all right so there we go um test one two I think I have the mic settings all correct I have been away from my house for a while I went down to mining disrupt had a really good time down there um saw and also got to actually finally meet a lot of people in person uh so that was really awesome um going to be doing a recap video on that probably in the next day or two so yeah shout out anyway um let's dive right into the salad earnings um as of right now I had a couple people ask me if I was going to be or when I was going to be trying other platforms looking heavily at flux just uh don't necessarily want to be the the first guy on the ship I seen that there was there was talk that there was some already some people already on the alpha for the compute side um but anyway yeah what's up Nick Automatic beats retro mic oh retro mic man we missed you down there you got to I got to see you next time what's up Mr Burns glad to see you again all right so um yeah let's jump into it and we'll look at this fancy graph that somebody made for me um if I can find it so we got updated for the 26th I know it's technically the 28th right now um but this is the 27th video because it's not technically the 28th on salad uh regardless we don't don't have our estimated in yet we got to fill that in and we'll do that we'll do that live we'll go and check all our rigs see how they're doing um but for right now we did get to fill in the actual uh versus the estimated for the 26th and it looks like I it estimated significantly higher about $4 higher estimated like $24 whereas the actual in that orange line came in just over 20 bucks so I kind of like seeing this it's been really close but every now and then it spikes up and I don't exactly know why um let's go down to the actual rigs here and we'll go ahead and you know what we'll fill this in live together and I'll show you how I do it uh in the method to the madness cuz there's some people that are just like where are you pulling these numbers from um and are these numbers even good and they've seem to be fairly decent so far there is an update but I don't necessarily like it yet um so I'm still going to be doing it this way for the time being uh um sorry I couldn't make it down I'll be there at the Litecoin Summit in BTC Nashville next month I'm not going to be able to make make it to BTC Nashville I got a family trip um Litecoin Summit I'll look that up Golden wolf what's up welcome to the live chat Salvador what do I need for more jobs 1380 and it's just 70 cents per day 3080 um 380 10 gig is going to have a hard time picking up workload jobs uh really 12 gig and above cards 16 gig and above cards are kind of um add a lot more priority so uh if you're on the newest version and you're running updated drivers that's that's really your best bet on a 10 gig card you really only need 32 gigs of system Ram uh and at least you know four CPU cores more cores is better but it's not a guarantee do you happen to know what is required upload speed for streaming side on salad gaming uh Mr gaming Damned uh they recommend if you're doing video streaming you need at least gigabit so 1,000 Meg up 1,000 Meg down just be careful because it will get you blacklisted on Hulu Netflix and and other you know streaming applications uh Salvador Cortez so that's the 12 gig 380 um you should be able to get jobs on that as long as you have that 32 gigs of system Ram at least four cores I try to recommend people to have at least six cores realistically six cores 12 threads um and you should be getting jobs how long has it been calculating for are you custom are you even getting jobs uh yes yes and I actually I just released a video um because I reached out to the salad team and I wanted some clarification on some things cuz people were telling me that I need to start restarting my Rigs and killing the salad bowl Service uh and and manually uh killing WSL uh to that that way it stops and restarts it and then you get another job the only problem with that is it hurts your reliability score and your reliability score is a lot more important to get continuous jobs yeah it might load you up a new job right there right then and there but once that job dies off it's not going to give you another one right away potentially if you abuse the system so that's kind of the issue right now uh 306 1.5.9 yes it did mess some stuff up that's why they put out 1.6 today make sure you get on 1.6 there was like a container relaunch issue that was um apparently I I'm gonna get more allow uh get more elaboration on that tomorrow from uh some of the salad team I I'm trying to get them on like to do a little interview but that's uh yeah we'll work on that my 3090 and 490 started getting jobs after the 1.6 update awesome yeah glad to hear it 306 minor uh Josh my 3070 TI picked up a $190 job after about 9 or 10 hours it was doing stuff GPU was processing but the graph on salad wasn't showing any earnings um Josh reach out to them either on their Discord uh message uh anos anos anago yeah I believe it's an anos on Discord or Jared on their Discord and tell them your account and what it's doing um and they can actually check into that internally there has been some issues with the with with profitability or even Revenue reporting on just a very few people um and they've been able to figure it out Chase has anyone used a 3060 TI on salad I know it's 8 gig but they're cheap and everywhere right now so I have seen people run 307s and 3060 T eyes on salad they're somewhere in like the $150 to $2 range when they can get a job the only problem is there's a lot of 8 gigabyte cards sitting on salad so uh priority wise and if you just throw one on right now you're so so far down the list you probably would not see a uh a job for a long time I'm thinking probably like