Daily Salad Breakdown 6-18-2024

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all right test one two test one two um this is going to be the start of me trying to get back into a some kind of daily um live stream it's not going to be a super long stream I used to do this back in the past on nice has uh nice hash was like the first one so I basically would just go in show my Revenue show what I had show what I would just be full transparent with you guys show what it was making and U you guys could you know formulate your own opinion from that point but regardless um if you're watching this after the fact or if you're watching this live uh I will respond to people's comments and stuff after we get through our regularly scheduled content so um let's start off with looking at the dashboard and then we'll transition over to um the spreadsheet and just kind of go from there so um starting off we've had a lot of container issues in the last few days so I am definitely down but um not out so to speak so um over the last 24 hours I've jumped anywhere from uh point you know or right at 20 cents per quarter and that's what each of these graph these little bar graphs are is a quarter of an hour so you could take this and if you were consistent you could take that number times it by four and then that's what you're making per hour and then you could times that by 24 and then that's what you're making per day obviously mine has been jumping all around because I'm getting jobs losing jobs some rigs are idling I noticed specifically my 30602 gig cards uh have either gotten basically nothing or super super low paying like 5 to 10 cent containers so I do have mining turned off on everything and I do have bandwidth sharing turned off on everything um I will also um hold on my cat's getting up here how are you C oh okay there you go Jason phasin how are you calculating power cost right now I have there's so much variance in power cost I only had one power meter um I ordered a uh it's like a power strip in each individual plug uh has its own power meter on it it's like a smart meter um so that's what I'm going to be using to keep up with my power cost going forward for right now I don't have any power cost but I do know that all of it is running on 120 amp circuit and it's not hot um so some of these rigs are barely even like turning the graphics card up I notice some of the lower paying jobs actually run the graphics card harder let me get my cat out all right okay now let's jump over to the spread sprad sheet and this will evolve as time goes on um so right now I do have 4 309s um and one two three 30 60s and then 14060 ti so the 30 60s just to get it right off the bat the 3068 gig cards are not suggested 30612 gigs are what we're referring to so I make sure to put that in there cat is freaking keeps clawing my leg um so I have 1390 and and the way I'm going to keep up with this in the future um and going on just so you guys know I going to stay with the same methodology um I'm going to try to stick to around the 10 to 11:00 p.m.

Time Mark uh and then I will take a a look at each of the rigs and see what they're doing so if they're calculating at that time or not calculating um I'm going to put in what they have and then the estimated daily is going to be added up what the the rigs are saying um and then the actual daily will be will be filled in on the next following day so that way everything is in there and showing up correctly so I can't show you the actual daily until the day is fully done if that makes sense um so yeah the 309s have definitely been able to hold on to jobs better one of the 390s for some reason is doing a $180 uh one thing that I did and I'm not answering questions until we get get through all this sorry about that guys just trying to make it short and sweet um for people watching the video video after the fact uh but all of these 309s are on identical systems so a lot of people are questioning is their system correct is something wrong um I built these out so that way I could see variant on container side not on Hardware side so these all have zon 12 cores and the 309s all have 64 gigs of vram I may end up making a page with a breakdown of each each different classification of rig um but they're all zons all 12 cores they're all 64 gigs of RAM um and they're all uh split off and they all have a 100 megabit connection so I'm using a 10100 switch to uh essentially be like a dumb unmanaged switch to uh keep each rig divided off to only 100 megabits and it seems to be working better than when I had a a nicer gigabit switch it was still unmanaged but it would let you know one rig take four 500 megabits down and that's that's almost saturating my entire connection and then other rigs would be starving and it felt like I don't know maybe if it was just a coincidence but other rigs were dropping the the jobs uh because there is a timeout period that if you don't download the container and get it running in a certain amount of time which it's different per container per customer um then it will drop that job and then wait and look for another drob another job um so you do have to take that into account the 4060 TI is not online yet I'm currently in a ram deficit I just sent out another I think it was 16 Zeon combos from the uh the bcpc shop shout out there's some pretty good guys over there yall should check them out bc- pc.com um but I have another uh 704 GB of RAM coming in uh and it says it should be here Friday so the rest of those zeeon that should take care of the rest of the next batch of zeeon combos um cuz I'm I'm doing all 32 gig Samsung dims um I'm not messing around with any of the off-brand stuff anymore because I've tried from different people and I've had issues and I've had to replace RAM and it's been