diploma in from above tap, not only this section is here – also
here If the GPS is tight, then if it will tell you the option, then for justice mining calculation.

Here is the
website, which is different, but how much mining and which man can be, then first of all we are right now in the GP tag,
I give you all these options, click here, it is now available in the hardware market, there are some biscuits in it.
If you have a graphics card, then if it is a graphics card, then what is the
algorithm in blue color below, this is the algorithm of mining from all the algorithms which
can be mining on these cards, then first of all you have to select the point and then do some inspection. And
see what is the algorithm or according to it, you can select the hardware, then reverse you have the algorithm on the hardware you have, look at
which algorithm you are matching and then do the consultation accordingly.
Ok then this website It gets faster, you got me the quantity RX 480 and a quality name
but hi dad this MD if you are its you I have six then I put it here I have the quantity
and then here I will calculate then accordingly from he will tell me that pooja hardware It has body,
how much will be mixed, this is the capacity, it is mining capacity and
according to this, it will tell twitter that if ash is online on it, then how much interest will get mega ss,
then he will get s from it They think that how much I will get gas, it depends on your output according to the capacity according to the capacity
of mining, then you put the quantity here, how much is the hardware,
all 483 quality I have the quantity Hey 523   is the quantity if I live If I am making puree, then
after calculating that, show me I am getting 191 my tablet, then in 181 on the gas I have to see,
who can I mind here OK and how much is their delete so like this we There
will be a line above him, he will get up, the doctor will change according to the different rate of the


Who can do mine in it, then we can call it Tulsi flower You can remind that
point, then this shirt is deleted on the basis, how much is this website, let us do some calculations, just by going here
, you will also have to put a little power consumption cost, so this is the approximate calculation, now the hardware,
capacity and if we check For them, sandpaper will come on, it does not happen that it has a plus
minus, then you can use this website to check, which one you have to remind this coin,
also section, here we are, if you have such software, then this ghat And above that how much power is sex
, if bitcoin is hardware then it will add toe shift that mind, only hard work comes separately for reality show
–  if it is, then you have to put it here
. That's how many points you can get in it, OK, so now once this web browser oh then you will know,
which one you don't have to join them
You will get through this website ok then Now we will come to our third
question and that is how to do mining, look no matter what hardware you have, once your hardware is
final, then you throw these basic tips down, the first thing you have to follow is your hardware.
Operation You need to know how much it is and what algorithms support
it, which one you can mind on it, you will fold it from this website, it is set on the hardware,
it is first then comes the fine configuration There are many videos available on YouTube which we,
if you need any hardware for the conference, then you can search on YouTube, many
videos are made there that how to do that GPS its corporation, what to do then once again
all possible If done, then you have to be the first mining officer, that it is also available on the net, you have to
remind it, then you have to download the software, after downloading that software,
there you have to connect to the network, see you individually all complete block You can put in the
whole coin, you can do it, for this you have to join the pool which sleeps the mining flowers, which means some A group
of people who are already reminding you, you have to join them, that mining bridge is fine
once your hardware If that flower is connected, then you do mining using all the hardware
together and whatever else breaks it is equally shared in all – OK, then once your hardware is assembled
, you have to join that mistake.

And once you have jointed the hardware in the pool,
then your mining starts, you can mind from here to there, here you can send on WhatsApp network
, okay so just after doing some configuration , Delhi's today is in a month. It is also the same
thing, it is raining in a month, which has to be connected and after connecting, now you can join them and
return to worship, then in this way, stop the whole system, do all the notifications,
time to time many Websites keep changing, so you don't have to be that your I
want to download the mobile app, after clicking, you can do it by connecting this network network,
ok so now we will come to our most important question, if I should not, then according to me,
I will tell you some details to do the calculation.

pexels photo 6781275

After that, you can see whether you do not have or not, you
can do those points, in this three things are important, first is the mining hardware configuration, the second solution is the
electricity rate and the third is the points rate, the price is the market price depends on it,
your profitability is fine. If you have these three things, then you have to look at mining and retail calculations, first of all, we
will talk about GPU mining instead of mining hardware, do you remember this which is an
equipment, their life is not very much that they keep running 24   hours continuously GPU mining What is
it, it is very sensitive, GPS is what it is gaming, we use GPS for mining, so there
are companies like NDA MD, it makes special mining refugee, think if you are not getting that house.

People usually
send extra mara GPS is double for gaming, they don't mine by using ok now what they
used to do mining then GPU was not specialized use so basically what give me KGP from that and we used to use how to give
that lohia mining GPS Give you very sensitive This processor is very light sensitive
This line doesn't have what you feel for it So two to three two to two and a half years can you consider max kis life
If you have whatever condition around you .

