DOGE Miners are making a lot of money right now.

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e e e starting with the CL in a cond oh train stacking high like bricks and water for tiny blocks for major leaves ring crypto frames caes tangle Lo some Twisted Vines L lights grow lety signs from one set another for locations turning coins into PL CRI tle like some twisting FS LED lights glow like s from one set another for locations turning coins into PL crypto are Wilde Electric energy for SE R by the machines of sweet building fores block by block me fast fast creating breezes cracking cod with complex pieces chasing dreams with fortunes Chasers digital gold and races from the Shadows profits grown Krypto King and attention off powered by the great light shine by a step C crypto wild the electric guarante from I see by roll the Machin are sweet building fores block by block from the Shadows profets grown Krypto King and attentional thr powered by the greed light shine a bites a stoping good morning everybody Welcome to the live stream it is Sunday this January 12th 2025 let me bring out the chat hold on live chat pop out chat pop it out there we go yeah there we go there we go there I can see all you guys now much better I hate turning my head to the left where I have my other monitor made it this is much better much better what's up Bros Carl M what's up Carl Carl how's that how's that a S21 trating you how's that S21 treating you retro mic dump it dump it all to zero I agree it's a pirate easy admin automatic beats USF puts black sales crypto pounder 4 team JFK random money minor pirana cards pirana you're a banned jfa welcome team JFK welcome cryp uh bearded cryp shes schneid good sir welcome how are you how are you Kaiser Mona dude D miners welcome Larry Gamel yo Panda I have a proposition what's the proposition let me know let me know bearded cryptic thank you for the 6 months thank you for the 6 once man okay so what is the topic for today zap pirate welcome welcome Z pirate 2025 is only starting I agree yes it's the just the beginning haven't even we haven't even broke out you know like we need we we right now the total market cap of everything Bitcoin for example 1.8 trillion one day one day we're going to surpass Amazon Google Microsoft Nvidia Apple Bitcoin will be the new standard gold standard wait gold is $18 trillion now wow that's crazy it's crazy Rich your Mike Kaiser told me red pen of mining has that nice new shiny flux Asic I'm Jelly retro Mike I it flux is coming out with an Asic I don't know I don't know mental mining UK what's up man D miners Cedric Lee welcome good sir working on my uh jfa working on my new mechanical Mill right $4 pay raise for more Hardware nice man nice jfa dude um stay off BTC damn it 25 2025 getting a mini Doge for $100 from a garage sale $100 for a mini Doge that's a well which model like the older Mini Doge like the first gen mini Doge 200 megahash 220 Watts that one curious is that is that one even you know making anything right now the older Doge Miner surprisingly the older Doge miners are still are still decent mini Doge let's see yeah wow yeah actually yeah the mini Doge the mini Doge Pro is 200 221 breaking even at 10 cents okay breaking even breaking even that's 10 cents yeah um crypti I sent you a DM about some gpus I'm selling going to be putting them on putting them up today for sale if not interested uh kryp death I will look at your I will look at your your message after is it on Discord I didn't see on Discord okay but people that have like LT lights I have an LT light heating my my my my TV room right now that's still doing pretty decent that's still doing pretty good I'm surprised like the older Dogecoin miners are still are now good because Doge price went up obviously um mental mining UK what's up what's up man how are you welcome welcome what will the top 10 look like if Bitcoin Hits 1 million if Bitcoin went to to a million that would be a 10x roughly a 10x from here that means the market cap would be like 20 trillion if Bitcoin went to a million wait no wait no no no no that' be a a 10x that would be yeah no 20 million 20 trillion sorry 20 trillion oh that's a lot of money I don't think there's that much extra money out there unless unless uh unless a lot of these assets a lot of people uh put money into Bitcoin flowed money into Bitcoin yeah um uh if they are 1050 TI I will pay double what RPM p metro mik don't buy 1050 don't buy 1050 TI please please but a lot of people these days are now buying into the newer age you know Doge miners I know dude there's there's I would say hundreds of thousands of people buying these mini Doge 3s the mini Doge you know like the mini box miners simply because it's not loud they can have it at home and this is like 80% of people out there but then the other 20% of people that are like big boy Miners and you know they want to make money they have money to buy you know five six s $15,000 miners then they're now looking into you know the bigger boy ones which I wouldn't recommend going l7s there there's still some people out there buying these I don't I don't know why um personally I would try to go out the next leg up for the you know at least the alphapex big boy miners or the uh the L9 right the the the notorious L9 which is the king of