huh f t blank screen oh boy something is going on what's going on can you guys hear me test test test testing [Music] there we go what's up Bros can you guys hear anything uh wait for the stream to come on what's up I got an ad now I'm sorry I'm sorry that's that's I got no control over that can't stream from the sauna uh can't stream from the sauna that's for sure working now don't touch anything yeah I'm not going to touch anything what's up guys what's up happy Sunday how is everybody doing today what do you guys what are you guys up to what are you guys what are you guys up to Bullet great movie is that Simon W3 MCT what's up man long time long time no see what's up S sometimes what's up panana cards ah gskt blue what are you doing what are you doing here will what's up hello you just got the notification yeah I I think YouTube's being something something's going on something is going on uh with YouTube yeah I just I just started so I think uh all the notifications are probably just going out now Caspa Dash pool seems down getting a getting dosed ooh that's not good let's see pass oh oh oh that's a big drop off in hash rate looks like it's coming back though AP I error 44 petahash oh it's not loading nope aspa Dash pool is not loading yep that's down that's that's down um GP mining is dead Costa call pack it's dead yep de than dead yep keep you mining I don't I don't yeah there's no other way to swing we can't there's no other way I can swing that GPU mining is not dead I think it's it's very dead now yes yes GPU mining is dead Long Live GPU mining uh yeah yeah yeah CMP 170 [Music] hxs it's a pirate we need more people to turn off so we can be profitable you're not wrong GP mining is so dead that everyone should list their 30 to 40 series cards for like $10 yeah yeah I agree uh I I agree good morning you don't have a little hope you said Happy Mother's Day to your wife uh Luke War minor uh yes we did yesterday is that today maybe that's today all set minor thanks for streaming RP all set you're welcome dead Panda mining yep 100% I am now going all fpga fpga Panda mining just mine and pay the damn electric please DM dmc3 you're that's that's I've been doing that okay there's nothing I have okay what else do you want me to do what else you want me to do man octop space is still climbing wow wow wow okay OCTA space has hit a new all-time high okay all righty then that's pretty bullish pretty bullish um uh wow I've been reading live chat on the other side of my screen yet I have it on live chat on this side horrible horrible travels travels what's up man what's up with the Canadian 9,000 1% carbon tax mining with gpus all fail you're not you're not wrong the carbon tax thing is yeah yeah that's that's a that's a fail Panda one question can the Canon Avalon nano3 just m BTC or any other sha 256 uh Santo Antonio uh yes yes I I am actually mining uh Digi with that thing right now so digite sha 256 Alo I did Bitcoin cash Bitcoin cash does work with it uh gr granted I'm not pool mining I'm solo mining with that thing so I I think that's where the value lies backwards Miner octop space is up because of new Etc Miner um are you talking about the the the is that some sort what's it called again what what's what's that thing called the bomb backs is that what it's called bomb backs I don't think I don't is it is it I don't think these are shipping out yet bomb backs I've never heard of this name so weird uh bomb backs you know uh you know what though um I really think this bombb thing is like it's it's literally a jazz Miner it isn't this is the exact same shell as a one of those those x16 Q's no Am I Wrong it this looks exactly like a jazz Miner no I don't know the x44 series are going to be so insane yes and probably like $50,000 crazy monkey crypto very very similar to x16 Q yeah okay they are ordering from the same Factory yeah probably yeah well because yeah it's the same same looking shell but the efficiency is like almost two times almost two times better than the x16 Q okay this I guess this turns out to be an AMA today uh and they're ordering from the same Factory yeah where are you getting those velco straps you use for your open air rigs uh unknown Collectibles uh let me find them for you uh here here Amazon uh specifically uh this specifically this one the Passau this is the one I get Passau uh passo I don't know how to pronoun 50 piece reusable fastening adjustable uh cable ties this one right here and there's different lengths 6 in 7 in 8 in whatever pleases you more he this is the one 50 piece eight bucks decent and it comes tomorrow I think it's that's I got them like next day yeah yep yep yep yep yep yep org is still down yep still down well guess all my as6 are not mining Casa right now that's terrible that sucks um Alpha Cobra higher electrical prices will take more people off GPU mining so it could be it could save GPU mining you're not wrong you're not wrong Alpha Cobra you're not wrong higher electrical prices will take people off yes so GPU mining could be saved yes that that's that's a that's a very unfortunate play that has to happen yes do you think the hbm module and Etc miners are just moving to hbm 3 memory for a large increase backwards minor I I don't know I am not sure I am I am not sure uh what I know I remember I remember we opened did we open up the x16 Q