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[Applause] a [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello everybody Welcome to the live stream Bros welcome welcome welcome welcome holy crap look at this Bitcoin 925 were we at 93 we were at 93 earlier today right just insane just insane Doge still doing well almost 40s are we going to a dollar I don't know we shall see but in any case let's unbox the alpha packs dg1 home I just got it in yesterday I thought I would save this as a live stream seems like a lot of people enjoy live streams so we got the alpha PEX dg1 DG no DG home one am I pronouncing that right it's not the dg1 home I think it's called the DG home one I you know what I need to research hold on let me let me check this out is this let me check let me check DG D alphapex home quiet minor what what's it actually what's it actually called DG home one Hawk says DG DG home one yeah so I was right DG home one why why didn't they call it the dg1 dg1 home maybe that maybe that it's too similar to the other big boy uh dg1 yeah that's prob that's that's that's probably why anyways let's do it let's do it here we go it's wrapped in plastic okay it's the first time I'm receiving an Asic minor in a freaking like wooden a a wooden crate like this is absolutely absolutely insane look at this it's actually crazy and I I feel like if it was being shipped in wood that the if this would be dropped that the the impact like would be a lot harder on the on the on the Asic Miner but I don't know this is this is the first time I'm actually receiving an Asic minor and the dg1 DG home W for that in that fact in a freaking wooden crate essentially the way it should be shipped yeah I don't I don't think so man I don't I don't think so this is not I mean I this is is a serious serious unboxing serious unboxing and make sure there's nothing incriminating at the top no there's not okay just in a wooden box man this is crazy absolutely absolutely insane okay here okay it's got the serial number on the side home home Z we got some Chinese wording here okay plastic is off dude dude this look at this dude look at this thing encased in wood incased in Patrick Murphy Panda tell us what those characters mean I don't know I'm assuming it means Alpha PEX I I don't know this is pretty crazy this is pretty crazy how heavy is how heavy was that uh good question what here hold on let's do it D this thing this it's heavy it's it's heavy hey you want pounds or kg what's what's Freedom Units kg right oh boy oh F holy [ __ ] this is heavy 16.74% uh in pounds that would be 36 36.9 lb techman thank you for the five does it smell like China yes yes it does yes yes 36.9 lbs that's that's 16.74% this is crazy absolutely insane we've never received an Asic Miner in a wooden box before all right let's take it out there's an actual There's an actual uh freaking uh oh my god dude it's locked no way dude I can't take dude it's it's like it's not locked but it's uh look look I can't pull on this I can't pull on this on this lever look at that I got to use I got to use a I got to get pliers I got to get pliers I got to get pliers no I got one right here no wait I got something better I just bought a whole I just bought a whole new set of cing tools love it love it this is the best the best brand screwdriver Hawk what are you doing Trum vents bull market is here got to love it get wrecked give me those tiar 92k Hawk thank you bro thank you thank you man all right d this is serious Ser okay now flowers will be better flowers is better okay that's not that's not coming that's not bending the way I want there we go a there we go okay there dude and it goes up here even okay this is stuck it's been bent from Shipping I need to I need to pry this up the latch the latch here is stuck it's like like there we go a dude dude look there there you go all right okay you guys can't see the top but dude what the hell that is look at that look at this the hell is in this is crazy man absolutely insane okay so it is foam okay there is foam inside that's good cardboard at the top here okay that's good all right foam little bit of foam little there's one piece of foam on each side like like look how easy it is to take it out that's a little concerning see a little bit a little bit of foam okay but here's the minor itself okay and I'm just going to try to lift it here oh my God there's no padding on the left side or the top side here so if there was any impact this thing was just hitting the wood on each side that's not good that's that's absolutely not good okay you know what I'm going to put it on its side I'm going to put it on its side [Music] okay all right I'm I'm sweating guys I'm sweating yeah there there's no foam at the top there's only foam on the sides and it's very thin piece very thin so that's kind of concerning I can't lift it up breaking the plastic okay it's coming out oh my God here it is in all of its Glory dude oh mine some 10 okay oh there it is let me show you guys the inside though all right the all right a bit I'd say i' i' definitely have to say I have to say the uh padding on this is not very good it had no padding at the top it did have this at the bottom but I mean any impact coming from this wooden crate I mean it's it's not very I don't I don't know well we'll see if this thing works should be okay should be fine I love that there's this latch here this is actually hilarious first time first time in as Miner in a wooden box first time I'm going to put this