maybe a couple weeks uh right now I I I'm kind of advise advising people if you put a card on salad and it's a fresh rig you can expect it to be calculating or sitting in line for about a week if everything goes good now if you're restarting the system and killing stuff yeah you might force it to jump on a job earlier um but you you sacrifice short term gains for long-term stability um sounds good no peak go Brown awesome man oh oh my old moderator Old Joe's in here anyway um let's jump over and start checking in on the rigs so first we'll go to 3090 number one and I'm going to do this live because people are asking how I was getting my numbers and I'll just show you how I get my numbers and then once they get their reporting on their end more solid because they do have it by rig but the rig IDs and stuff are all a pain in the butt uh I'll be able to compare my numbers against their numbers and go from there so we're on a $580 job on 3090 number one right now so we'll go ahead and fill that in 5.80 this is still running driver 552.5579 anything um and I don't suggest you do either keep that up time and stability because look at this this machine's been chewing 665 five 65 five 65 this one's been awesome I don't even want to look at it we you know what we need to go ahead and close it right now because I don't want to mess it up um yeah this is actually the one that had a stick of ram go bad so it's only got 48 gigs of ram in it but it does have a 12 core 24 thread Zeon um and yeah yeah I need to put some more RAM in that I I got a bunch of ram in orders are orders are going out tomorrow by the way for everybody that was on back order um Jordan Brandon coin been watching since 2020/2021 oh man heck yeah OG right here OG Watcher um OG in the space appreciate all your videos is salad Nvidia only at the moment yes it is Invidia only because right now they only support Cuda um but maybe they would apparent apparently zuda or Z zuda something like that is to run Cuda on AMD but they're not supported on salad yet um so maybe maybe one day they'll add it um in the meantime they they don't have Vulcan support for their customers um so it's just just Nvidia at the moment it stinks because amd's got a bunch of reasonably priced cards with a lot of vam uh R Burns always wait for calculating before doing upgrades to salad yes 100% if you're in the middle of a job let it eat even if it's not a great job let it eat um other than like the 10-cent jobs I'm I'm not really I'm not really partial to those but um I've asked a few questions and I'm waiting on some clarification I think those like little 10- Cent jobs um and me and also the mining King had been talking about it I think those are benchmarking jobs sorry my cat man hey can you can you give us a minute Mr Kitty um I think those are benchmarking jobs to test the system uh and make sure everything's up to Snuff cuz they never seem to last very long at least they shouldn't unless they get stuck or something's going on um should do a video on process of dummy HDMI plugs and remote software so we can check in on systems yeah yeah we'll definitely check that out and um I'm a big proponent of the old dummy dummy plugs I'm just a dummy using my dummy plugs I remember the backyard shed oh yes man it was it was epic it was once we'll get back back there one day eventually R Burns you've been watching since the attic yeah two houses ago that's been that's been years man I've been moved out of there for a while oh no there we go all right here hold on let me give let me give my cat some beef jerky so he'll leave me alone that's what he came in here he smells the beef jerky here here there you go okay we're good cat's got beef jerky Teriyaki Flavor now passenger airbag so you let the 10-cent jobs Run Forever um they don't run forever on my systems but I don't I have heard where people have tried to lower power or undervolt their systems uh the 10-cent jobs have run uh longer don't do any overclocks and I outside of changing fan curves um I don't overclock or underclock anything and and that's why I think those 10-cent jobs have something to do with benchmarking cuz they seem to run longer on systems that when I talk to people are you pulling power down are you changing core clock are you changing memory clock and they're like well only pulled the you know the power down 10% and it's like was that Benchmark just running over and over again to try to get you know an acceptable rate I don't know it's all it's all speculation until I get you know approval or understanding clarification my words Escape me um from the salad team anyway let's check in on 390 number two we'll go ahead and fill those in yo did you just did you yo he just smoked that piece of of uh beef jerky that was a huge piece of beef jerky be careful dog are you okay okay I mean be careful cat all right so this is 390 number two it has 56 GB of um Ram this one had uh the an 8 GB stick die in it so it has not got 64 but it's still running a job so I'm not taking the system down to add or change and look at that $58 trainer go please leave me alone thank you he's clawing me and yeah um $58 container job on that one and this is also a 12 core Zeon and um it's running on this one's on an SSD surprisingly so $58 container now let's check in on 3090 number three everyone is going to get a $199 from using PayPal for payouts yes after $600 of revenue from any Source inside the US the federal government requires um income reporting um and this is not the wild wild west of crypto um it's just this this is dollars and unfortunately you have to report all income so a 1099 is not the worst thing in the world because a 1099 uh you can then fill in uh deductions against it so you can write off your Hardware you can write off consumables um it's not