did we did we unbox did we tear down I remember we looked at uh we looked at how big the chips are and they're they're pretty fat yeah that looking like some massive chip OCTA pumping more now uh as we speak we right as as right it's just pumped like an hour like maybe 20 30 minutes ago it just went up like 30 cents yeah uh let's see uh don't mind me mining what's up man r p how how are you I'm I'm doing I'm doing great man doing really good actually um just hting along I mean yeah just just coasting along man what coins you M lost with gpus ah all right let's open up my 5os here um I need to log in I need my authenticator ah God damn it I don't have my phone in front of me uh last thing I M I'm still mining is like ravencoin trying to accumulate like 100,000 Raven coin and then um what else uh mining some Ergo accumulating some Ergo that's really the two I'm trying to accumulate right now Raven coin and Ergo that's those are the two things I I know I know it's I know it sounds weird but I don't know I'm I'm just I I need to accumulate more of these just for just for the heck of it I think I think they'll do well Ergo I don't know I I don't I'm just like I need I need more Ergo did you do a video on OCTA space will up uh no maybe I don't remember yes I did do a video moving all of my ethereum classic miners to uh octop space yes I did couple days ago yeah yes yes yes yes yes uh other than influencers almost everyone is still waiting for their nano3 to ship their last update seemed to indicate that the bit than less than 200 orders have shipped pops SEC uh you know what I've been meaning to I've been wanting to do an update on that because they've been having uh 10n has put a bunch of updates regarding the shipping of these things better news oh my God the website is glitching out like crazy uh holy crap what is going on okay anyways what order number 173 to 798 all orders will be shipped before the end of May that includes me I am I am in between this number here 39 399 to 2,000 all your orders will be locked on May 15th if you have an intention of refund please apply for it as soon as possible $799 to 2000 your order will be shipped no later than June 15 possibly by the end of May oh yeah there you go there we go so there you go there's an update from Canan uh unknown Collectibles I have biostar 250 Pro motherboard and when I power on the rig I see the BIOS but it looks like the Matrix is taking over the screen is it is it the mother is it the motherboard or what please help um unknown Collectibles The Matrix taking over the screen uh biostar tb250 you know what there I remember there was like a firmware update for those but try taking out all your risers like make sure everything's plugged in see if the whole motherboard comes up without anything plugged in like no gpus or one GPU or something I don't know if that has a display or not um I finally had to turn off all my gpus off electricity is just too much to eat cost nowadays yeah I know man I I know I yeah it's hard it's hard uh for some people right now because yeah profitability Wise It's it sucks I understand I understand H yeah yeah yeah it doesn't help that Al lithium and radiant got taken over already uh Spectre Fort hi uh Travelers travels thank you for the 16 months bro 16 months man never give up never give up never surrender hi Panda greeting from Singapore how's your phone mining doing uh it's completely off I've managed to Roi a little bit with back of my own attempts a bunch of secondhand broken phones have your new phones gotten there yet no Spectre 4 I to be honest I haven't gotten into my phone mining at all I should really I really I I really got to get my phones up I just haven't had I just haven't had the mental capacity to do so um po SEC yeah the last update basically says that Canon will ship somewhere between 600 and 600 uh 600 and 16600 order by the end of May seems like they still aren't sure of the actual production rate yeah crazy monkey crypto yeah it hurts that radiant and Alum move to A6 but it should moon or our bags if we m a good bag before it before them yeah yeah that's the that's the that's the idea yes a lithium with a market cap $144 million right now I mean it's unless unless this will was the pump for it already I mean it looks like it was but everyone's people are saying Al lithium is a billion dollar project or more so that's that's a good what what's 144 million how what's what's the multiplier of that 1 million divid 144 1 billion 3 144 that 23 23 that would be 6.9 X yeah 6.9x a 6.9x to 1 billion so if bent main decides to pump a lithium for there when bitmain comes out with their big boy ASC minor I mean they're going to have to pump it they're going to have to pump Al lithium in order for in order for them to sell their you know 8 Tash Al lithium minor yeah techman thank you for the 49 months man man happy Mother's Day even to the ones no longer with us ah happy Mother's Day 49 months Heckman that is crazy s Simon W3 MCT member for 15 months thanks man let's keep mining blockchain forever thanks Panda you too man thank you thank you don't mind me mining are you all done with your k your 10 K Pro modding no I'm not don't don't mind me my I'm not done soon soon G me a smokey D I came here to troll not not to do math red P mining I I'm sorry same hey bitcoin's climbing a little bitcoin's