on the floor oh okay right there's a bit there's a oh there's some scratch there's some scratch thing here okay all right let's take a visual ual inspection visual inspection of this whole thing okay Alpha PEX let's look at the back ooh oh okay that's a little bit little bit indented inside the back is pushed in okay otherwise yeah looks looks good there yeah little bit little bit little bit indented here Alpha PEX I love the logo here this is uh this is not a sticker that looks laser etched okay looks good keep going around here the front all right very glary so I better not dockx myself okay we got WiFi TF card uh what's that say USB come on camera focus focus focus uh what's this say F fault normal light okay IP report reset button ethernet and then the power okay uh where is the does this come with an antenna does this come with an antenna let's see let me look in the box look in the box open the box again and no antenna no no antenna nope notada nothing absolutely nothing okay um all right how should we turn let's turn it on let's turn it on uh open it should I open it uh let's let's here let me shake it let me make sure there's no we didn't look at the bottom here's the bottom it's got feet which is good it's got feet okay okay I'm shaking it there doesn't seem to be any I don't feel any moving part so that's good that's good okay okay let's turn it let's turn it on let's turn it on okay all right there it is in the flush that's pretty cool it's pretty cool it's pretty cool okay where is the power cable okay 120 volt or 240 volt power what do you guys want me to do 240 volt or 120 volt power 240 volt or 120 volt what do you guys want to see uh rude puts 240 minor Hut 240 120 volt it's a home Miner geek of all trades is right this thing is 2.1 gigahash at 620 Watts so I mean I think I think we should we should do we should do 120 but um it looks like a lot of you just want to see 240 all right let's do 240 let's let's do 240 okay plugging it in I don't have any I don't have anything let's plug in the ethernet okay power going in there's no power switch whatsoever so this is just going to I'm assuming this is just going to turn on there's no power switch here we go three 2 1 oh I hear water oh wait I hear water oh oh there oh this is water cooled I just realized that oh dude wait I just heard a r oh it's got a water it's got a radiator in here and like a it's like an AIO oh that's cool I didn't know that this is water cooled wow wow that is awesome interesting okay this yeah this thing is going to be yeah I can hear more water I can hear more I feel like it's leaking out I feel like the water is leaking out I hear here let me let me get my mic can you guys hear that look at that awesome that's awesome holy crap man this is actually amazing okay it's quiet it's there's no fans I just realized yeah there's no fans it doesn't seem to be any fan in it okay all right well it's drawing 23 24 Watts right now let me uh let me get the uh let me get the uh IP address of it and let's log in let's log into it all right let's log in okay let me get the IP I need to go Advanced ip scanner scan all right how many people we got here 176 people 51 likes smash the like bros we're going to be giving away 24hour hash rate from this minor uh we're going to choose a video we're going to choose a video and uh get the comments we're going to choose we're going to get people to comment on it all right we need another YouTuber's video 10 100 10 100 100.

133 nice all right I'm in all right I'm in here we go looks exactly like the other web gooey the web interface of the uh other alphapex miners the exact same awesome awesome awesome awesome okay um keep the wooden box so you can bury it h uh that's hilarious BC your voltage is really weak yeah my voltage at this house uh I'm pretty far from my from my from the power lines yeah H pretty cool pretty cool all right um all right who's video all right we need to get we need to get uh we need to get someone's video for you guys to comment on for 24-Hour hash rate all right who should we who should we comment on who should we comment on let me see here uh let me just get a video first let me get a video um who has a video with no comments uh let's see let's see let's see let's see let me let me find somebody uh let's see backwards Miner ah backwards Miner yeah good call backwards Miner he let me get that he's got a video eight I used that video already does he have another one uh let's see two years ago yeah let's yeah he's got four comments on this one okay all right let me uh let me put this here in the live chat comment uh your thoughts on the DG home one I'm going to get that wrong all the time and and you have to be here to win respond when I call your Call Your Name all right all right in the live chat I put it in the live chat uh pin replace pin comment yeah sure uh replace okay there you guys go 5 minutes five minutes I'm going to choose the winner in five minutes guys get your comments in make sure you subscribe to backwards Miner as well okay make sure you subscribe give me your thoughts on this minor all right give me your thoughts give me your thoughts so we're going to comment on this oh I forgot to show you this is the video backwards minor okay the sapphire GPR x08 e hash rate two years ago video backwards minor all right comment on this make sure you subscribe get him over 300 350 subscribers come on you guys can do it come on all right you got to comment about the DG home one that's it just comment