Dogecoin Mining is EXPLODING! What is the BEST Scrypt Miner out now?

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[Music] hey guys rpim here hope you're doing well having a really great day all right just uh like a talking head video regarding script mining as of November 19th of 2024 as of recording this video I'm going to be doing more talking head videos now because things are changing a lot as as Bitcoin as you guys can see 93 almost 94,000 as of recording this video it it's insane right and what's happening is a lot of altcoins like Dogecoin has been pumping and so mainly talking about script miners okay a lot of people have been getting into buying bitmain l9s dg1 dg1 Plus's l7s even you know these Asic miners we're going to be talking about okay the profitability of these things as well okay cuz right now these are the top most profitable Asic miners as of now and so I'm going to be going through all the different miners there's been a few new releases as well we're going to talk about and go through just some fun stuff as well as uh show you guys my real earnings on mining Das Dutch with my script Miners and uh what my strategy has been uh there recently okay so we're talking about all that kind of stuff so before we do that thank you for today's video sponsor coin mining if you guys are looking for the top Asic miners they have all of them as well the notorious most famous script miners as of now the l9s gg1s l7s and a few alium miners here if you believe in alium that is but if you're interested in a January batch L9 they have them in stock December and also November batch as of now if you are interested use coupon code RPM Doge for about $190 off us okay or $150 gbt off okay RPM doge is the coupon so link down below if you guys are interested okay so make no mistake right regarding script mining okay script is the algorithm that these Dogecoin or actually it's Litecoin miners okay and then merge mining Dogecoin merge mining bells and a bunch of other uh merge minable coins with Litecoin okay over the past two months or so Dogecoin has been pumping almost 300% so majority of the profit okay which I'm think is going to be about between 80 and 85% is from Dogecoin the rest of it is going to be from some of it going to be from Litecoin lucky coin recently has just came about and provides a couple bucks a day especially if you're mining on mining Dutch cuz they have a lucky coin on there but most of you or for any new people coming in may have been seeing a lot of these script miners becoming extremely profitable because of Dogecoin right so just looking over the past 60 days here Dogecoin has gone up almost yeah 300% right past 30 days 193 and so on and so forth here we are today all right November November 19th it's gone up 11 almost 12% the past 24 hours so that is providing a lot more profitability and over the past day I've just seen you know just yesterday I think these l9s were making maybe $55 a day and so it's jumped up like a good N9 or 10 bucks okay so in profitability per day which is crazy so just to help you understand right as the market is going up right we're going to see a lot of these profitability the profitability numbers for these miners go up okay so the infamous L9 which a lot of people have definitely been buying okay so the income on this is currently says $72 $73 pretty much a day now on mining D Dutch I'm going to say this is close to maybe 75 76 it it I've been doing some math comparing it to my average gig hash on mining Das Dutch and I've been converting everything into Litecoin now I'll talk about the strategy why I'm doing this in a second but yeah you can see this minor is currently as the market is going up as everything you know Bitcoin and we're almost hitting 94,000 as of recording this video things are are just going crazy for these miners now so a lot of fomo happening into these miners I have to say so let's talk about all the different miners okay all the different uh available ones okay available script miners that are out there okay so let's go through on I'm on mining okay so funny thing I just before I begin I just wanted to show that there is you know the infamous L3 plus this is a like a seven or 8year old Asic Miner and as of 10cent kilowatt hour this thing makes over 20 to 50 cents a day after 10 cents Kow hour this this is a minor that used to be like 50 bucks and I know in the bow run of 2021 these things used to sell for like 2,000 or 3,000 so I wonder you know as we go up here in the markets if Dogecoin is going to go to a dollar or something I'm not saying that's going to happen but if that does happen then you best believe right we're going to probably see these L3 pluses become you know $1,000 Asic miners again which would be hilarious and that you know that yeah these things came out back in October uh or April of 2017 okay it's just funny to see that the L3 Plus are now profitable machines because how much Dogecoin has gone up it has provide so much more emissions against all the script miners that are out there right now you know all the people that have l7s or maybe gold shell mini does you know even the mini does are are profitable now right it's just funny to uh look at that Doge go mini let's see gold shell mini Doge let's see mini Doge 3 plus you know these things make $2 a dollar right like these are are old school mini Doge Pro 33 cents a day so these are like profitable now for anyone that has these These are profitable now depending on your electric of course but at 10cent kilowatt hour it's just funny to see you know maybe a year or two ago they were definitely not profitable but now because the Market's going up these things are profitable now but okay so I'm not going to like go through like the older models I don't think anyone should get into the older models I think the newer ones are going to be the I guess the the bread and butter of script mining and L9 okay so the l9s are probably one of the most popular ones that people are getting into right now because you know their efficiency uh the name brand uh you know l7s were also very very good models I haven't heard any much issues with l9s but the l7s were really good really good quality so hopefully that translates over to the L9 um people are just starting to get them now I have one coming as well but the prices have been going up these miners okay so you know maybe the best time to buy these was when they were announced maybe like half a year ago when they were selling for like 6,000 you know so but now the prices are these have almost doubled you know and so thinking about where we are in the market right now I think that these are probably still good buys depending which batch you get of course right there's the November batch December batch January batch obviously November batch is going to cost more because it's available uh December batch a little bit less so where we are right now in the markets and if you believe you know we're going to go much higher and and if you know if our interest rates going to keep dropping you know money printer go Burr are things in 2025 going to go crazy are we going to have a prolonged you know crypto Market maybe you know sustained and so this