DOGEVERSE IS THE NEXT 100X PRESALE!! New Multichain Dogecoin!! Very early!!!

The dog coins are taking over the bull Market what's going on guys I hope You're having a fantastic day today We're taking a look at a 100x pre-sale Project the absolutely don't want to Miss out on if you haven't noticed Already guys this bull market two Trends Have been taken over like crazy first One is the dog coins are back and the Dog coins are absolutely taking over Second trend is these pre-sale projects Tend to absolutely pop off and the People who are getting early are getting A solid bag like always this is not Financial advice always your own reent IND D before investing any money in the Cryptos cover on this channel welcome Back to the 99b YouTube channel let's Take a look at today's pre-sale puppy And yes I said pre-sale puppy cuz this Is another dog dee pre-sale gem that has Taken the Internet by storm they've Already raised $1.1 million guys and the Price is about to raise in two days look At this guys the top meme coins in the World right now Dogecoin at number one With a $27 billion market cap she being Number two with a 166 billion market cap Dog with hat with a $3 billion market Cap and now we got Doge verse a pre-sell Token that's multi that's on multi-chain Or multi chain to buy this is totally Awesome let's go ahead and take a look So the world's first chain traveling dog

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The Doge verse so they did they got Doge The the metaverse the the Multiverse we Should actually say and then put it all Together in one all right let's go ahead And take a look at this project Doge Goes multichain buy and claim Doge verse On any of these chains so live on eth BTC polygon avax coming soon to salana And base salana and Bas again very Popular chains this B run it's awesome How it's on all these different multi- Chains the cosmos the chain hopping Doge Spawned by collapsing Supernova Cosmo The Doge was born with the unique Ability to hyper jump between the stars And the crypto Universe his time- tested Voyages across ethereum and Salona Transform the doge meme into a symbol of Unity and creativity giving rise to the Doge riverse now Cosmos has discovered a Way to share his chain driveling ability So that the doers holders can freely Traverse the best crypto chains what a Good boy that's pretty cool how it's Going to be multi-chain guys so again if You know you don't want to buy an e cuz Gas is too high you want to be on Somewhere where it's cheap and fast boom Dogee can swap in and out which is so Dope the Doge verse is multi-chain Doge Verse is the first doge meme token to be Built on multi-chain network spanning Ethereum BTC polygon salana Avalanche And base interconnected Universe of Doge

Where Community rewards and creativity Fun coverage stake your doge2 tokens on Ethereum to earn passive rewards and Increase your bag through the meme Season launching on six sell chains the Cosmo Endeavors to unite the crypto meme Community and stand as a Vanguard of Multi-chain utility the first doge meme To be launched on six different Blockchains Cosmo's only wish is to see His name in the lights on every Dex and Centralized exchange and every place Where meme Deens congregate which is Pretty pretty cool and featured on a ton A ton of different articles and crypto Posts multi-b utility and it's Interesting guys cuz we've never seen This yet but now this Doge verse is Going to be on multichain which is so Cool all right they have a road map in Place as well so the audit pre-sale Begins community building that's for Phase two phase one the website goes Live contract gets written social Channels are born phase three awareness Marketing coin Gecko and coin Mark cap Applications phase four first Decentralized exchange listing X tools Updates bird bird eyye update and then Phase five first centralized exchange Listing continue marketing and Community Incentives so here's a look at the Tokenomics guys the doers tokens were Minted on eth and it's Unique that is

Also been claimed stored and traveled on Salana B&B chain base polygon and Avalanche using a wormhole and portal Bridge Tech and we can see this is a Total token allocation the tokenomics is Right there on the screen and how to buy TP guys you can pause here or come Vis The website I'm going to go ahead and Link everything in the description below Take a look as at it your at your own Time and that's pretty much their Website by now before the prices raise In 2 days that's when they're going to Hit their next phase they've already Raised 1.1 close to $1.2 million which Is insane this is your chance to get in At a low low price at this pre-sale gam And can see with this momentum so early In Project is obviously something there Also guys Innovation is what we love to See in the crypto space we see the first Doge pre-sale spanning eth B&B polygon Salana Avalanche and base socials are Looking pretty solid as well too guys You definitely want to take a look at This one again it only only launched a Couple days ago and we see they already At 800 followers pretty active on Twitter as well which is everything we Want to see in a crypto gem now guys you Let me know what you guys think about do In the comment section below are you Excited for the staking multi-chain dog Mem coin I'm super bullish on this one

I'm excited to grab a bag myself I want To know what you guys think in the Comment section below are you going to Load up a bag like always guys this is Not Financial advice always do your own Research and do diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel and that pretty Much wraps the video until next time It's your boy Umar [Music] Peace

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