about the dg1 home what do you think about it choose the winner about 4 minutes from now Bitcoin 93,000 yes backwards Miner I am at 40 gpus now backwards Miner how did you get 40 gpus to work that is amazing man that is amazing smash the like Bros just playing I'm not going to start this giveaway until I see a 100 likes 100 likes 100 likes um all right uh let's go back out let's see uh it's it's mining now I think 358 Watts wait that's weird uh let me go to the m let's go to the dashboard let's see what the dashboard looks like uh nope I don't think we're mining or maybe it is it's just ramping up 361 Watts I don't see any uh let's see serial number abnormal normal uhoh ship number 120 frequency standby oh it is oh it is mining I believe fan 00 unreachable standby I don't think the pool is working here uh I don't think so uh Smokey Dan what is the giveaway and will you ship to the UK uh we're we're not shipping anything today Smokey Dan we're just giving away Dogecoin hash rate of this alphapex 2.1 gigahash supposedly 620 Watts okay it's ramping up now you see that power consumption says oh there we go 640 641 Watts now 6 640 640 Watts that took a while that actually took a long time let's see let's go back here alive there you go 40 accepted shares okay this thing is mining now it is it is mining now just it took a while uh Drew uh techman I am buying one of these with part of the Caspa you sent me uh techman dude congrats man make sure you use my crypto Miner Bros or who wherever you're buying it from is there no noise there's literally no noise all I hear is water I hear water I I literally hear water that's it you can you can actually hear water I'm standing like 3 ft away and all I hear is water actually amazing this is actually amazing 53 DB uh techman 630 Watts uh right now it shows 655 Watts for me so not bad pretty good that's that's that's pretty good pretty good pretty good yeah this is a great this is definitely a great home Miner definitely definitely a great home Miner um let's see 2 point uh real time hash rate 2.3 uh 23 2400 Mega hash all right f it let's choose the winner okay do we get do we get comments you guys get the comments in there let's see only 67 comments all right 67 people have a chance to win the hash rate from this minor okay let's go to picka winner.

Co let's paste it in here all right hold on uh what's the how many people we got here 183 people 86 likes smash the like Bros I want to see 100 likes and then I'll start this giveaway smash the like on this live stream let's go let's go it's a super cool for home miners when javio showed them it he was live they seemed like a great team that knew what they were doing yeah I talked to uh I talked to alphapex uh pay Mr Pay Kong he's a really nice dude they said they they've been they've been doing R&D on their on their big boy alphapex units for over two years so their their chip design and everything is complete different from bitm I guess and they they have their own they have their own boards their own system and yeah they've been they've been working on this for over 3 years they said so pretty good pretty cool pretty cool pretty cool okay let's let's do it let's choose the winner you guys ready are you guys ready ready are you guys ready here we go going to get the comments uh we got to reload the winner okay reload the comments okay all right we're got 100 100 likes let's go over 100 likes here we go three two one uh no okay this guy did not comment on this must be an old com comment okay uh nope all right let's let's keep going pick a winner 3 2 1 Sinex 669 is sinx 669 here sinx 669 are you here Miner looks dope sinx are you [Music] here sinx 669 doesn't tag yeah it doesn't tag uh sinx are you here uh where's sinx I don't see a sinx 669 DJ mines I won here he's here where I saw him what where he is here he's here right there there right here where just sinx oh sinx chat I don't see you in the chat it's Kaiser what he is here uh I I don't is my live chat my live chat doesn't I don't I don't see any sinx in the live chat @ sinx I don't see any at@ sinx in the chat I'm looking at my I'm looking at my live chat right now I don't see any anyway he commented right away what okay uh he's here he's here I don't see his comment he said yo it's not the same one reroll he said yo okay can sinx can you just comment because I don't see you bro scroll up no just God damn it just comment so I can see it what what is so hard ah there you go I see it I see it I see you there you go perfect ah there you are sinx congrats all right sinx what mining pool what pool would you like sinx email me sinx uh you can post it in chat or yeah it'll probably get blocked so email me the mining pool and your worker name okay and looks like the hash rate has just dipped down under two gigahash now 1.8 real time average total hash rate 2.1 so that's what the advertised is 2100 megahash nice sinx email me contact red pendam yes yes yes or or post it in live chat so I can get this thing mining for you right now for 24 hours probably more than that uh but this thing is pretty cool though this thing I have to say this thing looks pretty cool okay uh bunch of you guys wanted me to open it so you want me to open it uh let's you know what let's open it EP it let's let's open it let's let's do it let's do it is there like a shutdown on this thing uh IP update firware password ntp log WiFi oh there's WiFi and but there I don't have an antenna but I can still see some I can still see my Wi-Fi so that's