script mining right now I think vog Miner uh when we did their AMA The vul Miner D1 which is say to come out hopefully pretty soon uh does have an interesting low power mode 10 gigahash at uh at uh 1,800 Watts which makes it pretty efficient I'm I'm curious if the if bitmain is ever going to come out with a low power mode for the l9s one day like I know the L7 has a low power mode uh did we try that yeah we tried yeah the L7 LPM chump change and I tried the LPM low power mode on the l7s and it got a little bit more efficient not not that much like maybe 02 efficiency um so not really that much from stock but it was something right the LPM mode was something so I'm curious if the L7 will have the L7 could have a LPM mode maybe down to 0.18 as well or something maybe maybe it could be better maybe it could be better mood saver the mini uh champ change what's up man what's up man welcome welcome uh the mini vul though the 2.2 ghash coming in April yeah the vog miner D1 is very uh is very interesting and also the flu miners the flu miners coming out here uh shortly as well um yeah yeah same efficiency as the L9 which is interesting and uh yeah i' I've been seeing a lot of people buying I just well not seeing in my like affiliate accounts I just see a lot of people buying the flu Miners and l9s mainly um I haven't seen I vog Miner hasn't like released or no one's released these miners yet or pre-order so yeah it's I mean some people have and some people received their vog d1's already uh but I mean like the the D1 mini I mean so um Luke Mr Luke B Le RPM check Discord about your Kos Pros uh Mr Luke I did I forgot to respond to you I was I was writing out a very angry every message saying how dare you take advantage of my non moneymaking KS hero Pros my commemorative a beautiful commemorative KS zero Pros just kidding I'm just Kidd just just just joking just just joking I think maybe yeah my kscr Pros are at at my 8 cents at my 8 cents now are I think uh breaking even no they're losing 8 cents a day now they're still solo mining though they're all still solo mining shark farmer with commemorative of loss of money uh uh luk War Miner R my any re ation for miners that run on no power seems to be having power issues here wait luk Miner I is that a trick question I don't understand my brain doesn't compute run on no power how how I mean you can you can buy okay okay you can buy an elliptical did I spell that right elliptic no what's the yeah okay okay so so okay which one produces more power the uh the stair lter or leg leg burner What's this called Signature Fitness continuous CL climber gym equipment stair stepper stair stepper maybe this one produces more than the elliptical anyway you buy one of these things you hook up the positive and negative to a battery generator uh uh uh uh you produce your own electric you charge the battery you know probably takes you a couple hours you know it's good exercise for you anyway so you you charge the battery using your elliptical or StairMaster into the battery and then you use the battery to plug in your ASC minor and that's it there no there there you go free Power I need some chump change Chum change you need to make that video right now go make a stair Master go get a StairMaster and see if you can if you can run an Asic with a StairMaster luk War minor perfect will work great in this third world country of a state right now oh my God jump change I still got that 2,000 W alternator thing dude hook that up man put hook that up to hydro the hydro remember the uh hydrometer or whatever it's called um that we were looking at uh uh let me get it here um hyro meter Hydro hydrometer no hydro hydro uh what's it called what what what's the hydro thing called Hydro generator like uh yeah like this yeah like this thing whatever it's called I don't know what it's called Hydro power plant it's like um turbine Hydro turbine yes yes yes yes yes yes yes chump change you going to you you were going to do this in your like uh your creek or whatever dude I I have yet to see some crypto miners do I haven't seen a YouTube video about anyone doing a uh this yet that someone should totally do this someone should totally uh turbine like I saw I saw on Amazon you can buy those uh hydr turbines let's see here we're totally going off topic I love it I love it yeah portable mini Hydro generator turbine 2 L I don't even know how much would this even make Watts what's the WT 500 watts there you can power a mini Doge you can power a mini Doge with this you need a you need running water creek River whatever uh I oh hey I saw a YouTube video Someone powered a light with this they they they put it in running water in a creek it powered like an LED LED light look at this look at this 12 volt 80 volt dude perfect little DC Hydro hybro generator think it says hybro CH change only 2K perfect yeah perfect ah anyways anyways um mine some 10 I still need to Tinker with those Peltier circuits and create electricity from heat created with by the equipment find some 10 bro that would be D dude that would be amazing you got to do that man you got to do that I wonder if hey I just thought of something it's probably illegal but you know the you know the you know the water line going into your house let's say you get water from your city for people that