Do you have issues with your Bitaxe Solo Bitcoin Miners?

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[Music] [Music] hey guys ARP here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I have a couple issues to talk with you guys regarding these uh bit axes I've been having a few issues with a few of these not really hashing anymore and uh the screens have been cutting out on uh two of these bit axes I have different models here like I have the bid a 2011 uh two of the bidx 401s which I think are called the Supras and then I just got in one of these bid ax gamas okay which are pretty cool but I think the number here is 600 which is called a gamma bitx gamma then I just got another one in here from Bitcoin Merch this is a bitx uh 601 so this is also a Bida gamma as well and I want to give away this one here okay so right away just comment down below I guess your guys' thoughts with anyone that has these you know bit axes any model over over the past month or year and uh if you guys have had any issues let me know down below so just get your comments in everyone and I will choose the winner after 24 hours I'll pin your comment if you've won then you just got to email me your shipping address I will send you this brand new bidx gamma from Bitcoin merch comes with the power supply and stuff as well okay so I'm going to take you guys along with me here okay so I've had just you know these little bid ax miners for a while I've you know done videos on these but over the past year I have to say I've had some issues with these and you know I've done like firmware updating and uh occasionally the OLED screen goes out after a while and in order for it to come back up I have to take out the power and then plug it back in and then it works again so I know that there are places where you can just buy an extra screen I think they're like five bucks or something I'll have a link down below but I haven't ordered any spares because I've just been simply like I said just taking out the power putting it back in and the screen comes back up so I don't know if that's an issue some of you guys have been seeing then the big one I have two of them here that are just not hashing at all okay so I have one here let's see if we can see here which I'm going to bring you guys in the computer we're going to do a firmware update or a factory reset of the firmware uh of of this bid a so you see right there the hash rate shows Z gigahash okay so I just plugged these in turned them on this is a 4 1 so this is a Supra I believe it does 600 gigahash not like the gamma which I think does we have 1.2 terahash which is pretty cool at like 21 Watts 21.5 Watts I have going for that uh bitx gamma I just got recently you guys may have saw that video but then I also have another one here another F0 one that is showing zero gigahash as well it's not even mining I have it mining or solo Bitcoin mining to my own node there zero gigahash so it's connected to the Wi-Fi I can get to the web guei on each of these guys here okay no issues but yeah so I'm going to try a factory reset going to go to the GitHub I'll show you guys in the computer and see if that will resolve the no hash rate issue so let's go into the computer okay so I have the three web goys of the bid axes I just showed you guys so I have the uh 2011 here oh no sorry this is the 401 then I have another one here that's another 401 on version 2.4 and then I also have this one here which I think is the 2011 okay bidx 2011 so yeah I'm having issues on all of these they're just none of them the bidx 2011 here only hashes that look like 7.65 gigahash then the 401s here are not hashing at all okay I think these are the Supras which supposed to get like 625 ghash or so so what I want to do okay is uh update the firmware and I was just just looking on the GitHub of I guess – minor and this is where just last week they had a bunch of fixes here okay I'm not going to go through them all here but you guys can just see here which I'll have a link down below uh if you guys are having issues as well but just looking at over the past couple weeks looks like they've had another uh a bunch of other fixes firmware updates last week and yeah the one that I did maybe a couple weeks ago was 2.4.0 so this one here I don't know if this like it was mining okay like on version I don't know 2 something 2.1 or something long long ago it was working just fine but ever since I former updated these they just stopped working uh in 2.4 so now that there's 2.41 I wonder if this will rectify the issue I'm having on this one so let's just yeah I'm just going to try updating it so I went to uh here's one of the 401s okay so I'm just going to go through updating just one for now let's just actually let's do this one here 401 so I'm going to go to settings I'm going to go scroll down to check latest release okay looks like there's a new version so 2.41 so I'm going to download these two files okay and actually I did that already but uh just to show you going to keep these okay so I downloaded the those files here so now I want to update the firmware on this 401 so I'm going to browse then I'm going to click on the one that I just downloaded today yeah it's going to be this one here okay make sure it says ESP miner.

Bin if it has like a one or anything it it won't upload so I show you here look at that it says incorrect file looking for ESP minor. bin has to be the exact um uh has to be the exact words so I have to refresh here go back to browse go click on this one then it says working okay so it's going to update now and then we got to update the uh the website file as well okay right after this okay so looks like that's done okay I believe it's rebooting now and uh yeah okay we're going to update the file update website we're going to do ww bin okay open and it's going to update that as well and it should take a couple seconds there okay so that's done now okay let's see if it rectified the issue I'm having so let me refresh here okay we're on the curent current version 2.41 now okay I'm going to contrl F5 just refresh everything okay looks like it changed the uh the web goey look as well okay all right I think it's working we're at 767 gigahash now okay and I am going to my Bitcoin node so let me see uh Let me refresh my Apollo 2 here which I am mining to it has its own solo stratum uh Bitcoin node so let's just see here this is the bid a 01 okay so let me show here does it show up yeah Bida 01 one okay finally so that does show up here and looking at the hash rate yeah looks like it's back up to 766 gash probably it's going to just fluctuate here okay so while that's going that looks good looks like the firmware update fixed that let let's do the other one now okay let me let me update this one okay so I have I already downloaded the version so I'm just going to go to browse uh ESP minor bin I hit open okay takes a couple seconds it's going to reboot and then I'm going to up update the WW bin okay uh let me just see here that was quick uh it's just rebooting okay just came back up okay going to go to update the website now www.