good okay I'm going to turn that off very weak though it's super weak okay let's open it let's open it let me turn it off let's uh let's just unplug it there okay all right ooh it's ooh it's warm it's it's actually warm it's it's decently warm in the back hold on I already turned turn it off but this this rad this rad is hot o yeah look at that oh yeah 64° C on the back woo that red look at that the whole back is red the whole back is red 63 dang okay all right let's turn this off hey uh I want one so bad but still $700 shy of having enough to buy one probably won't be until after tax returns before I can afford one ah yeah dude like a couple months ago I bought this one I I paid Alpha PEX I paid I paid pay pay Kong from alpha PEX $1,300 for this you guys remember a couple months back they were actually doing like a flash sale of these 1300 box 1350 or something so I I I got my order in like a couple months ago so that was good Hawk I got to go guys have fun make sure to check on your there's still Hawk you're terrible H you're a terrible person just terrible terrible HW have a great day have a great day okay let's Let's uh let's take it apart Let's uh there's only there's only 1 two three there's seven screws looks like there's only seven screws we got to take out at the top at the top here let's see what what's the price of Bitcoin right now is Bitcoin dropping bitcoin's dropping isn't it okay he two screws on the side crypto clutch crypto clutch what's up man uh all right let's take another looks like another two over here by the looks of it I'm guessing oh mine doesn't even have the screws on this side wow wow Mine they already unscrewed it for me would you look at that uh no nope no looks like uh oh there's three more looks like there's three more at the top here ah okay looks like there's three more but looks like uh it looks like I already had a secret two that were already unscrewed so that's great that's great good for me good for me hobbyist minor fancy screwdriver Klein baby I just bought a whole whole pack just bought a whole bunch of these Klein new Klein Screwdrivers I love them insulated insulated Klein Screwdrivers great for electricians crypto clutch crypto clutch probably knows these they knew you were going to take it apart mango remains DC they knew you were going to take it apart so you're just saving you some time uh okay I moved the three at the top so there's three five three at the back two at the side so 10 10 screws all right oh there you go lifts it just lifts up there you go yeah lifts up wait a sec yeah lifts up it's stuck it's there we go oo yeah nice I don't want to scratch it oh there's the rad there's the r dude this Red's massive and it's super warm Uber warm 63 oh it was 63° C so it's was probably 70 or something when we were running dude 61 61 now it's it's off obviously but uh okay turn this off okay look at this I'll bring you guys in oh dude look at this [ __ ] sick this is so cool first water cooled I guess uh like Allin one Asic Miner I've ever seen look at that dude this is is this 140 or 120 a 360 or a 480 rad or uh I think this is 3 something tells me this is 360 yeah this is yeah these are 120 mil these are 12 20 mil fans so this is a 360 rad dude and then the like the like CPU Cooler dude I bet you anything they dude this is definitely a CPU Cooler dude they just like took that AIO from like dude I bet you anything this is like uh What's That Brand what's that water cooling brand deep cool something tells me this looks like a deep cool rad with like a proprietary like look at that look at that that's that's awesome look at that that's so sick there's nothing on the front here all right that's pretty cool the control board the controller obviously looks to be right here it's got one it's got one ribbon cable for the hash board so it looks like there's just one by the looks of it only one hash board yeah this is the uh four pin or five pin looks like a that's a five pin it's actually Four Pin cable going into the CPU CPU Cooler I'm going to be calling this a CPU Cooler even though there's no like CPU there heat snc cooler but the rad the the rad hoses go into into the hash board the hoses themselves go into the hash board now I'm not going to take I'm I'm not going to I'm not going to take it out uh Z Pirate Looks Like A DDC pump but could be wrong uh crypto clutch how much are these things now uh I don't know 1,700 1,500 on crypto minor Bros I think it's ,500 that's pretty sick that's pretty sick that's pretty cool Co I want to bring it around hold on I want to bring it around lose these screws let Bring It Around uh oh yeah look at that oh that's hot oh dude this dude this rat is hot man that thing is it's not even on burning okay so it goes in goes into the I guess the the hash board itself has a water block at the bottom that's pretty cool that's pretty sick uh prices on the miners are going up now oh yeah everything is everything is uh everything's going up is this hot oh oh dude oh that's hot too yeah here it's not on here I'll turn it on I I'm going to plug it in now um and uh we'll we'll turn it we'll turn it on all right right now we are at obviously it's off but it says 50° 50° Celsius oh it's hot over here 60° celsus oh there's something super hot there oh that is that is part of the hash board right there what is that wait that's the ribbon cable why is the ribbon cable hot 60° C this this is 60° C this part right here why why is that 60° C right at the uh ribbon cable hey that is