you know that get water from the city could you put could you inline like one of these Hydro like in like splice in into the line the water line going into your house one of these Hydro meters Hydro generators or some sort some sort of inline generator has anyone done that cuz it's for me in Canada our water our water going into the house is free dude I wonder if someone's fig some I wonder if someone's done that I wonder if someone has done that chump change wouldn't move fast enough but would be cool yeah that's true cuz it yeah it would only have to work if the water if you turned on the water that is yeah that's right no that's right never mind that wouldn't work that that would not work that would never mind that that would not work unless he just had the water running constantly if you just turned on the water constantly mind some 10 you need to use a lot of water ah forget it forget it cuz I had a new line I had a new line run in to my house it was a it was it was only it was a one 1 in or 2 in I don't remember I think it was 2 in 2in pipe rubber pipe from the main city line main city water line to my to my to my to my to my pipes um that would that that would be that' be interesting that that would be that that would be that' be interesting uh Kaiser you can run a wind turbine from the exhaust from your as6 wind turbine oh okay we're getting we're getting we're getting some wind turbine what dude you're totally correct the amount of the amount of air flow that is pushing out the backside of my as6 right now dude could I just put one of these wind turbine wind generator windmill behind my A6 to generate 2,000 watt Kaiser you're a freaking genius I'm buying this right now you are a genius I am this is the best idea I have ever heard I am buying this right now it's going behind my A6 and okay this is probably too long cuz it's going to hit my window okay I I can push my I can push my I can push my shell forward all right buying this 2,000 W 48volt wind turbine wind generator 770 bucks all right all right Chum change buy this Chum change do it wait do you have big boy I don't think you have enough I don't think you have big boy A6 at home 2,000 Watts controller represents L gener offers advantage of ins dude such a good idea such a good idea now is it enough air though it the ASC air flow in the back is it enough it is it is it enough air though to push this thing I have a feeling I have a feeling it's not enough well maybe though because dude when I stand back there it's a pretty big it's a pretty huge amount of air that's going out there all right garbage RPM is high right now look for vertical blades sounds right sorry lukew May s they have free computers no right idea wrong material M some 10 I made my own wind turbine from hoverboard motor at full speed it was only enough to charge a 9vt battery battery oh that sucks ah okay then then that's not going to work franman says get the vertical spiral ones what's the vertical spiral Wing GL mining takes all your as6 to run it it not enough output to run one Asic ah yeah yeah I'm I'm assuming so uh like putting a fan on a sailboat free water idea is better do you see $3 lithium in the future um yes I hope so ter change rip that's a 2 m blade man oh this is 2 m blade okay that's way that's not going to fit in my that's definitely not going to fit in my garage the saint red panda what do you think of the silencer box from Zeus mining for an L9 I just bought it cost $170 I'm very in a residential area uh the saint Zeus mining well actually I have you have you seen the fruition designs uh fruition design here have you seen have you seen the L9 kit here um S9 D9 I don't even know if they have the L9 the L9 here uh I think it's this one L9 L9 D9 uh X k7s PS5 Pros okay I don't even know I don't L9 okay the L9 is the 60 to 90 mm kit okay 60 to 90 mm okay so this kit right here $233 have you have you seen this kit is it the same thing on Zeus or here I'll I'll put it in the chat you can check it out you can check it out I I've used these before and it works and you you can get a uh the uh the uh 8 in Infinity fan what's the brand called what's that what's that fan what's that fan called um AC AC Infinity yeah AC Infinity um I think I have a c I have a coupon code you can get some money off I don't I I don't remember what it is I think it's red panda red panda yeah red panda for uh for some money off I don't know what it is um yeah H yeah the the Zeus one can you link me the Zeus one they sound noisy but yes no no okay okay they sound noisy oh uh this Kit's not noisy the AC Infinity fans are are pretty quiet are pretty generally quiet um AC Infinity is great for we crypto automatic beats methane generator sound a bit crap methane generator interesting interesting ah if you guys are looking for asex please go check out contact Mr HW Crypt mining or Mr Mike at contact. they got great prices right now L9 is 12650 the prices have been dropping they have been dropping so tell them RPM sent you they give you another 1% off terahash is the goat 100% um for water generation it's about depth of the pipe for the water pressure and the wind is the blades catching the wind direction the best MDS 22 uh like okay so the the bitm fans they do like what how much CFM like like 200 300 CFM or something insane right so