the end of the world um all right so this is 3090 number three and it looks like ah looks like this one's not doing anything so this is a perfect opportunity to yes she's calculating okay so you know what we're going to go ahead and update this one live so this is the way I update cuz people have asked me in the past we have 64 gigs of system Ram and this is a 12 core xon on a 120 gig SSD just for reference so we're going to open the system up we're going to set salad to Pauls until idle so now it PA is salad we're going to give it about 60 seconds to I don't know spin down if it was spinning anything and then we're literally just going to click update now it's probably not a full 60 seconds by the way we're going to hit yes we'll let this roll through and I'll check on the chat while we're doing it this is going to be a little bit longer stream tonight I've missed live streaming I haven't been able to do it in the last couple days come on go go buddy go I don't have any more beef jerky for you dog you ate the big piece all little scraps now get the prepaid credit cards I don't like the prepaid credit cards um but I don't know if uh you're still subject to like I think you're still you're technically supposed to to report income over $600 I don't know how that works that's a good kitten I request a bigger piece go away um satin Muhammad I'm sorry if I pronounced that wrong I have a 390 TI risen 9 3900x 64 gigs of RAM should I leave it alone even if it says calculating to what maximum period day or two or three before trying restarting system so uh please if if you're fully updated if you're calculating it's this is the time to go ahead and update so if you're on 1.6.0 and you're on the newest Nvidia driver um your Hardware is good 390 TI 64 gigs of RAM 3900x um I would let it calculate um minimum a few days because you're a new system on the network have you done any restarting or or killed any of the salad bowl service anything like that recently um if you haven't that's good just let it calculate once you start getting those jobs and they're completed jobs and confirmed jobs it's just going to keep giving them to you it's it's got you getting over that that little hurdle uh it's you know it's like standing in line for the bathroom do you run off into the woods and pee or do you stand in line I don't know that's probably a bad analogy because I'd probably pee in the woods so yeah no problem no problem uh sat Satine satina I'm I would do again apologize for pronunciation um oh Jordan uh 3080 TI with 32 gigs of RAM if if it's a week to get a job is it mostly idle time correct yeah so if it's calculating it's literally just idling you're not going to be pulling any additional power luckily those little small jobs those 10- Cent container jobs um those I noticed do pull some power and they they Spike up pretty high randomly and that's why I think also another reason to confirm that they are benchmarking cuz it actually kind of like runs it through a full Gambit um let's see here oh Oz gaming what's up man um you know what I'm On Top chat right now let me go to live messages I really I I'm sorry about that it makes me miss messages which card and codec are you using when streaming uh I am currently streaming on a 3090 and we're using I had somebody help me set this up I'm not going to be able to look at settings I don't think while I'm live let me see um video bit rate I'm using the Nvidia invin uh h264 encoder and my video bit rate's 2500 so and um I think it's coming through at 1080 yeah so nothing nothing crazy hit that like button thank you for that I appreciate it he in the retro mic Tech just don't run to the woods just be in the line I like it so anyway okay so we're updated to 1.6 on this bad boy um so she's just calculating for right now it doesn't look like we do have a v ethernet up and running but it doesn't look like it's downloading very much so unfortunately um yeah that is that's not great that means we're just calculating on number three and now number four is actually the system that I'm on but that's going to be changing as soon as it drops the job it's still got a job that is unfortunate that means I haven't been able to play video games in it's been a few weeks because I'm afraid if I I open a video game it will kick me off the job now luckily I can stream and I've been able to use my computer like for daily tasks um and I've had no issues but um yeah I want I want this thing to drop the job so that way I can put this card into an actual rig um and then put one of my you know cards that aren't good for salad or AI in here like a 3070 or something like that 3080 I got some 3080s that would do well in here that's just like a gaming card I got to get back to gaming you know um Jordan so starting fresh install newest drivers no extra considerations at this point um if you're starting from a fresh copy of Windows as soon as you get windows installed go ahead and go to Windows update let Windows update run and do all the current updates for Windows um after that's done go ahead and install the newest Nvidia driver um I had been using MSI After Burner for fan control it's not even really needed on most cards that are in decent shape if you got good memory pads that kind of thing um if you're not if you don't have like a you know a card that's been ran into the dirt um and then uh download and update and make sure you're on the newest version of salad which we need to update right here this one is on 1.6 0 um outside of that you just got to let it run oh Charles just subscribed thank you for joining much appreciated the does are Knocking On The Rocks um I hear that I can't game much anymore either yeah Burns if it's on your computer that you use uh it will knock the job off if you're using too much system resources