funky man that's F this this right here is 60° C why is this ow oh dude dude this is burning man that's that's I'm curious what's going to happen when this is on o interesting uh interesting very interesting you know what let's turn it on let's let's let's turn it back on let then then we can we can do more uh we can do more temperature testing cuz yeah there's no the fans the fans actually it's pulling air in so there's three these three 120 mil fans are pulling the air are pushing the air that way so maybe it might be fine here let's plug her let's plug her back in back in yeah I I'm I'm curious like long term is this thing going to long term uh is this thing going to survive guess we'll see okay all right let's tur him back on I hear water Alex Pro can you use the mini Doge on mining Dutch yes you can I have all my I have all my Dogecoin miners on mining Dutch right now and uh catcoin was just added as another merge Miner uh Litecoin coin along with lucky coin and a whole bunch of others so uh Dogecoin mining is extremely extremely profitable right now it's pretty pretty insane it's pretty crazy uh okay all right turning back on let me see here Miner uh oh uh what's his name uh the winner of the hash rate did you email me good sir I don't see your email so looks like I can't I don't see your email so I can't give you hash rate uh zapy can you feel the airf flow of the fans uh no because they're not moving right now oh now they're moving yeah I can feel air flow on the back I can feel the air flow on the back yes alter component awesome fun keep grinding much love got a roll alter component good to see you man thanks for coming in it's making a lot of water noise now I'm curious if one day someone's going to actually open it up and like put different fluid a different different fluid in this thing uh hopefully there's not a lot of air trapped in the closed loop I do hear like I hear it like I do hear some like bubbling like it's it's it's cycling water like I hear something ah okay okay it's mining now 664 Watts yeah there you go it's mining 664 oh you guys can't see it 667 667 Watts at 218 volt and where's my oh yeah it's getting hot sides are hot 50 53 okay that ribbon is now ribbon is says 49 49° C okay so temp temperature has dropped now that we're mining temperature has dropped the rad the rad is at 60 the rat is at 60° C right now huh interesting yeah that ribbon cable that ribbon that ribbon area is very interesting 50° C H control board's not hot obviously control board the water the okay the tube the water tube is the water tube is 45° C the water itself what the tube water tube the hash board signs it says 50 55° c the center of the board looks to be okay maybe it can't see underneath it obviously it's not hot there it's getting hotter it's getting hotter that's for sure it's getting hotter okay looks good all right that's it a pirate that 360 rad is not enough to cool 600 watts you would need 2x 360 rad for that power a pirate now that you say that it you know thinking about building like a PC with an AIO yeah I remember like there's certain like CPU coolers like you need like a bigger rad depending on the TDP of the uh of the CPU chip but yeah if this is if that thing is is trying to cool 600 watts I I like this thing is going to start heat soaking it's going to start like over time it's just going to it's just going to have that heat sit there on that and just it gradually get hotter and hotter it if you put this in a hot place I guarantee this that this would not this would not survive that well so definitely have it like in a room that's by itself you know cool cool down uh after seeing what lonus went through on his water cooled setup makes me a little weary Patrick Murphy no yeah I I I I don't do the only the most water cooling I've ever done on a PC is just an AIO I'm not I'm not doing that whole I'm not doing that whole closed loop uh thing so Kyle Rosa says fan direction doesn't make sense uh I mean when the top is closed there's no air holes on the top but there are air holes on the side so it is pulling air it would in a sense pull air from the sides and a little bit from the front but mostly from the sides so that might be that might be fine that's that's probably fine it's probably fine hobus Miner alphab beex has a big boy script Miner coming out that is massive and multiple AIO systems rack mountable and had it at mining disrupt this is a mini version ah yes I remember seeing that on videos I saw that I saw that that's pretty crazy pretty crazy it's a pirate fan direction doesn't matter okay well that's good ah site coin will it be better to leave this open and fan Co probably it's better to keep the lid closed I'm going to say I'm going to say I'm going to say keeping it closed probably be better 56° that ribbon part is 50 53 now 53 the AO is the AIO is 45 now the a is cooled down the AO itself is 45 now the aiio is not hot 31 sorry wrong one 40 43 for the aiio is 43 now 43 C so it's it's definitely cooled down all right let's put it back in let's put let's put everything back put everything back success looks good looks to be very good so would you leave it closed and a place near an open window uh probably just a place that's cool uh honestly living room like this is meant this is meant to be in a quiet like uh quiet area like don't put this with your big boy miners like there's zero point this is to be like a showpiece in your living room like maybe I don't know your I'm not going to say your kids's bedroom