climbing it's climbing it's coming it's coming Bitcoin looks like this looks like a downward downward Flying Wedge which is a bullish pattern I'm just kidding I'm not I'm not a Trader I don't know what that means 5700 XTS yes 58 depending on electric yes 5700 XTS are great on kapow yes they are amazing yes amazing H I have 16 on kapow right now nice man hey can I get a broken I Polo um I have three broken I poos if I Luke lucaz and I mean if yeah if you want to pay for if you want to pay for shipping depending where you are I'm down to ship it to you uh you think I can mine more with one KS Z Pro than octo Miner X8 37 you think I can mine more with one KS Pro and O Miner x with 3070 don't mind me mining uh What uh say that again you want to mine you want to mine with KS Z Pro wait you want to mine more I think you can mine more in dollar value with 8370 versus one single KS Z Pro I think at this point in time uh J jkt blue I'm not even going to I'm not even going to ask I'm not even going to answer your question it's it's so it's so patronizing you understand you understand your question right now you want me to you want me to answer that so condescending so condescending you know that you have any of those addition modded KS Pros actually mind you know what that that word that says actually the second last word in your sentence there actually that that word right there that that word right there terrible NDA I can take a broken I poo too okay uh you guys need to be in the united you guys need to be in North America all right I I can't I can't you got to you got to you got to be in North America if if you if you want one of those broken IP poos you just have to pay for shipping though shipping is going to be anywhere between 30 to I'm saying I'm going to think like 30 to $45 uh I'm in Pennsylvania steo crypto all right you email me you email me steo crypto you email me all right first first I have three I have three broken IPOs okay one's a gold one e mini and two e mini pluses uh I think two of them are like actually dead though like I don't know about the other one um so first three people to email me and willing to pay for shipping then I will send to you you got to you got to email me your shipping address at contact I need your first name and phone number and address and uh yeah okay any unused rig Parts you want to sell unknown Collectibles uh I normally don't sell anything but what are you looking for I normally don't sell anything what are you looking for um if you guys are looking to buy anything right now I do have my website red penm all the coupon codes and links and stuff are all there if you guys want deals on like asex or power supplies or anything like that I have all my coupons here seems like people have been buying stuff without using any coupons like why aren't you getting 10% off why aren't you getting 5% off why aren't you getting a couple perc off here Matt K I ordered eight of the special edition ker Pros got them all overclocked one of them is stable at 370 gigahash oh nice two of them are around 365 use the 200 CFM fans you found that was a great find 200 CFM fans 200 CFM you mean uh oh the you're talking about the the is it those B gear begears fans or whatever yeah yeah dude those fans on Amazon are amazing two pack for like $20 or something um who is that guy you buy cables from again uh veteran Miner veteran or GPU uh let's see GP cables he's got a new website now actually GP cables GPU use code RPM or red panda or red panda mining I forgot which coupon code it is but he's got a lot of new stuff here looks pretty sick um crypto for seniors M wow Panda I love that you posted your codes thanks bud I just saw them you didn't know I had I realized I guess I got to show this every day like I have a website red pandam very easy red Pand and then all the coupon codes and stuff for as6 or whatever all here everything everything smash the like we got 25 people here 62 likes smashed it Bros welcome thank you all happy Sunday to all of you happy Sunday guys happy Sunday I steo I just emailed you awesome um hippie house yesterday GP whing is dead today don't give up L what is it hippie house um it's it it let's just say GP mining is dead yes for you yes for people that have very high electrical costs that's the unfortunate reality that's the unfortunate gotta go thank you brother well thank you bro thank you good to good to good to have you around I mean you know like you go to mining pool stats you you you look at you look at a lot of these coins like look at ravencoin for instance they's still like still a good like 26,000 people these are 26 wallet addresses 26,000 wallet addresses there could be multiple rigs on one address but you know looking at how many people are still mining Raven coins maybe out of pocket um you know maybe neoa there's okay there's about 2,000 people 2,000 miners mining mining neoa right now uh let's see naray let's see 4,000 people mining nay Nur Nur AI meow coin 400 people um I mean we could go on and on flux let's see how many people are mining flux right now two 2,000 almost 2700 people mining flux right now not not very many people are mining flux but it's it's a decent amount right decent amount people believe in it you know people are mining it they don't care what the power they're paying for maybe they're just they're mining