unfortunately all right so now let's jump over to 3060 number two which is shop wall PC let me yeah here we go boom this is actually the computer that's at at the shop so it's not even here right now it looks like so this is a 32 gig uh of system Ram we are on an eight core Zeon so eight cor 16 threads and a what 240 gig 250 gig SSD just for reference on this one and it's a 362 gig and it's running on an older version but look at that 1.95 she's running strong as a cucumber ever heard that one strong as a pickle all right come on now go my cat is clawing my leg because I'm not paying enough attention to him so yeah wow this this one's up big time this one's been holding jobs rocks steady 1.95 and I'm happy I'm happy with that all right and then I switched them around this one is actually not number four anymore CU I don't have 4 30 60s this is actually number three [Music] so Jordan thank you Brandon keep the videos 100K soon yeah I hope so man I'm really enjoying it I I feel like I'm I feel like it's kind of like back to um you know earlier days of mining when we're making good money there's people out there talking about like oh you know Ai and compute it doesn't make any money it burns too much power um I'm burning less power than I was mining and I was mining you know I was jumping around from different coins and and stuff uh but I'm I feel like I'm actually making money again and uh I want to expand like I I'm excited about it um here's another 3060 12 gig system for reference this one's on a ryzen 5 5 uh 1600 so this is a first gen ryzen six cores 12 threads 32 gigs of system memory on a 256 gig or you know 239 gig technically um they don't show all all the capacities but SSD Samsung SSD and what were we doing on this one it was getting a191 a day so um 1.91 and then we need to go check on our new trusty Steed the 4060 TI and oh my gosh my cat come on here we go watch out you're knocking stuff over those are my dummy plugs got a bag of them all right there you go give me just give me a minute okay and then we'll be good there you go there all right trying to block my cat out hold on we'll block him out with 3090 boxes right can I SLI my 1060s on salad no Mr Luke unfortunately you can't so this you're going to be looking at a one GPU per uh motherboard situation or per se well I don't want to say per CPU because if you got a dual CPU board um hey Brandon are you going to do any home build update videos in the future um I was doing those uh but there were situations where in the past and I don't want to dox myself so I kind of pulled back a lot of that content I recorded a bunch of stuff because I wanted to show off but um I know there was people out there that would appreciate seeing my home build I don't know I you know it's it's the bad apples that ruin it for everybody so yeah th all those videos got pulled and I'm definitely not going to be showing anything else from inside my house too many creepers out there um Satine keep the daily updates for salad we appreciate it a lot yeah absolutely I'm going to be doing salad and then I hope to be getting some flux compute stuff up um and going to be reporting on that since this is kind of you know I don't want to say new stuff but it is changing uh very rapidly lots of updates coming um daily daily you know format like this just works uh Rambler do the rigs generate a lot of heat no man they actually don't um yeah every now and then you'll get a container job that'll start you know hammering the GPU really hard but on average I say and if you want to talk to other people um you know you can that are on salad you can always jump in the Discord uh we have a salad section but on average my rigs are burning less power than they were mining even with them underclocked mining 100% um oh what's up Pocket Change glad you could make it happy to have you and um we missed you and chump down there at uh Miami but maybe we'll catch yall on on another one um Jordan would you buy 3,000 or 4,000 series for more solid rigs um I am I'm a little bit of a fanboy hold on I'm yo my cat keeps coming in here and clawing my leg I apologize hey go go back no you're fall go out go do y'all want a cat y'all can y'all can take my cat I feed him I feed him good um D what were we talking about uh would you buy 3,000 or 4,000 series for more solad rigs uh so I'm a little bit of a fanboy of like the 309s I know 490s are amazing but I'm also cheap um so 390s enable you to get a lot of the bigger um jobs and workloads on salad um so I'm feeling like if I can find the right deals I'm going to be doing 390s I already have some that I still need to to deploy um got some Founders Edition 309s that are going into rigs um I think I'm going to get up I want to do 1039 90s uh and then do um some 40 series I'm testing out the 4060 TI 16 gig to see how I like it um I'm not sure we'll just kind of learn as we go so to speak but yeah that's that's kind of where I'm at bring back the original Brandon coin glasses hold on hold on uh you know what they're not in here I brought them down to I brought them down to mining disrupt and I was wearing them all over down there and it was was funny because some people I came up to uh I think it was the nice hash booth and I had them on my head like I wasn't even wearing them and he's like I I was like hey I'm Brandon nice to meet you he's like I know who you are and I'm like oh nice Ash knows they know everything but yeah uh just for FF it's orange cat yes it is um Jordan last question I'm sorry I'm missing some of these these live chats would only 8 gab of vram be any good for salad no unfortunately there's too many cards with 8 gigs of vram on the network I've been told from uh Jared over at salad that the 8 gbyte like like waiting period for jobs it's just so low in demand and there's