all the A6 like the A6 behind in my basement I have like you know six in a row and they all push like you stand back there it's like it's more than a hair dryer so like a lot more than a hair dryer so I'm like curious if it's enough to actually push a a wind turbine fan dude uh I'd love to try try it i' I would love I would love to try it maybe I'll just I'll just buy like a small one 500 500 wat dude this wouldn't this wouldn't grab this would only grab like one Asic 500 watt could you you know what I'm going to buy one for the hell I'm going to buy one but I need to how do I hook it up to a like battery or do I need an inverter and all that kind of stuff dude 229 bucks to try to try to get fire would that work interesting um with wind turbines you're not going to power an Asic but offset smaller units yeah yeah that's what I mean like smaller smaller miners I'm not looking to offset a big Bo I know you probably wouldn't generate enough to to uh to uh Power a big boy minor that's for sure Scott a this is not the infinite money glitch you're looking for did you imagine I just set like five of these behind each Asic and then it's like each one is powering like a like a a gold shell could you imagine infinite money glitch that's actually really funny that's actually that's actually really funny uh infinite money glitch dude dude we need this we we I I'll buy I buy this I buy this put it right behind my A6 right here dude this thing is bigger than my garage this thing's huge 10 Kil 10 kilowatt dude wind turbine love it love it only 2700 bucks is this is this for real there's no way this is only 2,700 bucks my place is actually pretty windy I could put wonder if I could put one of these in my backyard it's like I'm surrounded by trees like 100 foot 120t trees and it's like windy here all the time better off with a small nuclear reactor Wing glow Mining Company yeah if we could actually get one of those that that would be that would be the best could run four Al zero miners with 500 watt yeah that's true that's true yeah 100% wind turbine interesting very interesting very very very interesting I can't I would love to do solar but I at my area up in Canada here it it just dare it doesn't make sense not a lot of people here do solar because we we're like 2 60 days out of the year it's like cloudy and raining and snowing windy and cold and if I lived in a sunnier area I would totally I would totally do solar 100% nice Panda as much as I want to see you do this think about how much more efficient lower RPM lower wattage your gear runs when it's cool versus hot right right yeah the fans during this time during the winter time my fans on my A6 are all like 30 to 40% so it's they're not they're not going at like a 100 right now which is which is good what part of Canada West Coast shark farmer is that legal in Canada solar yeah solar solar is yeah solar is legal here nothing is legal in Canada well there's a lot of things legal you need DC the AC inverter set up that wind turmine as6 like being warm though yeah I'm sure the neighbors would love it they just see a big wind turmine in the backyard H that's funny that's funny uh okay so okay so next bow run or sorry next bear Market next bear Market um I'm going to I'm going to be I'm probably going to just go all in on Dogecoin mining so hope this bull run coming up I'll have enough money to pay my electrical bill out of pocket for the next for the next Bull Run that that's what I'm going to do I'm going to I'm going to be mining and holding everything and I'm going to document it month by month okay and we're just going to go all in on Doge okay we're not going to mine anything else I'm not going to mine Bitcoin I'm not going to mine Al I'm not going to mine Etc all these miners that I have I'm just going to put it straight right into Doge okay not Financial advice okay I'm not going to care about anything else the next bare Market I'm going to have the most easiest mining strategy ever you know what that's going to be the next video title the easiest mining strategy for the next bare market and it's just I'm going to mine everything in the Doge and I'm not going to care about anything else Dogecoin goes up every bull run every altcoin season I'm just going to I'm just going to go all in on Doge and not care about anything else I'm going to save my brain power I'm going to save the gray hairs and I'm just going to go all in all in on Doge watch it not watch it fail though watch it just like not work watch it just watch next bow run doge is not going to go up 100% some some big whale or Market maker on binance and all these exchanges they're going to watch my channel and be like all right we're going to F this guy make sure Doge doesn't go up I I'm kind of kidding but then I'm not I I I kind of I kind of want to do it I honestly I want to try just all in on Doge next bar Market just not give a crap about anything else just 100% Doge and then just sit there and accumulate and wait for the next bow run can you imagine ah could you imagine if I did that that that would be that would be really that that would be really that would be really funny be really funny uh Studio 888 art I'm still waiting for my DG home my seller offered to upgrade my shipment to current batch if I pay more wait wait wait wait what