profitability for these miners could be very very good for a while right for for a very long time so this is something where you know that that's a strategy that's a risk that uh you're you're willing to take if you're interested in buying these miners right now but there's been some little bit cheaper ones that have been coming out the wood works here okay so now the flu Miner L1 now I've never heard of this company and I still haven't really confirmed if these are real or not but I haven't seen like coin mining Central or crypto Miner Bros you know list this minor yet so I'll let you guys know if whenever that comes out but it's uh pretty enticing the price um from what I've seen is around $35 to $4,000 the efficiency of it is pretty much like an L9 which is pretty cool and then as we go down the list here okay we got the alphapex gg1s and dg1 pluses I think these are still very great miners these are very uh strong very reliable miners I have two of these myself and so far they've been bulletproof other people that I know that host these with uh hosting companies they've been bulletproof as well so alphapex has really good reliable uh script miners okay now they do have the home quiet one which is about under $2,000 okay for their 2.1 gigahash model I really do think this is a great home minor I have one currently running now in my kitchen it's working great then alphapex just announced their new alphapex dg1 Hydro One they're 20 gigahash monster here but at 6,200 Watts so the efficiency there is a little bit worse a little bit worse than the l9s right a little bit worse than your dg1 pluses it seems but it's a water cooled one so I don't know if any home user is going to buy this this probably going to be for like you know data center or you know Enterprise style miners but yeah this is probably going to be a a pretty hefty minor here then going down the list okay as we're going down this is all listed in efficiency okay if you're just looking at at my uh list here this is all based on the efficiency okay so which I think is very important so potentially when the next bare Market comes around you want to have the most efficient Hardware because then they'll still be you know decently profitable you know as the market goes down so the l9s as of right now looks to be good I know there you guys probably see these local techs here I I have I still have not seen any prototype we have not seen any release or actual numbers of it working so I as of right now I just cannot recommend these logo Tex cuz I just until we actually see one working which it's been in the works now for over a year and a half I'm still very uh pessimistic on this minor but anyways going down the list here okay the l7s all right the l7s are still monsters these these miners here are still amazing now I know some people have been looking into getting these I personally I would not get into the l7s anymore uh these miners are you know they're three they're the previous generation of the L9 so obviously I would probably go for the L9 it's going to be the one that'll last longer in terms of its you know profitability so just looking at the efficiency right it's jumping up pretty much another 2x when you're going from L7 to an L9 okay I know some people a lot of people are selling the l7s but it's I know it looks good now okay I know the l7s it looks good now if you if we're looking at the profitability of a of an L7 okay right now like a 9.5 these things are making over almost $40 probably $45 a day on mining Dutch which is incredible right it's incredible but I would highly recommend not getting into the l7s Because unless you can find a good used one okay if you can find a good used one for like under 5 4,000 which I don't think you can anymore that would be my best bet but honestly if you're going to be spending the big boy money on that I would highly recommend going higher like uh L9 okay highly recommend doing that okay so those are the miners that are out now I know there's the V Miner D1 I I I don't know I've never heard of vul Miner so I don't know if I would trust that brand again I would rather trust bitm spend a little bit more trust bit Main and uh you know also in case you have to repair it down the road there's repair centers all around the world that support bit main I don't know if repair centers will support the flu Miner or vul Miner right things like that so I'd rather go with the tried and true Asic miners like bit m alpha PEX of course okay now I want to go back to my mining Dash Dutch here here all right so I have a full day of mining at around 40 or 39 gigahash of script I have about 39 gigahash of script miners I have dg1 dg1 plus and various smaller ones Al together and so you can see here I've been earning I've been earning about $146 worth that was yesterday November 18th and this is about 1.68 Litecoin you guys may be asking red panda why how come I don't see any Dogecoin or anything here well I've been converting everything into Litecoin and I was looking at mining Das Dutch's you know their transaction costs and it is extremely low into Litecoin it's not even a penny it's it's less than a penny Okay it's like 0.0000 8799 USD right for their uh network transfer fees so it's it's it's really really low and another reason why I've been going into Litecoin is because I'm expecting that you know as we go up you know in the bull run here that Litecoin could very well go into you know the couple hundred dollar range right now it's $87 per Litecoin so I'm expecting a jump up here uh in Litecoin now some of you may be asking red pan why don't you go into Dogecoin you know what about Dogecoin Dogecoin could also have a runup as well and yeah you're right Dogecoin could have a runup as well I'm just expecting you know because Dogecoin has already had a a pretty a pretty big rise already that I'm taking the risk of mining into Litecoin and also the transfer fees are again are much lower right transaction fees are much lower lower for Litecoin so easier to move a lot of exchanges are have Litecoin already and so that's why I've been accumulating some Litecoin uh for the bull run so that's where I kind of see the value there let me know your guys's thoughts about that okay so l9s l7s all the all the script miners are profitable like I said even the L3 freaking plus like a 8-year-old 7-year-old Asic minor is still profitable it's now okay as of the market the markets are going up so uh it's it's pretty funny it's pretty funny to see that this is happening okay guys let me know your thoughts are you getting into script mining now I know things are have been on the up and up here a lot of miners available I know a lot of people have been getting into these so you know it is going to have a lot more people getting into script mining but any other types of miners out there that you guys are interested in let me know down below I'm probably going to have more videos going to have a casa video coming up here talking head one going to give you guys an update on on these and uh yeah fun times ahead okay I appreciate you all thanks for watching let me know your thoughts have a good one peace out

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