Customer brings in oldish gaming laptop

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what's up ladies and gentlemen I don't know how this video is going to turn out because my iPhone is dead my camera was dead I forgot to plug everything in last night so I'm now on my backup phone while those are charging but uh had a customer come in about a week ago he wanted to upgrade the storage on his laptop he's got a pretty nice laptop MSI gaming it's got like an I believe it's got a ninth gen i7 and some kind of graphics card we'll take a look at that um whenever we get booted up because he he wants me to install that uh and then open it up and go through and check on a couple things because he's not sure if everything's running to its peak potential um as for storage let's get this this bad boy open and I'll show you that we are adding a 2 terabyte SSD I'd love to be adding something faster in there but uh this fit his budget and I don't even know if this laptop supports m.2 um I know it supports an SSD because he has a hard drive currently in well he has an SSD and a hard drive currently installed he wants to remove the hard drive and put this SSD in its place so that's what we're doing um yeah let me flip this around and get it open all right well we ran into a slight issue here uh the customer said that this drive or this computer had two drives in it and he ordered it with a SSD and a uh hard drive there is an SSD but there's no Drive um I lifted up the battery which I just stuck it back down and there's nothing underneath that as well we'll leave that there um so yeah it only has one drive I did boot it up and it only shows one drive installed so um I'm going to give him a call and ask if he wants to uh because I believe he has a one one terabyte in here and this is a two terabyte he may not want to do that small of an upgrade he may want to go from one to four um because this one taby's almost full so he'd only be you know gaining less than a terabyte of storage uh if I you know clone this drive onto this drive and then reinstall it all um it is nice that it has a little Samsung Drive in there but yeah let me give him a call and see what he wants to do um yeah that's unfortunate uh that's sometimes what happens whenever you know you get somebody that calls in and you don't actually have the computer in front of you so um that's how the cookie crumbles all right I'll be right back all right guys so I right before I called the customer I was looking around some more and I noticed it does have an m.2 slot and I looked up the model of this laptop and it says it does support nvme it's keyed for nvme so that's nice um so I gave him a call and I told them hey uh you don't have a hard drive in here so we won't be able to swap it with the SSD you already have an SSD and you have an empty m.2 slot so we could put you an nvme in there uh so you keep your your one terabyte and you can add you know one two four terabytes of nvme storage he's like can we add a two terabyte I was like yep uh I don't keep two terabyte in vmes in stock I only have 500 well I have 240s 500s and one terabytes and he was like can you know when can we do that I told him I'll go ahead and Amazon Prime it that way it'll be here tomorrow and um I'll get that installed and be ready for you so sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles on you know working on stuff before you actually get it here uh he asked what the price difference will be and luckily silicon power or yeah is this silicon power I think it is yeah silicon power their nvme drives are about the same price as their solid States within like five bucks so I told them don't worry about the price difference and um we'll just roll on and continue and make a happy customer so he's he's happy I'm happy we'll just keep that ball rolling um other than that that I don't have a whole lot of other stuff going on today other than I need to get stuff cleaned up tested and added to the website so bear with me and we'll be right back all right guys so I'm going to finish off today with some returns that I got in I got this motherboard in uh customer said he plugged it in it would just like flash on flash back off so I'm going to send this off to uh my guys over at Silver Knights they're going to take a look at it along with a bunch of gpus that I had I had that 2080 super that was bad um I had a 1080 TI that was bad along with a few other cards um Vega 56 I'm actually yeah I'm going to I'm going to retest that Vega 56 because I I haven't personally tested that it was bad it was just you know traded in in a lump sum of things and they said it was bad but regardless hopefully they can work their magic and get this bad boy back to me because that would be nice got a old thread ripper in there 1950x solid little setup for somebody um yeah so anyways y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one peace

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