costly um but now I finally found a good supplier so cross your fingers and hopefully that that sticks it out but that means I cannot I'm not going going to pull Ram away from systems that are already sold to put onto my system so that 4060 TI is not going to be running until after I get caught up on all my orders and then I can put Ram in there so that's kind of where we're at right now we are estimated to do $33.23 today not great um we've definitely been higher than that but it is what it is um so now let's let's check on the live chat and then we'll probably cash out of here cuz it's not this is not going to be a long stream format um that way I can keep up with daily daily content uploads like a video and then the daily um live stream so starting off from the top Victor Sanchez what's up thanks for coming out John Jason fat fizo fireh Hawk boss man what's up how you doing I'm doing great mining King heck yeah live stream Brandon let's go um this just this format works for just being quick and dirty I'm already quick and dirty but even a quick quicker and dirtier way uh and I like that it doesn't mix your live streams in with your videos so somebody goes back and looks at your videos there's not tons of these peppered live streams in there um they're in the live stream section on YouTube just for keeping it clean um uh bot gamer life everybody's down yes so I made a video the other day and they were uh it it was a source from inside salad uh had mentioned that they were low on containers they're bringing more customers online they're using this as a positive they have a ton of available Hardware or hardware at their disposal and it's a lot of high-end Hardware because they had a lot of um you know 490s 309s come online so uh they're using this to sell theirselves so they're they're trying to you know take a bad situation and turn it into a good one they just don't want people to be scared off in the meantime cuz a lot of people think like oh what I do wrong my system's not working um you could be absolutely 100% no issues there's just no workloads to do uh you have to change your mindset from mining to basically like getting a job your computer's sitting there in line waiting to get a job to do that job and when it's done if there's not another job available right that second it just has to sit there and wait um Gala G Gala says I have RX 6800 XT but it's not working it's calculating yes so Nvidia cards are the only cards you're going to be able to actually get jobs on because uh the software is set up to use Cuda so unfortunately AMD cards are out of the question um for anything outside of mining uh on compute workloads on salad specifically Henry Bob says I can't get the MSL update to work in my rig um jump over to the Discord um and we can try to help you with that this evening after the live stream Overkill mining Brandon coin heck yes nice two nights in a row yeah I'm I'm GNA try to do it man I appreciate it Aragorn Strider shout out he was actually the one that showed me that power that the managed it's basically like a managed power strip with like uh data um so that's going to be nice when it comes in um bot life says my 390 is at $180 also right now yeah I think it's it's just some of those lower-end jobs unfortunately Chase Atwood my 4070 has only been hitting $2 jobs the past couple days not much around them right now yeah my cat is driving me nuts uh aorn says good call on the power strip you're going to want like five of them I got one coming just to see how I like it but I'm definitely going to need more automatic beats thanks for coming out the Xander thanks for coming out only 3060 TI and 32 gigs of RAM and you're on A110 a day I'm sorry to hear that bud but yeah is what it is ZX lean yep my 3090 is on a $1.8 per day after the updated yes so right now um all of my rigs other than the $5 and that $625 39 90 are updated um because before before they were updated that $180 was not there and that that 10 cent was not there but I have not updated that $5 and I have not updated that $6 because it's not mandatory right now to get off of 1.5.6 or 1.5.5 the minimum version is 1.5.5 um so if you got a good job ride that job out because those could some of those jobs are listed as indefinite uh so the only time you would technically need to update is whenever they roll out a new minimum container ready update um so just try to ride out those jobs as long as possible I'm hoping I'm hoping that $58 is uh a a a um an indefinite container because I would love to just see that 3090 you know bang out $5 a day for eternity um obviously it probably won't work like that because Windows updates would just be like w but we're trying to get shut up 10 done on there and um yo Cat come on please please whenever I'm not live I can't get him I can't even pet him when I go live he's like I want to just be on your face and I'm like get out of here bro um the mining King says Brandon coin win bcpc official salad PC coming soon bcpc o o salad Builder um some people have already offered to buy a couple of my systems and I'm going to be honest I have a couple GPU buys coming up with like I think one of them if he takes it it's like 16 390s a bunch of 3080s um and then a bunch of 30 60s most of them are 3068 gigs that is unfortunate um but freeing up a little bit of uh available funds might be nice I just don't want to sell something and then they get it and they're like oh my God it won't get a container and it's just like welcome to salad welcome come idle with us come calculate with us you know what I mean um anyway guys it's 11:27 I'm going to give this just a couple more minutes and then we're going to jump off here if you want to come and hang out uh we're going to be in the voice chat in the Discord so just go to one of my