what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and this is an update video on my hodg Podge cell phone mining case SL rig so uh I don't H these are all different cell phones and they're all mining varis coin right now um and I had them just set up in these and they were all over the place uh because my kids would grab them I have toddlers uh and take them off so I figured you know what I had this extra case around um I plopped them in here put in a little power strip I bought a uh fan controller and it literally just plugs into 120 volt and then you can plug your fans into the splitter that comes with it it'll run four fans and then you can turn it higher or lower I have it all the way down at the minimum speed right now and I think that's going to be plenty um yeah yeah that's good that's a good amount of air flowing across these uh and then I'm going to go grab the lid and pl pop this bad boy over there somewhere out of the way all right so there we go in all her glory I got the cover on and you can see got the fans spinning and now I can feel it's pulling air across here I still haven't figured out what I want to do for the filter situation but I definitely want to put um a filter on because otherwise is just going to be pulling all kinds of little bugs and critters through there maybe like some some screen door material would be perfect right there anyway uh I'm going to unplug this bad boy and what's nice about cell phone miners at least in this configuration they all still have their batteries in there so when I unplug it they're all going to still keep mining um but I'm going to move this over here under my test bench area and um hopefully make some more room all right so I placed it up underneath here this is uh my little mining test bench area where I have some things running and I figured that's pretty good it's out of the way if I need to I can plop something on top of there and uh you know it's it's good now um but yeah let's go check out and see what kind of profitability and and what these bad boys are making all right guys so I'm pulling about 22 megahash on average out of these phones obviously these phones are not ideal some of them are only getting one and a half to two megahash but um you know smoke them if you got them so to speak and I'm not selling right now so I'm just stacking some coins now at 22 megahash I'm only getting 04 Varys coin a day so uh right AT3 varis coin a week or 1.3 a month now that comes out to 22 cents a day before power a56 a week or $6.7 a month now that that's not a lot and I plan on expanding my Varys Varys phone Farm I actually have some phones down here that I need to get set up but um that's going to be for another video for another day um but yeah yeah little bit of red up here on the board I don't know what that's all about but um dang there was something else uh let's see here there we go so yeah hash rate 222 um if we go over here to Total paid uh on this account I've only done 42 cents I did transfer over to a new wallet address here recently because I was not happy with my previous wallet I was using um but yeah Varys is a $44.92 so vars is vars is not doing not doing too shabby um now I did have some instability right here uh and some of my charging cables that I was using on the Hub uh were not keeping the phones charged fast enough they were actually dying slowly over time but I think I fixed that issue so we shouldn't have to be messing with these phones Much Anymore um but yeah I guess that's that's pretty much how the cookie crumbles now if I could recommend anybody a phone these are on sale right now over on Walmart and a couple other places but this is where I've been getting them from The hmd Vibes I've been told these do about 4 to 4 and 1/2 megahash um I don't have that confirmation yet because I have not actually set any of them up but they are $29.99 you obviously still have to pay tax and stuff like that but uh I think that's probably the the best value right now hopefully I'm not shooting myself in the foot cuz I still have to buy a few of these while they're on sale but happy Hunting ladies and gentlemen and you know what I guess we're keeping this video short and sweet there was something else I wanted to show you guys but for some reason my memory escapes me so with that being said I'll see youall in the next next one adios
DIY Cell Phone Mining Case update