so many cards that it's just not even it's not advisable to put 8 gigabyte cards on for doing workloads uh passenger airbag can you run through your salad settings please yeah okay so let's check on in on this 4060 real quick and then we'll go over my settings what's up buddy I know I'm sorry too much working on going in June too much going on at work in June each year yeah I know this is this this was my first time going down there and I didn't even know if I I could make it down there and back it was uh I was lucky I was lucky this year my wife is amazing and I love her if she's watching this thank you again for letting me go and dealing with my crazy children I love my children too but they are crazy wonder where they get it from um yeah it looks like my 46ti is calculating lovely but this is 1.5.9 and I've heard a lot of people are having issues out of 1.5.9 so what we're going to do is we're going to pause and we're going to go to update now we'll give it a second update now there we go so we're going to update this to 1.6.0 and then I'll roll through my settings um once this opens back up for Mr airbag I don't know what I'm doing wrong I've been at this since Monday well go ahead and type in what you have and what settings you have airbag one of my salad rigs sold today I lost my 480 super oh Joseph time to build another one right why don't you just build salad rigs Joseph I could hook you up get you a good like bulk deal on Zeon boards what's going to happen in the future with Etc mining when manufacturers are producing too many Asic Luke um I don't know man I wasn't ready for an Asic question right here um especially an Etc minor Asic question uh I'm not really I'm not gonna say I'm not in that in that space But I'm not in that space I haven't mined Etc in a hot minute um yeah so sometimes I've noticed whenever you update yeah look there it goes so set up your container environment wasn't showing up uh and it will stay at four out of six until you click on the little question mark you go to here and then it registers that yes your WSL is up to date all right so now let's go ahead and start this back to chopping and then we'll go through the settings um configure Hardware so enabled enabled on CPU and GPU usage uh elevated permissions are on and I CL configure workload types manually I turn video streaming off that is your uh bandwidth sharing go to Advanced options go down and disable auto stop and disable crypto Mining and that's pretty much how the cookie crumbles on that one so unfortunately my 4060 TI is not working so that is uh that's that's lame but it is what it is it's how it goes sometimes so we'll go back and yeah she's back to calculating um let's see here what about the 12 gig 380 TI are they still viable for are they still viable for sale um for salad so a 12 gig 380 TI is going to limit you because it's only got 12 gigs of vram you're going to be getting the same jobs that a 3060 12 gig is but come to find out you're going to you're going to burn more power um so uh I would stay away from 12 gig 380s or 12 gig 380 TI um is it is it TI is the 380 TI 12 gig I know they had the 3080s I think it is regardless I would stay away from them burn too much power for what they for what container workloads they can run for right now things good change in the in the future H um pocket says wife for the win 100% wife for the win without the wife I would be lost uh salad has destroyed my network the bandwidth consumption is crazy even with workload off I feel like I'm losing containers due to lag even on a 1 gig Network make sure your systems have bandwidth sharing off bandwidth sharing is is really rough um and I was actually talking to Max voltage earlier and he's got a fiber connection and he's got a ubiquity router like high-end Hardware um lots of lots of bandwidth uh and I'm over here basically mining on a glorified Hotpot I have T-Mobile home internet I have 500 down and 50 up but I did limit my salad rigs through a 10100 switch so all of my salad rigs are limited through that 100 megabits and ever since I did that I've actually had a lot more more reliability and you would think it'd be the other way around but I don't know if it's so I had a gigabit switch on there previously um I originally switched because it I only had a eight Port gigabit and I put a 10100 and it was 16 ports and I'm like oh I'll upgrade that to a gigabit switch later on blah blah blah but uh I noticed everything was just working really well um I think at times some systems will just Hammer your actual Network for when they're downloading uh and it'll pull all of your speed um all your bandwidth to that one system and it starves everything else out and potentially loses jobs on those other containers or those other jobs uh and then also stresses your network for other things like streaming and that kind of stuff so right now um my systems are sharing a 100 megabit connection that means we never have any issues inside streaming we never have any issues doing anything on our phones because we don't have really good cell phone signal I I can't confirm that um like if that's actually you know maybe just coincidence but it's it's odd to me that people on a fiber connection are having issues you know what I mean and that's for varus I was replying to burn says his 4060 TI is doing 235 not so great definitely done better than before yeah man I'm wanting those four and $5 containers people said 40 60 TI were doing $4 religiously like a week ago uh just for FF at my place um 40 60 TI you can get one or you can get two of the 360s only thing that concerns me about the 360s is there is a lot of 360s a lot of 12 gig cards coming on the network so that means more competition So in theory if everything was black and white and everything stayed the