latest videos and then go down below in the description and there will be a Discord link um bot life says Brandon coin you should do a connection test for upload start low like 5 megabits or 10 megabits to 100 and see if that affects price um botlife gamer so I did ask them the team about that and they said if your connection uh is too low and it can't keep up it's all customer derivative so certain workloads and certain customers are going to have certain requirements and they can order it and specify the speeds uh up to 100 megabits so that's why they recommend 100 megabit connection but it can go lower and they can pay for a lower connection so it it it it would be it's it's going to be hard to test stuff that's so variable because you don't know what container you're on you don't know what customer you're dealing with you don't know what they paid for um so I'm just going to keep mine at 100 I just don't think it's worth the testing because it's not going to uh iron out anything in my opinion cuz you might test and you might be on a customer that's like okay I'm fine with a 25 megabit connection um and then you know you test it and you're good at 25 good at 50 and then you get a next customer and they want all 100 um so then you go and you're run in your system at 25 and it drops a container if that makes sense uh Todd says Brandon coin how do you feel about 6700 XT on salad you cannot use AMD cards on salad for container workloads you can only use them for mining because salad's only set up for Cuda uh so that's Nvidia only unfortunately Todd is vram all that matters will a 3060 do better than the 3070 ti so I had a 3070 and a 3060 TI running at one point and I had 3060 12 gigs and basically the the 3060 performance-wise jump to the 3060 TI and the 3070 weren't enough to offset the difference that the vram added on that 3060 12 gig so a 3060 12 gig 12 gig from my experience will outperform an 8 G by GPU whether it's a 3070 3070 TI 3060 TI um on most workloads there have been some workloads that have been 2 250 on those 8 GB cards they're just fewer and farther between because there's so many more of those 8 GB cards on the network they said they are flooded with 360 TI and 378 gigs so there's so much competition it's harder to get a job what's up paperclip glad to have you in the chat bro I was actually just looking on your channel the other day good work man keep it up for real um automatic just Deploy on vast vast is top tier automatic absolutely if you want to go check out vast mining Kings got some good videos um and then also does Aragorn Strider have videos I know he's done a lot on there um you can always reach out to him on Discord as well Nelson's crypto chug a beer uh I'm actually not doing any beer tonight because I I hit it pretty hard over the weekend we're um we just got some ice water so yeah I'm trying to hydrate back up and get ready for next uh next week which is what is it mining disrupt that's what it is got to be ready for mining disrupt um coin cheeky are you going back and forth with vast Ai and salad I'm not currently right now um I have uh some friends that are on vast and they're kind of giving me the low down on it and right now I'm not equipped and set up to run a favorable machine on vast you're going to need an epic you're going to need a server board multiple gpus because like a salad rig on vast is not going to look as appealing a single GPU uh rig is is probably not going to be as rented as fast as a multi-gpu rig on vast that has full Lanes it's a whole another thing to talk about so but right now I'm not on vast um Josh my salad's been running a job for the last few hours but hasn't showed any earnings that's weird are you on the current version latest version that is weird Gordon Murray salad's dead turn it off I like the way you think Gordon just go ahead everybody turn it off don't worry mean Gordon will pick up the jobs Overkill my cat broke my keyboard laying on it now using Windows keyboard LOL thanks little buddy uh my cat has has literally um hold on look at him so look he's like skittish is all get out whenever I try to like show him on camera anyway my cat is one of the reasons why I ended up encasing all of my rigs cuz he was constantly playing with the fans and stuff and I was like I'm going to have 309s over there potentially 409s if I can get my hands on him for the right price I'm putting them all in cases so I put them all in cases put exra case fans mainly because of him well wherever he went um let's see here salad's gone bad disgusting Nelson's crypto that's the price they have to pay to get you know a lot of hardware on really fast they just weren't ready for it unfortunately Shaker good evening good evening Shaker BF I have a bunch of 30 60s I want to sell can you help BF yes if you go over to bc-pc can go through it and get you a price breakdown so yeah bc- pc.com mining Meister sent you an email I just got some gpus for sale thank you mining Meister I will I got to catch up on a couple uh tonight uh arburn says he lost his $6 job today rip now he's at 10 cents yeah man um arburn since you lost your $6 job did you go ahead and update Johnny B shut up 10 is good but check out Chris Titus Tech utility to stop Windows is uh update Chris Titus oh let's let's see this Chris Titus Tech utility oh the ultimate Windows utility okay definitely going to check that out thank you for that um that was from Johnny B shout out Johnny B thank you random stuff thanks Brandon coin for answering no problem I'm going to try to roll through these last couple and then we're going to end the live stream paperclip 100% bro um I got you if you need anything let me know I'm I don't have any phone Hardware but um yeah Aragorn no videos I have a face for radio and a voice for newsprint that's