studio art who did you buy through whoa whoa whoa whoa who did you who did you buy who is your seller upgrade to my shipment to the current batch if I pay more who who did you go through man see this is why okay this is why this is why I always say go to my website red go to my trusted lists buy through trusted resellers don't go through unknown resellers okay my resellers would never do something like that to you wow that's crazy who refined Capital Who's the who the hell is refined Capital refined capital that sounds like a dude you got scammed wait oh [ __ ] Studio 888 art you got scammed wait Studio 88 art that's a fake website this is fake do not oh my God that is a fake website bro oh my I just realized when you said the seller would upgrade you to the current batch that's fake oh my God no bro oh no oh this is 100% fake oh no no bro no no no no no never heard of these guys refine Capital oh no uh definitely do not give them extra money do not do not do not the the scam of trying to give you more each time oh no refined Capital H oh no oh no oh boy okay hold on wait they got Facebook they got TW do they have Twitter they have X let's see wait leading American vendor for cryptocurrency Min solution heat dissipation electrical infrastructure since 2021 wait join September 2024 H I don't know bro I don't know man I mean if they're asking you they're asking you to upgrade that's not cool that's that's a scam that's a scam right there that is a scam 100% uh call Cash patal and have them arrested uh Studio 8r I bought some al2 lights from them and I did get those oh okay but yeah I wasn't a fan of this paid to upgrade thing yeah that's that's sketchy man that's okay so you did receive something from them okay interesting interest interesting interesting okay I've never heard of them never heard of them I I I have seen a lot I have seen a lot of resellers and there's a lot of fake scam websites so I don't I don't I don't I don't go looking out for a lot of them anymore I just go through the ones that we've we've we've you know vetted and trusted over the past like six years or who have been in who you know people have actually received and then had service from them so ah anybody looking for um hosting right now and uh Tera hosting has four megawatts have four megawatts available for hosting so if you need your Asic hosted go check out Tera hosting doio Tera hosting uh also known as Terra Super Chat hey hey hey and nerd things and more thank you for the 10 good sir thank you thank you for the 10 thank you for the 10 good sir how are you how are you nerd things and more um terra hashes terra Tera hosting have four megawatts available is their website not coming up uh 4 megawatt of power so get if you need cheaper hosting if you have n nine or8 cents or more Tera hosting would be the place to get your asex hosted best up time ever best up time all right Hawk all right the website's not working that's not good what's Happening Here Terra hosting uh Terra hosting why why doesn't the website work I'm getting scammed right now nerd things and more gifted five RPM memberships congrats good sir thank you thank you uh Dennis Scott Sheffield Scott Sheffield what's that meant Juan Alba mining meister and Milkman X congrats Jersey Jedi I broke the site Yeah I broke teror hostings uh site defin I definitely broke it definitely broke it um uh I exender Miller red P of Mind those bc60 should arrive this week by the way thank you uh Mr Miller thank you sir I'm excited I'm excited thank you for a really good price too thank you man I I appreciate it I have more gpus coming ah it's going to be great it's it's going to be great or it feeding my addiction basically thank you uh Chris Mr Chris begell blockchain Bap live live long my dg1 plus nice Chris dude you got dj1 plus dude the alpha PEX units are amazing I've had no issues with mine they're really good I like that when we opened one up they're they weren't using thermal paste on the chips they were actually using really thick thermal pads which I thought was really cool I think that's why they're performing so well and like the the heat the the chap the chips and the the heat dissipation was like so even across the board it's so that's what I love that's what I loved about the Alex uh the hash boards really cool Chris mag I've had zero downtime since it's up yeah man same same same printing money every day yeah dudee the yeah the yeah the Doge corn miners are doing well are still doing well right now even even when the market went up back in I think when Doge went up back in November it's still doing pretty good now going into the bull run I think uh it's probably going to be better it's going to be even better so definitely definitely uh Good Times ahead 100% Good Times ahead um the hobbyist good say good day good he sir I have just started this hobby any ideas how to set up five Avalon n3s I also have an Polo V1 mini coming next week um The Hobby is uh yes uh if you need a how to video uh how to set up a nano 3 I have a video for that right there wow that has 49k views now holy smoke uh how to set up a Avalon nan3 solo mind bcoin right there that video just just watch that and I show how to set it up through your phone you need to use a phone a cell phone to set it up initially um in order to in order for it