they're mining flux right um even conflux conflux 4100 people 4100 wallet addresses yes yes yes Ergo let's see Ergo Ergo has 6,300 a lot of people believe Ingo go yeah [Music] um I need cheap Carl M Carl M what's up man oh was that S21 was that s 21 good or what was that S21 any good or what um when I get enough money I want to build a one megawatt solar farm I yeah that would be pretty sick man uh a solar farm would be would be pretty would be pretty cool Carm what's up Panda it is just fine nice man does it mine it works just fine okay good great stuff man great stuff great stuff um look at the emissions of the coins you might be surprised uh yeah no for sure for sure the emissions 24-hour emissions a lot of these coins man I mean it's kin is $61,000 a day still conlux is 71 Raven coins 101 can you believe that ravencoin is top seven in Daily emissions of $101,000 a day this is why I am so bullish on ravencoin right now the amount of money that's still around in ravencoin and ravencoin being on all the exchange all the top exchanges just just leads me to believe that ravencoin will still have a we'll still we'll still have its Heyday soon or one of these days I don't know who knows maybe it could just stay down here forever so just stay down to zero but Raven coin amazing octop space is $53,000 a day FX is $444,000 a day nice nice Carlson is $14,000 a day Nur AI is 13,000 the ox has 14,000 Ergo is 24,000 radiant is down in the dumps it's now 9.63 th000 a day used to be like 12,000 but now that Raven uh Radiance price has been going down because some massive radiant uh farmer uh fpga Farm or whatever it is uh chor I don't know what's Chlor there's no DX is $27,000 a day Zeno F doesn't show Radiance 96 SC Prime what's SC Prime pure coin $1,000 a day wait who's mining this what there's 300 97 people mining pure coin right now what what's what's what's this pure coin 397 you know what you know what's funny I you know sometimes I just I go through this I remember going through this list like who that who's mining like let's see here let's see here look at this all right all right look at who's mining dingo coin $168 a day what why the hell why the hell are there 13,000 wallet addresses mining dingo coin right now who who or what is mining dingo coin $163 a day is a pirate Auto switching pools okay all right Auto okay so so okay all right that's a auto switching pool All Right Bingo coin oh my goodness e v v Dimension no data okay I'm just like some of these random coins have like a couple 100 people on them just ether one oh my goodness I haven't heard of ether okay ether one is dead all right nobody's mining that anymore uh let's see let's see what's what other random ve very Block No data okay zero miners nobody's mining this coin zero uh infinite coin 187 miners infinite coin what is what are these things what are these y cash Bitcoin candy $20 emission a day $20.35 a day Bitcoin candy there are seven people seven miners on bitcoin candy equihash 144.5 all right there's some there's something Bitcoin candy let's go let's go all right oh Kyla coin is now way down in the dumps now $369 a day kylo coin is has gone down in price quite a bit oh kylo corn is dead now because of that fpga farmer 99.8% is on oh that's yeah that's that's H coin needs to hurry up on their uh CPU algo this UFO coin 80 cents a day all right let's mine this one all right there's zero miners zero people mining UFO coin neoc script I'll go man you know what it's really funny to look at some of these like coins that no that some people are on or some nobody's on oium X11 osmium osmium 19 miners X11 is what X11 is uh Dash X11 is Dash right D9 the D the D the D the bit main D series can mine and there's 19 people okay wait did I read that right one more osmium is 9 uh 9,500 emissions a day is this making money right now now9 $9,000 a day and it's being split against 19 19 people I need to connect to my D9 and uh try osmium is this is this profitable it says new oh this is a new coin oh osmium oh 31 days oh is this good 9500 thou 9500 a day 19 that's that sounds that daily emission sounds really good for only 19 people mining or what what's the hash maybe there's a lot of hash rate I don't H yeah I need my Dash Miner I need my Dash Miner to see oh Interesting Man interesting to see oh look at this another Carlson hash coin came out consensus coin oh another aidin kapow oh my gosh 16 days ago consensus coin 619 people are mining consensus coin right now there you go there you go crypto for seniors Midwest mining reden mining what have you heard or do you know about ch's intro about AI software switching for miners I have not looked at the site yet uh no I haven't um I actually uh I I'm going to be looking into that very soon I'm going to be looking into that very soon actually I'm actually going to have uh a video looking into that very soon very soon Krypto for seniors Neil Skully I'm on consensus point right now are you Blue Moon mining you should solo mine BTC with your big boy A6 like I am Blue Moon mining honestly I would but I I I need I need better internet my internet connection is terrible yeah uh are you just mining a random coin no I am currently mining for Raven coin and Ergo those are the two coins I'm trying to build my bags on right now a little bit more like established coins watching comments about pool