same 230 60s would be better than 14060 TI at current rates um but on a 4060 TI you can do those bigger jobs it's got more compute power if they if they start getting $4 jobs again I'd rather have 4060 TI 16 gig doing a $4 job than two $23 60s because then that's extra motherboard extra CPU extra Ram but right now we don't have $4 job so it's hard to speak on that hard to speak on that maybe you need to just get both 40 60 TI and the 30 60s right can't decide just get them both uh JB man B LOL for alternate alternative compute project instead of salad downtime is crazy oh sorry about that itchy pH oh nice just subscribed thank you for joining hey any chance of sharing the spreadsheet you're using Dan Ain says so this was shared to me I have to uh make a a copy of it ow goodness cuz I don't have the original um I'm not the original owner of it but uh I asked and the original owner said yeah that's fine so I'm just waiting on him to uh give me the permissions to do that uh like act like in inside the spreadsheet um red panda did a shout out to Brandon I'm way behind on chat I'm sorry about that leading the way in salad mining oh yeah sometimes that could be a bad thing right leading the way in the salads I'm updating one with you Crossing finger all right I don't know what that means golden wolf you see the new worker stats and the online earings history yeah I'm going to jump over to that I don't really I mean it's nice but I would I would prefer them just to give me numbers like the graph is nice doesn't kind of it kind of makes sense kind of doesn't it's like hard to read um straight up numbers would be nice though let's see here retro mic oh man I'm way behind donated $499 through Super Chat oh retro mic never required all always appreciated thank you for the $4.99 of beat that way I can go get me a burger tomorrow um oh looks we got some new people in in the chat right now we got generic slurp raised off YouTube Cav oh what's up dragon um passenger airbag we got oh red panda mining in the house glad to see you there uh DML mileage I'm just going to scroll down so that way I can get super caught up if I missed up question it was super important just put it down below um I'm just I'm a bad reader that's my fault red panda tag in Pocket wake up your lovely husband I need Plumbing help for an overflowing septic that sounds like a bad time that sounds like a very bad time and there we go retro mic put that oh you put the little Doge guy number one he's painting thank you for that brother is it possible to compute on salad with one motherboard and two gpus currently it's not they don't support it but they it is on their road map so uh once they get caught up on the container workloads that's their their primary concern right now is getting things stable and getting things caught up uh then they are going to be adding additional um GPU compute the price difference of a 3090 and a 3090 TI is not too much what do you recommend should I go for the ti from what I've I've seen so far the ti don't really make much more money but if you can get them for the the same price I I'd obviously go TI um if I had to spend any more than you know $75 more to get the ti it's tit fortat you know would I spend an extra $100 to get the ti probably not not if I'm wanting to scale because I don't think you're going to actually make anything additional on salad uh compute loads or compute workloads I'm I'm tired holy smokes uh but I guess you would have more resale down the line any information on the internet usage how many gigabytes per month or day even if approximately satina um so right now I had talked to them about that if they you know can you set up some kind of limited or metered uh connection uh the only issue with that is every time you do a workload it has to pull it down it's downloading that workload uses it dumps it pulls a new one and does that constantly and that's on a on average seen there anywhere from like on the low end 30 up to 60 or 70 gigabytes um so you're pulling in you know 30 40 50 gigs every potentially anywhere from an hour to a day to a month and um it gets it's a lot if you don't have an unlimited data connection I don't recommend salad at all um just it's not worth it because it's going to pull too much you're going to have issues you're going to have ADD additional costs but if you have to pay for over a certain amount or if it throttles you over a certain amount if it throttles you you're going to drop the workloads because you don't have the internet speed I got turned off to getting paid out to a gift card Craig Davis yeah I don't do the gift cards I just go straight to PayPal and um it's I've had no issues I've had six payments so far uh to my PayPal and it's a PayPal business account and uh it jives no no problem it all pays within you know I'd say within 24 hours a golden wolf updating one of your 3090 rigs at the same time raised off YouTube what it do glad to have you man somehow I just hit A1 6424 hours how I just kept restarting oh no passenger airbag that's literally the worst thing thing you can do so if you keep restarting you may end up forcing it into a job the only problem is you've tanked your reliability score um and your reliability score or your uptime score along with your job completion so how many workloads you've actually completed and not dumped um play into how consistent your system will pick up jobs after that um so yeah now you might be chasing your tail having to like restart it every time to get new jobs once that job finishes so just look into that um I don't recommend at this point restarting uh really anything unless you're in between like a driver update or something like that chase Atwood he updated to 1.6 earlier and seems to have fixed the calculating you're back to four $450 jobs