to you need to connect the Wi-Fi uh you're basically using your phone initially to set up the Wi-Fi to connect to your Wi-Fi your SSID so um Mr Chris begell mining Dutch has merge mining for fake sha enu that is pretty decent profitability right now yep yep yep I've I I didn't want to announce that but uh yeah mining Dutch is paying definitely paying a little bit more than other sites right now other pools because of the Shea uh Shea you know yeah yep yep that's why I like mining Dutch I'm mining Dutch has random spurts of like you know new coins popping off and they they add it to the pool and it's like you know sometimes really profitable and you know they they yeah they I have it auto exchanging in the Bitcoin so swoodles just ordered 20 l9s whoa whoa whoa swoodles where where did you order 20 l9s could have got you a better deal from tashes 20 L9 holy smoke man a pexto a pexto mine okay what's the price what was the price did you get what price did you get 11,000 for 12 for 20 okay so they gave you you a really way better deal oh which batch though is it like next month or in stock batch I pack I pack those I packed those pretty good 11,000 that is how is that possible wow that's real that's real cheap pretty nice wow I got to I got to contact a pexto I have a PTO wait let's go to a pexto site I bought April batch for 6750 waiting for my 932 pieces milum are you kidding you're joking you're you're you're there's no way you bought 932 l9s there's no way absolutely no way swoodles uh they change daily gone up ah yeah in stock oh yeah 11700 yeah yeah yeah yeah they're they definitely been going up and down right the prices have been fluctuating quite a bit okay this is this is this is a decent price now 117 coupon does my coupon work how much does it give you off only 50 bucks God damn it standard shipping 8 118 with 118 with shipping W so the prices have definitely mm running a farm also a hosting facility okay milum you're a big boy minor holy crap 932 wow man 932 L9 wait hold on hold on hold on that dude that's like 1% of the network Litecoin Network hash rate dude if you bought 932 L9 that's that's uh 9 900 uh let's see here uh gigahash to terahash gigahash to terahash so a uh 16 gigahash L9 is 0.0016 of a petahash so if we're at 1.68 petahash right now so if you bought or you're going to get 9 32 * 0 point of uh single L9 in petahash okay you're going to tack on you're 932 L9 is going to attack on 0.14 912 petahash so if we did one uh I uh if we did uh one 1.68 uh divided by or times divided by uh how much percent what's what's how what's the percent calculation 1.68 is it times is that 2% of the network did I do that right is that is that 2.5% of the network 0 0.1 1 0.14 0.014 9 is 2% of the network is that is that right Jesus Christ man you have 2.5% of of the network dude or you will have 2.5% dude that's a dude oh you guys are saying less than 1% yep 2.5 oh youf fo says 2.5 uh milum where are you setting up bro that's amazing bro I had that match I wouldn't talk about it yeah if I had yeah that that's dude this is yeah dude the dude the amount of l9s that are coming on over the next like four months is going to be amazing but I you know the the great thing about script mining is all these units like alphapex told me they can only M they can only manufacture like 2,000 units a month uh for the big boy the dg1 plus which is about I think we calculated like 1 to 2% of the network or yeah 3% of the network every month so if every like if that's if that's happening every month I mean the the growth of the hash rate is still pretty pretty slow like it's not that it's not drastic like aium or um or uh Caspa right Caspa you know uh studio art 0.149 0149 petahash of one p is 1.49% yeah so 2.5 yeah we yeah we are right uh 2.4 2 point oh no no you're right you're right you're right you're right it's 0.8 or something less than 1% yeah less than 1% you're right you're right milum the April batch is large so the hash rate would be lower than that at least 0.25% or something like that okay okay there that's freaking Insanity freaking Insanity man that's that's awesome that's awesome seems like script miners have longer life than other algorithms oh yeah like the L7 like if you think about l7s they've always been good over the past couple years the P ever since these came out in 2021 the L7 has always been profitable there was one point though where I I I did remember the L7 was only making like a buck but that's when Doge and everything was like at the very very bottom but then when the market came started coming back up like maybe a month or two after the L7 was then making a couple bucks so the L7 was still very good during the bare market so I I think the same thing will hopefully happen with the l9s though though it just depends on the price of Doge and if it's going to sustain and how much hash rate is going to come on over the next over the next uh freaking you know a couple years right Dogecoin mining is I mean a lot we have a lot more eyes now on Doge a lot more eyes on Doge on script mining so definitely a lot of big players are getting in lot of a lot of big players like uh I know bsby trippin bought a bunch of uh alphapex units recently so he's not alone I guess milum you said you bought 932 l9s like Jesus now milum I'd like to know