jumpers knowing how much they leave on the table doing so pool jumpers oh everyone pull everyone's every everybody and everyone always tries to tend to mine the top pool because it has the more has more hash rate on it or it's easier to just click on that one and hi anyone been mining mimble wimble coin it had a really great pump mimble wimble I have not heard of that one for for a while you lose rewards jumping around on most pools uh right if it's pplns you want to stay on it for more than a day 100% PPS now that that shouldn't matter zealous on viore don't work uh there's there's zealous on K1 now I like that zealous is still not is still not on mining pool stats but K1 pool has LS now there we go there we go okay this one here this one here okay all right guys another 15 minutes what else you guys want to talk about smash the like let's get to 100 likes 100 we're almost there 86 likes thank you all by the way code RPM does not work on apex hosting from your trusted retailers page Alex C RPM code does not work really on apexto uh I think it has to be Capital RPM let me let me check let me check let me check let me let's try it what are you trying to buy hold on what are you trying to buy what what you first off what are you trying to buy alexie alexie what are you trying to [Music] buy Alex see I'm waiting for your call good but a k a box okay hey a Boos is it even on here uh yeah it is we accept Cas as payment Okay add the cart view cart RPM does not exist what all right I'm going to have to all right I'm going to have to talk with them all right that's all right that's it I'm I'm email emailing them right now maybe it doesn't work on that minor let me try something [Music] else oh my gosh the L 9's in stock now oh God oh my God the L9 is coming it's coming it's coming [Music] all right that's it all right I will I will I will I will contact them I I'll your own code got banned yeah pretty much pretty much uh Panda what's your thoughts on those lucky minor lv6 Bitcoin miners I've never heard of those I've never heard of those uh oh Panda buying goodies for chat I take 30 60 TI 4 yeah Smokey Den good luck Panda any update on the heat fix just got mine want to keep it going strong uh Jason root um so there is a firmware update for the Ka box and I haven't tested it yet but yes I do have a 120 mil fan on the rear of it just exhausting out pulling out some more heat and it it does well above 60° C now if you get it now if it goes below that which rabid mining tested under like 58 or 57° C it'll start like it'll start throttling its hash rate I don't know why uh it's just some sort of power power to heat uh temperature uh Target Target temperature so if you can just at least get it down to 60° C you'll be good both of mine are hovering around 62 right now 62° cius in the software so not 82 like it said like it like it does normally so don't get a high powered exhaust fan like get like a 120 mil fan get like a lower power you know not nothing too crazy because it doesn't need too much it doesn't need too much exhaust to lower the uh uh the hasher Rabid mining said using the fans is bad no it's not bad it's only bad if you get it under 57° C it'll start the target temperature then will start losing about 50 gah 50 megahash or something so but if you're in a hotter environment I would advise putting a little fan on the back and and yeah at least dropping it down a good 20° C because it gets hot man like you put your hand on the top that thing gets toasty it gets it gets toasty so I would rather keep it cool than it being you know 150 Fahrenheit or something like that you just have to test it you got to test it put different fans uh low power fans on the back and uh if it's if it's throttling un if it's throttling it's because it's under its 60° Target temper Target Temp no some sort of uh threshold um but if it's above 60° C uh it won't it won't throttle um so uh but try the firmware update maybe the firmware update has fixed that issue so then now putting any fan on the back keeping it cool uh shouldn't be an issue there's no issue there's no issue putting a fan on the back the only issue that you'll run into is if it the temperature if you go below 57 58 degrees Celsius it'll start Target temperature will think it's it's too cool to to to mine at 1.2 terahash or whatever oh uh can it fry an egg let's find out uh gek of all trades welcome man yeah I'm trying to Cluster them for AI instead of mine they are being a pain in the a so far geek of all trades what's up man what's up man how are you happy Mother's Day to all the moms and dad moms out there dad moms that's great that's great um can you give me a link to some good mining program uh I for what for what type of B Trad it's been better got in a wreck last night looking for a new car now good times oh no are you okay oh God gek all trades are you okay man did you get hurt are you okay no oh no will insurance will insurance cover the car or is it like a uh right off or speak all trades I'm I'm all good at least the kids weren't with me no okay good that's good ah glad to hear uh sorry about your car waiting for the insurance to get back to me tomorrow okay nice nice pool cast fail yes Casa Das pool it seems to be down and they are still down and I should really move my a my casa A6 off a casa po right I got to move like all 10 of them