that's a risk but but I don't know some bedroom as like a a little heater cuz the back the back is definitely the back is definitely putting out a good amount of heat Patrick Murphy what color is the thermal paste it's it's it's a thermal P Patrick Murphy I'm guessing it's a thermal pad remember when we took apart the alphapex uh alphapex bg1 plus hash board the big boy one it they have they have thermal pads it's just like a white thermal white thermal pad so it I'm assuming it's a thermal pad not thermal Pace must check m capital damn you I am not going to nope you guys I am not going to go there I am not going to take out the hash board take off the heat sink go through all that you guys just you guys just want me to suffer right now let me enjoy my life okay can you guys please just let me let me enjoy my life is that possible for once the bull runs here can I just can I can I just not suffer for for a bit like just just give me like just give me like a couple more months of bliss and then okay and then I can I can do crazy stuff okay panda is going to take profits and quit 100% 100% Nismo Miner when I see that big number my bank account I am out of [Laughter] here ah backwards what did backwards Miner say mine Capital that's my job science yeah literally youy guys you guys are too funny need feet on the B okay so I do feel I do feel a lot of air being sucked in now a lot of air a lot of air is being sucked in on the side on the front I barely feel anything being sucked in but the side here I feel a lot of air being sucked in yes yes a lot of air good good good very quiet right uh Ryan doy extremely quiet man this thing is I I I I can hear my Asic fans from my other side my my uh 54 DB like this is picking up my like this is probably picking up my other as6 in the background [Music] 55 DB oh it's it's extremely quiet like you could have this in your kitchen your living room you would not hear this like you would you definitely would not hear this at all pretty good Wi-Fi antenna sold separately yeah so I yeah there's no antenna mine didn't come with the antenna I'm assuming maybe mine's the test version I don't know but there we go pretty cool uh do I have a Wi-Fi antenna somewhere that I could just like make shift put on here from another motherboard um let me check uh I do I think I do I have a gold shell I got a gold shell [Music] okay I got one from I got one from a gold uh gold shell d g uh dg1 M or whatever it's called there we go okay there you go antenna there you go RPM I actually like the looks of it I I love the look of it as well nice and black it's got like a semi gloss panel in the front uh it's got the alphab beex logos on each side yeah it looks pretty good looks pretty good I have to say it looks good and cyrex or SX uh I still haven't gotten your email so I don't know if uh I I I haven't gotten your oh have you emailed me yet um trying to find your name again uh uh sinx sinx have you have you emailed me yet Mr sinx waiting for your email good sir all right let me see if the Wi-Fi is better uh let's see on oh yeah oh yeah Signal's way better now yes signal is way better okay I'm going to connect to my Wi-Fi let's see uh confirm connecting Kaiser I sent an email Kaiser that that's not your you did not win Kaiser he is out sin said he would email it he's at work right now okay unable to connect to this network great uh all righty uh connecting still not connecting okay unable to connect in this network all right f it not all right why is not connecting to my Wi-Fi let me try again let's see let's see yeah it's not connecting unable to connect to this network all right well I'm going to play with that later okay that's it Bros that's it that's really there's really nothing to it other than I mean this is an Asic it's extremely easy to set up but otherwise I I think this thing makes great as a great heater wait how much does this thing make right now that that is a that's a that's a good question how much does this thing make right now uh let's go to H hash r.

Has better numbers than Asic minor value let's go here let's go Al PEX DG home DG home it makes holy crap $7.38 on nice hash which I'm completely out of now but uh uh okay yeah it's I'm I'm guessing tack on another Buck or two and probably makes over $10 on mining Dash Dutch that's my guess this thing makes dude that's that's insane this thing makes over like 10 bucks a day because of Dogecoin that's crazy man that is very very efficient extremely extremely efficient Miner seriously really good Z pirate if the pump dies will you ship it to me Z pirate sure uh RPM what is your total electricity consumption I I don't know well over 15 20 45 60,000 70 80,000 Watts I don't know I'm using I'm using a lot of I'm using a lot of power sinx I just sent it oh sinx you sent your email perfect yes sinx I got your email good sir Perfect all right I'm going to we're going to we're going to put it in now we're going to dox we're going to dox you is that okay it's it's fine no nobody's going to uh Europe mining D Dutch you're on mining Dutch awesome perfect not sponsored uh okay and your worker name is sinx 669 worker one awesome password optional D equals 128,000 ah you don't you don't need that you don't you don't need the password yeah yeah I always put x uh worker one uh well we're going to call this DG home one for you all right so you know RPM so you know that this is the RPM save okay I'm just going to reboot it for good measure reboot all right sinx what time is it 11:40 a.m.