where you placed your order for 932 L9 I bet you I bet you hawk from Terra Tera hases would have gave you an amazing de Amazing deal he probably would have gave you an amazing deal uh you must have bought a while ago though uh if you said 6,000 under 7,000 that must have been like four months ago don't buy ASX buy the coin yeah majority of people that have higher electric are probably going to buy the coin though Dogecoin have higher hash rate than Litecoin milum Dogecoin has higher hash rate than do wait what how's that possible are people just skipping Litecoin and going straight to Dogecoin they don't even care about Litecoin Dogecoin Network cash rate coin Wars oh yeah that's F that's funny yeah that's that's hilarious actually yeah look at that not 1.94 1.3 1.68 head aash oh interesting wait what's the wait what mining pool which mining pool has only do which mining pool is only mining Doge though wait I'm confused I'm confused mining pool stat wait what are there are there Dogecoin pools that are just mining Doge by itself like they're not even they not they're not even mining Litecoin as well like I don't even see I don't I I don't who which pool which pool would be they all s they all say LTC merge mine here so uh Z pirate probably solo mining to own nodes ah ah that makes sense that makes sense LTC is so little hardly matters on return I mean I mean it's still like a buck or two depending if you have a you still getting something I mean why wouldn't you be merge mining with litein or mining Litecoin and then merge mine why why wouldn't you like why what's the point are you wait Chum chain says you can solo mine Doge yes Doge 85% of the profit anyway so why not I I mean you're missing out on like a couple like sometimes you know 7 to 6% you know extra from Litecoin I mean why wouldn't you why wouldn't you right all adds up right yeah all adds up Panda are you converting all your other coins to BTC on un mining DCH or keeping LTC Doge uh Chris begell I have been uh converting to BTC um I'm I'm I am I am I am now done um holding I have a lot of held coins I'm still holding my bags are ready like I'm I'm done like I'm done with that now so now because here's my here's my thought process and it's probably going to get it's going to get better like watch watch uh Doge go up much higher like it probably will I'm not saying it won't but just because just because Doge has gone up so much um the uh the conversion to BTC is much higher now because Doge has valued is much more now so I'm I'm essentially getting more Bitcoin if you know what I mean I wouldn't be autoc converting Doge into Bitcoin if if Doge was like 6 cents no I I wouldn't do that but because the the because that Doge has gone up now I'm accum I'm accumulating more of the uh the Bitcoin you know so that's how I see it and like kind of like drisking in a way and I'm I'm already I've already held enough I I think I've just you know over the past couple years I have enough of of of my holding position that now I am now doing it for the like income you know if you know what I mean so yeah uh milum R would you like to take a tour of our farm in Norway I can pay for the trip if you want milum is this sounds like uh this sounds like uh what do you call those uh those movies like you know they pay for the girl go to a you know you know to a special place or a photo shoot or something are you trying to like are you trying to like rob me or kidnap me or cuz I I I'll I'll gladly I'll gladly go to Norway I would love I would love to go to Norway take me I'd love all right I'm down I'm you guys never hear from me again you guys know where I am I'm in Norway so I I'll need a search party I'll need a search party to go to Norway it's a pirate at least he is not a Saudi Prince I mean if a Saudi Prince offered me to go to his place for a million dollars I would at least he is not he he takes you to Norway ends up in Poland Patrick Murphy logo Tech is in Norway smells like a setup oh my God could you imagine yes let's go let's go meet let's go meet logo Tech all right mum I'll take you up on that I'll take you up on that rude puts I will find you red P mining in Norway okay perfect uh milum we have a farm in North off Norway nice nice what's your electrical rate out there milum is it like super cheap must be must be super cheap must be uh Chris B now can I be your plus one on the trip thanks yes Chris you can yeah Chris you can come along with me let's go um RPM plus all his Subs invited yeah everyone's invited milum you got to pay for everyone else too um milum 16 uh one wait 1 cent summer 2 cent winter geez that's yeah you're just printing money at that point you're literally printing money you're it doesn't even matter what minor you have you're just making money no wonder you bought 932 L9 oh my goodness that's CRA that's crazy man that's crazy amazing amazing man when I hear about these people when I hear about people that have like you know one to two cents electric I'm we're obviously all so jealous and then at the same time it's like like how can we compete how how how can us you know residential miners compete you know against that we just can't fill but we paid 25% VAT on energy bills without getting that back oh 25% I mean you're still making a ton of money you're still you're still making