oh man H I'm too lazy to do that um we need to sell we need to sell 39 for new car tyen what's up man um I'm looking for Jeeps maybe a gladiator I don't know about that time for midlife crisis [Laughter] car dude Jeep Gladiator dude those things are sweet here that that that the Gladiator like the truck the Gladiator is the truck with the bed on the back right Gladiator hold on I know we're going off we're going off a little bit here I'm I'm I'm just I'm just I'm just curious about the I'm curious about the Jeep Gladiator oh yeah oh yeah this is the one with the bed in the back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Gall trades get that that looks sick oh yeah oh yeah that's pretty cool I wouldn't buy a new I wouldn't buy a brand new one obviously yeah find like a used one like like a I don't know what's a 2000 2019 or something when did these come out I don't know that's pretty sick that's pretty I would I would love one of these dude this is I would love one of these I've always wanted no you know what I've always wanted uh like a Wrangler I've actually I've always wanted one of these like not the new ones but like the older ones I think they they they probably come down in price yeah just having one of these would be pretty sweet and then you lift it ah dude got a little lift kit lift kit for it can you put can you wait can you put 35s if you lift it like 4 in or 6 Ines can you put 35 in uh tires on these do people do people do that do people put 3 yeah people do that I've seen that people put 35s on these that'd be sick that'd be so sick uh s sometimes builds Custom Jeeps s sometimes can you put 35s on these is that possible if you if you lift it of course gek of all trades 35 in tires on 28 in Spinners Giga no Giga trades no no spinners please for the love of God okay we're going to I'm going to Google I'm going to Google I'm going to Google this rangler with 35 let's let's go to images okay all right this guy says 35s no lift Jeep Wrangler okay how did he do that that's impossible yeah you can put 35 in yeah okay looks like people can do what okay okay multiple people are claiming you can do Wranglers with 35s with no lifts that's it trading my data center for a Jeep who's in on it yes City sometimes 35 stock or 37 2.5 in lift or new fenders ah okay fenders okay dude this would be sick dude I love one of dude I would love one of these oh the the two the Jeep JK oh the the the twodo one not the four-door ring uh four-door one okay all right we got all right the technicals is here you know we're into cars technicals 35 in tires on 10in [Laughter] spinners you guys are you guys are terrible terrible terrible just terrible that that would be sick that would be sick though I'd love I'd love one of these damn it geek of all trades if you if you're getting one you you let me know I want to I want to see which one you get the Gladiator Gladiator would be would be pretty cool that would be pretty sweet okay guys all right I got to go is is there anything else you guys would like to talk about Le we talking about car is a bit there that was pretty sweet I love I love car stuff the technicals how are you man the technicals what's up man how's life how's mining how's everything man the technicals what have you been up to we need that bull run to get here sell the BTC for a gladiator yeah Smokey Dan okay hear me out how about a 5-in spinner on the spare tire uh proof of truck John English Tech what's up man thanks again John R for that ubiquity sensors it's pretty awesome technicals good driving right now nice nice bright orange Jeep with a BTC fifth wheel cover yes s sometimes anyone needs 4×4 build advice let me know nice s sometimes of course yes I'm late red panda you're not late Maxi Vlogs but we're almost we're almost done here I got to go I got to go pretty soon couple more minutes American mechanic I bought one I hope it wasn't a mistake cyber truck ah cyber truck has so many issues don't don't even don't don't even do it don't do it don't do it you know what I watch watch this 35 in tires how did he do that that's awesome did he have wheel SP did he have wheel spacers in there I can't see it's it's so wide uh nice nice nice that's awesome oh did you have to cut something here look at that oh the back even the back tire nice that's awesome that looks so sick right up there you're going off-roading it's going to it's going to it's going to uh oh yeah he needs a lift kit techman yeah I had 35 in tires on my CJ7 but also had 4 in suspension left and 2 in shackle left nice that's awesome awesome ah love it okay guys that's it thank you all for being here happy Sunday to all of you bitcoin's pumping Bitcoin is pumping yes we are pumping come on let's go Bull Run come on downward descending Flying Wedge is a bullish pattern come on bull come on let's go pump pump to the Moon let's go 100K Bitcoin all right goodbye Bros you guys have a great you think of getting a road princess asking for a friend crypto pounder 4 you peace out guys you guys have a great Sunday thank you you for coming in thank you guys for uh just just being here I I would I would be nothing without you guys appreciate you all you guys have a great one can you put 35s on the lambo well uh the technicals can can try to do that peace out peace out Bros have a great day peace out peace out he [Music] he [Music]