on a 4070 very nice their user interface says I have three machines running yeah I noticed mine was reporting like an extra one or two machines uh I think they're still working on it uh I'd be interested to know if your switch's up link is 100 or a th so um it's a 10100 and all the ports are are limited to 100 so I have my connection going through a port that's limited to 100 so that means 100 megabits is being split to I think I got five six machines over there um and it seems to be running smoother than when I had a gigabit cuz I I think it was just pulling the entire network down but it doesn't make sense that this switch is doing a better job with only 100 megabits I don't know maybe it was taxing my router too much I'm not sure red panda's trying to give chump change his Dirty Jobs pocket ah I hear you good night all have a great weekend yeah we're about to we're about to wrap it up for tonight as well is your uptime reliability linked to your account or is it per rig um that's a great question legendary status gaming so I asked him that because I just added this 4060 TI on you see we got a lot of calculating um it is based per rig so you can have one rig that you don't mess with and everything runs great and you have another rig that you constantly restarting and it's never running right so you keep restarting it it's because the up time on that rig blows because you've restarted it into Oblivion um I was told that if you uninstall salad you have to go into the program data folder and delete everything out of salad and then reinstall salad um and it will register as a new rig this was not from salad this was from you know people speculating but then uh some people said that it it pulls the rig information off of Hardware ID um and it run it grabs Hardware IDs when it does The Benchmark so I I don't know if it does it off Hardware ID then deleting and reinstalling does nothing I wouldn't recommend it put in that time put them in there let them let them sit in line we got two cards sitting in line right now so that's just part of the game just rent Hotel panda red panda mining you can take baths in the Asic immersion baths Luke said box fan you get Shadow banned um what are you referring to what I was talking about about like constantly restarting save yourself some grief my uptime has been since Monday I hope I didn't mess up my my score um airbag luckily uh you can always make it better by just letting it run and delude out over time so if you restarted at a bunch let her eat let her run I'm just laughing cuz I did the once Panda probably lower latency not speed box fan yeah I guess it it may be it might be even though the other switch was a faster speed it might not have been fast or better latency I'm not sure what's your plan when the 5,000 series come out I'm probably going to be buying some so I'm looking forward to it um I'm actually back getting back like interested into expanding next thing you know I was looking at places to have extra power cuz the LA I mean I'm going to grow decently in the garage probably put one or two extra circuits in here but um if things go good especially with all these new platforms coming out I could see I could see expanding pretty good box fan restarting equals Shadow band eventually P per machine not account yes yep so 100% um box fan that is confirmed it is per machine and um yeah yeah I even gave out some bad advice in the beginning I was telling people oh if you're not doing this delete the EXT file and it will force you into a job and it will you will get forced into a job but then you won't get a job after that one completes um so don't do that just let it run 4070 TI was restarted to Oblivion 470 is just mining like three cents an hour ah gotcha legendary I still can't get Disney back called them and they can't do anything a man legendary did you have video streaming on that's that blows man I'm sorry to hear about that legendary Could you um could you call your ISP and request a new um IP would that be able to fix things I don't know off the top of my head box fan might know um Luke says red panda mining you think if I put 5K into an altcoin and then use the profits buy some jazz miners that sounds like a horrible idea that sounds like gambling we don't promote gambling in here not officially um all right all right so let's add this up so we can get off here CU I I'm dragging I'm dragging big time so 5.80 + 5.08 plus 5.04 plus $1.95 that 3060 toing $1.95 is cooking actually both my 3060 $191 she's cooking too so right now we are estimated at 19.
78 or that's 18 so 19.78% 50g of what what are we referring to endless Roots what's up welcome to the live chat we're about to call it for tonight but I'm glad you can make it anyway you can tell the spreadsheet to add it with a formula you know what box fan that's a fancy situation that we haven't done yet we'll get there we're old school we got cats that scratch us on the leg cuz we don't give them any beef jerky anymore let's use home equity loan leverage the house to bitcoin oh my God Luke I'm not a financial adviser me neither by the way this is not Financial advice don't do what I tell you to do um everybody just needs to go out and get a an orange cat right that's that's H yeah oh so 50g of bandwidth like 50 gigabytes of bandwith I'm confused as of what you're asking Noah every other day I go back to your old videos during the mining days good times Victor Sanchez you know what I hope we have I think we got more good times coming one way or another it's not going to be the same but I think it's going to be fun should I buy the ice River kso Ultra or build a salad machine Mr Roberts so actually while I was down there I talked to the salad guys I talked to Ry uh at salad which I think he was like you know head of marketing or head