a lot of money at that point 25% on top of 2% I mean two cents that's still that's that's still amazing isn't it um smash the like Bros Smash the like Bros uh milum can I share a link you have a link you have a website dude link dude link me man link me or email me contact redpen legit I I will fly out there I will fly out and do a tour of your farm I'm 100% down please email me email me contact red pend are you making forx on your power RPM what is your profit per kilowatt hour Douglas Heen uh I'm going to say I'm close to maybe 2.5 to 3x now on my profit generation against my electric um RPM start the stream 3 hours early today SLO Squatch you bastard yes 35% power I'll still pay 20% that over here that sucks OHS oh my goodness oh my goodness man um we want to see the link yes I want to see the link yes please email me email me good sir contact I'll pull it up I'll pull it up this is I'm going to I'm going to have to uh we're going to have to start some partnership together if you're going to offer like extremely low power rate for me now we are all invested in this conversation with Millum red Pand yeah bug Crow yeah watch we're all we're all just going to get scammed right now H man so I I haven't gotten I haven't gotten an email yet I'm probably getting fished as we speak I'm getting fished this is probably a bad idea we had electricity price as high as 1.5 kilowatt a few days a month last month mind condo bits a dollar5 kilowatt a dollar five jeez man that's crazy that's that is nuts man um Billy electric when are you going to start working on the CMP 10210 buildout um Billy electric I say that I'll be working on it every day but I don't know maybe today maybe today I don't know man I'm a little bit sick so oh dd40x fan thank you for becoming a member RPM 100 GPU minor dude thank you welcome man welcome uh mum okay all right Mr milum what's up man I got your email uh what is that I don't want to click on that what what what what do you have what do you have going on there bro what do you have going on there uh wow okay okay okay you got a lot going on here okay interesting um hold on hold on I'm just verifying I'm just verifying I'm I'm I'm verifying hold on forun wow wow that that is definitely amazing that is definitely amazing okay Mill we got to talk we got to talk we got to talk I'm not going to show the site yet I'm not going to show it but we got to talk we got we got to talk first we got we got to talk we got to talk first amazing p is always sick yes mam works for the catfish YouTube channel he's going to get all the details of RPM 100% 100% Milam thank you for the link I'll talk to you right after uh RPM is being taken over okay all right Bros oh man it's over 10:00 I got to drive my kid to his class another class every weekend ah so busy okay Bros appreciate you all thank you for is rabid streaming where's rabid mining where is this guy is rabid streaming or no hold on let me link let me let me find him rabid where is rabbit where is this guy what what is another infected tooth what he's got he's got another infected tooth wait what he's in the hospital wait what Ro puts no his wife's in hospital oh still it's been like a couple weeks still oh no oh man that's okay he's in the hospital R puts you puts I just talked to Rabbit okay still in the hospital oh my goodness okay oh that's uh yeah that's that that that's okay oh everyone pray everyone pray for rabid oh that's that's hard well that's that's really hard infected teeth can go into your bloodstream that's not good yeah that happened to me like a couple months ago I had to remove a whole tooth I had to remove the whole thing okay everyone uh you guys have a great day hit the like on the way out smash the like on the way out if you're looking for as6 or anything go to my website red pandam and uh uh I got coupons and all trusted links and everything right over here if you're interested and please go check out Terra they got four megawatts let's see if their website works now yeah works now Terra RPM sent you to give you a deal they should give you a 1% deal and uh yeah all right peace out Bros peace out peace out have a great day appreciate you all peace out peace out stay safe crypto C beneath the Cod mining dreams in overlo red had the Spight against the crime wealth and Wes our r on a mission wild graphics cards stack a m on Mile reaching high for Digital Dreams keeping you power and streaming beams the heart being louding in the Cyber Cloud FR through the sky wish B A Starship fly 6 RTX to's Place ling up his b trees every big Soul every fight sh shadows in the night up digital Tower minute by minute hour by hour fall and tripping through the air he'll meet you there if you dare C thees onon screens vir scheme binary beats marching the past hold the future make it last 6 rcx please lighing up his bamb trees every pixel fing Shadows up hiso trees every pixel every fight chasing shadows in the night building up digital Tower minute by minute hour by hour weed dripping through the air he'll meet you there if you dare neon screams virtual reality scheme binary beats my in past hold the future make it last 6 RX find each placeing up this trees every pixel every fight chasing shadows in the night shs

As found on YouTube

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