The frill is the hardware and it is good, so
let's hold on to any shells in acid, the same happens, the acid gets updated after one and a half or two years,
then you have to update this network, what is the shraddha If the constant keeps increasing, then
if the network acid is increasing, then you will have to braid the hardware, like now you update the mobile
, however you have to update the hardware time to time so that you have as much output as it is
fine, then life is the GPU.

he or is acid miner his own channel to 2 years max It can be done because you have to upgrade
also time to time then comes the condition. The condition means that there is dust and soil around the temperature, which
is the room temperature, so it will feel fine, so you can not leave any minor in the open.
Will have to do it in a closed loop because if you enable the nearby air to understand this continuous, then it is friends,
it is the GPU, whatever size it is, it will pull the air in, then dust can also go with it, so
how much that dust particle depends on it. Then the Surrounding temperature is very hot pair, the
temperature is nearby, it may be mining in it, development may be GPU damage or else their
pregnancy gets reduced, it is any minor , when it is on the mount of Sun, its temperature is
very much. It keeps on increasing till 2015 official Celsius. If the temperature of GPS goes above that too, then for
that you have to give cooling arrangement or else you have to keep in continuous air circulation,
there are side effects of hardware on top of that is good.

Run it in condition You do
that too, that hard work life is dependent and the second thing I told you is that there is a quarrel, you
have to update the hardware in time to time, okay, it is about the hardware, the second
most important is the meter, while the electricity cost is Look, what is electricity,
it may change country-wise, state-wise, city-wise. As much electricity cost is in North India,
it will remain in South India, it will have different memories, keep electricity cost is OK and
electricity is tried that check kilowatt hour And the capacity of your hardware is
in kilowatts, for example, you have made the puree, its color option
is 15 votes for example, if we do the calculations for 15 votes, and the rate of your electricity that we have in your area
Km is on a true piece but the unit is ok, so that's what I mean by 15 votes ring or acid miner
, if I am running for 24 hours, then how much will it cost 1.5 inches, then S8 is ok then twelve rupees
per hour you The miner of 15 votes will come back, and for how many hours we will run for it 24 hours,
so it is Rs 288 from you, your Delhi running and done .

This is just electricity cost of electricity,
which you have to pay, it is according to the capacity of your minor This

may change since 2008 10 My Delhi Electricity
Cost Done Now It's Rs.20 So How We Will Cut Profitability I Will Show You This In
Potato Boil Mind Website I Have Seen You Delight Priority You So Here You Have To Do
One More Thing Look This The output is not it , it is in quantity, it is in quantity, so if
I use the hardware it is, then above that quantity I can get Delhi 0 OK so this is the number,
it is out Delhi's according to this website From ok then share it and if today's rate here is
cloth cloth If the example withdraws 12%, then you can consume more and delete them till the fore traders,
that is according to the market rate OK, understand, today if I am thinking here which is zero point
007 it is talk about bell market 1007 If I were getting the quantity that and the rate here if you are
more then how much is my daily point then Delhi airport will be mine, do 0.7 dollars in 275 if you
see ₹ 50 you will get only for the day then this is me mam calculation to you I have to show what is the output of my coin,
this is what happens, understand the mathematics, which coin is quite, it will remain there for the example but
if the market rate is up and down, according to that my Delhi running cost will change, so today if the
price here If there is too much tempered glass, then I will get Delhi   and some more, understand that I am getting ₹2000 in Delhi
and if it is in the stock market, then I will get Rs.10 and if my electricity
cost is 282 then I will be profitable .

Activate Rupees minimum should come today itself Quantity
of Udaipur Even in T positive bill, you can not speak like this, in the next will run,
I will do electricity, you do not have to pay this mantra by taking eight tips , then if you can do that trouble,
then it is okay, otherwise you will have to pay it out of pocket. What is the economic it depends on the building,
if you sell the coin or if you do mining in the stock market and sell it in the bull market,
all this economics is different on this, then according to this which is the coin rate of Delhi, you hello.
How to change will keep happening in commerce and you have to plan for that, so what do some people do in it,
understand that listening to electricity is very less, then those new ones keep it from the point they line up and then hold it for 4
to 5 years.

But electricity cost he will fill his pocket space mining
and worship he will come in points will be your wallet, he has to sit, not sell, do
not want to do on electricity, what not to do is your question on that is your entire mining profitability, that is depend whether it is
The most important thing that I I had to tell you that app profitability, so now after discussing in so much detail,
you can decide according to the market, according to the inch rate that you
do not have to do mining, you can ask me in the comment, whatever question you have According to this one love of mine,
I will give you the answer already, I have already done all this before, so I know behind this that we know this, I
know the calculations which I share with you, if there will be some difficulty then you are hardware of

About some difficulty in mining you can ask me

But how do you assemble hard work on YouTube,
what to do by drinking blood, what to do everything, information will be available, profitability is also sometimes
found in detail, but you don't have to do it, what is the calculation behind what I just told you He
liked it if no one told So like the video, subscribe the channel, see you in the next video,
till then on the neck topic, take care by and listen to Ajay.

As found on YouTube

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