what is up ladies and gentlemen I am back working on this laptop today so just going to pull the back of it off uh it had a messed up charger port on it it was like pushed in so got a new replacement one right here just a little new charger port and a new and it just plugs in conveniently so we s let's take the back of this off start the time lapse all right so I just plugged the new harness in just to check it before I go any further make sure it's the right one I plugged it in it powered right up plug the original in it did not power up so new one's working I got to remove this little heat pipe assembly and this cooler to get this snaked up underneath here and get it mounted right there so all right ladies and gentlemen so he just picked up the laptop um it ended up being you know not even 30 minutes from start to finish uh my labor rate was 40 an hour but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be raising it to 60 an hour I know a lot of people in the industry are upwards of $80 an hour um I feel like I have a decent amount of experience I am still lacking in certain areas so I want to charge and also Bill accordingly obviously there's there's situations where time gets wasted and you can't bill for it that's how it goes that's how the cookie crumbles but um I feel like that that's still a fair rate minimum of 1 hour on it on pretty much anything uh if something's like literally super simple I've had people walk in and it's literally like a oh my power button doesn't work my computer's broken and the little you know two pin jumper on the the the header came off or like one of them come off cuz it's the two individual I'm not going to charge for that it's actually happened before already it's kind of funny but um yeah so that's kind of where we're at uh so update situation I have a bunch of stuff that needs to get shipped out so um going to go run and grab some more tape cuz I'm always running out of tape I'm on my last roll it's up already halfway so uh before I get into another grind of packing more boxes and I do apologize I have if you've ordered something within the last week I am running 2 to 3 days behind on just handling time that's me literally handling it getting it boxed up and getting it shipped out um but I'm get I'm starting to get caught up I did take some things out of inventory like this 2060 uh we still have extras of the 2060s some of them will need to be rehabbed a little bit worked on um some of them don't work on like HDMI but they do on display port little weird situations but uh to slow down the amount of orders I got in uh I I did take those off temporarily so I know I had a lot of people asking about them but they'll be back eventually uh and then we have some sales coming up on 307s they're going to be in the mid2 200 range if you're looking for those but I don't want to start that sale until I'm fully caught up on orders um it's it's e-commerce is one of those weird things you never think like oh it's it's going to be super easy to you know ship stuff and it won't it won't be hard at all and then you get like 253 orders over night um and it's just it it's a little bit of work it is but you know what I enjoy it I enjoy computer hardware I enjoy buying it selling it flipping it flopping it building it all that kind of stuff so anyways I am going to jump off here here I hope you have a good night I'll see youall in the next one