of us marketing something like that um he told me to get up with him uh cuz I was I'm actually really interested in like the the small Kos uh cuz it's a very like home Miner friendly at least they seem home Miner friendly um so I'd love to kind of like do like a little mock comparison like you know have one have a kso Ultra right beside a uh a salad rig that was you know budgeted similarly and see which one does better over time that'd be be cool it would be but Mr Roberts I I would imagine the kso ultra is going to be easier than managing any kind of AI compute or even GPU mining setup you just plug it in set your pool and let let it do its thing this is just a friendly meeting at the salad bar yeah wow we're 51 minutes in this is this is all this is all all well and good but I think it's about time for bed as6 are destroying GPU mining yes Luke Dan I have three 16 GB 460 TI two of them on $4.70 jobs that is that's what I want man the other one is always on a $185 job I know it's like you want to restart it you want to boot it off of that but then at the same time you don't want to hurt the reliability uh score because a $185 is better than calculating red panda mining officially says y'all all or you all y'all all I was throwing them into that some of that southern speak right there you all need a salad well don't worry ladies and gentlemen I do need a salad I need to I need to lose some weight I'm I'm getting a little heavy uh Nathaniel I just got a second mortgage to pay off gpus bought on credit before eth proof of stake 33% interest rate was hurting oh oh my oh yeah never never I always try to tell people don't invest and don't buy Hardware with money you can't afford to lose um red panda kidding yes I'm referring I you said you're fat I am fat as well well I'm I'm straight thicks but we can fix that one of these days um all right guys I'm going to try to get connected up Noah 50 gigs of bandwidth for four rigs 50 gigs 50 gigabytes like it's not limited if you don't have an unlimited connection or an unmetered unlimited connection I do not suggest running it on salad it will chew through 50 gigs 100% 50 gigaby of bandwidth will get destroyed on salad on four rigs if it's not unlimited bandwidth and unlimited metered I don't recommend it yep box fan dropping the jellyfish all right guys I hope youall have a good night uh Nick said Brandon coin don't get the ultra I heard the Ultras are having a lot of issues H maybe I need to get a regular one and an Ultra kso Pro and Ultra right compare bang them together and see which one works better Victor your electricity rate is 47 cents per kilowatt hour don't recommend doing anything don't turn your computer on it'll cost you $30 to play pubg Holy Smokes 47 cents a kilowatt hour is insane Victor where do you live Alpha mine thickums yeah you know box fan North Carolina has barbecue and makes us fat 100% just makes us like big boned you know don't chop on metered connections absolutely not randio we love all we all love our Twinkies Yes red panda mining good night have a good night reptilian if you cancel the salad services and task manager does that help you get jobs oh my God yeah I feel like I'm on repeat I just did a video on it um please do not if you want to okay look I'm going to be honest with you hold on let me let me open the screen up real real quick if you constantly restart your rigs or kill the the the salad bowl services in task manager or if you delete the EXT file uh the container file or if you stop WSL manually that all hurts your reliability and your uptime score and I have people constantly being like Oh well I did it and I got a job right away yeah it will and it might force you into a job it looks like it's coming back onto the network but then it shows you as a low reliability score and you won't get a job out after that you won't stay consistent that is confirmed um from the salad team from a few different people on the salad team um it is technically like it's like gaming the system and they see you doing it um it is it is not advisable let them calculate let them run reptilian I just uploaded it it was don't do this on salad I believe was the title tossa salad all right oh drugs are bad okay that's my median cost here um yeah we know the truth no problem reptilian yeah I just I've trying to like get the word out because I've even told people to like you know kill the container and then that kind of stuff in the past and i' I felt really bad giving out subpar or bad information um at the time the salad Network wasn't so worried about it um but you know they get a bunch of miners on their Network and we're all trying to game the game keep those jobs flowing um and it's just not it wasn't set up that way so anyway guys I hope youall have a good one and um I'll see you on the flip side I guess I'll see y'all tomorrow or well tonight because it's already a new day Peace Love adios goodbye and again thank you retro mic I know you're not here anymore for the $4.99 donation time to go get some new shoes Mama gotta buy some new shoes don't forget to like this video thank you Luke for that I appreciate that legendary have a good night Nick reptilian box fan box fan yes yeah um they have gone through multiple updates I've been in contact with a lot of their team about issues that I've had issues that people in the Discord have had um and I've I feel like I've been annoying them but they said that you know getting all this Hardware on the network and hearing about issues has been able to like Fast Track their um like potent potential like B basically testing um you know we're doing like paid testing um sometimes unpaid it feels like but uh it's it's FastTrack their development for sure my cat's going nuts down there all right later guys yall have a good one goodbye