just like me bro I'm I'm in the same boat with you um Brandon as your man uh one of mine shows degraded any ideas Frankie so I've had two systems that I've showed and degraded and um one of them I had to ddu the driver reinstall the driver restart the system and then it fixed because I tried restarting the system uninstalling reinstalling salad and it was still degraded degraded degraded I went over to the official salad Discord asked a couple questions and somebody's like ddu your driver reinstall your driver as a clean install whenever you go to install it um and that should fix it and it did on one of them the other one uh I just uninstalled salad reinstalled salad restarted the computer and then it was fixed so hopefully that helps you um how are you measur measuring power usage I'm currently not measuring power usage random stuff but I have a smart meter coming in that each individual plug it's like a big power strip like an overgrown one and each individual plug plug is managed and uh Records data for power usage so that's how I'm going to keep up with everything and apply it to the the breakdown in the future but for right now we're just pretending power is free even though it's not um the operator just joined we tossing some salads in here no just just uh if you roll back to the beginning of it this is the start of me keeping up with stuff back in the day if you watched me like 2017 2018 even in 2019 I used to do a daily live stream every night sometimes it'd be 5 10 15 30 minutes uh but just basically showing what I had what I was making um and just being fully transparent with you guys because everybody seems to think oh Brandon I bet he's got all the containers he's got all the jobs I bet his his stuff is just making buo of money it's not shout out or like spoiler uh it's not here is my last 24 hours was $14.73 and I believe I'm actually down on that for my next uh day but we will see our actual day for today tomorrow whenever that that hits yeah Nick yoyo I'm G to get back to you I saw your Discord message after I get off this ARB burs I did the update and I had no no job so I'm running 1.57 now just got a $5 job R Burns heck yeah man I'm jealous I am aror says hs300 Brandon coin your Amazon affiliate account is dead yes my Amazon affiliate account uh Amazon nuked it because they uh said there was a terms terms of service breach um I reapplied for it but you have to apply under your name um and yeah I got denied so I do not have an Amazon affiliate maybe I need to use somebody else's affiliate and just help somebody else out um Crow gaming so I saw on one of your videos one guy stated he had a 3062 gig and had salad use 80 gigs was making around $5 a day um I've never seen a 3062 gig make $5 a day in my opinion a 3060 you're on like the upside the best situation you're going to expect a $2 a day most of mine are at like the $1.75 to $190 range I saw your sites only go to 64 with the boards you have go over so the boards support up to 128 gigs and the new combo kits do come in as 32 gig dims if you get the 32 or the 64 gig option so if you get 64 you get two 32 gig dims and then you have two more slots to add RAM later in AI is fake your haircuts are getting better well thank you I appreciate that I had to get I had to get freshened up for old mining disrupt 80 gigs of memory my bad yeah man that's a lot of memory on on my 3060 systems I've been using 32 gigs of of RAM and they've been pretty decent up until the last couple days you should do more buy me coffee links and your videos can't hurt hm I'll think about it don't support rat said tops for 30 60 for me has been 198 yeah 198 strong and that's with every system having 64 gigs of RAM I recommend 64 gigs of RAM on your cards that have over 12 gigs of vram so your 4060 TI 16 gigs your 390s your what 4070 ti no those are 12 gig aren't they the ti supers yeah uh Gordon says I don't understand why solid can't do multiple gpus per machine seems like low effort nobody runs AI M ml or workloads on single gpus Gordon I don't know man just we're yeah I don't know why they're doing it like that I have asked them if it was on the road map in the future and they said it it was but their current priority is trying to get customers online to meet the current demand so I don't think they're going to be doing multi GPU anytime soon unfortunately but anyway guys I'm going to jump off here thank you for coming out for the live stream uh really do appreciate it we're at the 25 minute Mark that's perfect I'd like to hit that that 15 to 20 minute on the next one so I'll see you guys next time tomorrow yeah bro I'm using a 380 now but when I was doing solid on the weekends I was using a 1080 TI and would normally get $2 jobs wow $2 jobs on a 1080 TI would be nice I don't think you're going to get $2 on a 1080 TI anymore I have uh ryzen 550 500 for CPUs max out 64 gigs of RAM nice I wish they would at least do SLI for 309s good evening crypto comrades good evening all right guys I'm going to be jumping over to the Discord so to find the Discord for the bcpc Discord that's where we're going to be at in the voice chat you go over to one of my latest videos it's going to be down below in the description you just got to look for it where it says Discord all right peace out have a good one Clint says that old daily nice hash update videos were the best love comparing to make sure I was on track we had a lot of similar cards 1050 1050 TI have a good one yeah see that's what I'm that's what I'm trying to replicate here so I'm going to have more cards coming in um going to try to space it out and get some different cards so that way people can look and see what I'm doing compare it to theirs and see that you know we're calculating

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