So tomorrow by 12: in the afternoon I will switch it off I have to anyway because I have to do a video uh I guess testing it congrats sinx congrats 880,000 Watts on 120 volt yeah definitely definitely not uh uh let's see say just sent the email yeah I got his email I just got it uh fired up my L3 plus ah dude I'm about to go to my I'm about to go to my other basement and turn on that my L3 plus that's off right now as well mine Capital when is the 400 amp coming to the barn um I you know what I really want to get that done I I don't think I'm going to do it right now uh as of right now because uh there's just there's just too much stuff happening and uh the require I got to we we'll have to dig up concrete because in the barn or going to the barn there's like part of the driveway is concrete or uh no ashalt so would suck to dig that up but my plan first is to upgrade to 400 amp and the other basement first going from that there to then to the barn requires a lot more work so I'm just going to stick with the 60 amp or it's 100 amp right now but there's 60 uh 2x 30 amp Outlets so that's uh yeah yeah um anyways guys please thank you to alphapex for sending me this uh thank you to Mr Pay Kong from alphapex uh I did pay for it I paid 1,300 bucks for it like a couple months back uh now these things are going for like 15 or 2,000 now which I think they're out of stock anyway but um yeah I think this is a great this is a great model it's it's perfect for home quiet people who don't have who can't have loud as6 this is great but yeah I I personally as a as a bigger boy Miner myself I I do I would rather if I had the money I would rather buy the bigger boy Asic miners okay like these are great for home and maybe heating a room and all it's really good but I mean like you're not going to you're not going to make a lot right you're not going to make a lot from these things but it's it's if you're looking at it at a at a standpoint from just you want to heat your you want to heat heat up a room uh you want to mine because you live in a condo or an apartment or somewhere where that you have free Power uh you don't want to spend Big Boy money for the big boy miners whatever financial situation you are in I mean this would to to the masses you know this is going to sell to the masses you know it's just like those mini Doge uh it it's like dude like dude like look at this like I have one of these guys this is the uh why do I have this off right now it's the ice ice server uh ks2 uh ice server ks2 and this thing it it's it's it's kind of a brick right now but because C's price isn't high right now Dogecoin because Dogecoin has pumped this thing makes over 10 bucks a day now okay which is that's why so understand where we are in the market right now I think I mean buying buying these things buying these miners you should have been buying these like a couple months back like a year ago like when l7s were like 2200 bucks like these like like you know it's i i i i as much as I want to like recommend people to buy this stuff now I don't like hey maybe we have like a prolonged bull market because now that Trump's in power not trying to get political here but like you know Doge all right Department of government efficiency all right what if that dude if that actually becomes a thing which I think it is could you imagine where Doge could go like could Doge go even higher like absolutely insane a absolutely absolutely insane BC how's the sound compared to the ks2 light oh the ks2 light is definitely a little bit louder so RPM what is your monthly electricity consumption uh bro it's it's a lot I I I spend five to around 5 to 8,000 a month on electric across everything um every live stream for the past six months has been good time to buy Hardware buy Hardware before it's too late Etc uh Patrick Murphy 100% yeah we've we've already we've mentioned this everyone's mentioned it that for all those that have been mining for for those that have been in the community obviously understand the whole thought process of buying things when it's low buying Hardware when you know they don't make sense and they're cheap then when the market goes up okay the the whole mentality of it is when the market goes up You've Won you've already won because you got the hardware now and it's printing money and maybe you're going to get ready to sell it because you can sell it for like five times more you know so all these different types of crypto mining strategies are now playing out everything is everything is starting to play out and uh congrats congrats to all you guys congrats to all you guys that have uh that have gotten in congratulations this is this is our time this is it this is it this is it jrose on the barn get a galvanized metal p uh metal pole and tie the power washer to it that's what I did to go to my concrete driveway it took a bit of it took a bit but worked great uh jrose you know what that's I I could go that route um but it would uh where it goes it would just be like a massive cable sticking out you know it would be so obtrusive I think is the word ah uh Panda do you think GP mining will be profitable if yes if yes when uh uh give it I'm going to say another month or two couple months all those the the the small smaller market cap coins are going to start pumping after the after the bigger market cap coins so it's it's it's all going to start flowing soon it's it's coming jock MC Miner honestly I can't wait to liquidate as much as possible then chill for a year or so come back in the next bar cycle red pen of mine Jo MC Miner I'm with you bro so I have a goal right now um over the next if everything starts going up more I'm going to sell for at least four years of electricity and I have a a have separate account in my bank account in my business bank account that is going to be just for electricity so I'm going to have a stack of cash lined up in that account for the next four years that is my plan that is my goal I and then everything else is going to be hopefully to invest in whatever else comes up in the next next Bear yes yes yes yes yes so that's that's my plan right now that's what I've been working towards uh my portfolio everything is is where I want it to be uh not yet it it's still it's obviously still going up uh a little bit not not at my goal yet for how much electricity money I want for the