Bin open okay let's see if this is going to fix this 401 I'm sure it will if this one's working yeah it looks like uh looks like this bit ax is finally hashing now and uh just to verify yeah hash rate is climbing up on this solo Bitcoin miner yeah bitx 01 127 gig gigahash 5 minutes yeah it's still climbing up so that's good okay so let's see if this one worked okay so that one just finished we're going to go back to dashboard and will this one start hashing let's see we're in version 2.41 log yep I'm going to control F5 just to refresh it okay it just came back up 56 seconds this has the 1368 uh chip okay is this going to Hash so far it's not looking good this one is not hashing verifying we have the right version going back here okay no uh so this one continues to mine BM 1368 chip on this 401 which works okay but this one okay is not working BM uh 1368 401 2.41 version okay and it's not hashing this one I think is broken okay so I'm on the bid uh website official website says bidx is fully open- Source Bitcoin miner so I'm going to try their online bid ax firmware updater okay this is where I actually have to plug in uh there on the side of the bit axes there's a USBC Port okay so I'm going to plug that in it says you need to hold and press the boot Button on your bid a before plugging it in okay in order to enable flash mode mode all right so I'm going to I'm going to try that right now so I have the bitx here I'm going to hold the boot Button okay there's a button right here on the left and then I'm going to plug it in okay and then I'm going to plug in I have a USBC cable okay that goes into my computer okay that we're going to then connect to the Bida web goey okay so USBC okay so that's plugged in so I'm back at the computer we're going to hit connect okay and I do see it's I do see it here Comm 3 uh connect okay select device okay so this is the I got to make sure I hit the right one this is the 401 so this is the Supra I believe so it needs to be yeah this board version 401 select firmware version 2.41 okay and then I'm just going to hit start flashing and let's see if it ref flashes Okay so be right back okay it says flash 100% complete okay it says flashing completed successfully device has been restarted okay so I don't see anything on the screen okay I'm going to unplug the USB okay I I'm going to unplug the uh power cable okay let's plug it back in okay it looks like it's bidx self testing okay it looks like it's it is coming back on looks like I'm probably going to have to connect to it by Wi-Fi with my phone set it all up and it looks like we got an looks like we got an error here it says fail uh zero chips test fail long press boot okay I'm going to long press boot here on the side okay there we go so I don't know if that means it's broken or not but let me connect to my phone and we we'll go back to the web goey okay I just uh connected to it I putting in my uh information going to hit save okay let's see if this thing works connected it to my SSID okay and oh it's working yes 401 yeah one minute ago yeah this is it it's working now uh let me check so this is the uh old one here uh 238 no that's the oh I removed the other one this is the one I don't want that one didn't work now this one is the one that does work so okay so this is working yes bitx 01 okay is connected now this is the second one that we just did the former update through the bidx web goey bitx 02 okay looks like that's working let me see if it shows up on my own solo pool here on the Apollo 2 bitx 01 bid a0 2 yes showed up two minutes ago yeah here it is all right it's working yes so that worked the Bida web flasher worked okay so I'm going to do the exact same thing on the uh [ __ ] 201 that I have the bid ax 2011 okay so let me do that right now and uh I'll let you guys know how that goes I'll be right back okay that worked yes thank God I set it all up again connected to my WI Wi-Fi and set up the settings and now the 2011 uh bitx 2011 is able to mine thank goodness looks like all three of them are all mining now the ones pretty much I had issues on all of them uh doing the manual I guess uh through the update you know to their new version on through the web guei seem to work on one but then I had to use the bidx utility flasher right directly from their website seem to work on two of them okay so oh man thank goodness I thought these things were bricks I thought these things were just dead but uh yeah it looks like they're all hash and just fine now that one has some gigahash that one also shows gigahash and this one is also is also mining now so thank goodness yeah that one right there yeah look at that 7 is that 700 it's too small 700 gash here's the 2011 the bidx 2011 and yeah there this one seems to be hashing as well 400 gigahash around there here's the bid X gamma and then here's the other bidx gamma from Bitcoin merch all right guys we're going to give this one away all right so I already announced how to do that you guys are probably already commented and uh just give me your thoughts on these little guys uh if you think they're worth it or not or if you've had any issues with these uh comment down below choose the winner random comment picker for this bitx gamma thank you Bitcoin merch for this one uh giv a give this away okay guys that's it for this video success fixed all three of these BD xes which I was pretty much having issues uh with all of them simply by doing the firware update and uh doing it through the web so that seemed to work all right I'll see you on the next video let me know your thoughts have a good one peace out peace out

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