next four or five years but when that comes then you know it's I'll be able to really hone in really hone in on what I want to accumulate for the next run so it's it's that's that's that's it that that's that's that's the goal that's that's the goal uh good point everyone should have an exit strategy figure that out now plan for it now yes you guys everyone get your exchanges ready make sure you've been able to sell into your bank account make sure you able to send your bank account and uh like that's that's the most important that's the most important thing actually making sure like set up your like I'm using coinbase and coin square and like uh yeah the Canadian exchange Canadian regulated exchanges and make sure you kyc everything you know make sure you're able to sell like just yeah make sure you get your taxes in taxes in order as well cuz just not tax advice but if you're ultimately going to sell into your bank account that's all traceable so if the government ever asks you hey where did the money come from you're going to have to prove it you're going to have to prove where that money came from from mining from crypto mining yeah that's it as long as you as long as you provide the information of how you got it then you're you're golden you're you're good uh you can swap with tangum super happy with that techman yes tangum is pretty good yep yep yep yep tangum is the best highly recommend tangum speaking of tangent let's see how many people have bought my tangent let's see 163 left so out an order of 500 so almost 340 337 people have bought my RPM tangent wallet 163 left Bros get it use code RPM for another 10% off please finish it finish the wallets then we're done no then I'm going to ask a different I want to make another one I want to make another one okay uh what else did you guys want to do what else you guys want to do what else do you guys want to talk about um backwards Miner check my messages where I sent before before the item is gone uh backwards Miner what item what are we talking [Music] about backwards Miner tell me what uh oh this is oh this is what you used what is this oh you have to use this oh interesting but then how does it connect to the motherboard I better not talk about this all right we're going to come back to this later later later later later okay okay all right okay Bros that's it Panda should I sell my L7 uh Mi was uh I don't I don't I don't know bro not not right now I I don't think I don't think the time is now to sell your Hardware uh my plan and this this is not Financial advice but my plan is to like mine with all my stuff for the next couple months get that income and hopefully you know kind of stay relatively profitable for that amount of time you know for for the next for the next while uh um blood Crow do they let you keep the units they send to you yes blood Crow of course yes Max voltage BTC is below 91 now no that's not good no 9,500 oh we dropped like 2500 2500 [Music] damn blood Crow can you send this one to me uh no unfortunately I can't not yet not giving it away yet okay listen not yet not yet Bitcoin to 50K please Jo MC Miner Bitcoin dude Bitcoin to 50K would be the would that's that's it that's the be that's the bare Market there you go there you go okay guys any final questions or remarks anything else you guys want to talk about otherwise that's it I'm calling it congrats ZX on winning the hash rate and uh Patrick Murphy did they send you a you and vosque Edition meter boxes asking for friend no and speaking of that I got choose the winner of the meter boxes from the other day from the video the other day I have to do that I got to do that Aussie J have you got those power supplies yet nope they shipped though they shipped yesterday I order a bunch of power supplies from parallel Miner I just I'm just ordering extra parts before things potentially get crazy so I have more power supplies coming uh hard drives coming from Amazon just little stuff like just I'm just thinking about all the little stuff needed because telling you when things if and when things start getting good again like you know good reminder I need a couple of breakout boards yeah Patrick Murphy yeah yeah go to my I I think I have a coupon code for parallel Miner on my website red pandam let's see H Miner yeah right here P Miner oh there's no coupon code okay no coupon code but I got an affiliate link there helps me out for free at no cost to you uh Jo Miner you heard to here first BTC will go to 50K end of year then parabolic through q24 next year 125k Jo Miner if that happens I I will I will I will send you an Asic if that happens Jo mck Miner I will send you an Asic that if that happens that will be a god mode play God mode play uh send a link all right here link right here Power Miner great website cheap stuff I ordered here I'll show you what I ordered shop uh Power and accessories power supplies there're still 15 bucks I ordered 10 of these 51 in stock I ordered 10 of these Dell 1400 Watts Platinum psus great PSU so far I love them they work great on my 20 GPU rig so far so good they used to be 80 bucks so bow run times they were 80 bucks bare Market times 15 bucks if you use Bitcoin it's another 25% off it's crazy K miners ship super fast yeah yeah how about a link to the Klein Tools BC BC why do you want to buy screwdrivers VC don't buy screwdrivers don't do that why do you need screwdrivers you have you probably have a lot of them uh here cin insulated screwdriver set here this is what I ordered uh right right here uh Amazon CA or hold on let me let me get it here insulated screwdrivers line tools insulated there we go there it is I think it's this one yeah this one [Music] PC this one right here Link in the chat fine tools insulated screwdriver love it okay guys that's it that's it for today that's it thank you guys for watching opened up the alphapex home one DG home one this things pretty cool extremely quiet all right see you all you guys have a great day you guys have a great day I'm going to do some b-roll now of this machine make another video on it you guys have a good one Happy mining continue mining peace out Bitcoin to the Moon let's go continue Dogecoin continue crazy peace peace Bros peace peace peace peace peace peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music]

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